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50863257 No.50863257 [Reply] [Original]

> 28 old
> never had a gf
> never had social media
I sometimes get fomo and feel I wasted my life , I have a decent body and face and my my finance are in good shape yet I never kissed a girl and only had sex with hookers. I hear Normies and people my age talked about stuff that seem out of my reach and how much pussy they get and how much nudes they get sent from thots on snapchats and all that stuff. When ever I talk to any girl I can read her agenda and what’s she actually want from me since I am so redpill and watched thousands of videos on female nature, also I don’t seem fun in thots eyes since I don’t post stories about my day and activities, all I do is gym work invest and sleep. Should I install snap chat or whatever the fuck the new trend is and just go with the flow ? I thought I am gonna make it but money alone won’t make you happy and I am feel I am running out of time

>> No.50863272

you'll get over it, 32 here and I no longer care.

>> No.50863281

I'm 28 years old too and had 6 different girlfriends and im a 5'4" manlet that's poor, whats your fuckin excuse?

>> No.50863301
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You're doing great.

>> No.50863334

49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49
49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49
49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49
49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49

>> No.50863355

>whats your fuckin excuse?
high iq, you wouldn't understand

>> No.50863379

Based, that anon got destroyed.

>> No.50863391

tested officially for 132 IQ, so that's not your excuse either. it's your shitty personality that I can smell from that post alone, you know it.

>> No.50863393

Bot thread, OP is using AI learning to replicate biz post

>> No.50863404

Modern day women are a bad investment

>> No.50863410

Yeah I get you but it’s a cold empty life with no substance, yet I can’t even get myself to install Facebook and post some pic to get likes from strangers that deep down don’t care about you at all. All I wanted is a trad gf but women chase emotional highs and will leave the moment they have a better option so why settle for someone who can betray you like that ?

>> No.50863537

>Double digit iq retard coping
Just leave kek

>> No.50863562
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Anime girls bro.

>> No.50863586

unironically first get into drinking, drinking is one of the best ways to break your psychological barriers, because even if you do something stupid, you can blame it on that you were drunk, and you will just laugh it off, this also gives you memories to talk about with girls, it's also good to associate places, maybe make a joke about some place, so whenever the girl walks by she is reminded of you, the worst thing is that people are just shy, drinking gives you the confidence to do whatever you want, then you realize the impact it had without feeling bad

don't be boring, noone likes someone who sits at bar and can't drink a beer. get a friend with you, talk at least with him, get drunk, do shit, get recognized, friends have friends, get into more mutual contact, more friends have more friends, ...

yeah you won't get gf (talking to people < 30)

>t. am drunk with 9/10 gf

>> No.50863596

Top kek

>> No.50863597

Girls are a wadte of time you idiot.

>> No.50863622
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I had all that stuff also a wife and a kid am I glad to have done all that stuff ? yes
would I go though all that stupid shit again ?
if I knew how it was going to be like before hand
I would have simply just watched anime, porno, ordered and made food, jerk off and played video games and smoked drugs

none of the sex thing was ever really worth it yes it was fun and cool during but whatever

>> No.50863665
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in hind sight I would have just said fuck all that gay shit and wished I saved & made more money instead

>> No.50863713

27 here. Unironically I just don't have access to attractive women. When normalfags talk about their slays its some 5/10 Becky.
I work out like nuts, about to go on a test cycle. I want to rail absolute dead gorgeous women with nice hot butts ans tits.
How can I achieve this? I dont think I can cause im only middle class status. This is why I'm trying to make cash.

>> No.50863746
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unironically become rich and become a sugar daddy
we all pay for that shit one way or another
no condom cum inside pussy asshole and mouth
have her + U get tested first before doing anything
and have her take fucking birth control

>> No.50863783

only brainlets believe in iq. you can train in it and score higher. mathematicians who deal with that kind of logical problem set 24/7 would score the highest.

>> No.50863825

Love doesn't exist anon. At least not in the way its portrayed in movies and soaps. Just have an arrangement with a regular girl to have sex with and don't get emotionally attached. Recycle, when she's gets older. The younger the better, preferably 18 or 19.

>> No.50863882

if you're good looking(even average), you have no excuse

>> No.50864054

The chances of finding an actually nice mentally stable woman that will actually love you are astronomically low.

>> No.50864081

Not being a doomer it's just real life. It's no joke guys and girls just want to fuck and get money and nothing else nowadays very few actually care about morals and having a normal relationship. All mentally insane garbage gets called "toxic" like a band aid to replace therapy and people just self justify themselves on twitter or whatever the fuck (why do you think everyone is so opinionated nowadays? every one is coping for the most part)

>> No.50864182

>about to go on a test cycle

>> No.50864263

I am nearing my mid 20s
Have a job, live at my own, have a job etc..

I am a pretty sheltered guy but went to some house parties and bars. Traveled too. Got shitfaced, made some temporary “friends”
I am still a kiss less virgin. Am I still functional enough to work a job. But it’s impossible to make friends as an adult. Especially working full time. I don’t meet girls in my free time, I don’t meet girls at work. So it’s over

Just also accept that it’s over for you if you are year long /biz/tard with bagholding crypto coins. Like I am not a cynical or close minded person but honestly I don’t care about other peoples hobbies or interests beyond me claiming to them that I do. And I am also unwilling to just pursue an interest just to get laid

I am reject that just was ruined and infested by maladaptive daydreaming hoping for making it with crypto. It consumed my life and ruined it

>> No.50864314

I recommend you play some tennis and basketball with a friend a couple days a week and yeah jump on a dating site message like 2k girls until you snag one you like. Have fun on the date Netflix chill and fuck.

And remember any psycho girl or thing you might screw up... there's another girl just a day away. It never ends so dont worry about a damn thing.

>> No.50864405

Say what you will some people are fucking rainman. The better way to look at it is that everyone has their scope. Some are fully in the moment others are borderline schizophrenia aware each type has its pros and cons or special ability.

Even super derrrr slow people can be highly efficient. If you're slow and dumb or fast and useless thats another thing.

>> No.50864407

you do care, it's called coping

>> No.50864460

Ye ye but its not that easy to make big bucks.
Why not? I'm gonna be unstoppable. 6'1 + mma training + jacked as fuark. Its like being a literal walking god.

>> No.50864526

>normal relationship
this is when a man is judiciously controlling of his woman and delegates responsibility to her while shutting down her unhelpful detours and distractions. what you think of as a normal healthy relationship is historically abnormal and non-functional; women are only stable and loving when they've submitted to powerful men.

>> No.50864952

I've never had a real girlfriend. I have "hooked up" a handful of times. Only had sex once though.

I dont have social media either. I dont feel like I need it. Something about having my face online for others too see doesnt feel right. Idk Maybe im just ugly.

I've made an ig account yet i never use it or have posted on it.

Sometimes I do ponder what if I was a semi normie with a small instagram account. Would I be happier?

>> No.50865061

Btw I'm 27. Turning 28 in a few weeks. Still live with my mom and her husband because I have no reason to move out except for independence really. I figured this way I have some more capital to invest with. We help each other with bills.

No one really uses Facebook anymore. Unless you live in a 2nd or 3rd world country

Isn't it looked down upon to go to bars alone? Don't you need atleast 1 more person so you don't look like a loser?

Isn't having a child fun or fulfilling?

Post body?

>> No.50865098
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dating and relationships feel like a jewish media invention
I would have skipped all that wooing and wining and dining if I was rich straight to the fucking sex with women even if they were escorts they are all whores anyways just be a sugar DD and make sure all the fucking whores are tested first and on birth control and make them sign a legally binding contract with a lawyer present if you are really fucking rich so you don't get me TooD or epsteined like 10-15 yrs down the road when they want to blackmail your shit for more money

>> No.50865112

this is a great way to ruin your life once you hit 30s if you didnt "settle down"

t. did it

>> No.50865160

Same boat, I just don't care about social interaction nor the concept of gf, I decided it's not worth it for the 1-2 times per week i feel worthless before bed for not having a girl beside me. I'm good looking tho so sometimes i do feel like i'm missing out on upper tier normie life, If i was ugly i would unironically not care at all and leave worries free

>> No.50865202

Anon, trad wife is a meme. You don't find a trad wife, you find a woman that you can trust and then nurture them and provide a stable and safe home to build a future and hopefully, a family, and then slowly at first but continually and factually begin to redpill them about the nosey fellas.

>> No.50865266
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 894872BA-D335-4DF9-ABEC-58B29C1B1D0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, 34 years old and virgin but made it with crypto years ago
>touchless virgin actually
>cant remember last time I talked to a woman that wasnt my mom or my grandma or my sister
>have to go to sisters wedding eventually
>lots of people there even some young womans
>look good in my tailored suit
>suddenly some girl starts speaking
>didnt even realize she was talking to me
>she introduces herself and seems way too friendly hard to explain she was smiling and holding eye contact and after she finished her sentence she asks me what my name is
>for some unexplainable reason I reply with that line from Hitman Blood Money
>‘‘Names are for friends, so I dont need one‘‘
>she looks baffled and says uuh okay and walks away

>> No.50865358

>girl asks me what's my Instagram
>say I don't have one
>the conversation abruptly stops right there as if I just loudly proclaimed that I'm a pedo serial killer

>> No.50865374

No way you actually delivered that line

>> No.50865389

>> never had a gf
>> never had social media


No you arent missing out, having a gf is fucking retarded

>> No.50865402

>I am feel I am running out of time

Just get a cute non-retarded young gf

You dont need thots, they wont make you happy

But dont get attached to girls

>> No.50865403

Money would literally solve this. Make it and do whatever the heck you want. Pick up hobbies and learn a bunch of cool stuff or start a business and help change the world. Eventually you’ll transform into a cool individual with a personality. You gotta have that drive tho otherwise your money will not help you.