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File: 120 KB, 650x803, amDOGE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
507897 No.507897 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread on auto sage.

General Pandacoin(PND) Thread amDOGE Edition



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNBn5jPuyEA [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

amDOGE 1st female* cryptocoin developer

[please don't ask for her leaked pics which were posted in previous threads]

Current price 13 satoshi

China PND site is now live

>> No.507901

It's 12 satoshi. You're always 1 too high :P

>> No.507905

wew lad

>> No.507906

I'm from 4 hours in the future.

wew lad

>> No.507915

Where are you seeing the 13 sat number? I use Bleutrade

>> No.507930

Position 22 on coinmarketcap! So-long ReddiCoin!!

>> No.507934



>> No.507956
File: 14 KB, 300x230, 1224018645998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now if only i could get onto mintpal where my 40m pnd is sitting

oh wait my account suddenly doesn't exist

how mortifying

>> No.507963

> keeping money in the exchanges

>> No.507964

same thing with mine
open up a support ticket asap

>> No.507969



>> No.507971

>keeping your coins on an exchange
Your fault.

>> No.507978

i mean i get keeping BTC at exchanges cause of fees and slow transfer but PND? shamefur

>> No.507990

Email moolah.

And shame on you for having 400M pnd on mintpal. Stake that shit.

>> No.508006
File: 31 KB, 285x347, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not securing his coins
Yeah his fault completely

But there also has to be a certain level of trust with the organization that holds your money
Mintpal is just as much to blame
They were careless and retarded
Crypto can't be taken seriousy if these things keep happening
Actually the entire reason for crypto is because there are serious flaws with fiat

>> No.508010

yes. but if a large institution, let's call it a completely imaginary name like "Bear Sterns", were to fail, would you blame the issuer of the currency?

Semi bad example. The holder of fiat in this case is also the enabler. But you get my drift.

>> No.508015


It wasn't just sitting there, I had sell orders out on all of it. I should've really paid attention to when they were going to take down the site though

>> No.508027

>had sell orders
Well nevermind then
Can't help you there
As for getting them back: support ticket

>> No.508029


>keeping your jew gold in the hands of the merchants

Its like history never teaches you people anything.

>> No.508040

That's why the jews keep prospering. Then the little goy men get mad because they can't understand simple life lessons.

>> No.508253

when buypnd is going to be up again?

>> No.508260

So there are nudes of op pic??? Will pay small btc tip if you post them cause omfg she's the sexiest thing I've ever seen

>> No.508428
File: 17 KB, 166x256, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

touched 13 satoshi
spaceship is boarding gois

>> No.508436

How does it feel to have so much money amDoge?

>> No.508558

Bought another million pnd today, now have 2 millions. How am I doing guys?

>> No.508560

almost $100, keep going

>> No.508675

Be sure to stake

>> No.508688

Good man! I'm sitting on just a smidgen over 2 million too, bought in when it was 3 satoshi so fairly happy so far. It's only a small investment, so I'm happily holding onto it for the foreseeable future.

The only problem is I want to buy more at the end of the month once payday hits, but I imagine that by the time the 24th rolls around, it'll be above 0.00000020. The only readily available dosh I have right now is an ounce of silver and a number of collectors coins in a vault a few hundred miles away, but I really don't want to let those go right now as they're a great store of value in case I ever need a grand at short notice.

What do, /pnd/?

>> No.508691

> 20sat on the 24th
I wish

> Ounce of silver
I'd buy silver from you for PND at prevailing rates, but I don't know how to escrow

>> No.508693

dat multisig

>> No.508697

I dunno man, I could see it getting pretty close to 20sat. Perhaps a bit optimistic, but momentum is definitely gaining. Maybe more like 17-18.

I'd happily sell the silver directly for PND, but I too have no idea how to escrow securely, and I'm sure neither of us would be particularly happy simply taking the word of an anonymous stranger on the internet in a trade.

Ah well, guess I'll just hope it stays at <13sat until then and accept the higher cost compared to my initial investment.

>> No.508713

1. Find a neutral third party (perhaps in the IRC)
2. The two of you and the third party create a new address, give the third party both of your public keys
3. Third party creates a multisig address
4. One of you sends the PND, the other ships the silver
5. If it's all good, you both sign and the shipper gets the PND
6. If it's not all good, third party determines which of you the PND goes to (can't send to himself without one of you allowing it).

>> No.508716

How realistic is 0,01$ ?

>> No.508737

It's a big leap
Someone in the irc did the math and it's quite possible

>> No.508742

It's from somebody in IRC! Call the news agency!

But seriously, if PND had the entire market cap of bitcoin dumped into it, ($4,596,809,962)

At the current number of PND in existence (32,245,482,710)

It would be worth $0.14.

For the entire bitcoin market.

>> No.508745

If PND reached BTC's current market cap, then 1 PND would be worth $0.14 (not accounting for inflation).

>> No.508750

>If PND reached BTC's current market cap
how to make it happen?

>> No.508759

Heh, beat you

It's easy, just buy $4 billion in pandacoin

>> No.508760

get more people to want it/ own it/ use it

>> No.508762

Just because someone from the IRC stated it doesn't make it any less true
They basically did what you did
And if that's true
Then $0.01 would require ~330m which is very possible if mass acceptance succeeds

>> No.508767

Need more ways to spend PND

>> No.508768

A year from now? Possible.

Optimistic estimates are that by the end of 2015 it could reach 0.00005 (5000sat). At the current rates, that'd leave each PND with a value of around 1.5 cents. More conservative estimates have the high-end value at more like 1000sat however, so approximately 0.3 cents.

It's still a monumental increase in value of course, but it's worth bearing in mind that at present PND isn't cashed out directly to fiat, so it's heavily dependant on BTC holding its value. No point having 50 BTC worth of PND if a bitcoin is only worth a couple of bucks.

Personally, I'm expecting BTC to hit a floor of $220-230, before rallying to above 300 by early December and remaining above into 2015. I can't see it diminishing dramatically unless something major happens out in the real world, such as the UK, Germany or US clamping down on them (the UK seems especially unlikely as London predictably seems fairly BTC-friendly).

The 'regulation' in ~January sounds scary to some but I fully expect it to have a strongly beneficial long-term effect on the perpetuity of BTC. I don't think the spring-time spike will be as proportionally dramatic as previous events, simply down to a seemingly more conservative bull consumer trend these last 6-8 months, while the newly-perceived maturity of the currency will ease a few panic-sellers' nerves.

This is of course presuming that nothing unpredictably retarded is rolled out in January to stifle mainstream acceptance. Short of that, I think bitcoin is in for a 'maturing' year; regular, smaller price fluctuations, centred around a steady average of between $320-380.

Of course, given our complete lack of insider knowledge into said legal changes, even being this vague is an educated guess at best.

>> No.508771

I was being facetious because I saw an opportunity and went with it. I wasn't claiming that it was particularly untrue, although if you check coinmarketcap you can see that exactly 0 non BTC altcoins have that cap.

what's your wallet address

>> No.508778


>> No.508781

Tipped for your info in

Buy more PND when you have a chance

>> No.508786


Well, I wasn't expecting that transaction popup, what a damn decent thing to do! Thank you matey.

I guess I'm just trying to give a little insight into my own reasons and expectations for the mid-term future. If it helps others make their decisions, great!

Cheers again.

>> No.508793
File: 559 KB, 400x276, 1406673734118.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cryptocurrencies not being ponzi schemes.

>> No.508798

I just bought 90,000 PND.

I think i'm just going to hold on to it, trading is a bit cumbersome.

>> No.508800

what does everyone think is the peak of PNDs worth? when will it reach it?

>> No.508801


>> No.508814

>at present PND isn't cashed out directly to fiat
why people don't add this possibility?

>> No.508817


>> No.508818

You can if you want to. There's nothing to stop you.

>> No.508819

Put it in your pandabank and let pandabank run.

>> No.508822

I get the similarities if you look at early bitcoin acceptance. It appeared an awful lot like a clusterfuck of speculators, ponzi sharks and clueless gamblers, no doubt.

Now though, there's been a large-scale drift away from any similarities, at least with a number of steadier, more widely traded cryptocurrencies.

A ponzi scheme is essentially a hooky pyramid operation that pays returns to its early adopters using new capital paid in by the newest investors, rather than any actual investment/trading returns.

Most developed cryptocurrencies satisfy none of those criteria. Early adopters achieve far higher returns than later ones, true, even largely due to the investments of said latecomers driving prices up, but such returns do not come at the expense of latecomers, rather parallel to.

Of course currencies, like any marketable idea, are hugely susceptible to manipulation by whales and the like while in their infancy. This is not the sole domain of cryptocurrencies, nor exclusive to or even statistically prominent in ponzi schemes.

The fact of the matter is that cryptocurrencies, regardless of one's particular preference or disdain for them, are an accepted unit of trade for real-world goods and services. Misunderstood and high-reaching perhaps, but far removed from the great postage stamp speculations of decades past.

>> No.508824

So I should always keep the program open?

>> No.508825

its a study of what really has value for people, now go to sleep kid

>> No.508834

Leave it in your pandabank, with pandabank running in the background.

If your wallet is up to date (there should be a gren tick in the bottom-right status bar), you'll automatically be 'staking' your coins for as long as you have the program running and unlocked. Obviously, the longer you leave you wallet running, the better.

'Staking' can be thought of as a combination of mining principles and regular old interest. The number and age of the coins you have available for staking acts as your 'hashing power'. If the arrow symbol in the status bar is green, you're currently staking; hover your cursor over the symbol and it'll show your current weight and that of the network, with a rough estimate of how long it'll be until you earn interest beneath it.

>> No.508835

You can convert to thai baht on bx.in.th.

inb4 shill, i think baht are extremely useless unless you live in thailand.

>> No.508950

>1. Find a neutral third party (perhaps in the IRC)
Congrats, you've just lost both the pnd and the silver.

>> No.508954

>doesn't understand how multisig works
The third party CAN'T get the PND and you would ship the silver directly to the buyer.

>> No.508956

The 3rd party could still hold the PND ransom, though. Alternatively, he could be bribed by one of the parties.

>> No.508957

>hold the PND ransom
Only if either the buyer / seller doesn't respond or colludes with him. You would be setting it to require 2 out of 3 signatures.

>> No.508974

Consider the following:

Bob sends PND to Eve.
Eve confirms receipt.

A- Alice sends silver to Bob
Eve does not agree to release the PND and demands a large sum be given by Alice (note that Bob can give his key to Alice at any time so no demand can work on Bob).

B- Bob bribes Eve to send the PND back to him after reception of Alice's silver.

C- (Assuming less-than-sane practices): Alice fakes the sending of the silver and potentially bribes Eve to release the PND to her. Bob sends Alice his key, thinking Alice can't have the PND yet and the silver has been sent.

>> No.508980

>convoluted example is convoluted
It boils down to: yes, if the third party is bribed or the buyer or seller makes a foolish error, that's a problem. Those are the only vulnerabilities. There are risks with any transaction, but if you're that worried about it, it isn't limited to one arbiter. You could bring in as many as you like and then they'd all have to be colluding.

>> No.508987

With more than one arbiter, as long as the decisive proportion (i.e. the minimum subset required to decode) decide to ransom the PND, it's over. Since there's more than one arbiter, it's even more likely that they're bribed because as long as a single arbiter is corrupt, they can go ahead and attempt to corrupt the others.

There's nothing convoluted with the examples. They're extremely simple and usual (within this context) scenarios.

Only if goods can be traded electronically can a scheme be devised to ensure secure trade. That's why the silver should be sold locally and then the resulting money should be traded for the PND.

>> No.508992

>massive conspiracy over one troy ounce of silver
Not even worth it for the first arbiter, let alone multiple.

There isn't really such a thing as secure trade period. Every transaction is open to exploitation by the buyer, seller, or both. This includes local transactions.

>> No.508998

Spent 75 shekels on this coin

You faggots better get on this space train before it blasts off to the moon.

>> No.509017


I'm not even kidding, I bought 25 shekels worth 4 days ago at 0.0391/1000, and now 50 shekels worth at 0.0612/1000.

The train is departing.

>> No.509022

a shekel is worth 27 cents
whoop doo

>> No.509044


A Canadian shekel are what I was referring to.

>> No.509083

>literally too dumb to know about provably secure online transaction
Wow, just wow.

>> No.509090

pls coin

>> No.509100
File: 318 KB, 698x500, Panda of Life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pnd plox? i make pictur


>> No.509114

I bet you believe in Santa Claus too.

>> No.509140

I bet you think uncrackable cryptography doesn't exist.

>> No.509146

I think that there will always be a vulnerability somewhere along the line as long as humans are involved in any way, shape, or form, yes.

>> No.509147

Technically it doesn't. It's just that certain cryptographic would take almost infinity to crack by any current methods.

>> No.509150

>he doesn't know about shit like one-time pads!
At least the other guy tries to make rational arguments even though he's a dumdum

>> No.509170

Why make yourselves beggars when there are faucets and mining? Also PND is dirt cheap right now.

>> No.509204

Do you guys really believe in PND this much?
The number of retailers accepting it is countable on one hand. Nobody knows about it and nobody is investing in it.
Even at the market cap of BTC (which would take divine intervention to achieve) it would be worth fourteen cents.
What's with the PND preaching on this board?

>> No.509209

>worth 14 cents
>thinks the value of the individual coin is supposed to be high
>didn't get on the train while he could, missed out on 2000% profit

>> No.509213


The train still haven't even left.

Once word goes out about this first wymyn crypto programmer, all the wymyn with inferiority complexes(feminists) will go crazy over it and cause it's price to increase by 6 million.

>> No.509223
File: 36 KB, 1355x512, digitalcoin-logo-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy this shit


>> No.509254

>Do you guys really believe in PND this much?
Clearly, just look at the site dude and all it has to offer (crash course, sleek look, easiness, browser mining...etc)

>The number of retailers accepting it is countable on one hand. Nobody knows about it and nobody is investing in it
what is btc in 2009?

>Even at the market cap of BTC (which would take divine intervention to achieve) it would be worth fourteen cents
The main focus isn't raising its price, the main focus is making it accepted as a currency by the masses

>> No.509280

>What is btc in 2009?

BTC was the first of its kind. There are currently scores upon scores of cryptos. Why is PND expected to be the one that rises to the top when there are countless competitors, all equally obscure?

>> No.509294


PND is being positioned to be a coin for the masses. Not a scam. Not a quick buck. Slow and steady wins the race.

Remember, PND all but disappeared earlier this year. After it killed Wolong's shitcoin, everyone bailed on it. I got involved when it's market cap was only around $4,500 because I believed in the devs vision, they simply would not give up on the coin.

Slowly but surely, PND has risen from the dead and is building a stronger community day by day. 22nd position on CMC and a ~$1.5 million market cap after such a near death experience is no small feat.

>> No.509300


Uhh you made x333.33 gains on your PND?

Or did you screw up and sell in the process...

When market cap was at $4500, 200 bucks got you more than 1 billion PND?

>> No.509302

Expanding on this, PND (unlike MANY of the other scrypt coins) is ASIC proof. It cannot be directly mined and has a healthy inflation rate via interest generated coins.

Features like the pandabank ease noob crypto users into the coin by providing a familiar looking interface. The crypto crash course, browser mining, and ability to buy PND with a debit card like any other online purchase are what really puts PND ahead of the pack.

I don't know of another currency that has all of these features, and this is only the first wave.

>> No.509304


I WISH I would've have invested directly, but I did not. I mined them on a shitvidia, but ended up with a sizeable chunk. Never sold any.

I'm sitting on a good amount of $$ right now, and have no intentions of selling at this point. I believe PND has MUCH farther to go.

>> No.509305

Perfect time to sell your PND if you're holding tens of millions. From the looks of this thread there are plenty of naive people willing to buy.

Love the "amDOGE" bait pic too. Never change, /biz/.

>> No.509309

On more point to make - my trust in the devs.

It's well known that amdoge is/was sitting on over 1 billion PND. When the first 200 litoshi rally happened she could've cashed out and made $50k, killed the coin, and never looked back.

She didn't. How easy would it be for YOU to walk away from a $50k payday?

>> No.509312
File: 241 KB, 496x700, BelievePND.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.509314


The train is moving slowly, you can still catch it fudfriend.

>> No.509371

Only wildcard right now is the whale. If and when he decides to cash out and remove his buy support PND will be kill unless it attracts more investors. We can hope he has good intentions, but we all know most whales only use alts for pump and dumps.

>> No.509389
File: 204 KB, 1024x1024, 1395545220945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.509401

Is it worth it investing a few hundred or should i just forget it?

was thinking of putting in like 200 then just forgetting about it for a year/year and a half or so and hoping it goes up a lot or something.

>> No.509406


It has increased by 63.37% in the past 4 days.

The train hasn't even departed yet. I just spent $50 more on some earlier today lol.

Spend what ever you can afford to lose at a worse case scenario. I have really high expectations for this one.

>> No.509431
File: 16 KB, 569x131, whale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related. There are obviously either other whales involved, or PND is already attracting a large number of users.

This particular whale seems to be honest and have a genuine interest in the coins success. Besides, last I knew he had 55 BTC still stuck at mintpal, so I'm unsure if any of the support we're seeing at bittrex is actually him.

>> No.509432


I strongly recommend investing. Truthfully, what's $200 if you can afford it? I spend more than that on lottery tickets in a month just for shits and grins.

On the flip side, don't spend your rent money.

>> No.509445


thast whta eh watn yuo ot thikn

>> No.509447

I'm going to be moving around a lot and I wont have an internet connection. I was told i need to have a program running to "stake" my coins. does that mean if i buy and hold with my computer off i can lose all my monies?
Sounds silly.

>> No.509461


You won't lose anything you buy, but you won't generate any interest if your wallet isn't open and connected to the network.

>> No.509464

"Stake" means earn interest
You won't lose your coins if you don't stake
But you'll earn interest at a slower rate

>> No.509472

I told you niggers that PND was going 2 da moon.

You still have time to get on board. By the time this thread auto sages we will be at 20 satoshi.

>> No.509487


>the first train I've every hopped on

I was pretty close to missing it too.

>> No.509489



PND ---> mood



>> No.509541

PND is going to surpass DOGE in terms of marketcap and users same time next year.

You've heard it here first.

DOGE will be contained on Reddit and act as a gateway cryptocurrency for those primarily under ages of 25 due to the meme nature of it.

PND will not be contained and continue to act as the cryptocurrency that mainstream users will interact and use due to its streamlined and ease of use products and services.

>> No.509553

monacoin is ded

>> No.509555

I remember giving away hundretthousands of PND here, heh.

>> No.509598

what do you guys think about monero, in particular compared to blackcoin, anoncoin and darkcoin?

>> No.509614

We don't.

>> No.509710

what about xdn? im thinking about buying some, i think there may be a pump.

>> No.509712
File: 679 KB, 376x461, PND_to_moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to make some PND images for the lulz.

Tips appreciated.


>> No.509720
File: 2.63 MB, 960x718, goodnight_doge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.509725

nobody knows.. but vol is certainly low

>> No.509806
File: 16 KB, 267x300, monacoinちゃん2(完成2)-267x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


say that to my face

>> No.509810


xdn is like doge without the hype, this means its now almost 80% mined and no one uses it

>> No.510033

How much money should I invest in this dumb shit guys

I have 2000 united states dollarinos of spending money

>> No.510039


25-100 shekels

>> No.510056
File: 29 KB, 279x304, 1407152702312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you're stupid enough to 'invest' in crypto-currencies, you may as well just pay people to rob you. You'll get more return on your investment, and a decent story to tell.

>> No.510071

Say that again to me when I unintentionally invested in bitcoin when it was 10 dollars a coin, faggot

>> No.510103

Pandacoin has grown by nearly 1000% over the last few months. It's a good bet. However much you're comfy with.

>> No.510174
File: 9 KB, 256x257, 1403735203664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you hear that goy? Buy! Buy! You don't want miss the boat do you goy?

>> No.510194

Guys I bought 1.268mill PND this week and it says I'm gaining 0 interest.

What gives?

>> No.510199


Is your wallet locked (encrypted)? You will gain no interest.

>> No.510201

Your wallet should be locked/encrypted but staking. The option is under Settings.

Also, you will gain 0 interest for 3 days, at which point your coins will mature and you will be able to stake.

>> No.510203
File: 63 KB, 1428x814, PNDbank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well its encrypted, but currently unlocked.

>> No.510209

Good. You will be able to stake when your coins mature :)

>> No.510211

Your coins are staking (green arrow icon). When you win a block, the amount under "earning interest" will change while the interest payment is being confirmed.

>> No.510218


I see, thanks.

What kind of interest do I get?

>> No.510225

It's a 2.5% per year nominal interest rate.

>> No.510262
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>> No.510270
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few clicks away from buying $200 of PND..
so I live in a rural residential area and my computer is not connected to the internet during the majority of the day. I use freedompop and am limited to 5gb/month. In order to "stake" PND I only have to connect to PandaBank once every thirty days (lets say for 30 minutes), and I will recieve the full 2.5% annual interest? I read the FAQ but am still confused about the PoS system
Not that the 2.5% interest matters in respect to the volatile nature of coins right now.

>> No.510274

I honestly have no idea. best to ask one of the devs in the IRC chat.

>> No.510283

>implying anything is going to scare us
We du nt feer
We du nt frgt
We r pandr

>> No.510287

This is correct. Maybe 30 minutes is too short, but yes, what you said is correct.

>> No.510296
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buy Monacoin instead, PND will never be this kawaii.

>> No.510299
File: 28 KB, 640x538, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comes to PND thread to shill Monacoin

>> No.510303


Hey Nekofag, should had dumped your Monashit when you had the chance on the last pump and bought PND

Now you screweeeeeeeeeeeeed

>> No.510304

Buy Bitcoin. All of the rest of these coins are just stupid knockoffs.

>> No.510311
File: 790 KB, 2000x521, cropped-1627607cf320d11ee8ca18752ff22d99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying I'll ever dump this moe

I always win, doesnt matter the price. What do you have? a stupid panda chewing bambu...

>> No.510316





>> No.510317
File: 106 KB, 578x712, btcbubble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but bitcoin sucks
how are those asics working for ya?

>> No.510321
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>> No.510344

Bitcoin is the future of money. All these other shitcoins are nothing.

>> No.510351
File: 124 KB, 975x574, coughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy to obtain they said

>> No.510361

>Bitcoin is the future of money.
care to explain why?
i mean idea is great but that coin is flawed
just use junior acc, 100$/day, who knows, you might get a better deal next day

>> No.510363

I don't know of any other coin that will be $10,000 a coin within the next year besides Bitcoin. PND and Doge are jokes.

>> No.510387
File: 61 KB, 481x300, implying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC will increase in market cap by over $129 billion within a year

>> No.510389

what if it just goes back to where it was a year ago?

>> No.510411

It won't. Bitcoin can only go up.

>> No.510413

> can only
> likely to

>> No.510415

why? you sound like a blind follower

>> No.510419

It can only go up for sure. Or down. Or neither. But hey, at least you've got one part right I suppose.

>> No.510434

but hey, its a btc shill. i mean, thats new!
maybe btc bubble is stretched beyond any rational reason to invest...

>> No.510654

Bumb for amDOGE's return

>> No.510655

I'm here.

>> No.510703

my account was not found too. i requested password recovery, typed in my email, got a link, set new password and in again

>> No.510707

what does bitcoin have what pnd hasn't besides popularity because it's the oldest?
bitcoin has the less features of ALL coins, bitcoin is the most tubolent, bitcoin is the most attacked, bitcoin is the most insecure. why should anyone hold bitcoin again? it's days are over within the next year.

>> No.510730

Does it feel good to have so much money?

>> No.510733


Just curious... how many panda shekels did you take for your self? Since they're all pre-mined..

>> No.510738


No IPO. No Premine. No Fastmine. No Instamine. Pandacoin is one of the rare honest and fair Proof of Stake algorithm cryptocurrencies with such a long mining and distribution phase, a duration of more than 3 months. No more dealing with the past trends of mining and distribution phases of under 2 weeks.

Take that dickhead

>> No.510743

>not knowing that amDoge has over a few billion PND
I'm happy though, it's not like amDoge didn't deserve to have so much.

>> No.510745

PND shills are stupid. You guys are just a cheap knockoff of Bitcoin. Might as well sell all your PND for BTC

>> No.510746


Hi try telling that to my 50x gains since holding and believing in it.

Meanwhile in the same period your precious Bitcoin went from 800 USD to sub 400 USD.

Me so stupid?

>> No.510747

why would you buy a dying coin? bitcoin is 1.0, PND is 2.0. Old technologies die and get replaced by better and faster.
bitcoin = old atari; PND = Playstation 8.

>> No.510749


I just bought 1.25mill PND coins you shit lord. I was just wondering...

>> No.510750

And it already bounced back. Shows how resilient it is.

Except PND brings nothing new to the table

>> No.510754


Do your homework and stop spouting BS and coming across as a butthurt Fudder that's missed the train.

Train's still in the station

>> No.510756

>tfw too poor to ever get on the PND train.
>stupid fucking 3rd world country

Someone just put me out of my misery please.
Sad panda..

>> No.510759


Yeah no shit the shekel train still hasn't departed.


Spent even a couple of dollars on it, once the train leaves its going to be worth a lot more.

>> No.510763


Pro tip - find every single faucet for every alt coin + bitcoin out there, learn how to script and automate it.

Did that for couple of months and accumulated a decent amount of bitcoin which I dumped all into PND when everyone thought it was dying.

Now I'm on the top 100 rich list.

>> No.510765

>Spent even a couple of dollars on it, once the train leaves its going to be worth a lot more.

Paying in Rands, so everything is 15x more expensive. No credit card, no fucking anything.

>Pro tip - find every single faucet for every alt coin + bitcoin out there, learn how to script and automate it.
I'm not as computer savvy as most of you, so i'm pretty sure the automation is out of the question.

Rich get richer, etc.

>> No.510772

Anyone wanna send me a few, just so I can test my wallet? hint hint

But seriously, if this shit goes to the moon and I don't have atLEAST a few fucking coins, i'm going to kill myself.

You guys probably have billions of them. Consider it a donation for tax deduction purposes.

>yes i am joking about the tax deduction
>yes i know begging is against rules
>yes i am a faggot pleb,etc

>> No.510792

Use a faucet.

>> No.510793
File: 75 KB, 720x720, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Use a faucet.
I did, thanks. It gives very little though,I think I got at most 48 coins from one.

>> No.510811


And how would one automate the captchas?

>> No.510827

do some research, it brings a lot of new to the table.

>> No.510844

>giving literally nothing to the community
You could atleast try to make a picture
We donate a lot for content and stuff

>> No.510908


It isnt as good as Boolberry but it has a much bigger community

>> No.510915


What the fuck is that?

Ive bought shitloads of PND and never provided ID

You need no ID for buypnd and if you have BTC you need no id to buy PND using it on most exchanges

>> No.510918


PND brings so much new tot he table its almost impossible to believe that wasnt a trolling attempt

>> No.510922


The IRC faucet regularly gives out 1000 and 10000 PND donations

>> No.510925


>> No.510928


I spent 50 shekels at once on them and didn't have to provide anything.

Are you on the right thing? I bought from buypnd.com.

>> No.510939


The online link is on the main pnd website

Your better off using a chat client

on a chat client-
go to network ans select freenode
then go to channel and select - #pandacoinpnd

To get free money type in !panda

To see your balance type in !balance

You need to make an account but it takes loike 40 secs and is free and permanent

you can do all kinds of other things besides !panda and !balance but youll find them out in time

>> No.510944

That's from buypnd.com: http://www.buypnd.com/limits-verification/

Whether it's actually enforced or not is another story.

>> No.510950

Thanks bro, il check it out.
Im guessing this coin is too developed for donations. ie past the giving away and getting hype stage.

>> No.510956


There are often beginners on the IRC who appreciate donations but I dont think the coin or devs need it so much now- although they would probably still accept it as they are still working to dev the coin

>> No.510970

I keep asking in these threads and noone has an answer so maybe op can jump on board here

What is all the crap about amDOGE 1st female crypt. dev blah blaah

who cares and also amDoge was a guy who made the threads on /g/ b4 moot moved them out

what up biz???

>> No.510977

You´re in some bullshit place. I bought 100€ worth of PND a couple weeks ago and didn´t have to provide anything, just put my wallet code and paypal account.

>> No.510980

the owner had a lot of issues lately with some people using hacked/stolen PayPal accounts so he has to be more strict about the limits and verification

>> No.510985


that didn't work for me unfortunately

>> No.510986
File: 2 KB, 50x50, dreck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how sad

>> No.510988

its called marketing, dad

>> No.511028


Yeah shit happens. I'm sure its the same for all the other cryptos.

We'll get through this, the ride hasn't ended yet. It hasn't even left the station yet.

>> No.511029

>not a grill

>> No.511073
File: 90 KB, 470x502, yourebreakingmyheartson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.511227

When is Mintpal going to restore the missing accounts?

>> No.511233


>> No.511234

"light" means "missing" coins and "tunnel" means his bank account.

>> No.511247

I hope Mr. Moolah gets Ebolaids

>> No.511261
File: 36 KB, 760x255, 000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know why are my balances different?

>> No.511268

did you download the latest version? else you should do it first

>> No.511292


I have

>> No.511500

Why does every exchange lose accounts and coins? Disguised theft?

>"oh we lost all your money due to a glitch on the website sorry"

>> No.511963

dont come at me with that bullshit only a deluded lunatic would think having some bitch developing dogecoin that is hot and has leaked nudes is going to attract people, that only works for sick audience that is already on 4chan (aka people who already fucking own doge/panda coin).

OP I demand answer pls
I chose not a grill you moron

>> No.512114

How does mining work? I've got the desktop miner running for a few hours but i haven't recieved any pnds. pls no bully, i don't have time to learn how to mine properly

>> No.512123

The Panda pool does it payouts around every 4 hours so just wait awhile man.

>> No.512159

$0,01 per PND would mean that there would have to be a market cap between $200 mil and $300 mil, something litecoin or ripple doesnt even have

>> No.512193

200-300m isn't that much in the big scheme of things. There's been 1000% growth in the last couple of weeks, and that's without having a platform to spend the coin. There are a lot of developments in the works.

>> No.512197


Exponential growth is nice, but gets much harder at those amounts of money.

>> No.512553
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>> No.512582

Weekends are pretty boring when you're used to so much growth during the week.

>> No.512650

I just heard Mintpal is not restoring the lost accounts or funds. One of their employees stole it and they have no way of getting it back.

>> No.512689

Mine hasn't been restored as of yet
Had some fractions of btc on buy orders on mintpal
And I've tried submitting tickets but no response.
We've goxed.

>> No.512782

How shall we spread the word of PND?

I was thinking we should go
tumblr and tell them about our first female crypto dev who is shattering the male dominated crypto field ;-)

>> No.512826

SJW are masters at co-opting. We don't want that for PND now do we?

>> No.512850

I-I just want my own private island anon

>> No.512876


The SJW are useful idiots ripe for exploitation. The jews are currently the only ones using them to push their agendas, we should use them to promote PND as well.

>> No.512883

i agree, we need /b/

>> No.512934

I bought 50$ worth of PND two days ago and got almost 800k, today 50$ gets 860k, whats the deal?

>> No.512937


>> No.512947

nudes of OP's pic. I need them.

>> No.512951


Its been going back and forth from 0.07/1000 to 0.05/1000 for the past couple of days.

I know that feel I bought 50 shekels worth at like 0.6/1000 but don't worry, it shall continue to rise.

>> No.513041

still looking for an answer from dipshit op

>> No.513044

amDOGE is an attractive woman. Why does that upset you?

>> No.513049


>> No.513111

except - that isnt amdoge. Because he's a bloke that used to post on /g/. and thats some random 5/10 internet whore.

so who I can only presume to be dipshit OP. Again I ask you for an answer

And additionally even if that bullshit was true, who cares. Some average girl had some contribution on /g/. Whoopdee fucking doo

>> No.513265

you the real mvp

>> No.513485



>> No.513489

Why shouldn't I mention that amDOGE is the first female cryptocoin developer?

>> No.513731

Nevermind those faggots
They'll attack the coin any way they can
They're like little kids, ignore them and they'll go away.

>> No.514038

Because what relevance does it have, and its also imaginary. Theres two reasons to start you off
I love crypto. I own substantial amounts of Doge coin. I just absolutely hate this sort of dumb absent minded (quote unquote) promotion, by some moron weeaboo who thinks it was a good idea

>> No.514053


would impregnate

>> No.514100

This is your 24 hour notice
Buy now or stay pleb4evar

>> No.514160

i just bought 3 mil
I hope i will wish i couldah bought more later.

>> No.514183

congratz anon and welcome aboard

get all your shit out ASAP

>> No.514253

Prices will come down hard once BTC starts to recover.

>> No.514255


Nope if you put towards BTC and PND graphs together, there's been no correlation between BTC price movements and PNDs

>> No.514258

whats the best/quickest way to change my PND back into USD?
Once I've finished rackin' up all the dough of course ;)

>> No.514264

Exchange to BTC and sell the BTC.

>> No.514266
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>> No.514346

OP please dont ignore. It has no relevance and shouldnt be posted with these crypto threads

>> No.514352
File: 552 KB, 1382x2002, 10 - LxxlXnj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me how a fact about the creator of PND is irrelevant?

Once amDOGE comes back she can create her own threads again.

You're the only person who has ever had a problem with amDOGE's gender and tsundere personality.

If you'd like you can create the next PND general and leave it out if it bothers you so much.

>> No.514353

You shouldn't feed the troll.

>> No.514357
File: 57 KB, 640x480, 32 - BU64LYH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I filtered that faggot.

>> No.514381

Samefag harder OP. I'm not trolling, I'm dead serious.

Once again, that is a complete load of made up horseshit. I have a tollerance for many things but straight up bollox is not one of them. What are you achieving by pretending some random camwhore had some say in pdc? here is the pandacoin dev, http://dk.linkedin.com/pub/tarek-besbes/59/143/842 why not link to him and use his linked in profile pic as the OP pic?

I do not have a problem with her gender at all. Infact the opposite, its truly a supurflous fact. Noone touts that the creator of BTC is a japanese man, why do the same here? Also what the fuck does tsundere mean

>> No.514383
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>> No.514395

OP I don't give a shit about crypto currencies but please keep posting qts.

>kinda lying, kinda thinking about getting into /biz/coin.
>its like our own virtual /biz/ economy because we can't make it irl.

>> No.514407

which website is best for doing such a thing?

>> No.514451

Just spend $20 usd for PND with PayPal but no PND in my PandaBank, what to do?

>> No.514455

wait few hours?

>> No.514456


Let it finish syncing and downloading the blockchain, it'll be there for you to start earning interest when it finishes downloading and syncing.

Fear not anon.

>> No.514459


I have bought a million PND on saturday, so it's quite strange, isn't it?


Thank you anon

PS Whole family wants to invest in PND lel.

>> No.514525

Smallish cryptos like PND are not good for short-term investment. If there's good development behind them (that is the case for PND), they tend to rise, but it's slow. And everytime a currency rises, it will take more time for the next one to rise - unless it implements revolutionary features.

>> No.514748
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>> No.514751

Mintpal is dead for PND/btc.

Where do I trade?

>> No.514760


>> No.515007


Got my 40m PND out of mintpal and back into my wallet. Who could've known that transition would have been so incredibly shitty

>> No.515011

I'm probably getting laid off soon and hoping to put $500 into crypto.

Whats the safest bet?

>> No.515025

you're in a PND thread
are you expecting me to tell you that Doge is your best bet?
go in on PND 20 CMC nearing $2000000
and we can only go higher

>> No.515055

btc/pnd, doge looks in downtrend to me but you could try to trade it since volume is pretty good

>> No.515207 [DELETED] 
File: 370 KB, 1296x972, 56 - AFMP9Ps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy PND.

>> No.515210
File: 864 KB, 1712x2288, 08 - dR0ekQ6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant


>> No.515277

You now have to verify that it was you who made the purchase. Send an email to verify@buypnd.com say something like "I am authorizing that is is I myself buying Pandacoins I am okay about the echeck taking a few days."
They are doing this now because they were losing money from people claiming payments were unauthorized by them.

>> No.515484
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>> No.515505

what about it?

>> No.515519

look at the numbers on the sell wall for 13

>> No.515525

its a ruse to get your pnd

>> No.515530


Devs hinted there's going to be development releases this month. https://twitter.com/PandacoinPND/status/521834594467721216

The dump happened right after the tweet. Likely someone is driving the prices down to try to accumulate more. Selling now is dangerous.

>> No.515535

not really dangerous, just stupid
but hey, if dumpers have too much, feel free to share with others, plenty people waiting for dump

>> No.515540

wow i didn't know there was a twitter page
thanks for bringing this into my attention

good thing i'm hoarding all i can
still waiting on more from bypnd.com

>> No.515612

So i need to authenticate my wallet before buypnd.com will give me my coins?

I bought like 3 million but the site says it only gives out 5$ worth a day until you email them a photo of your ID. does that mean it will take over a month for me to get all my coins? They already took my money. Or is something else going on?

I need some reassurances I'm on the move and wont have access to the computer with my wallet until this weekend. sorry for dumb question.

>> No.515621

How about contacting them about it, not asking four chan?

>> No.515623

I dont know my wallet ID its all on my other computer which i will not get to check until i get back home next weekend. was hoping some anon had experience with this.

Seems silly that they would accept my money and not give me what i paid for all at once though.

>> No.515625

i'm having the same problem
i'm assuming the person in charge of the service (it's manual) still hasn't been able to complete the transaction

>> No.515742

daily reminder that OP is a moronic faggot

>> No.515750

Are you angry you didn't buy at 4 satoshi?

>> No.515754
File: 74 KB, 640x480, 12 - vyhybU6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's still plenty of money to be made if they buy in right now.

>> No.515764

Like I said previously in the thread, I own a substantial amount of Dogecoin and a relatively smaller amount of PND. I just hate faggotory, so to answer your question, no I am not :) the only thing I'm angry about is OP's dumbfuck "marketing" idea

>> No.515787

Email them on the email address match your paypal, you do not need to provide your wallet id again.

>> No.515868


>not buying 6 million

I would have done it if I had enough shekels :(

>> No.516052

>not selling your body organs to buy PND
Stay pleb

>> No.516072



>> No.516166
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>if they buy in right now.

>> No.516180

I know I am.

>> No.516190

>Why shouldn't I mention that amDOGE is the first female cryptocoin developer?
She's not, this was refuted before

>> No.516236

I'm angry I didn't buy more

>> No.516281

Why is the X11 Multipool mining such shitcoins for half profit? I'm pretty sure we can handle the 500 difficulty CANN with 600 MH/s.

>> No.516349
File: 1.94 MB, 450x259, d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they still had coins on mintgox

told you last week, fucking told you that moolah is going to be mtgox V2

i've been laughed at, who's laughing now


>> No.516370


>> No.516371

the original mintpal team must be laughing all the way to the bank

>> No.516375

13 sat wall was removed
going up guys

>> No.516380

Mintpal has always been a bunch of scammers.

Remember they worked hand in hand with Wolong to pump his PANDA coin.

>> No.516385

The time varies. My first transaction took a couple of minutes. My second transaction took like 30 hours.

>> No.516403


Don't worry about it, there is only one guy (afaik) behind the screens that will get you your PND.

He can be trusted.

>> No.516405



Got out of there just in time

>> No.516426

they just release a tweet claiming mintpal wasn't closing, but it's not online as of right now

>> No.516428

mt gox has also been claiming a lot around february 2014

>> No.516441

new thread

