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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50877083 No.50877083 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit from this?

>> No.50877167

>How do I profit from this?
Build your portfolio. Despite the 2020 and 2022 crashes, I've been doing VERY well the past 4 years.

>> No.50877184

Post portfolio

>> No.50877198

the lack of self-awareness in this tweet is hilarious.

>> No.50877213


capitalism >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cuckoldry

>> No.50877218

The lack of self-awareness in your post is hilarious.

>> No.50877241

>that retard who is closer to homelessness than he is to being rich
good goy

>> No.50877277
File: 176 KB, 430x419, youre.a.fucking.faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't like the heckin jewish people controlling your currency, IP law, and government spending that's because you're a COMMUNIST!

>> No.50877287

I will cum down your throat

>> No.50877316

I grew up on /pol/, kid. I know that the Jews are the ones who created socialism and ruined capitalism. Doesn't mean capitalism isn't the best. Of course the Jews are trying to breed whiteness out of the world, but that doesn't justify commie beliefs like the OP.
He complains about identity politics because he wants to talk about class warfare, but that don't matter to us. We believe that we should belong to a white nation, fuck classes
Try the fucking redpill for once in your life to see the truth

>> No.50877331

Lol this is why I find /pol/ a total joke. They're only invested in frontline culture wars against sjw foot soldiers, when the jews are quiet in the corner amassing only more currency by the year.
Metaverse, mass automation, forced crypto integration will all drop one day and they will be "w-what's this???"

>> No.50877338

yea everytime you seethin commies buy a new iphone or eat mcdonalds its the rich "stealing" from you. Fucking retards lmao

>> No.50877347

capitalism doesn't exist you fucking brain dead RETARD. Imagine thinking you are on a fair playing field with everyone else. You're a fucking delusional retard just like the commies who always want gibs you're on the same fucking spectrum of retard. Nothing is fair in this world there is no real by-the-book version of any ideology.

>> No.50877372

How do you get paid for labor when there are things like mass-produced self driving trucks planned to arrive next year? Your system can't keep up with devaluation of labor.

>> No.50877378

Why doesn’t this rich jew (who owns this non-profit) give away his money?

>> No.50877381

>if we give jewish businessmen enough power then everything will be a utoptia
>if we give jewish commissars enough power then everything will be a utopia

>> No.50877444

Capitalism can only work on large scales if it's forced to work for the people with massive checks and balances and only on national scales, not global scales. Fascism was the last chance for the people to live in a decent way but that ship was sunk 80 years ago. By the time the normies wake up to the fact they are being fucked it will already be too late and we will be under a system of techno-feudalism and the rich will have utter control with no threat to their position.

>> No.50877508

No unbacked fiat combined with money printing is straight up theft through devaluation of your labor and your savings. And guess what the west has been doing for the past 14 years with reckless abandon.

>> No.50877544

fuck straight white men

>> No.50877549

Literal brain rot

>> No.50877563

Are you retarded? Capitalism doesn’t include trillion dollar bailouts you stupid fucking moron. Fuck me you’re an idiot.

>> No.50877564

>I grew up on /pol/, kid.

>> No.50877581

fascism was a romantic fantasy masking the dominance of capitalism. it sold fanciful ideas to consoomers while robbing them
there is no such thing as "backed" money, the idea of money itself is not resolvable into a system of perpetual value and will never meet the standards you claim to have. the post-money society is coming

>> No.50877591
File: 288 KB, 747x661, 1648430512809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder that 41% of the top 1% are Jews.....despite them only being 1.3% of the population. Just another coincidence im sure......

>> No.50877594

>capitalism doesn't give itself money if it controls the money creation mechanism

>> No.50877824

Of course there is backed money. Claiming otherwise is intellectually dishonest. Even in your "post money" world there will still be currency under a differing form; labor for assets and those who are in more demand will still get more assets. Unless you hold everyone at gunpoint to accept all labor as identical units and even then you're still using a type of currency. X amount of hours = X amount of goods. You cannot get around money if you plan on having a society at anything beyond commune scale.

>> No.50877889

And if you scale society down to those levels then I'm afraid might makes right. The strongest among your communities will take what they want. If you give guns to everyone to stop that then the communities that can form militias for effectively will take from others that cannot. You're essentially proposing monarchies again.

>> No.50877917
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>their stock assets raised in value
>Stock price = 100% real value

lol communist chuds are so funny

>> No.50877928

If you're broke, trades. "Just learn to weld/plumb/woodwork/tinbash" will be the new "just learn to code" once every big tech company lays off half their workforce. I was making $40/hr as a sheet metal installer and had $5/hr on top that my company matched going towards a pension plus full benefits. The demand for blue collar workers will continue to rise since no one seems to want to do it (in the 7 years at that company we weren't once ever not looking for more people; we were perpetually short staffed). Because of this, you're treated like gold and basically can't get fired unless you stop showing up or kill someone/yourself.

If you're not starting "from the bottom", starting your own business seems like the only other logical out from the rat race. Knowing a trade makes this easier, half the people I used to work with left to start their own companies, most are doing quite well for themselves now

>> No.50878150

The woke faggots are the one who started diverting attention during occupy wall street. They began blaming the average white guy for everything while ultra rich jews laughed from their tower.

>> No.50878315

They create boom bust cycles, just follow those and you can make easy money anon… it’s not that hard, but the thing is they’ve fucked up the attention spans of most people.

>> No.50878441
File: 107 KB, 1246x762, 1640670803011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro don't you like, hate these billionaires
yeah, anti-white corporate culture sucks. I can't get a job at all
>no, you have to hate them for the right reasons. They are stealing the value of your labo... Oh.
Well, can we agree to put our differences aside and take these kikes down?
>Help me FBI Hitler is here and he's about to do a MAGA chud insurrection on our democracy!!!

>> No.50878624

and guess who's doing the printing? yup jews, not like an entire world war was fought over it, and commies still siding with them to this day and blaming whites

>> No.50878679

He's right, but neglected to mention they also couldn't be happier to see leftists bashing skulls in the name of CRT & "wokeness".

>> No.50878716

>How do I profit from this?
A better question is how do I become the top 1%.

>> No.50878727
File: 1.75 MB, 498x280, 655891DB-2874-480A-901E-EC1093D455FA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I grew up on /pol/

>> No.50878769

The minimum wage hasn’t been raised but that doesn’t mean retail and fast food restaurants aren’t paying above it like they already are FUCKING DISINGENUOUS LIBERAL FUCKING FAGGOT

>> No.50878777

>A better question is how do I become the top 1%.
Be born into them

>> No.50878845

The 1% push CRT and wokeism. Attacking one is attacking the other.

>> No.50878877

>CRT and wokeness don't matter
So why are faggots like himself pushing it so hard?

>> No.50879514

Blackpill: the top 1% are also responsible for the majority of wealth we all enjoy today. Most people cannot meaningfully contribute to society.

>> No.50879626

Become a corrupt politician and join them.

>> No.50879635

>"we don't kill you with our monopoly on violence so we're de facto responsible for any good you do"
Based sociopath

>> No.50879688

Just ad some rainbows and over the top flaming fags to your marketing scheme. Max profits await.

>> No.50879698

That is retarded. If there are 100 people and one guy is 100 times more productive if you put him in front of a computer and everyone else has normal productivity, then if you were to get rid of the bottom 99%, this guy would have to farm his own food at the normal productivity instead of doing the job he is good at.

Also, another factor is that if you own all the land, you get to pretend that you created the earth even though you did no such thing.

>> No.50879738

>ignore wokeness goy!!
Why are leftists so cancerous