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File: 449 KB, 1328x1580, michael-p-pepefrogimageog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50878808 No.50878808 [Reply] [Original]

> be me
> get girl pregnant
> don't like having sex with her
> don't like hanging out with her
> she's keeping it

Wtf. Did I just ruin my life? How do people afford this shit.

>> No.50878848

>Did I just ruin my life?
You get bonus points because you probably ruined the kids too.

Being irresponsible around motor vehicles and women is guaranteed to ruin your life, I hope you had fun at least.

>> No.50878864

You'll figure it out, congratulations

>> No.50878930

GZ hope it was worth it
pulling out or wrapping your dick was too much effort huh?
welp hope you like working 2 jobs to afford paying child support while she has sex with Tyrone

>> No.50878964

Just hope that bullying someone into an abortion isn't illegal in your jurisdiction.

>> No.50879036

you play the cards your dealt

>> No.50879095
File: 124 KB, 498x474, 1622732040608.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I ain't use no condoms bruh. On god imma beat that pussy up raw
You're a nigger and you will now suffer the consequences. gg.

>> No.50879196

>> she's keeping it
She is better than you. She may be a whore but you are a whore and a potential murderer.

>> No.50879231

Doesn't matter you had sex

>> No.50879287

This. You never know what a child may be or bring to your life.

You have no self discipline OP and this is what you get. I had a gf get an abortion without my knowledge and even though I don't miss the girl I miss my kids. What could of been from those lost souls.

>> No.50879690

It's a clump of cells. Get over yourselves.

>> No.50879878

>It's a clump of cells
So are you.

>> No.50879898


>> No.50879930


> mfw unironically black

It's unironically life on legendary difficulty

>> No.50879939


>> No.50879949

I'm a fully developed human with a heartbeat. Fetuses don't even develop a heartbeat until week 7. Literally a clump of cells.

>> No.50879969
File: 110 KB, 700x1114, 1618558531468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats on the awful marriage/18 years of child support payments! I hope you have fun!

>> No.50880016
File: 45 KB, 960x644, 1549829823_52565974_2201888249833948_8950512068755193856_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear you OP. Had a bunch of unprotected sex with my ex gf recently and knew damn well what could happen, luckily pulling out seems to have worked. Sometimes we fly too close to the sun.

>> No.50880035

You seem personally invested in this being true?

>> No.50880133

You are just a clump of cells, feeble organic.

>> No.50880138

I'm not personally invested in it, I haven't had sex in over 5 years. Seems like you're deflecting.

>> No.50880141

I knew this was the point of this thread, look I love the fact that so many undesirables get aborted before having a chance to fuck up society too but you guys go as far extreme as the christcucks and it becomes an emotional tard fest when both sides argue.
Dude stop absorbing shlomo's propaganda. In current year it's never been easier to be a nig nog. The only place you have to deal with racism is 4chan, if someone calls you a nigger irl you can ruin their life and even beat them to death if you feel like it, and almost everyone has to hire you or give you gibs etc. Unless you purposely hang out in the ghetto you can do anything you want

God dammit you guys

>> No.50880176

congrats on becoming a slave to the USA government whom answers to your baby momma

>> No.50880193

>fully developed
nigger you're posting on 4chan

>> No.50880218


I think abortion is one of those things. You can have all sorts of ideas about it. But if you are responsible for it, its like one of those things where you would do anything to go back in time. You hear?