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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 640x640, plebbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50855080 No.50855080 [Reply] [Original]

>Facebook banned you
>Twitter banned you
>Instagram banned you

Come on, anon, we all know plebbit is the only place where you can truly be yourself

>> No.50855144

>only place where you can truly be yourself
Better not

>> No.50855179

Nobody banned me, OP

>> No.50855182

reddit permabanned me within 15 minutes of making a tranny joke. they browser fingerprinted me (tried clearing cookies + new IP address) and banned all 5 of my socket puppet accounts that day, too.

>> No.50855256

>he doesn't use hardened Firefox, which suppresses canvas fingerprinting, and various other methods

>> No.50855276

i like chrome botnet too much. ultimately i found a user agent randomizer addon that changes my user agent every 10 minutes. it appears to have circumvented the browser fingerprinting.

>> No.50855327

plebbit is the future

>> No.50855409

What is it?

>> No.50855426

reddit but decentralised, uncensorable, and therefore based.

>> No.50855430

>implying i have an account on these platforms including your literally who shitcoin that i will never use nor hear from ever again
suck my big french cock faggot

>> No.50855540


>> No.50855547

>installing a message board onto your computer

>> No.50855566

Whatever you're convinced is happening isn't happening

>> No.50855631
File: 32 KB, 432x496, 1658854509199973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This place is a shit hole. You are all disgusting. Has anyone used Lens Protocol? Decentralized social media built on Polygon. Looks like a cool alternative to the retarded data farms you call social media we have today. I hate it so much anon.

>> No.50855780

I hate you so much, bot jeet.

>> No.50856904

idk talk.lol is a great place to just talk with some bros

>> No.50856935
File: 36 KB, 500x374, 600a7630f0b7c13858b7e7ff583567b2e585ee3824c5fdfbd1152baf9a6df313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50856987

based but biz normalfaggots don't know anything about it, they need links

>> No.50857212

Social Dapp built on ICP. https://sfjch-siaaa-aaaak-qarnq-cai.ic0.app

>> No.50857279

I haven’t been banned anywhere because I’m not a racist incel with a sub $100k portfolio

>> No.50857291

thanks came here looking for a place to track the price....

>> No.50857323

Imagine relentlessly shilling fucking reddit on /biz/
Holy shit

>> No.50857455

Freedom is about being racist, and the more racist you are the more free.

>> No.50857555

So what happens when someone posts pedoshit? I'd ask on plebbit but it's so shit it won't even let me, the post button does nothing. kek nice dapp

>> No.50857584

wise words, also checked

>> No.50857601 [DELETED] 

there is moderation, but no global admins.
every sub owner is completely independent because he has complete property of the sub. which means he can assign moderators or none at all.
however there is a homepage, p/all, so subs appearing there are filtered by the devs right now, then it will be moderated by a dao using the token

>> No.50857668

So it's censorable, got it. Thanks for clarifying.

>> No.50857951
File: 169 KB, 1080x1090, 1660230431290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you censor your own post?
Here, let me uncensor you.

>> No.50857991

mentally ill psychopathic gaslighters like you deserve hell

>> No.50858790

do not redeem you bloody banchods

>> No.50859091

Because it’s a scam

>> No.50859527
File: 390 KB, 466x466, 1660235627781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love pleb-chan!