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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50851174 No.50851174 [Reply] [Original]

>maybe she love me now
>perhaps she will stop being an escort
>I think she will marry me
>I will be a dad and tech her 3 yo daughter English
>I will go to Colombia with her
>I'm 28M she is 21F it is ok

How do I recover financially from this?

>> No.50851188

>I will be a dad and tech her 3 yo daughter English
Debatable whether you can.

>> No.50851215


Pics of both of you. And the kid

>> No.50851218
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>How do I recover finnanciallu
Anon, just go and do some narco shit in Colombia and become millionaire

>> No.50851337

it’s just a 3K write-off. Just don’t get scammed again.

>> No.50851353

You stupid motherfucker, did no one tell you to not fall in love with hookers?

>> No.50851369

we all have to fall in love with a whore at least once anon. don't feel so bad, but please try to remove yourself from the situation. The fantasies you're having are suicidal.

>> No.50851368

You should have coomed without condom after fucking her raw all night

>> No.50851379
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>> No.50851406
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>maybe she love me now
>perhaps she will stop being an escort

WEW LAD. Ask her for a receipt so you can claim the 3k was a donation to charity at tax time.
After that, never speak to her again. Are you retarded, OP?

>> No.50851418
File: 25 KB, 500x393, ChopSueySpecs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never be a woman

>> No.50851422

>How do I recover financially from this?
You don't. Your genome is part of the provider class. You're gonna be worshiping and tithing to women for the rest of your life.

>> No.50851437
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Just a typo, jeez anon
She and her dad will kill me if I do it
Coke is not my business
I don't feel it is a scam yet
Yeah, Coach Red Pill should be ashamed of me right now
Raw is still a possibility, We haven't talked about it yet, tho
Yeah. I don't know why I did this, and I feel it will not end well
You will not fuck my new gf anon

>> No.50851456
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Also sorry anons I posted from my browser and mobile at same time
Double szchizo anon here

>> No.50851489
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I'm not a woman but she is
She have a nice 21F body but I'm afraid this is not ok at all
We already have been sleeping together for some time
I understand this. She can be a great trad wife tho, she cooks and clean with no complains

>> No.50851502
File: 416 KB, 636x467, Screenshot 2022-07-30 215319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is actually that bad to date an escort anon?

>> No.50851515
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>She have a nice 21F body

>> No.50851542

>I don't know why I did this, and I feel it will not end well
it's because nobody showed you how to respect yourself or your property, and consequently, how to treat women. it will without a doubt end poorly unless you cut the cord 100%

>> No.50851555

You know a hooker loves you when she stays the night for the hourly rate. For 3k she no love you. Sorry bro.

>> No.50851594

your such a chad tell us how her pussy tasted i bet its so good i love young mommy pussy

>> No.50851609

Lol idiot

>> No.50851638
File: 370 KB, 528x559, Screenshot 2022-08-11 000012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She shared me her live
She is from Medellin Colombia, I'm with her in Panama right now.
Her dad and mom are very poor
For her 3K is a lot, she will be back to Medellin in September and I thinking to go with her and visit her family

>> No.50851672
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You have no idea, I became addicted to it

>> No.50851696

Get a gun and get your money back. You dumb fuck

>> No.50851700
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I have more, I can keep this for a couple of years/decades I think and then go broke

>> No.50851722

I can't do that anon I love her
She is sleeping with me here rn

>> No.50851725

>and I thinking to go with her and visit her family
It's over, rest in peace anon

>> No.50851767
File: 242 KB, 477x468, Screenshot 2022-08-11 001444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that bad?
I've never been in a relationship before
What does it mean for her to show me her parents?

>> No.50852077

I guess I will discover if I can go broke before December
At least my BTC can do something useful for once

>> No.50852152
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Wish me luck anons
I'll be back in some years if I'm able to survive in Colombia with my new trad wife

>> No.50852170
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Good luck, fren.

>> No.50852189

>Switching multiple ID's
Yup it's a trannyspam thread.

>> No.50852190

>maybe she will do meth with Juan and fuck his brains out and call you when the money's gone.
Anon, really. No more of this.

>> No.50852206

Anon, listen and heed my words. Whatever you do, as soon as she saids she needs money you walk away ok. Literally anything else can occur but as soon as she starts asking for money you need to walk away. You won’t though so good luck. Try not to get killed ok.

>> No.50852225

yeah if OP insists and we've all been there, yeah do it but be careful, Colombia is a tough place. Word of money travels very fast.

>> No.50852230

If you have 8 figures, then chad move.
Any less then you're a fucking retard.

>> No.50852247

You're retarded you want a relationship with a hooker that had a kid kek

>> No.50852586


>> No.50852716

As someone who just dated an escort, you should know that this is a treacherous relationship.

Basically if you can't afford her spending habits, then expect to get your heart torn apart. If you're lucky, she'll tell you in advance that she's going back to being a whore. If you're unlucky, she'll continue to lead you along and lie to you about everything.

Can't turn a hoe into a housewife unless you're a multimillionaire/billionaire

>> No.50853215

where can I buy?

>> No.50854872
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Anon, I sympathise, pic related.
But you know you dun goofed or you wouldn't have shared here. If she's done more than solo cam work, she not only has the usual attention whore problems, she has actual attachment problems and cannot love you. My recommendation is to quickly get yourself another girl AS WELL. One-itis is the biggest timewaster there is, and having two hitting you up for cash allows you to have perspective and not see a rose tinted future.

Also this. Paisas aren't as bad as Golfenos, but you still might get shot for not handing over your private key.

You will be paraded in front of the people who let her make bad life choices and asked to feed the village ser.