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50859539 No.50859539 [Reply] [Original]

>Spends money out of his own pocket like Satoshi Nakamoto
>Talks about a truly decentralized product like Satoshi Nakamoto
>Speaks like Satoshi Nakamoto

I think Esteban is Satoshi Nakamoto. I will not waste any more time and simply buy plebbit.

>> No.50859630

Plebbit bigger than Bitcoin

>> No.50859699

Bitcoin is dead desu

>> No.50859760

could you dao vote flurks into the fold as a default nft? cause they're banned everywhere else. would be cool, thanks plebs

>> No.50859785

Esteban I know, but who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

>> No.50859810

can't use a flurk as a pfp on twitter cause they use opensea to decide what a legit nft is and opensea banned my jpegs for the racisms. id like to use one on plebbit when it launches

>> No.50859940

totally uncensored, it's a dream

>> No.50860009

Based dev

>> No.50860034
File: 136 KB, 600x601, este.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you can make a community where only holder of a particular nft can post. Same with holding a certain amount of the token you like.

>> No.50860091
File: 390 KB, 466x466, 1660237689114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love pleb-chan!

>> No.50860115


>> No.50860130

ok that's what a "whitelisted curated nft" means. but you need to have a pleb nft to vote in a dao for this yes? so maybe we're talking about different things here?

>> No.50860149

This is another disguised BSV thread right?

>> No.50860199

Curated nfts are the first to be implemented as pfps on plebbit.
Voting in dao is based on token holding and nfts in the first iteration from I understand.
Bottom line is that you don't need token or nfts to use plebbit, just a wallet to login. The goal is to make it as normie-friendly as possible and token/nfts are for those who want to use them

>> No.50860267
File: 513 KB, 639x640, boredpleb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, its esteban uwuroa

>> No.50860555

Alright, this is the 3rd thread I've seen on this. Anyone care to explain the fuck plebbit is, and why it's being shilled?

>> No.50860651
File: 63 KB, 666x666, 1660239426120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plebbit is like Reddit, but better. Basically Plebbit does not use servers, it uses IPFS for p2p, working like a torrent, which means it cannot be censored. It is the best way to make sure you have your freedom of speech (unlike Reddit and 4chan, where your posts will often be deleted due to political moderators). On Plebbit anyone can create a subplebbit and become a community owner. Every owner can moderate their subplebbits as they like, but if the community do not agree, they can simply create their own subplebbits. Also, Plebbit is open source, which means that all of its code is available at Github, so if you disagree and want to implement your own version of Plebbit, you can edit the code as you like. This website is p2p, not at blockchain, but it will allow donations in crypto. The PLEB token will only be used for donations and for the DAO.


t me/plebbit

join us in our mission to destory reddit

>> No.50860793

So..... it's impossible for a sub to get taken down unless the owner does so?
What about inhouse jannies and mods? Can they take down subs?

>> No.50860840

>it's impossible for a sub to get taken down unless the owner does so
there are no inhouse admins/mods because there is no company, it's fully peer-to-peer, so from the user to the sub owner, no middle man.
the single only centralized aspect of plebbit is the homepage, p/all, in which visible sfw subs are handpicked by devs, later on they will be elected by a dao (using the token, pleb). same goes for profile pictures, which have to be NFTs

>> No.50860850
File: 1.22 MB, 300x250, PlebSCAM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50860949

So you mean to tell me, I can create my own sub and say WHATEVER I want? No risk of ban, no risk of my sub being closed, no consequences? Really?
Seems a bit "too good to be true" if you ask me. Also, what's the purpose of the token?
Doesn't seem like I'd need it to use the site. So why bother with creating a token?

>> No.50861041

Yes you can create your own community and say whatever you want. Consequences are there because torrents/ipfs still expose your IP and if you post some illegal shit gubmint can still find who you are. This is a free speech platform. It's not a complete freedom from consequences, it's about not having big corps and global jannies taking down your community for wrongspeak

The token is for dao (you can vote which communities appear on main page) and you can set your community so that only wallet with a min amount of any token can post. First iteration of plebbit will have this functionality for pleb token and nfts.

>> No.50861122

You can also buy NFTs to use in Plebbit with PLEB token or tip plebbitors with it

>> No.50861161

>The token is for dao (you can vote which communities appear on main page) and you can set your community so that only wallet with a min amount of any token can post. First iteration of plebbit will have this functionality for pleb token and nfts.
That's actually fucking cool as fuck. You could literally just make a sub for whales only. Fuck me, that's not a bad idea.
But still, telling me that there's gonna be a site where it's basically the "wild wild west" of freedom of speech, where anything goes?
I have high doubts about that man.

>> No.50861196

So you can give the token to other users too as donations??? Is this a built in mechanism within the site?? Or are you saying they'll just post their wallet ID in hopes of receiving PLEB?

>> No.50861352

> You could literally just make a sub for whales only
Yeah it is, devs have bought plebwhales.eth and they're planning to make a plebbit whale sub where you need minimum 1B to post.

I think there's gonna be a mechanism within the website but we will see. Each comment that received tips would show the donation amount as a flair (kinda like reddit with awards), would be very cool to tip people with informative posts/comments. Can't wait

>> No.50861660

Is the make it stack 1b? I'm about to get some AVAX now to grab a bag.

>> No.50861773

Another question, I see the token is paired with AVAX. Why not pair it with a stable coin?
Looking at the chart, it dumped cause AVAX dumped. I don't see many wallets dumping this at all.
Had the devs paired this with a stable coin, it'd be much higher than it is now.

>> No.50862049

> Is the make it stack 1b?
5b make it, 1b sui
> Why not pair it with a stable coin?
Stablecoins are centralized by their nature, and could blacklist plebbit at any moment of controversy

>> No.50862892

How much money has he spent on this project?

>> No.50863241

the mf stopped updating it, he's lazy as fuck.
things went on like this, more or less, so you can make an estimation.

>> No.50864050

Why would Satoshi choose Avalanche to distribute the Pleb token? Everything else seems to indicate Satoshi = Esteban, everything except picking Avalanche lol. why?

>> No.50864104

because pleb will be used heavily in the app both for tipping and for dao votes, so a smart contract chain with low fees is needed. also it needed to be somewhat decentralized, so that the project won't get censored. only avalanche checks all these boxes