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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50866092 No.50866092 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50866127

Low wage job won't even pay rent nowadays lmao

>> No.50866501

poor people don't get to live alone, you have roommates

>> No.50866549
File: 898 KB, 1124x1166, CF7AE6B8-D9D9-41DA-BDC3-217AE7E63E6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because work sucks, and now you can’t even earn enough to live comfortably.
Why even try when the game is rigged?

>> No.50866575

Why would we want to work? It's mind-numbing and soul-crushing.

>> No.50866610

jobs don't pay enough to live on let alone support a family/save for retirement. there is no point anymore, just sit back, grab some popcorn and enjoy the show as society falls apart around you.

>> No.50866612

this might as well just get the gibs

>> No.50866676

Why would I work?
Hell, I'd even agree to work in some deadly coal mine and die in my late 40s if that meant that I could get a house and a family with kids as well like men did back in the day. But why the FUCK would I want to work now when I won't be able to have any of that?
No possibility of ever getting a house, no possibility of ever getting a wife let alone wife AND kids, hell nowadays you can barely even pay rent with most jobs and you have to live like a rat with 8 other people just so you all survive.

So why would I go spend 8 hours every day working for someone else and get nothing but scraps of scraps in return? Fuck that and fuck you

>> No.50866786

Where were you 3 years ago before housing took off? Could have grabbed a 200-300k house with reasonable interest. Even now you can have all that from 1 income if you’re willing to move to a flyover state.

>> No.50866818


>> No.50866843

Getting a wage means I have to pay taxes to the government which condones the genital mutilation of babies.

>> No.50866849

Unemployment is at record lows you fucking BOOMER

>> No.50867705

Yeah, just like the participation in the workforce. Currently sitting at 60%, which is the lowest it has ever been since femoids entered the workforce.
40% of ppl in age of working aren't even looking for a job, so they don't enter into the unemployment stats. What does it tells you about the absolute state of this (((society))), CHUD?

>> No.50867766

Anon don’t bother. They have been told their whole lives that we live in the greatest time to be alive. Yes we have muh iPhones but all it takes is literally going outside and going for a walk to see how bad things have gotten. We could go on for hours about this topic, but it’s pointless.

>> No.50869119

priced. out.

>> No.50869154


>> No.50869367

because you can literally make money off of staking now
why the fuck do i have to work when BitDAO and ETH make me $2k a month?
>b-b-but muh $10 million make it savings
shut the fuck up and dont be greedy. you can enjoy life more with $2k/month if you dont work

>> No.50869399

>job is entry level and pays 18/hr
>but they also want you to be very experienced

>> No.50869413

>go outside
>see fat white woman with no husband and a black baby
>day ruined

>> No.50869423

The difference in utility between working that job and being on benefits is 0. Why would anyone work a job where the benefit of working it is 0?

>> No.50869456

Nothing inherently with work.
You need to convince me that it's worth my while to work.
Between shit jobs, shit pay, taxes, inflation, run away house prices, I'm not so convinced.

>> No.50869483


>> No.50869489

Yeah if you have like 400+ eth, stop smoking so much ya faggot

>> No.50869571

Inflation is up, wages are low, taxes are up. Working a job that doesn't pay you enough to live is actually costing YOU MONEY. You need money to eat, money to spend on gas, money to pay your living expense. Government pays for your food and your living expense, if you got that then getting a low paying job costs you more than you make. During the corona panic, people were getting hired then purposefully getting fired every other week or so. Why? Because why bust your ass for $600 week when the government was giving you $800 a week with unemployment?

>> No.50870329

Good point

>> No.50870357

Last job I had was for the Mormons. I'm so glad to see the last of those fucking mountain kikes.