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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50840917 No.50840917 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone thinking of applying?

>> No.50840974

>Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary

The absolute state of this country

>> No.50841026

This holy shit, burgers are doomed

Land of the free am i right

>> No.50841032
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> Adhere to the highest standards of conduct, especially in maintaining honesty and integrity

>> No.50841040

'Minimum' of 50 hours and on call 24/7? Holy shit is this real?

>> No.50841128

you need to react quickly when a guy you identified is trying to use tornado. irs agents busting through his windows with flash grenades.

>> No.50841143

Yes because I can carry my fuckin guns too and fight back with equally as much power. You wouldn’t know shit about that you fucking euromutt pussy ass faggot

>> No.50841156

This is the standard job description and requirements for federal law enforcement working for any agency

>> No.50841198
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I could cover my tracks from the inside

>> No.50841199

you get to use a gun? how much they pay you? can you shoot niggers?

>> No.50841204
File: 2.49 MB, 2048x1988, monerochan irschan dont touch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The IRS deathsquads will leave you alone, but only if you reply "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!"

>> No.50841267

Don’t step on me, fucking niggers.

>> No.50841284

Those sound like atrocious working conditions. How's the pay?

>> No.50841309

The antichrist never sleeps, neither should his footsoldiers.

>> No.50841343

need pic of monero-chan with a strapon fucking the glowy thanks

>> No.50841346
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How else could we make this meme a reality?

>> No.50841353

lmao i can see you fighting back, people walking into the capital labeled as terrorists and there werent even guns involved, fucking cucks you bunch, even the french have better riots than you lards

>> No.50841377
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>Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary

emmmm burgerbros i tough you had a free country wtf

>> No.50841382


>> No.50841395

Porn and video games have sated an entire generation of young men.


>> No.50841459

>how dare you stand where he stood

>> No.50841650

No, you’ll be shooting some crypto neets dog. Welcome to Bidens America.

>> No.50841686
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>You have been charge with felony tax evasion.
>IRS Judge 42069 finds the defendant GUILTY
>In consideration of your cooperation, you shall be given the minimum sentencing for your crimes.
>You have been sentenced to DEATH BY FIRING SQUAD
>Your execution shall be carried out NOW

>> No.50841752

There's gotta be a couple poorfags here who need money bad enough. Get a job and report back to biz

>> No.50841773
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Sounds like a fun job.

>> No.50842416

You'll be shooting down your own. You will betray your fellow man and the foundation of what your forefathers intended for our country, serving those that mean to destroy us, and lowering your own status to a subhuman, all for a paycheck. And many will rationalize this.

>> No.50842435


>> No.50842469

I can’t wait until this shithole collapses.

>> No.50842534

No way this is real. I'm gonna look this shit up now.

>> No.50842556
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>> No.50842627

it's real. IRS special agents are basically federal law enforcement, they do physical training and carry guns and are the people who physically raid, in conjunction with other law enforcement, tax criminals. the vast majority of IRS jobs aren't special agents, they're revenue agents or revenue officers i.e. nerds without guns.

t. was offered a revenue agent job w/ the IRS

>> No.50842694

Already looked into it. They require you to be vaxxed maxxed. No Chuds allowed

>> No.50842745

Yep I just checked and it's legit.
Dude I thought these guys were fucking pencil pushers who sat in front of a screen all day drawing up numbers and doing math.
Holy fuck these mother fuckers are really that ballsy to show up at people's homes to collect? With a fucking piece no less!?
Fucking hell, you gotta be suicidal for a job like that. Even if they offered me 100k/year, I'd still say it's not worth it.
They just announced they plan to hire 80k agents right? Sounds like they're building an army to me.

>> No.50842796
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Negative ghost rider.

>> No.50842843

i believe it's 80k over 10 years. and that's 80k employees (IT workers, clerks, administrators, etc.) and not just revenue agents/revenue officers/special agents.

>> No.50842875

Funny how the "based Biden" faggots just disappear from these threads.

>> No.50842892

>work 50hs/week, 24/7 on call
>need to have taken coof shot
>selling your soul and your health for the priviledge to be a wagie

>> No.50842918

Aahhh well that changes things then. I was under the misconception that it was exclusively for agents who'd be going door to door. Either way I checked the pay and benefits, still not worth it imo.
But I'm sure someone will think it is.
Thinking about it, it actually wouldn't be a bad idea to work for them to see how shit works on the inside, just to see if there's any loophole or grey area around paying uncle sam.
I think that would make the job "worth it" in a sense, but that's about it.

>> No.50842930

They do that in Germany too. Literal mouthbreathing roasties are hired en masse to gauge the last penny from net tax payers. The hire more people to rob the natives while arabian and turkish clans launder their money in barber shops, casinos and bistros right before their eyes.

>> No.50842946

For that position, it states the vax is NOT mandatory. Just read the first damn sentence lol.
But yeah, with everything else stated it's still not worth it.

>> No.50843026

I'm sorry. I'm mentally handicapped, you see
I still think that the kind of person who would apply for such a job would be all about "getting another booster to save grandma", getting the injectiong because it is "the right thing to do", and be genuinely scared of it and use masks and tests and stuff. To work at a job like that you need to be 100% plugged in the system

>> No.50843042

> bureaucrates around the world create guides and rules to oppress the taxpayer
It's funny and sad at the same time you can be treated line a criminal for thought crimes they don't have to proof.

>> No.50843134
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InteRniggerS are a silly bunch

>> No.50843208


>> No.50843228

It's ya boi Taxmongold

>> No.50843259

That was fake dude.
lmao I am sure you were serious too.

>> No.50843274
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>> No.50843335
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Stare into my eyes and hear my words.

Let's get one thing straight. You WILL pay those taxes. You WILL be happy with a 30% tax rate. That much I can tell you. A guard will come by your pod three times a day to administer the tax detection test. Should it read "insufficiently paid," there will be an appropriate response. So, let me say it real clear. You're going to live without the tax breaks. You're going to share most of your profits with the state. Yes, they will mostly increase, and that's a good thing.

>> No.50843382

I'm pretty sure they don't mean special as in retarded.

>> No.50843502

It's all a larp and psyop on their own people.
They NEVER have to show up, they just threaten with law fair until they get whatever and call the local police if necessary who ALWAYS cooperate.

>> No.50843542
File: 54 KB, 946x277, washington dc rent is not cheap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they make you live in dc or another big city or are always traveling
>pay you a whole 25 dollars an hour for the privilege of getting chased around by /biz/, /k/ and /pol/ while trying to get them to pay you for the poopcoin, guns and gold they sold last year
>have to be quintuple vaxxed too
Oh wow sign me up.

>> No.50843567
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>on call 24/7
>pay is TRASH
>"why no one apply"
Even when the government is trying to be tyrannical, they are far too cheap to actually get shit done. Kek.

>> No.50843741

Check out the inflation reduction act. No regulations or higher taxes for private equity. These new hires are meant to put the squeeze on sub-200k earners exclusively.

>> No.50843800

The balance is I don't need a jury decision to shoot the enforcers

>> No.50844169

Sound fun I will target crypto chink scammer niggers and seize everything. Cash app scammers gotta pay their cut if they wanna scam if I am around.

>> No.50844230

sounds like they're about to make crypto or good illegal and start raiding homes

>> No.50844235

Sadly true, what a disgrace

>> No.50844259

Is that real? 50 fucking hours

>> No.50844320

All the irs.gov job pages are down hm
captcha: GAYPMT

>> No.50844333

A couple years ago they tried to hire 5,000 new people, they hired 100. Then they tried to hire 10,000 new people, they hired less than 100. If they get the 60 billion I wonder if they'll raise pay and working conditions or just continue hiring no one.

>> No.50844366

Fuck even calling it tax fraud. They're the frauds, not us.

>> No.50844419

When it comes down to it, I hope each and everyone of you put a bullet in the agents at your front door that are essentially trying to steal from you. Assume that if it's happening to you, it's very likely that it's happening to others spontaneously. This time it really is different and make no mistake this has been planned for many years. Choose which hill to die on, anons, because you're being backed into a corner.

>> No.50844424

Holy shit my grocery store pays that much.

>> No.50844452

On another posting they mention in the job description that the job entails dealing with "customers"

As an Intake Technician you will:

Manage incoming telephone call traffic and customer inquiries with internal, taxpayer, congressional, and stakeholder contacts.

Confer with customers experiencing a hardship; clarify any issues and present possible courses of action.

I don't remember signing up to be a customer of theirs.

>> No.50844477

what the fuck is this, kek. The IRS is unconstitutional and now they want hired goons that are ready to kill? haha...America is gone.

>> No.50844519


>> No.50844531

they advance to GS-13 within two years and they get 25% on top of standard GS pay scales because they work overtime and are on call. https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/salaries-wages/salary-tables/pdf/2022/DCB.pdf

so within 2 years they'd be making about $134k/year which is tolerable for DC.

>> No.50844535

>thinking they can get 80,000 working such shit conditions
Can they hire pajeets and spics or are these jobs limited to US citizens due to being a federal agency? Can't see them filling these roles with White Americans

>> No.50844567

Kek it's like how they can't hire soldiers anymore either.
>pay has actually been going down in real terms for 30 years
>wonder why their edicts fail
They're so incompetent and out of touch that even when trying to get someone to enforce their "everyone has to be a tranny" order they can't pay people enough to actually do it.

>> No.50844590

After the whole faggot kneeler blm thing, how can you still defend wh*toids as a whole? There is nothing that some won't reduce themselves to including being bootlickers for globohomo.

>> No.50844721


Assuming it's this job I don't see elevation to GS-13 mentioned anywhere at all, besides the fact that it literally requires a graduate degree merely to be employed (the GS-7 doesn't require it but we all know they'll just ghost anyone without a master's anyway kek).

So you're asking niggas with a 4.0 GPA or a master's degree to work for pennies because maybe they can get a better job at a higher rung on the ladder if they don't get shot.

You're not mentally handicapped as soon as they have you under contract they'll be pressuring you to join the cult of coof and get quad jabbed.

>> No.50844795

>50,000 to live in Fresno
Wow what a steal :)

>> No.50844873

This is gonna be a zog bots job desu.
This right here is all the proof you need to show that they're not hiring humans, they're hiring slaves. Also btw if your IQ is too high you can't join the police, let that sink in.

>> No.50844874

it says on the job posting "Promotion potential 13" which means GS-13. and you can go beyond that, but GS-14 roles are typically management or specialist work, and they're also competitive (meaning you have to apply internally and interview/compete for it.)

from my understanding the role starts on the GL (law enforcement) pay scale but since the GL pay scale maxes out at GL-9 you switch to GS (civilian) pay scale for anything beyond that. it ladders like typical IRS revenue agent jobs: GS7/9/11/13 in that order, you skip ranks. so GL7 or GL9 entry level, then GS11, then GS13. and remember that they get 25% more for each role because special agent is a law enforcement type position.

coming in at GL9 probably isnt hard. i've worked in accounting for 4 years and i was offered a GS9 position with no tax experience, but this was for revenue agent (pencil pusher) and not special agent (carry a gun and badge.) in any case, special agent is very much a lifestyle job. think of it like FBI -- no one just says "i want to be an FBI agent" without understanding the sacrifices you have to make to pursue that kind of work.

>> No.50844899


IRS is ready to raise hell.

>> No.50844930 [DELETED] 
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How are they going to find 80,000 people during a "labor shortage"
Are armed Mexicans going to be showing up at my door demanding tax payments? Antifa trannies? Who are they going to hire?

>> No.50844932

>freeze you owe crypto to crypto taxes on your dogbuttsonicass coin!
>fuck off copper, next issues of sister lover just came out and i'm jackin' it, come hell or hi water

>> No.50844949

>Who are they going to hire?
various illegals

>> No.50844965

Sure, do I need any experience?

>> No.50844984

>carry a firearm and willing to use deadly force
It's a bit concerning that they aren't hiding whats about to happen next.

>> No.50844988

when you join the IRS in any serious capacity they audit your taxes for 3 years retroactively and for every year thereafter, without exception.

>> No.50845050

>$50K to operate out of a big city, work 50 hrs/week, and be on call 24/7
Inb4 IRS agents under report side gig income to cover living expenses, rent, etc. and the agency cannibalizes itself via deadly force authorization.

>> No.50845075
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tax code isn’t law

>> No.50845099

wtf lol
i thought they are just sitting on their ass tracking down payments or smt

>> No.50845119

you amerifats abuse this argument to kill innocent blacks and homeless people

>> No.50845249

everyone on /biz/ should apply for a comfy WFH IRS job and accidentally lose every audit

>> No.50845346

>have to make sacrifices so you can get shot at
And boomers wonder why no one is applying.
>it's probably not hard
Literally says you need a master's degree to make chump change.
>you can go to GS-13 in 2 years
Doesn't say that in the posting, you're pretty bullish on how 'easy' it is to go from 50k to 130k, are you perhaps an IRS shill?

>> No.50845350
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"The Special Agent plans and conducts investigations relative to criminal statutes of tax administration, financial crimes, and other related offenses, which vary in levels of complexity and scope. The majority of the time is spent on investigations involving most or all of the following characteristics:

Indirect accounting methods to establish evidence
Precedent setting legal or investigative questions
Highly complex or unusual accounting problems
Information obtained from diversified sources gathered over a wide section of the country
Interrelationship of facts and evidence that are difficult to identify because of numerous holding companies, entities, etc.
A mixture of legal and illegal activities"
>A mixture of legal and illegal activities


>> No.50845455

>Literally says you need a master's degree to make chump change.
a masters degree isn't a big deal. i have a masters degree for CPA eligibility.
>Doesn't say that in the posting,
i'm telling you how it works. i was offered a job with the IRS (revenue agent) earlier this year but turned it down for more money + wfh at a big jewish corporation. revenue agent and special agent are GS7/9/11/13 ladder. you start where you start (i would have started at gs9) and get promoted each year assuming you don't massively fuck up. after that you get step promotions within each grade, which slow down after year 2 or 3 in grade.

>> No.50845545

That's what happened during the fall of the roman empire. The tax collecters had to use force to collect enormous taxes. Those who didn't pay were beaten.
America definitively is the new roman empire.

>> No.50845596

No, I did want a fed job at one point in IT but they didn't WFH at the time.

>> No.50845610

"Pecunia Nervus Belli" (money is the soul of war)

>> No.50845636

What? It's saying the agents will investigate cases that are complicated due to mixing of legal and illegal practices. Not that the agents will break the law.

>> No.50846232

>The majority of the time is spent on investigations involving most or all of the following characteristics
>proceeds to list things that the agent will be involved in as a part of the investigation
>"No trust me bro that last line isn't like all the others! The context is different here because it just is alright!"

>> No.50847651
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I believe most (real) people don't even get worked up anymore and just experience indifference.

>> No.50847758

These duties are identical to the ones on the FBI agent job listing.

>> No.50847824

I've got another one for you
>Uncle worked at the post office his whole life
>Was making $50k/year in 1985
>Now they make $50k/year in 2022
Yet my taxes never stop going up

>> No.50847829

Based kike.

>> No.50847917

Imagine taking a shotgun blast to the face for a measly 50k/YR. The moment they do this faggot shit, Biden is going to get shinzoed, and we are going to have a sequel to the holocaust like it was a godfather movie. Kikes BTFO.

>> No.50847941
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It's crystal clear the only future currency is
expressed through
>social credits
Obey, eat, disobey, die.
>too complex for /biz/

>> No.50848084
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Actually bullish.
Looks like the insiders amongst the insiders are anticipating some big gains, and you know what that means.

>> No.50848726

>whoaaa dude an executive branch agency has 1811 positions mind blown

>> No.50849844

>they'll be pressuring you to join the cult of coof and get quad jabbed
These idiots probably wait in line to get boosted