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File: 31 KB, 800x350, china-flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50879390 No.50879390 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50879452

Invest in rice

>> No.50880393

Short america

>> No.50880419

Oddly invest in American manufacturing

>> No.50882107
File: 136 KB, 1004x582, IMG_20220709_182842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really can't see a collapse of China. That country has infrastructure in or connections to every other country rich in raw materials except US and Canada. They have food to feed their whole population for the next two years. What am I missing?

>> No.50882123

Priced in

>> No.50882151


Aren't they paying rent in form of food right now?

>> No.50882168

Source pls?

>> No.50882182

This. If China goes down they're taking America with them

>> No.50882208

You are overthinking what anons mean over the word collapse. Not a literal end of the country, just a severe recession.

>> No.50882415

Yeah, now that you say it.

>> No.50883250

Two more weeks

>> No.50883280

the US is the biggest buyer of chinese goods. If China collapses, the US will benefit greatly, because it'll now have to buy domestically. Learn economics first before posting.

>> No.50883433
File: 1.12 MB, 920x1250, hoppe the accidental monarchist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct. Long American agriculture (meat, row crops, farmland REITs) and chemical manufacturing. Also long low to mid level manufacturing in Mexico, Vietnam, The Philippines, and Columbia. Those are the nations we will turn to do to the low value-add labor since Chinese wages are now too high.

If you can't see it then its because you don't want to. China is horrifically dependent on US and Australian food imports, US farm inputs, and has to get the vast majority of their oil shipped to them via the Indian ocean. They are not secure. They are also dealing with massive mismanagement, granaries that keep mysteriously burning down ahead of inspections, and they had to cull more hogs due to African Swine Fever last year than the rest of the world has combined. They're on a shoestring right now.

They're also the fasted aging nation on earth, with 4 boomer equivalents for every 1 taxpayer. And they now begrudgingly admit they "accidentally" miscounted 100 million people on their last census. All 100 million were born since 1980, and 65 million were women of child bearing age. They don't just have an inverted demographic pyramid, its a top heavy ice cream cone at this point. China stops existing as one state by the end of the decade.

>> No.50883573

No, I meant total collapse. How do I add value for a Chinese person who is eating another fellow Chinese person? Are there any start ups for processing human meat in China.

>> No.50885061
File: 543 KB, 1889x925, hungry hungry chinese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50885153

china gets most of its food from brazil

>> No.50885168

Jesus fuck I'm really going to see the fall of the slants in my life time won't I?
Fuck it we're taking you dirty cunts down with us to hell ahahahahah niggers will stalk the ruins eating asian flesh 100 years from now.

>> No.50885181

Buy emerging market indexes the production has to go somewhere.

>> No.50885555
File: 159 KB, 590x419, And then they said, we're a real country.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Brazil gets most of its Phosphate from China (which is suspending exports) and most of its potash from Ukraine (which no longer does anything). So you tell me when you think they're going to resume their bumper exports of cattle feed.

>> No.50885665

Alright Peter time for you to head to sleep with your Freemason digits.

>> No.50885897


Short Taiwanese companies. Whenever a shitty communist empire is about to fall, it declares war to stop infighting and focus on an enemy.

>> No.50885995

They won't fall immediately. One reason why food prices have been skyrocketing is because China is rapidly expanding their grain reserves. Countries are literally collapsing partly because of China's buying spree driving up grain prices.