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50850479 No.50850479 [Reply] [Original]

>have super autistic work culture where they always work unpaid overtime because they think it's disrespectful to ask for overtime, especially young japs or ones who haven't been working for that long.
>2016 survey showed that 25% of all Japanese companies demand 80 hrs of overtime per month (20 extra hrs per week)
>22% of Japanese men work more than 55 hrs per week (OECD)

Just working 25hrs a week sucks for me.
pretty sure like 4/10 Japanese men in their 20s have also never been on a date. Having few friends is the norm over there.
Being a jap seems fucking miserable dude.

>> No.50850566

Yes, but the benefit is you get to live in a clean society without niggers and mutts walking around unabated.

>> No.50850581

Honestly they don't do much work, a lot of that time is just spent doing nothing.

>> No.50850590

>benefit: live in clean society
>cost: work yourself to death
real fair trade, retard

>> No.50850599

>implying Okinawa isn’t basically a burger colony after decades of occupation.

>> No.50850627


Clean environment
Superior culture
Walkable and bike environment

Healthy food

>> No.50850649

>culture: work
>environment: good but won't be in it much when you are in a office building all day
>walkable and bike environment: unused because you are working all day
>healthy food: you can get this anywhere
being a jap fucking sucks

>> No.50850760

the u.s. is actually even worse

>> No.50850783


>> No.50850790

You're generalizing retard, like when foreigners say all Americans are fat. Believe it or not, Japan have NEETs too

>> No.50850819

You WILL sleep in the pod
You WILL eat the bugs
You WILL be forever alone
You WILL work for free

>> No.50850832

I visited Okinawa for 2 weeks and never a single foreigner.
Oki dislikes Americans.
I saw the darkest Japanese women there.
I didn't know Japanese people could get so tanned.

>> No.50850889

east asians are a submissive breed

>> No.50850907

Working yourself to death for a nation you can be proud of and people who you love is the greatest thing a man can do.

>> No.50850930

I love tan okinawan girls

>> No.50850931

But are they? I think about the horror stories I’ve read about fighting them in the pacific in WW2. Like beyond brave in terms of sacrificing life and limb in battle. But, yes, nowadays they do seem rather submissive in their culture.

>> No.50851047

Because someone ordered them to and they were too beta to say no

>> No.50851073

Only black companies do this, they do have a hard working culture but only these extreme stories make it online.

>> No.50851092


>> No.50851096

What are they gonna do, vote to enact better labor laws? Their fertility is 1.2, the young are literally a slave underclass to the will of the pensioner overlords.
>coming to: literally every white nation near you soon!

>> No.50851115

I’m gonna respond to this post too to make it look controversial even though your sentiment is correct

>> No.50851145

If a U.S. soldier or police officer is ordered to go into live fire and they say “no,” they’re considered beta. Certainly not brave. Seems to me like it’s less submissiveness on their part and more of a bizarre obsession with ‘honor’ etc.

>> No.50851149

>the young are literally a slave underclass to the will of the pensioner overlords
Tbf this sounds like every developed nation now.

>> No.50851291


>> No.50851330

>how do japs do it, biz?
with the same hour as every other thread about japan that asks this same question
by sleeping through half their work hours
they complete the same amount of work americans do

>> No.50851441

This 100%

>> No.50851509

Japanese don't eat bugs tho

>> No.50851513


>> No.50851601

Imagine thinking a local island on the coast of China is the same as a massive empire like America. What prevented the shit you're talking about in the US was a strong grasp on corporations and strong unionization.

>> No.50851632

>this sounds like every developed nation now.
Correct. They just beat us to it. Either your women have 3 kids each or your demographics shit themselves, with the consequences born not by the old who caused it, but by the young.

>> No.50851737

You sure?


>> No.50851785

I would honestly rather the Japanese way and be able to enjoy what little free time i have not being accosted by melanin-rich gentlemen.
>be jap
>leave work and exit workplace
>look around and see no niggers
>stumble to the subway and look around
>no niggers
>hop on the train and sit down and relax
>can relax as there's no niggers on the train
>fall asleep
>wake up at your station, with all your belongings still on your person
>your favourite dinner vending machine is operational and hasn't been kicked in and smashed
>also no niggers to jump you while your using it
>walk home drunk after getting some sake after your meal
>safetly make it home and fall asleep watching tranime knowing your house won't get burgled by gun wielding niggers high on weed and probably crack

Okay so tell me again how they are doing it wrong?

>> No.50851852

WFH is on the rise in Japan as well, not as strong as in the west but it still exists, imagine trading shitcoins/playing vidya instead of pretending to work and stuff while chilling in your apartment and being able to just walk to the local ramen place for some food after work and chill out with people from the same race and you're familiar with. The West got absolutely fucked when (((they))) started pushing for multiculturalism.

>> No.50851886

You weebs are utterly fucking delusional
>be jap
>wake up in office after only sleeping 3 hrs
>repeat 20hr shift you just did
>go home to no gf
>no friends
>maybe watch anime and eat ramen on weekends
This is the reality for a jap
All I hear is
Retard please stop. Have you ever been to Japan? Everyone there looks fucking miserable.
Have you ever worked more than 50hrs per week? No? Shut up :)

>> No.50851944

I work 56 hours per week.
Japs, get on my fucking lvl.
Wagemaxxing like mad.

>> No.50851981
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That's already my life but I also have to deal with niggers

>> No.50852002

I agree 100% with your post and have no constructive criticism to add to it however i will touch on what you said about multiculturalism and it breaks my heart to see what (((they've))) done with my country and the west in general. I'm old enough to remember the before time's :(

I'm not a weeb, I love my own country and culture. You, in your raw seethe failed to understand my point which was there are little to no niggers in Japan. I don't really care how happy japs are or aren't but i am willing to wager that they are happier than your or I. Also don't tell me to shut up, have some manners.

>> No.50852041

>companies get fined if you are fat
>you only have to pretend to work
>working hard is optional
>colleagues are good mates you get along with
>job for life, no worries about losing employment. Peace of mind

>> No.50852070


>> No.50852107

You’re only around niggers because you are one. Slightest amount of money and intelligence gets you in position to not deal with hood rat niggers, you must love it there since you complain and don’t change your environment. You only think Japan is a safe haven because you weren’t born and raised there, they have their issues just like the US or any other country.

>> No.50852147

Romania mogs japan.
>inb4 romanian 4ch incels come in with their self hate when they never left their inbred village

>> No.50852168

>superior culture
HA, yeah thats why they kill themselves in exorbitant numbers. are you stupid or just pulling everyone's leg? haha idiots on this website.

>> No.50852205
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is romania not an inbred village?

>> No.50852215
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>Clean environment
>Superior culture
>Healthy food

>> No.50852224


How come they never stay in their country then?

>> No.50852249
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>> No.50852255

don't explain anything to a weeb retard, they're practically caught in a cult trance. I've lived here for almost 3 years, and lived in Asia for 10. Japanese are fucking miserable lol...It starts early with their intense conformity inculcation and bullying that follows suit. These people LOVE to bully others, and it's usually for the most inane shit I've ever seen. Like for instance I walked out with a new bike from the store and people made looks like it was some big deal. These people are so afraid of sticking out they instinctually shame anyone else for sticking out and being different from the status quo. It's ridiculous, a system for narcissistic sociopaths. Its why you have so many NEETs, they can't stand it. EVeryone looks like they're going to break at any moment. The best way to explain it is Japanese society is like a halo 3/counter strike lobby where everyone is sweatin trying to prove they're not noobs and 1337 all day long, ad infinitum. a culture and society of sweats. constantly competing to be the most acceptable and desirable conformist.

They do have souls, I like them, they're cool but they're fucked. Luckily CBD is legalized and hopefully it catches on and these people take the sticks out from their asses.

>> No.50852256

No I won’t you weak ass cunt sucking no life having punt

>> No.50852300

he used the term "tranime", he's mocking them

>> No.50852310

Better stay out of glorious Nippon then

>> No.50852333

Not him, but you can't escape arabs and niggers in Sweden unless you are rich and can afford a multi-million sek villa outside the cities in white enclaves

>> No.50852348
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>watching tranime
Your kind doesn't belong here kike

>> No.50852383


So I think I'm "straight", but I've been fucking around with my gay roommate, like jerking off together etc. (not the straightest thing I agree but whatever) but one night after playing truth or dare, I was horny and I dare him to suck me off and it was very good…

So basically it just keeps happening and like I don't know how to really feel because I'm not attracted to him or guys at all but the pleasure is just insane that I can't stop going back to him and he seems fine with it, so don't really know.

Got any advice?

>> No.50852384

I am glorious nippin

>> No.50852444
File: 1.40 MB, 245x320, BACCD9A2-1BBF-45B9-91CB-CB201753A7CF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people here that unironically think that blacks are the reason their lives are shit

>> No.50852452


>> No.50852513
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Nigger spotted

>> No.50852555

They are exo skeletons operated by bugs. Do not buy into the lie that they are human.

>> No.50852568

I was just in northern Sweden a town of 4k or so people and I still see niggers and brown people

>> No.50852600

This is the economy generated by negative interest rates for decades.
Negative interest rates keep unprofitable companies alive which are run by real psychopaths en create a very toxic work culture for the majority of workers because the longer the system is propped up the more zombie companies with psychopath management who are unprofitable are created.

The culture also plays a role in this, but once older people start to die out the young people will have an opportunity to change the system.
The western civilization has a similar issue but it started later when the central banks tried to replicate the japanification of the economy with infinite BRRRR.

The fate which awaits us can be seen in the Japan of today if nothing is done to change this.

>> No.50852609

It’s called being an envious Western mutt, they will do all they can to nitpick and poke holes in a superior homogenous society, while they dwell in a hellish crime ridden piece of shit society, the negatives of Japan are only amplified by the fact that most of Japan is pretty much peaceful. These people will laugh when Japan becomes a nog infested shithole hellhole like their own countries.

>> No.50852636

>black companies
what's that?

>> No.50852671

Because their work culture is retarded?
Who in this earth works for free, only janny.
Enslave yourself is not a prerequisite to an homogeneous society.

>> No.50852677

Companies which are shady af. Not to be confused with companies run by niggers.

>> No.50852681

>nog infested
Does everyone on here live in fucking detroit? Why don’t you fags just move instead of complaining about blacks so much? my town is literally less than 1% black (east coast USA)

>> No.50852685


>> No.50852695

Yeah it's worth it honestly and if your a gaijin you don't really have to put up with their slave mentality

>> No.50852702

nazis belong in a cage

>> No.50852721

This is just untrue. You don't have to be a bitch there. I got paid for doing overtime. It was peaceful and people were nice. People living like that bring it on themselves a lot of the time

>> No.50852726

Yup, it's really, for real, unironically, over. There's no coming back from this.

>> No.50852837

Bong island is just off coast of aurope across white nations yet niggers just jump through like basketball hoops. US glorified rappers and give these monkeys guns. Japs have some brains left after nukes and they use it.

>> No.50852860

Kill yourself.

>> No.50852879

checked sounds a lot like germany. and we all know hitler caalled em the aryans of the east lmao. at least they got hot chicks tho

>> No.50852925
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>> No.50853233

Romanians are lazy though
Those are mostly villagers, mate

>> No.50853275

Maybe, or maybe the insanely brave ones pretty much all died in battle, as always happens in war. Cowards survive, heroes live forever (just not genetically)

>> No.50853418

From what I've heard it's all very 'shame based' over there. So it's not that you think working 20+ extra hours is actually a good idea but the fact everyone else on your team/floor is doing it and you're shamed for not doing it, is what keeps it together.

>> No.50853548

Anime is not superior culture

>> No.50853577

As someone who's lived in both the US and JP I can say that JP is better if your not a normalfaggot. Their culture to be polite and not stir the pot is welcome. And no politics bullshit or fat and/or brown people. If you just want to live comfy and convenient I'd say Japan trumps America easily. Their culture of conformity is also refreshing compared to the constant one-upsmanship of narcissistic Americans trying to climb the social ladder and sell themselves as if they were a used car.
Did I mention no niggers? As much as I hate cunts and faggots, niggers were easily the most fatiguing thing about the US. Their absence in cities here already sets the baseline level of angst and discomfort much lower as well.

>> No.50853800

their asinine work culture has absolutely nothing to do with their nationalism

>> No.50853881

Go live in an all nigger neighborhood you ignorant retard.

>> No.50854092

>gets stabbed to death by a nigger

>> No.50854120

The US has pulled ahead of Japan as of this year. Japan hasnt even been in the top 20 for more than a decade.

>> No.50854296

You have to admit though that the way the Japanese operate is a bit irritating. Like being guilt tripped into not taking time off despite being entitled to it. And if you do then everyone looks at you like you tread in dog shit every day until you decide to leave.

Japan is hardly a utopia, but if you like being told what to do, follow the autistic rules and don't question anything, then it's fine. Personally that is my idea of hell. It's a nation of mentally ill people imo

>> No.50854364

We have the same mental illness they do, it's just progressed further there.

>> No.50854652

you honestly believe that? LOL

>> No.50854742
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>wanting nice things
>not wanting to deal with niggers
>>>heckin nazi

>> No.50854900

They're not big fans of productivity. Probably some zen "the route is the goal" shit. If you work long you get superkarma and it shows you care about sensei.

>> No.50854937

They don't work hard, they work long and slow, or do a lot of busy work like cleaning a barely used sink with a tiny toothbrush.

>> No.50854950

They make everything super convenient so you there is more time available in the day for work. Drive to grocery store? No, just get instant meal from the vending machine outside your apartment. Walk the dog? No, eat it for strength! Japan is a very convenient nation.

>> No.50854962

>do you honestly believe empirical data
Not all the time but theres literally no reason for false info on suicide rates for countries. Literally any survey will show you Japan isnt and hasnt been in the top 20 in a long, long time and the whole thing is an ancient meme that you fell for.

>> No.50854970
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Their productivity is on the level of meds, who are known to be corrupt and lazy, siesta addicted workers.

>> No.50854976

What are you supposed to do, bow in shame that you needed a new bike instead of fixing your old one? I don't get what you mean by that.

>> No.50854978

Yeah, the problem is they spend that extra time molesting women on trains.

>> No.50854988
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Font bother they're just newfags from pol/vatnicks who are seething with jealousy.

>> No.50854993

Find a wife? Who has the time? There is work to be done! High school girls are placed conveniently on the trains for your pleasure, with highly efficient short skirts for ease of groping.

>> No.50855045
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doesn't matter where in the world you think you're going to escape, you'll still be an office drone cuckhold holding heavy bags, or a NEET wallowing in denial of the struggle.

>> No.50855109
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>>22% of Japanese men work more than 55 hrs per week (OECD)
I feel like that's a lot. How much do they earn?

Sometimes, I think it's even safer to get involved in a gigantic extraordinary program like the secret agency. The rewards and NFTs to be made all while defending for privacy is unbelievable

>> No.50855143

How efficiently do they work?

They have an image of being really industrious while many people in the west mention that they only really work like 2 hours a day and spend the rest of the time on facebook or whatever.

>> No.50855147
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What the fuck? Is that a culture? Any footage? That's horribly pathetic

>> No.50855192

Haha, how horrifying! Got any videos of this terrible act?

>> No.50855350

>How efficiently do they work?
They arent. At best 1 person does 1 specific job for decades to the point it would be embarrassing not to be efficient at the task. Most people in Japan just pretend to be busy as all decisions are held back by endless amounts of unnecessary meetings and corporate bureaucracy.

>> No.50855456

Hokkaido is really nice. If you want to work a corporation, that's fine, but there's plenty of opportunities in the countryside and it's much more laid back attitude. I'll take a peaceful, high trust and clean society over the mass shooting, low trust, psychopathic States any day.

>> No.50855500

It must feel amazing to live in a high trust society. I lived in a shithole suburb and it sucked being worried that I might've left my window open at home or something. If you stopped anywhere on the street for longer than a minute some nigger would come out of his house demanding to know what you're up to, like they just sat inside all day waiting for a fight.

>> No.50855526

how did they calculate that?

>> No.50855568

It's believable though, they waste countless hours on meetings and other stupid shit, too much rules and stuff instead of getting the job done they "more hours means I did more"

>> No.50855591

>Just working 25hrs a week sucks for me.
What a pussy, American? I presume.

>> No.50855600

Must be something like revenue/total hours. So a japanese company's employees work far more hours than an irish country with the same revenue.

>> No.50855610

US, South Koreans and Russians are at the top of the suicide chain these days.

>> No.50855636

anything less than 100 hours a week is pure laziness. step your game up

>> No.50855649

>Being a jap seems fucking miserable dude.
They also have to leave only after the boss has. Gotta do all this bowing crap constantly.
New job market entrants all wear the same suit and tie shit and have to compete like crazy in the same round of interviews. Miss that and your career is fucked.
Being a salaryman sucks but somehow Japs tolerate it (unless it kills them).

>> No.50855699

Ireland is a special case, you can't measure them this way. Multinationals use their small country to book profits, so they look like they're really productive.

>> No.50855854

Most expats either end up killing themselves or leave after 2-3 years. Japan from the outside seems like a dream come true, but when you learn how things actually work there in terms of social interractions it’s just as bad or even worse than the west. Japanese people are allergic to confrontations so you will never know who is a friend and who isn’t. They will all smile at you while they sabotage you behind closed doors. Shit like reporting you to the cops for something you didnt actually do or to the tax authorities even if you obeyed all laws. Just to make your life miserable, even if they continue to hang out with you every weekend

>> No.50856435


>> No.50856822

The reporting gaijin to cops thing is so fucked. If any Japanese thinks your presence in Japan is even a slight inconvenience to them, they'll do this shit with no second thoughts. Japs are incredibly callous under their hospitable facade. The ones who can actually speak english and have traveled to other countries though are alright though.

>> No.50856858 [DELETED] 

I guess that's why they kill themselves, because it's so great.

>> No.50856974


They also get cute jap women

>> No.50857177
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FUCK OFF to BUGLAND you goddam WEEB FAGGOTS. Your constant fawning over JAPS is utterly revolting. You like Japan so much then just fucking go there and shut the fuck up about it. Your Heaven on Earth is only a plane ticket away, or are you too much of a poorfag or completely worthless to society to even make the move? Make sure to kill yourselves when you arrive, as is the local custom.

>> No.50857393

I think that depends where you work tbdesu.
I'm there right now faggot

>> No.50857451

>So a japanese company's employees work far more hours than an irish country with the same revenue.
pretty much why i am asking, because most people know this to be false

>> No.50857506

This is something that westerners don't acknowledge. All the stereotypes and propaganda leveled against japan are happening in all the developed world. They just got there first. The difference is you in your country will have to put up with this bullshit but also deal with niggers/arabs/pakis etc and kowtow to troons and faggots at the same time. But they're only being saved by the language barrier since nips can't into english. I've seen some of that american bullshit start to trickle in and it's disturbing. If they don't stamp it out they'll have the same problems in the next 10 years.

>> No.50857521

Good. Don't fucking come back.

>> No.50857572

It's actually not that easy to come here and even harder to stay. The way it should be in every developed country. I guess they have it easy since it's an island and doesn't have large borders with shitholes.

>> No.50858841

>nah man it ain't bad I only have rats in my living room, the rest is totally fine.

>> No.50859466


>> No.50859522

Holy shit, fuck those hours; isn't Japan also the infidelity capital of the world?

>> No.50859595

If having to work twice as hard in order to live in a society free of Niggers that alone makes it all worth while.

>> No.50859598

This is why critical thinking is paramount to one's survival and blind espousal of cultural norms is dangerous; why would you, as a man, voluntarily work more than you're asked for no compensation, which is also likely to increase a sense of distance between you and your spouse (if you're married) and lead to infidelity?

>> No.50859627
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This was my life in America until niggers showed up in my town

>> No.50859835

what u gotta do is wait ousdie the bars when the businessmen are so drunk the6ly can barely walk home. then you say "hey! daijobu?" and knock their nip supremasiss asses out and take they wallet

>> No.50859922

why would you do that? that's nigger behavior

>> No.50860614

Nobody's fawning over Japan, only the fact that there are fewer niggers there and that fact correlates to a better quality of life for everyone.

Go kneel to some niggers you weakling who enjoys watching your spouse have sex with strangers

>> No.50860709
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>Nobody's fawning over Japan, only the fact that there are fewer niggers there and that fact correlates to a better quality of life.

Where the fuck do you live exactly, Harlem?

>> No.50860754

If you live in a shitty neighborhood that’s on you, just move to a better area lol it’s not that hard I’ve done it

>> No.50860780
File: 56 KB, 608x1080, cFaZR_mtEj0LNI5L_CEAS9cbjcVVx91Juo5asnihwS0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without niggers and mutts walking around unabated

>> No.50860855

absolutely based post

>> No.50860856

You raise a good point here.

Even simple shit like eating food they over-complicate..... Makes you think if they think shoveling dirt is made easier by using two large sticks

Brb spending a week to make a tea pot that pours properly without splashing

>> No.50860876

Nigger I work 12 hours a day and you're complaining about 25 a week
>the army sucks :(

>> No.50861022


>> No.50861517

The Americans have it worse as they work TWO to THREE part-time jobs rather than one full time job.
However, from what I see, the Americans can cope well by being social on the office at certain times. Quite unlike the Japanese where there is barely any noise at work.

However, in terms of dating, somehow, they're the same but for different reasons. Here in the West is because of feminism and women's insane standards when in a LTR while also being harlots in a STR/hookups, whereas the Japanese are extremely conservative in terms of dating, and the only way you can get sex without marrying is with a prostitute - which may be fairly addictive given how pretty the escorts are there.

>> No.50863164

Did you know that Americans actually work more hours on average than japs? People here don't even know they're slaves.

>> No.50863197

You know, for once I'll actually take the niggers and mutts

>> No.50863501

You described me perfectly but holy fuck that's based.
I mostly want to move to japland to play mahjong and to be 40cm taller than everyone

>> No.50864229

I don't agree with your point about dating. I think Japanese girls being 'conservative' when it comes to sex is a pretty generic stereotype which isn't the case at all, at least in my experience anyway.

I mean, if you're the typical anime loving gaijin who can't speak much Japanese, then yeah, your chances aren't exactly high.

But If you're fairly attractive, can speak their language to a decent level and aren't awkward to be around, then you have way more options than escorts. Though that applies to women everywhere really.

>> No.50864419

Race mixing should be illegal. I hope the japs lock you up and subject you to torture.

>> No.50864722

I don't know, man.
Japanese women, and just every Asian woman, seem to be very restricted sexually and romantically as they don't act nor dress like Western women by showing the entire underboob and sideboob. So, it really seems that Japanese men have a hard time dating given how likely it is that she will simply say "no" and, of course, no woman is going to ask you on a date like your favorite seinen romcom.

Also, I am speaking on a same race dating scenario. I am a weeb, but not that much to the point of learning Japanese and moving there.
Calm down, anon. He might be a bit tired and misread my post.
Racemixing is bad, though. The worst being the crime against humanity by racemixing with melaninated women. Literally the best cure against jungle fever is to think how will a child with a given Negroe woman will look like.

>> No.50865450
File: 808 KB, 716x1234, Screen Shot 2022-08-11 at 3.13.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. what are you talking about. Asians completely replaced their own culture and the average jap dresses like a British person from 1950. They just dont have kikes so never went through the jewish sexual revolution.

If you watch asian media they have entire westaboo subcultures where everyone bleaches their hair, wears european fashion, lives in european styled homes, etc.

Pic related.

>> No.50865660


jesus fucking christ. When will sweden rise up? fuck's sake, they used to be vikings

>> No.50865707
File: 164 KB, 1027x1500, 91lrKWE2anL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least they don't act like Western women and aren't showing huge cleavages (even if they have small and cute boobies)!
>They just dont have kikes so never went through the jewish sexual revolution.
Shit is starting to come out, though. Jews are very sneaky and are now hiring translators to export feminism around Asia.
Pic rel, and there is many more; just search whatever business/feminism book and add Japanese version.

>> No.50865733

they are acting like western women... look at their clothes.

>> No.50865754

i know you're a muttmerican that has never seen a european before, but the women in the picture that i showed with the bleached hair, european style clothes, and european style house are part of a western boo culture in korea. they are 100% trying to represent themselves as europeans.

>> No.50865759

They slack off at work, drink with their coworkers and fuck their coworkers (adultery).

>> No.50865802
File: 669 KB, 510x613, __galko_oshiete_galko_chan_drawn_by_suzuki_ken_ya__c0d41e9a58576aa8755a1fa7979f4401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, do you imply that, as they dress like Westerners, they're acting like ones too? Even if they dress conservatively?

>> No.50865856

kikes make me seethe to unhealthy levels. they are a wicked race of greedy people who thrive off of chaos and destruction.

>> No.50865861

yes, 100% they are acting like westerners. That is typical boo culture that you see in japan and korea. Do you think that they are acting like asians?

>> No.50865876
File: 1.73 MB, 2806x1872, jwcnpc-e1618054395231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related are non-boo asian conservatives. There is nothing conservative about dressing like a foreign people did 100 years ago.

You sound like a boo yourself to be honest.

>> No.50866109
File: 169 KB, 1042x1500, 714d5lIpXpL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only you knew...
>The Female Eunuch (Chinese Version)
Okay, got it. I will be even more wary of women.
Guess I was giving them the benefit of the doubt; never again.

>> No.50866118

bug pple like pods

>> No.50866142

Better than getting shot to death for talking a jog around the neighborhood, Amerifat.

>> No.50866236

They might see it as showy or something. Its ridiculous, but so is everything when you live in a country where you get 1 week off a year and if you take it your co-workers get mad at you.

>> No.50866503

>Japanese women, and just every Asian woman, seem to be very restricted sexually and romantically as they don't act nor dress like Western women by showing the entire underboob and sideboob.
Yet they have the biggest porn industry in the world

>> No.50866630

>barely make any noise at work
Again, this depends where you work, but isn't that better? Why do you want to be distracted by some ass hat when you just want to do your job and get out the door. I don't like the american tendency to be always to to be friends or worse calling the people in their workplace "family". Even everyone calling each other by their first names nowadays reflects a loss of mutual respect for boundaries, blurring the line between professional and personal.

>> No.50866659

>Japanese women, and just every Asian woman, seem to be very restricted sexually and romantically as they don't act nor dress like Western women by showing the entire underboob and sideboob
t. someone who has never been to Japan
Just walking around some "night life" hotspots in any major city proves this wrong.

>> No.50866700

They’re bugs so sex and nudity is as normal as street shitting for jeets

>> No.50866738

>super autistic work culture where they always work unpaid overtime

That's literally every other salaried guy in the west, retard. It's not just Japan that works over 40 hrs

>> No.50866871

>you get to live in a clean society without niggers and mutts walking around unabated.
hahahah stupid weeb. probably never even been there.>>50851509

>> No.50866883

they eat them raw dumb weeb

>> No.50866889

America is literally keeping people trapped here between COVID and the fucking censorship which ensures only the people they *KNOW* aren't interested in leaving, or that they want out of the country, see ads for travel.
This country is literally a penal colony now because the fucking scumfucks who were too cowardly to oppose America's military thought it'd be a good idea to enforce collective punishment on the entire civilian population.

I was able to buy plane tickets despite them not wanting me to leave and "magically" ended up having bullshit excuses used to deny me 3 separate flights, including the last one where they straight-up denied my COVID test results and then closed the airport's test center in my face. This third time was at San Francisco, btw, after trying twice in Chicago.

>> No.50866904


>> No.50866944


They spend 80 hours a week there.
They only work like 20 hours of those though.

Japanese office culture is inefficient as fuck. Thousands of meetings, double checks, pointless steps before shit gets done and people literally sleeping at their desk.

So yeah they waste most of their life in the office, but all their 'friends' are also there and they feel unified in their shared misery as they dine out every night.

>> No.50866970

>50866889 (You)

>> No.50867010


>> No.50867097

>whereas the Japanese are extremely conservative in terms of dating, and the only way you can get sex without marrying is with a prostitute

What the actual fuck are you talking about anon.

I've been to Japan many times and dated there using Tinder and it was easy a shit to get laid. The girls there are just the same as back home, possibly even more down to earth when it comes to casual sex. They've got dedicated love hotels for that shit, it's incredibly normalised to just walk in there with a girl you met 30 minutes earlier and fuck for a couple of hours.

Get real.