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50879767 No.50879767 [Reply] [Original]

I want to make as much money as possible in the next 3 months to leave to my girlfriend before I kick the can (I'll be killing myself, picked a day and everything). I work from home as a webdev, it's a decent $110K/year gig, but my savings were pretty much used up during lockdowns keeping my family afloat. If I liquidate everything including selling my house I could probably make about $100K. How do I make as much money as possible to leave her? My bi-monthly salary ain't gonna cut it. In canada if it matters, apparently housing market ain't doing too great so that might put a wrench in my plans.

>> No.50879851

Anon if you have a girlfriend and you're going to kill yourself, don't fucking leave her money. You'd be better off divvying it up among anons here.

>> No.50879861

You should stay focused and always remember your priorities. Yes maybe leaving some cash behind for your girlfriend is good and all but you shouldnt forget about the plan nor get distracted. Imo you should just continue working normally for the following 2 months, living a bit frugally, and then during the last 2 months you should be searching for buyers for the house and also preparing and getting everything ready for the an hero.

>> No.50879865

Before you go, do some DMT, and ask God for guidance.

>> No.50879882

>I'll be killing myself

But why

>> No.50879901
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Nice blog post, faggot.

Congrats on your plan to find the guy who will be blowing hot loads into your GFs pussy after you die.

>> No.50879929

Youre supposed to do the Insurance Payout at your death, as is tradition.
Personally I think you should fake your death and do hookers and blow overseas.

>> No.50879958

Sell your house, take on tons of payday loans, credit card debt, anything you can - then give all the money to your gf and die.
Sneed moneylenders in the afterlife

>> No.50879976

just tired
she's a femanon if it counts, hope she doesn't find this
man I'm so past giving a shit
these are the kinds of answers im looking for, debt collectors won't hassle her will they?

>> No.50879997


>> No.50880045

Before Spice and Wolf S3 airs? And leaving money to a w*man? And spending your last days waging instead of backpacking europe and enjoying life for once?

Pretty stupid bro, kys.

>> No.50880048

You're doing a noble thing anon. But will money help your girl friend? The odds are that she spends the $100k fast. Maybe create a trust for her or something?

>> No.50880049

>debt collectors won't hassle her will they?
Unless you get married, they should have no legal claim, especially if she shuts the fuck up about it and moves to a new place. She might get into trouble with them IRS for receiving "gifts", but you could always just use the money to buy gold/silver and let her sell it over tile when she needs money. (Crypto is too unstable for this purpose) If you do, though, please teach her the value of spot and premiums so she doesn't get scammed by the first jewelry store she sees

>> No.50880057

This... when you get the money from the payday loans put it all into bitcoin or other non-retarted crypto. Give gf the cryprto after washing with some exchange and what not. Then you can die.

>> No.50880061

>Posts a German soldier
>Isn't living to produce children and teach them to honor blood and honor
Gay nigger LARP

>> No.50880092

What if OP is joining the ukraina nazis and plans on dying with them? hmmmm?????

>> No.50880121

Seriously don't do it, anon. It will be brutal for your girlfriend and family.

>> No.50880236

Just use monero, it's untraceable by default.

>> No.50880278

cool, I'll look into getting a wallet setup

>> No.50880313

Take 2 grams vitamin c in the morning and 2 at night

Take 10k vit D3 a day

Take some fish oil for good measure

Go on a whole food diet, eliminate most processed carbs and processed fats (seed oils

Make sure you get at least 100grams of animal protein per day

Depression is unknown to hunter gatherer societies...eat like them and it will be unknown to you as well..

There at least i tried...

>> No.50880314

No amount of money will help her get over your suicide

>> No.50880325

>Ukrainian soldiers fighting for Jewish president against a Zionist Russian president

>> No.50880364
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How are you going to do it? I keep thinking about it, but I'm afraid that it will be painful

>> No.50880413


yolo everything into dogbat

>> No.50880476
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Just kill yourself now because if you are gay and retarded enough to make a thread about this and plan to kill yourself you're obviously going to lose whatever money you invest

>> No.50880509

Yep, buy on localmonero or kraken (online CEX).

>> No.50880529

>keeping my family afloat

Do you have kids? I sure hope not, because killing yourself in that situation is infinitely more fucked up

>> No.50880555

why would you leave it all for your GF? so she can spend your money on other dudes and cuck you from beyond the grave?

>> No.50880561

nah, just a deadbeat brother, that would be fucked

>> No.50880599

Go take out huge loans from loan sharks at absurd interest then kys

>> No.50880602
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>> No.50880964

>Take 2 grams vitamin c in the morning and 2 at night

>> No.50880995

>In canada

>> No.50881021

Drink some water, cunt.

>> No.50881039
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This is just some pajeet who is going to beg for money here. Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.50881089

What is this a Netflix special?

>> No.50881091
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Hey you god damned NIGGER. You STUPID FUCKIN NIGGER. Go to a sensory deprivation tank and do a 1 hr session. Just accept the moment, like mindfulness meditation. Doesn't cost too much, and it'll give you a nice break.

>> No.50881095

You have everything you need to be happy. A woman, a family, a house, a decent job: I have none of those, and yet I stay alive on the off chance I get to take on the (((people))) who wrecked my country.
Have DARE you use that picture in you op, and even THINK about deserting your people. Now hit the gym, pump out more White kids, and stay really, really, angry. That is a direct order.

>> No.50881912


Don't do it bro. Go pick fruit at an orchard instead.

>> No.50882354

I think your gf would be happier with an alive bf, mate

>> No.50882366

Shutup faggot. Whine harder.

>> No.50882436

Don't do it cunt. Start taking acid and mushrooms instead

>> No.50882623

Lots of good advice here about staying alive. I do believe psychedelic drugs might help you change your perspective. If you're tired, maybe you need a rest. Take some time off work. Travel the world. Spend the money you've made. I'm pretty sure your gf and family would rather have you broke than dead. Try anything and everything first.

>> No.50882679
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>> No.50882711

how you gonna do it, im in a similar situation

>> No.50882747

What do you code anon?
If it's by any chance React, or nodejs perhaps we can make some arrangement

>> No.50882777

if you choose to do the payday loan thing, transfer assets over to her before you do that, seperate yourself legally.

Debters get first dibs at your assets sadly.

>> No.50882870

>just tired
If you're tired you are supposed to sleep, not kill yourself. Idk if nobody taught you that or you are just stupid but yeah. Also if you want to make money suicide is not the best investment choice

>> No.50882913
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I never did understand the point in these larps.

>> No.50883649

I don't understand, he is probably terminally ill and that's why he's killing himself or are people just dense with the dun kill urself life is joy advice

>> No.50883792
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I don't know anon, but judging from the money you can earn, I can basically sparefunds for crypto like buying eth or dot and staking them on freeway if you want a safer platform. You need to relax, travel, and have fun as I bet you're getting insane at work OP.

>> No.50883872

Contrary to your world view not all of us were born to middle class white parents

>> No.50883987

Is that safe? If he get rekt, he might do suicide again

>> No.50884164
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>I work from home as a webdev, it's a decent $110K/year gig

Option A: move to SEA/Eastern Europe/South America and win at life

Option B: kys yourself

Hmm. Tough choices, OP. Tough choices.

>> No.50884292

Who cares she's gonna replace you instantly

>> No.50884327

you can still rack up debt, and instead of offing yourself, move to a non extradition country

>> No.50884354

Dam how do you get a webdev job that pays that much? I'm considering the field heavily.

>> No.50884558

It's insured and regulated kek. It also has other revenue streams, and they are expanding their services to make them available to everyone. It's just a matter of time.

>> No.50884567

>wehraboo kills himself

>> No.50884709

You are literally going to give her all that money and she will just use it all with her new boyfriend she will inevitably get after she forgets about your pathetic ass in a year or two.

Don't you have family? Why not just give it to the people who fed and housed your bum ass for most of your life instead of some dumb broad you ungrateful fuck? Yup you are pathetic and retarded just kill yourself, good riddance.

>> No.50884724

>anon is mortified by the prospect

>> No.50884821
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You're just tired OP and I think you need to unwind and think of yourself as being a developer is a complicated job. You may think of investing in crypto like holding or staking. Xpress, sand, and Dar are my latest staking assets. I don't know if that helps or find another way.

>> No.50885019

You don't need love and joy to live, but hate and revenge.

>> No.50885105

Is staking still a thing today?

>> No.50885230

Stop the hate and no to vengeance

>> No.50885276

Don’t kill yourself you will be 100% going to hell because the very last thing you will do will be breaking the “thou shall not kill” commandment with no chance to atone.

>> No.50885347
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pussy, stick around and suffer like the rest of us

>> No.50885363

Damn, you faggots are taking the bait hard

>> No.50885401

Suicide is badass. But don't give your money to a hole do something funny with it.

>> No.50885409

Staking never fades. Round 4 staking has started for Xpressand Apy ishigh and holding this gem as they're also exploring the bank metaverse. Sand and Dar have decent returns on Binance.

>> No.50885451

Don't do it man. Things will get better, they just take time.

>> No.50885499

>buy puts on company X
>shoot up their hq
>make sure the profits will be sent to you gf

>> No.50885715

It worked for the Jews with American Airlines on 9/11.

>> No.50886094

Haha sucks to suck

>> No.50886111

>no one has realized the gf is the OP and is planning to murder her bf to run off with Jerome

>> No.50886126

don't kill yourself

>> No.50886210

What methods did you use to get work as a webdev, like did you work for a business or just take internet gigs?

>> No.50886904

>killing myself
Coward, go to Haiti and ...

>> No.50886935
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Suicide is the most selfish thing you can do. You give the pain you experience and give it to your loved ones. They now deal with the pain and suffer while you pain ends.

There are many things you can do to improve your mental health right the fuck now.

2 hours of Sunlight.

1 hour of cardio

Ashwaganda pills. 10 in the morning and 10 at night.

It is possible to end the pain you feel.

Let me repeat

It is possible to end the pain you feel.

Success is one step away.

Call a doctor they can help you.

The only way you can fail is if you do kill yourself

It’s not worth it Anon. Not when options exist that can make the pain go away

>> No.50886958

You just described the most likely group to commit suicide I think. Unless that was the joke there and I’m just retarded. Race stuff is all made up bs by the government anyway so who cares?

>> No.50887007

Being perpetually tired and hating this existence is totally normal. Think of life as a thankless endurance test just for lulz as you see yourself and everything around you crumble to dust.

>> No.50887030
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if true then just remember that your gf will be riding dozens of dicks day and night once you're finally away for good lmao
and with the help of your handout too

>> No.50887161
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Don't do it OP, I know it's not what men do but speak to your gf about it. This will damage your immediate family for a long time.

In my opinion suicide is only permissable in 2 situations life long dire mental illness and a devastating terminal disease. And even with these too circumstances there is still a very good chance you good lead a good life

For the sake of you loved ones imerse yourself in philosophy, particularly the stoics and Arthur Schopenhauer.

Being tired and dead inside is not enough of an excuse I'm afraid.

Do no start getting in to debt and making your life shit putting more pressure on the act itself..

Good luck anon if you kill yourself and don't complete your purpose you may have to do it all over again.

>> No.50887190 [DELETED] 
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OP I know you're a lying piece of shit and you won't kill yourself. What a pathetic human being you are trying to get pity that way.

I bet all the wealth you own now is also stolen from others because that's how pathetic human being like you behave.

>> No.50887215 [DELETED] 
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OP I know you're a lying piece of shit and you won't kill yourself. What a pathetic human being you are trying to get pity that way.

I bet all the wealth you own now is also stolen from others because that's how pathetic human beings like you behave.

he's not going to kill himself, he's trying to get pity to pump his threat, you can tell because people with strong motivations like that wouldn't be that way.

>> No.50887228
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OP I know you're a lying piece of shit and you won't kill yourself. What a pathetic human being you are trying to get pity that way.

I bet all the wealth you own now is also stolen from others because that's how pathetic human beings like you behave.

he's not going to kill himself, he's trying to get pity to pump his thread, you can tell because people with strong motivations like that wouldn't be that way.

>> No.50887362

Unfortunately you didnt dive any deeper than the surface on your research in to this topic. If you simply do a web search and refer to the first couple results from big pharma on this one they will tell you large amounts of vit c will cause kidney stones (FDA recommended daily dose is 60mg). There is a conflict of interest. The doctors who have focused their career on this wonder drug and demonstrated (repeatedly) the tumor shrinking effects on cancer patients had give upwards of 1000 GRAMS intravenously to said patients with the most severe adverse reaction being a headache. They had also shown that patients consuming large amounts of vitamin C to have a lower occurance of kidney stones compared to the control group who recieved placebo.

Most likely you are referring to ascorbic acid - a synthetic version of vitamin C not extracted from a natural source, but even this can be debated and you have evidence supporting both sides of the kidney stone question when talking about ascorbic acid specifically..

You have to dyor anon, and most of the time that consists of more than just the mainstream accepted first result on Google- especially in the field of pharmaceuticals. Think about the money that would be lost if you could send patients in to remission with something as cheap and natural as vitamin C. Just as many PHDs have studied this, submitted papers and have written and published their own books on this subject. But only one side is accepted and it's painfully obvious why. Look at every source and the motivations behind each.

>> No.50887519

It pretty much is bizfag. I for one am staking a few assets on Okex and LP mining on Ore Network for impressive yields.

>> No.50887552

If you can dtick around longer than that, I would get life insurance and then 2-3 years later kill myself while making it look like an accident. Car crash maybe.

>> No.50887556

i could not fucking power through the second season of that show. the mc is such a faggot it was killing me. does it get better?

>> No.50887590
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this is a good response. to add one thing, don’t only dyor, but also experiment and try to listen to your body. take lots of mental notes about how you feel and try to remember everything that might have affected that. even little things like chewing your food properly can go a long way toward better health.

>> No.50887650

Agreed. I found that tilting my head back while I sleep prevents me from getting neck cramps and snoring.

>> No.50887662
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you cannot die before trying 5-MeO-DMT

>> No.50887790

Ok, if you really got 4 months to live:

1. Work with the CIA to run weapons to Ukraine (gov sanctioned, totally legal)

2. Get the weapons from the black markets in North Macedonia

3. Sell for 20x in Uki

>> No.50887796

Faggot. Fuck you gf. She has to work by herself.

>> No.50887830

Liar piece of shit.

>> No.50888013

pull your weight you fucking coward pussy

take responsibility, nigger

>> No.50888133

Suicide is retarded both rationally and emotionally.
You are retarded for thinking "oh my goodness gracious I sure do hope my feminon remembers me golly jee" when in reality she will find some other guy to creampie her in a matter of days and forget all about you except for when the bvll asks her for money. Not only that but you're together with this person and talking about suicide then acting like you owe her something maybe she's part of the reason you feel like this? Retard.
With that said hopefully you do it so we don't have to read your retarded threads again

>> No.50889794

>Just tired
You don't know you will repeat the life lessons again in another body. You may not believe in it. But well the briefing after you are in your original form again will be funny.
You don't want to play the game. But you will need to play it again. Probably you are also demon possessed. At least kill someone who is totally on the wrong path like politicians.

>> No.50889893

Giving her money won't make up for the lifelong damage of offing yourself.

>> No.50890093
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Take out a mortgage.
Go to the casino with a gun in your pocket,
Put it all on red.
If you lose end it right there on the spot.

>> No.50890407

Trust fund with dividend stocks with reinvesting divis.

>> No.50890878
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You white Gen Z loser bois are literally the weakest race on earth. Godspeed OP, it's time for your genes to be replaced

>> No.50890986

Order modafinil online, or amphetamines since you're gonna die anyway, it'll make you sharp as a katana, then focus on whatever you want to make money and you will be able to work all day without getting tired.
Along the way though you'll find that if you treat it like a game where the goal is to just go for a highscore you'll be quite content.
Say a souls game, it's tough, you make stupid mistakes, it's unfair, you enjoy it, then it's over.
The meaning in playing a souls game is playing it, it's in the struggle and overcoming it.

>> No.50891057
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are you me lol? this is how I went from working a shitty dead-end job at a bank for $60k to making $250k working at a tech company -- modafinil every day and pretend that work is a video game where your compensation is your score

>> No.50891142

You seem pretty determined to die when some are willing to live even Just one more hour, you are pretty fucked up, I could suggest you look into QANX but you don't even deserve the gain do you

>> No.50891368

Based. Privacy solutions are a big help in the space and we now have protocols that can deliver privacy in DeFi and smart contracts as well.