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50868384 No.50868384 [Reply] [Original]

It's simply the best and renders all other chains obsolete.

>> No.50868408
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wtf ive been buying this bitcoin the whole time. did i buy counterfit bitcoin?????? wtfffff aaaaaaaaaa

>> No.50868423

Bitcoin's original principles have been utterly obliterated. No privacy is a huge disadvantage moving forward, meaning bitcoin will eventually become obsolete.

>> No.50868424
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>> No.50868436

nice 20% profit in the last 5 years

>> No.50868452

It’s going to fucking zero.

>> No.50868465


>> No.50868509
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>> No.50868545
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>> No.50868641

He's gonna poomp my bags

>> No.50868709

No it’s going to 0. Fuck off

>> No.50868810

Bitcoin is just getting started
Like I said, it renders all others obsolete.

>> No.50868833

Nope. It’s going to 0. Just accept it baggie. It’s not going up. Sorry

>> No.50868846

>makes other chains obsolete
Can't even manage a simple smart contract without using a centralized scam side chain

>> No.50868876

Litecoin already has Mimble wimble which means bitcoin can too and will if it ever needs to

see: lightning

>> No.50869013

Big block retards lost the fight, it is not a scalable solution long term. Layer 2 payment channel is a solution. Lightning will be unstoppable. Few understand what is being built.

>> No.50869076

-20% inflation adjusted

>> No.50869094

Wat the fuck is this shitcoin? Jeet scam token

>> No.50869216

Dev never dumped but they tamed it just like they did to shiny rocks

>> No.50869294

why have more than 37,000 dApps on a chain like Polygon all of which have multipurpose uses when you could have a coin that can… that can… remind me what does Bitcoin do?

>> No.50869311

What is the purpose of dapps other than buy and hope it goes up? Which bitcoin can already do

>> No.50869327

Yeah, i was an altcoin maxi and also a latefag, only started investing into crypto in late 2017, but knew about BTC back in 2012 (was only 15 back then though)
I realised last year, after getting scammed over and over again with shitcoins, and not so obvious shitcoins (i won't name names), that at the end of the day the only thing that actually matters is getting more BTC and unironically never selling.
I've heard this sentiment for years now, but it only clicked after doing enough research to realise that it's fundamentally the only coin with a fair launch (mainly because it was the first of it's kind and there doesn't appear to be any ill-intentions by Satoshi), and thus the most trusted currency for large international trade deals.
The fact that it also works as an index for the rest of the space, AND has similar properties to gold (scarcity, value creation through effort aka mining, modern alternative to gold standard etc) makes it almost impossible to find a viable alternative (ETH comes close, but falls short in some areas)
It's simply too far into its adoption to die out or be replaced. It's only going to become more scarce as time moves forward as more millennials and genz kids treat it as a savings/retirement account.
The ONLY issue i have is with the market itself and bad actors, such as (((Tether and USDC printing))) (((Wrapped BTC))) CEX's doing fractional reserve banking and issuing 1:10 paper BTC to accounts like what's been done with the traditional gold and silver markets over the years, pools like foundrydigital and f2 having large percentage ownership over the network hashrate. Still better than what 99% of alts offer though. Fuck i wish i didn't fuck around with alts and just DCA into BTC over the years.

>> No.50869371


>> No.50869640


>> No.50869748
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All the idiots in this thread don't realize I'm talking about Bitcoin(SV), the truest version of Bitcoin that can scale globally and actually follows the white paper written by Satoshi Nakamoto AKA Dr. Craig Steven Wright.
Everything your chain can do Bitcoin can do better.

>> No.50869779

its not that they are obsolete, they just don't matter

>> No.50869941

give it up bud.
bsv had a chance to be cool. that chance is now gone.
buy some low caps and move on.

>> No.50870067
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>Mimble wimble

>> No.50870091

I was about to shit on you, but good save.

>> No.50870259

Okay, good luck with lightning, lol

>> No.50870557
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>you think lightning network is good?
>kek... this tweet says otherwise

>> No.50871924
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*breathes in*

BTC has been compromised by the old financial elite.

ETH can never scale and 99.9% of crypto is scam.

Dr Craig Steven Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto.

BSV is Bitcoin.

Bitcoin scales.
Bitcoin is programmable.
Bitcoin can do it all and then some.

>> No.50871993
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does this website tell the truth ?

>> No.50872316

Parsing through it it seems pretty much accurate, yes.

>> No.50872748

Bitcoin is inferior to ETH in every metric.
It's a dead chain, unable to adapt and innovate with a bad UI that makes every other L1 chain look good.

ETH also has first mover advantage for smart contracts.
BTC will never be able to catch up.

>> No.50872785

you're right, it is indeed quite undervalued!

>> No.50872852

I expect the same but with vinu, speculating on big shit always ends up giving me a headache, seeing dumb dogs is not bad once in a while

>> No.50872953

Seethe BSV bagholder.

>> No.50872972

>I'm retarded

>> No.50872974

>sending and receiving value is all ai can do

Anon, I….

>> No.50872984

Nice blog faggot, but I'm not going to use a transparent coin for anything that matters in life.

>> No.50872994
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that's what money is made for.
Having a functional and uncorruptible savings and value transfer technology is what Bitcoin is made for.
It doesn't have to entertain you, retard.

>> No.50873076
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Get yourself the REAL Bitcoin

>> No.50873169

Automated bureaucracy.

>> No.50873210
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1. Bitcoin is not Bitcoin anymore.
2. After Satoshi left, Bitcoin Core devs turned it into a settlement layer (from a P2P cash system).
3. Originally the plan was to increase block size and rely on SPV for microtransactions, this was abandoned after Satoshi left.
4. Lightning doesn't work. It has liquidity problems, routing problems and a host of other problems that can only be solved via custodial solutions. And this comes from actual LN developers. https://twitter.com/sentosumosaba/status/1557328438536843265?s=20&t=t4UbKuHSEw0tDcND1K4Ugg

>> No.50873478

I'm actually enjoying the idea of all the zoomer retards who will ignore BTC (not that shitcoin BSV)and inevitably get roped into alts and scammed lo fucking l

>> No.50873487

Far from the best lmao. Ethereum and Polygon will make it nothing more than a store of value. Being bullish on the lightning network is like being bullish on fax in 2022 lmao.

>> No.50873493

based maxi.
what are your thoughts on ICP's direct integration with bitcoin?
for context, it'll allow smart contracts to transact native btc directly without any bridges. do you see that as a positive for bitcoin, since it'll give it functionality better than eth without the cons of hackable bridges, or are you skeptical of it?

>> No.50875100

Ethereum is garbage
Polygon is garbage
ICP is garbage
BTC is garbage
Bitcoin can do anything you want without needing multiple layers or silly side chains. All for a fraction of the cost of what you're paying now on your inferior chains.

>> No.50875253

The only thing BTC can't do is scale, and that is by design. Larger blocks = centralization because cost of running a node goes up because UTXO is stored in the Node as well.

Ethereum is garbage
Polygon is garbage
ICP doesn't seem like garbage, cloudfare crippled 99% of the coins out there. Bitcoin and ICP remained unaffected.

Would be a fool not to diversify.

>> No.50875295

Cool, I'm putting another 2k into Dogecoin and 1k into Shita-Inu

See you guys from the top

>> No.50875526

ICP bitcoi. Integration will solve this.

>> No.50877884

>Bitcoin can do anything you want without needing multiple layers
not really, you can't have proper smart contracts on bitcoin.

>> No.50877900
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>> No.50878280
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Yeah anon, me too. I own like 7 billion butt coins and have paranoid schizophrenia.

>> No.50878340

If this was true, why did the miners and nodes side with Bitcoin core?
Second question, why are bigger blocks bad for decentralization, and what is stored inside a bitcoin node?

>> No.50878360

I paid $0.11 for a transaction yesterday, with samourai wallet.

>> No.50878369
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And I'm a Vita Inu supremacist (this is me and my vinu homies)
It's simply the best and most funny coin on the market, perfect for shorting and full of cool nfts and waifus

>> No.50878397
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>> No.50878430

Monero is the real king. The real ones are stacking it while it is still undervalued.

>> No.50878508
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>> No.50878939

faggots talking about btc and bsv debating wich one is the closest to "satoshi's original vision".
Monero is exactly that, the rest is garbage

>> No.50879789
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Yeah, not huffing that hopium anymore. BTC will continue coasting on brand recognition for a while longer but without darknet-standard privacy & fungibility in an increasingly hostile regulatory environment it will slowly sink into irrelevance.

>> No.50879877
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>> No.50880000


>> No.50880096

>altcoiners are getting smug
it's BTC season soon isn't it

>> No.50880428
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Very based post OP.