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50840458 No.50840458 [Reply] [Original]

Why is no one discussing how this is going to affect the crypto market?

>> No.50840715

Because no one outside of you fringe crypto fanatics give a shit. The rest of the world knows crypto is a scam. There will never be a day where crypto replaces fiat. Crypto has no real value. Crypto is literally internet funny money.

>> No.50840764
File: 113 KB, 698x714, Brexit immigration .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my problem not an EU member anymore. Brexit meant brexit.

>> No.50840793

I know crypto is a scam and possibly one of the stupidest things to ever come from the Internet. I feel a deep well of loathing rise up in me every time I see or hear anyone discussing it IRL. It's embarrassing and the height of cringe.
But I'm gonna keep making money from it until it's all over.

>> No.50840899

I told every leave voter I know that this would happen. The source of European immigration has just been replaced with more blacks and browns and they're happy with this.

>> No.50840960

Take a look at all the stable dollar coins in the top ten. That money will flood back into everything else it hasnt gone anywhere.

>> No.50841064

Bregsit means bregsit
simple as

>> No.50841081

>I know crypto is a scam and possibly one of the stupidest things to ever come from the Internet.

>> No.50841134
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Yuros really pay $300+ per month on energy?

>> No.50841160
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We're about to!

>> No.50841175

Show granny tetas christine

>> No.50841186
File: 557 KB, 828x782, 1656182383868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what do you pay now?

>> No.50841779

$300/month would be on the low end during the winter wouldn't it?

>> No.50841815

no if have solar panels with green certificates and a backwards running meter so i actually make a profit on my electricity bill each year
as always see the future and frontrun the normies

>> No.50841912

I'm surprised people in the UK haven't put 2 + 2 together yet and realised they are being fleeced by energy companies and the government covering for them. Last I checked the limeys were pretty good at producing their own energy so it's only their energy companies selling abroad which is pumping prices up.

>> No.50841949

Irrelevant 3rd world backwater

>> No.50842665

nigger it is you no one gives a shit about but you are everywhere pestering and annoying people with your kikery
OP UK is a shithole it won't affect anything

>> No.50842706

Because it’s an XRP schizo conspiracy theory. 2 more weeks trust the plan.

>> No.50842717

It has nothing to do with Brexit and everything to do with Boris cucking out to the Ukraine

>> No.50842864

Yuropoors live in apartments. We only have one solar panel to shower our ass

>> No.50843079

dont live in cucked cities next to mbengo and abdullah nassir
country side is still pretty based with large meadows you can put full of panels

>> No.50843288

Load of clickbaity shite. 4 grand for what -Buckingham Palace? This figure is meaningless. They could have told us the price of a kwh for gas and elec but no, we just get "4 grand!!!"

>> No.50843373

Everyone is mindless, controllable cattle, yes, we are as well, the worst part: nobody is in charge. It's literally the blind leading the blind, these tabloids just write this shit because it makes them money.

>> No.50843406

it's for the median household you sperg

>> No.50843409

kek seething no coiner

>> No.50843451

I used to pay about £60 for a 3 bed (gas and electric) the energy cap rise a few months ago mean I now pay £120. I don’t use any more than I did, they just made the charge to be connected to the grid about 3 times as much then charged me more for the leccy I do use. It’ll probs double again in October

>> No.50843469

Over the year, per person in a small to average sized place, around 30-50 for electricity and perhaps roundabout as much for gas/heating, when it used to be like 5-10 bucks. For a family of say 4, youre looking at 200 a month, as most things other than heating scale.
Food is still quite cheap here though, good quality as well, way cheaper than US groceries, you'd likely pay 2-3x more than we do on the same goods.

>> No.50843573

>OP things UK has a mining facilities.

top kek retard

>> No.50843667

>backwards running meter
yuropoor here. In my country they'll outlaw these by 2024 and force you to install a (((smart meter)))

>> No.50843722

Germany 100% guaranteed.

>> No.50843767

the amount of people in the uk with crypto holdings is very significant
if all of a sudden they all tried to sell because the energy bills mean they're going to lose their house if they don't, what do you think that'll do for the price of crypto?
now clone that for ever country with large private crypto holding who are going to be desperately short of money soon, especially when they see the ticker shooting down to zero
I am, of course, probably being fasicious
at least I hope I am
but if it's all heading to dim figures, some of you will be on the slurp

>> No.50844014

Finally someone understands my thread. Basically most of Europe is fucked this winter, who is going to be able to afford to DCA?

>> No.50844367

Close. It's The Netherlands.

>> No.50845367

i think you are right, there are going to be severe recessions in the UK and on the continent. the median household will have very little disposable income because they will be using it all for their energy bills

>> No.50846733

Not paying. Simple as.

>> No.50846769

they tried that same bullshit here but the courts destroyed it and forced the government to let everyone wait our their time on the green certificates so i got 11 years left of guaranteed free power
of course unless the grid goes down

>> No.50846787

Gee, thanks Obama.

>> No.50846826
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>> No.50846876

people that have to worry about paying their heating bill dont matter to asset valuations and never did
whatever paltry amount they sell is easily slurped by the bankman
you are severely overestimating the amount of coins held by such little people, right now btc is moving onto aladdin those buyers don't give 2 fucks about heating their homes

if you want to do uk fud make it believable such as capital controls and a full china style ban for retail holders, the uk is the first major nation to have to enact capital controls as the pound is by far the easiest to attack currency this winter

>> No.50847017

pshh at that rate I would only use enough power to charge cell phones and wash my clothes and generate electricity with a man sized hamster cage which also ensured I was in tip top shape for that rona.

>> No.50847222

a credit score of zero comes your way

>> No.50847319

it's not about the uk, it's about all the small holders everywhere selling
and it's not just about heating and energy costs,
this will be a world wide downturn, a severe one, uk is just going to get it's shit kicked in first
and I believe I said get your straws ready, in all asset classes
anywhere between now and next April their will be an unprecedented fuckening
Sri Lanka hasn't even gotten as bad as it will get yet and it's fucked
the confluence of unavoidable events that is coming will be bad most places, unbefuckingleivable in others
the big boys will be waiting on their liquidity

>> No.50847438

doesnt matter small holders are meaningless, do you know how fucking big aladdin is
the few neets that are holding should have been prepping since at least march and ready to hold through everything
uk is fucked sure but ecb, fed and boj will print to the moon, its either that or surrender to russia without even firing a shot

just look at the major indexes in the market and compare that to every faggot that told you mega crash of the century in just 2 weeks abandon all hope and sell sell sell

>> No.50847573

oh I know, and I'll wait those two weeks forever, but no one is prepping
the average Joe is fatalised to whatever happens, and huge platforms like Aladdin are going to buy up everything
I intend to have a little of that everything
so I'm staying liquid and living light until, no biggie
I hope I'm wrong, but if I'm not I'll see you the Isle of Man

>> No.50847936

and suppose you are wrong and the big crash michael burry said so(tm) doesnt happen then what do you do
at what point do you capitulate and buy back in, swallow your pride real painful like you see
i am happy i don't have to make that dreadful choice as i bought in on the june lows, i knew it was too dangerous to stay out at those prices and look where we are
still think eth and link are going to set new lows?

>> No.50848994

you sound worried
it'll be ok

>> No.50849213

They absolutely doz you fucking moron. Not directly but indirectly.
Bankman has a lot of loans to people affected, and the default rate is going to go up. Same for businesses which will suffer from loss of demand, so a lot will wind down or go outright bankrupt.
The electricity price going up a lot will also buttfuck a lot of companies too directly. Sure, there isn't too many miners in Europe, but what about datacenters? The financial institutions need to have their hungry datacenters.
Aside from the actual industry.

>> No.50849269


>> No.50851211

What inherent value does fiat have?

>> No.50851741

>being fleeced
Yeah strangely enough, Bong has significantly more natural resources and a greater percentage of renewables than Germany, yet our energy costs are still significantly higher. Odd, that. I wonder where can all these extra costs - that shouldn't exist, by rights, we should be way cheaper - be going?

>> No.50851771

>a credit score of zero comes your way

(it's already zero)

>> No.50853247

I get your angle but exploring passive income streams would bring about some funds to spare on expenses. I for one have been staking on Binance and LP mining on Ore Network for months and it's been pretty helpful.

>> No.50854269

Who fucking cares, that shit ain't gonna affect crypto. If you care about payment-related projects then welcome to the club.

>> No.50854274

It means crypto payment is about to be an important aspect of bills payments. Mark it

>> No.50854289
File: 2 KB, 125x89, 1641472581995s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Passive income is indeed gold. I've been staking my XPRESS token on binance chain and xpress network to earn passively.

>> No.50854310

These things are becoming rampant. Normies are about to fomo into it in 3...2...1.

Just do some bloody research

>> No.50854315

That's the point anon, some payment projects allow users to pay for their bills with their token. This will undoubtedly raise the value of the token.

>> No.50854334

How much have you made all your life from 'passive income' better get a job wagie

>> No.50854338
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Nothing beat research, I believe on their potentials. They stand out when it comes to real-life utilities. I think the next bullrun will proof this

>> No.50854340

How do we incorporate the natural volatility of most tokens?

>> No.50854359
File: 7 KB, 241x209, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newsflash: the bull run has already begun. The Ethereum merge will be the clincher. Better buy whatever you can buy now. If you're reading this, it's late

>> No.50854363

My company has had so many return to work requests because people won't be able to WFH in the winter it's fucking hilarious

>> No.50854378

It's a gradual process, anon. I won't be a wages slave. Passive income is gold go for it or die trying.

>> No.50854408
File: 4 KB, 250x195, 1655101658999s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The merge has nothing to do with bullrun anon. Go buy sense. People like you act before thinking i now see why your portfolio is down 90%

>> No.50854412
File: 5 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I'm gonna keep making money from it until it's all over.
Based. Dca and passive income are my strategies in this dip. Supercharger rewards give the most yields.

>> No.50854449

You can't anon. That's why you stake to even your losses. Binance staking works for now, same as freeway. More to choose from depending on what works for you.

>> No.50854651
File: 6 KB, 186x272, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rest of us chads who have no pending energy bills. Not only have accumulated dangerous levels of Xpress and Coti, I have set my sights upon ETH. I hope it goes below 500

>> No.50854673

The merge will influence a market movement bozo. Go take your time and study FA. Perhaps you'd make something of your life yet. This is also why I'm bullish on ETH and projects like Xpress and UTK. The merge would open up more opportunities for such projects.

>> No.50854842
File: 9 KB, 195x204, IMG_20220325_213929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your energy prices haven't gone up at all
God loves me more :)

>> No.50854917

Those who understand have been doing this for months now. It was inevitable what's going to happen. Staking helps with losses too. Fwt staking rewards have all the good yields. More out there.

>> No.50854931

>He doesn't have at least a 10% allocation to Crypto.

>> No.50854933

Well said anon. Buy, hodl and stake. Low caps with fundamentals preferably. Passive income such as supercharger rewards are the added advantage.

>> No.50855222

I stake 80% of my portfolio on binance.

>> No.50855294

What you stake matters. You won't get any results with shit tokens. Cake, fwt, bsw all have working products together with the rewards. Think on it.

>> No.50855304

For the record, this has nothing to do with the crypto market.

>> No.50855316

Way to go anon. I diversify on freeway. Never putting everything in one place.

>> No.50855335
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I'll take a darkie over a Frenchie any day of the week

>> No.50855405

That's a word to look at. Staking scrt and atom tells a lot about the rewards that I earned and the airdrops to be received. That's how solid it is.

>> No.50855926

Based plan. I'm more inclined to LP mining though and I'm getting 53% APY on ORE/ETH which is pretty decent.

>> No.50856030

This is the only decent post.

>> No.50856110

The next bull run would definitely focus on real life utilities and I see platforms that focus on asset management and security gaining more adoption as the need increases due to hacks and scams.

>> No.50858576

In that case some changes need to be made. I have at least 20% allocation to crypto and its all in privacy gems like RAIL, SCRT and KEEP which I have high expectations for.

>> No.50860928
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>The rest of the world knows crypto is a scam.
It's your fucking opinion. Keep it to your retarded self. Crypto is no scam, and with the rate at which its adoption is being amplified, thanks to ORE, we'll see the full expression of its potentials in the next couple of years.

>> No.50860955

Same questions I ask faggots

>> No.50860984

Burgers pay that much too because they live in cardboard mansions

>> No.50861130

>It means crypto payment is about to be an important aspect of bills payments
We need the bridge for mass adoption of crypto products. That's the first step

>> No.50861155

Kek it's better than nothing, especially if you intend to hold a token for a long term.

>> No.50861165


>> No.50861275
File: 29 KB, 502x500, 54adc381e66540bafb6722fa7b44e538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Low caps with fundamentals preferably
The definition of 'fundamentals' vary a lot. Anything that makes it easy for people to make the best out of blockchain services and improve security while trading should be a standard for 'fundamental projects'.

>> No.50861372

They will start heating their homes by mining Ethereum Classic.

>> No.50861838

Holding for the long term is based. I'm comfortable with ORE and ATOM which have a lot of room for growth in the next bull cycle.

>> No.50862214

in the end everything boils down to money, doesn't it? i guess that's why i still keep buying crypto.

>> No.50862330
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Including privacy focused projects too. If you've been taking note of what's going on in the crypto market, you must have seen how the need for privacy solutions is becoming magnified.

>> No.50862357

Not decent. Absolutely stupid post!

>> No.50862364

energy companies are god now?

>> No.50862399

PriFi. It'll definitely become a very big word in the next bull run!

>> No.50862428

I guess they will have to stick to stable coins

>> No.50862499
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Pay for things and that also registers on the public blockchain. And with that, everyone can have a full history of everything you spent your money on, all through the year. A fucking horror!

>> No.50862938
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>ORE protocol's use case.
A single ID and password, serving as a gateway to all blockchain services sounds like a very good utility to me.

>> No.50862982

Everything has something to do with the crypto market

>> No.50862999
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Use Railgun and no one will be able to see shit.

>> No.50863254

British always hated white people, just read their ramblings about french, italians, germans or poles compared to pakis or blacks.

>> No.50863269


>> No.50863504

Agreed. PriFi would gain massive adoption in the coming months. Especially when you consider the increased rate of hacks in the space.