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50882008 No.50882008 [Reply] [Original]

I dont know what happened.
I had lots of money and was getting ready to embrace a whole new life and then I just.. lost it all.
Moved back in with my parents. Now I dont even leave my room literally. I dont go on social media. I barely go outside. I dont work. I dont do anything. My life has come to a complete halt.
Im just waiting for my portfolio to go back up..

>> No.50882036

no because im not a fucking faggot

>> No.50882057


Same anon. Same.

>> No.50882069

Yes. Need this bullrun to be the one

>> No.50882070

I've literally fucked my life up lol.

>> No.50882097

Yes, but I'm starting to recover now.

>> No.50882111

sounds like you need to grow weed

>> No.50882120
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I know the feel

>> No.50882130

Biden's America.

>> No.50882132

I bought eth in 2020 at avg of $250 or so and religiously held right through the highs and lows just to go insane and put it all into defi casino right as it started crashing down. Still managed to cash out a lot but it’s gone and I need another bullrun without making these mistakes and actually cashing out far more. Stacking up cash now and will dca over the next year hopefully at the bottom, 5-10x and I’m done

>> No.50882137

>I dont know what happened.
>I had lots of money and was getting ready to embrace a whole new life and then I just.. lost it all.
Pretty sure you do know what happened

>> No.50882153

same flew too close the sun and got burned
now stuck with too little to cash out and make it but too much for waging to make a meaningful dent in my nw
so guess i am stuck in limbo for 2 years, still better than stuck in the cagie i suppose, set myself some physical goals i want to achieve seems to be a better way to spend the time at least

>> No.50882165

I feel like I've been on a treadmill for the past 2 years saving up money for housing and then having it invalidated by inflation + the housing market. I don't go out because I want to save the money, but in the end it still just leaves me barely out of reach

>> No.50882175

did you only hold shitcoins?

>> No.50882177

Kek this. The crypto crash is going to create a whole generation of paralysed loser men. Bearchads will inherit the earth

>> No.50882186
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This is not normally though.
Normally Id just go get a job and save money. Hang out with people sometimes.
But now I cant bring myself to work whatsoever. I cant bring myself to hang out with people or do anything at all. Its like I shut down my entire life. Im the living dead. What have I become?

>> No.50882201
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I'm in the same position anon.
Every decision I've made in the past 2 years since the fake pandemic started has gone wrong.
So now I'm just here kek.
Legitimately mindbroken.

>> No.50882225

I lost my job (pretty comfy union position, I didn't even hate waging) because I refuse to take an experimental "vaccine" that doesn't even work for a viral strain that doesn't even exist anymore and it's filled me with intense resentment towards everyone

>> No.50882229
File: 28 KB, 480x480, pepe-closeup-crying-angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagmi bro.
Oh yeah, they ruined that meme for us. Nvm..

>> No.50882230

>what have I become?
a fucking woman.
find out what you want and actively work towards it dummy

>> No.50882232

I’m just consooming like a motherfucker at this point. Getting a Tesla m3 at the end of the month. Have six figs in crypto, and work a cushy 36 hour a week government job that pays well for my countries’ standards. Trying to get my wife pregnant, while also waiting for my portfolio to do something. If it’s any consolation; I don’t feel like I’m doing anything worthwhile currently, but at the same time I don’t know what it is I want to do. I do know I want a kid.

Haha, funny.

Today’s equivalent of the nazis’ “it was the jews!”

>> No.50882248

listen if you have a wife and trying for a kid. going to work is easy. but if yuo don't and you are intelligent and redpilled. well.. FUCK working at all then

>> No.50882268

Yeah lol except when the portfolio is up I'm still not living because I'm not in make it territory yet.

>> No.50882295

Unironically I’m in the same exact boat OP, but the only way to get through this slump is to develop a routine, try to eat better, avoid targeted and subversive content and pray to God. Things get better, you have to believe in your heart that the best is yet to come!

>> No.50882329
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I shouldve never moved out
My bags are already packed, just need to pull the trigger to ditch this cunt and reset my life

>> No.50882708
File: 950 KB, 876x918, Screen Shot 22-07-2022 at 15-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm doing okay but my life feels stalled. i have a shitty warehouse job and i got too comfortable with it even though it's soul crushing and boring. now in my 30ies i really feel like the education / growth stage of life is over and by extension my whole life is just this and more of it, forever. i guess it's not unthinkable to start some new kind of training or education but i never really knew what i want from life. i'm pathologically undecided and i'm an autistic fuck with low confidence and zero social skills which is part of the reason i dropped out of college to begin with.
i never had a real social circle but i had good friends, kinda feel like all these relationships are growing weaker and weaker. they're all busy with life, noone fucked up quite as badly as i have, i guess. i'm in a circle of just going to work, going home and keeping busy with telly or vidya and getting fucked up so when i do meet friends i have fuck all to talk about.

on the flip side i started trading shitcoins and got my initial investment of 200 bucks up to 800 which feels nice. i wanna see how far i can get. and my new headphones came today to replace my shitty budget pair of cans. sound fantastic. very happy.

>> No.50882721

>I dont know what happened.
>Im just waiting for my portfolio to go back up..

>> No.50883675
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Pretty similar, data collection frog thread OP.

I'd say the primary difference is that I found the psychological information warfare of the pandemic to be indicative of the reality that either our leaders are literal They Live aliens with a hive mind that allows them to conspire without leaving paper evidence that could be leaked by whistleblowers, or this is a gay simulation made by faggot AI.

Either way, I no longer have a valid government ID. I do not pay taxes. I don't take gibs. I don't have social media. I don't talk to anyone. I don't go outside. I will wait here to die or for the faggot aliens to leave. There's no point in playing a game where if you start winning, they shut down the game on a systemic level. It's just a rat wheel to run along in while the demons the run the Earth suck your soul out of your asshole day by day, pointless meeting after pointless meeting. It's more amusing to protest reality itself by refusing to comply with any and all experimental objectives set forth by the overlords. Liberation from the matrix through radical inaction.

>> No.50883727

Me, first mistake was quitting my job 10 years ago. Now nobody will hire me, just stuck, no progression, nothing.

>> No.50883911

I agree this is really not very fun.
and yeah all the leaders do have neuralink btw (and have since the last cataclysm)

Hillary has even told talk show hosts that she was made in a garage in palo alto by a person who shall remain nameless. i dont have the link but it's on youtube if you want to go digging.

I honestly don't know what the rules of the game are anymore.... which makes it pretty hard to play.

>> No.50883996

Same. It’s weird having money gives me energy and hope. It’s pure energy in a sense and jews are vampires who suck it out of people

>> No.50884048
File: 102 KB, 1284x1001, 99FD1151-6C37-4FD0-A59D-0285A244B338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds like an interesting story

>> No.50884096

I think the biggest issue is we've realized even if you just hold through a whole market cycle and don't sell at all like a retard you still made more money than wage slaving over that period unless you already had some ultra high end job or nothing to invest at the bottom. And so you realize whatever you do that isn't related to investing is basically just busy work that keeps your bills paid and food on the table until you can finally clock out of clown world forever.

>> No.50884122

95% of anons ITT will sell way to early in the next cycle because of the sheer amount of fear and PTSD from not taking profits in the last bull market.


>> No.50884139

Lost $250k in celsius including all my LINK. Want to kns daily and no longer have a future

>> No.50884223

Pretty much same lmao
I was becoming a new person and very high generally all the time with serotonin
Then the bull market just kinda didn't go as high as I expected (I blame elon for taking the air out of the bubble) and now I'm back in normieville networth territory with nothing to show for 4 years
Well not nothing, about $80,000 but that's not enough when you're 26
Even though I'm over it, the depressive side effects linger on

I literally planned my self actualization betting on the serotonin boost you automatically get from having more money than people and being financially secure, even if you're humble about it, and then I just didn't reach escape velocity

>> No.50884257

I can see this happening
It was definitely all over the market in 2017
Some people thought $3k was the top in summer
Almost no one thought it was going above $12k

>> No.50884273

Based filthy doomed schizo

>> No.50884418
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I just lost my job so I'm on the edge right now. Well not really I got dozens of people trying to hire me but still, part of me doesn't want to go back to work, I just wanna NEET it up for a while. But it would be career suicide if I don't immediately jump to another job.

Why can't gap years be a thing for non-college people, I wanna travel and not have anywhere to be