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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50846887 No.50846887 [Reply] [Original]

How do I short Europe?

>> No.50846904

You should short your life by kill yourself 4chan financier parasite

>> No.50846926

Sorry pal not my problem, just want to make some cash off of these continentals.

>> No.50847005

Get some more refugees to them immediately! They'll need the economic boost.

>> No.50847062

literally short the euro to 0

>> No.50847078

top signal
op might be right

>> No.50847088


>> No.50847091

Traffic Ukrainian hookers into the U.S.

>> No.50847094

Blow up some shithole Arab or nigger country and get the euros to take in the refugees like America did in '11

>> No.50847098

I‘m short EUR long USD x5. Calls on UUP might be a good idea

>> No.50847113

I will house these poor refugees

>> No.50847125
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>> No.50847158
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A screencap on /pol/

>> No.50847174

God wants all whites to die painfully.

>> No.50847175

Very low tier bait

>> No.50847204

Fire is the least of our problems.

>> No.50847268

>/biz/ believes this was caused by the Jews and not climate change

>> No.50847371

Invade Iran and get the Germans to open their borders, if they don't drop some missiles on them for ignoring human rights.

>> No.50847378

If the Middle East will suffer the most from global warming, why do they insist on producing so much oil?

>> No.50847398

>He doesn't know about the space laser
Sweet summer child

>> No.50847459

Totally man, we need:
1. 1000 Nigerian firemen
2. 1000 Ethiopian diggers
3. 5000 Congolese coal smugglers
4. 3000 Madagascar single men
>w-what do we need the fourth?
>i said immediately

>> No.50847462

Pretty sure the feds won't like you cutting in on their business.

>> No.50847563

Invest in coal and oil, Europe is gonna freeze this winter, remember Germany uses Lignite, coal that is 20% water by wight and less calorie dense than Oak Wood, only the Bjorns and the Bongaloids have reliable NatGas supplies from the north sea, energy stocks in general will follow the market, any kind of lul in fighting in Ukraine(possible because in attrition warfare in eastern europe any winter movement is asking to needlessly destroy hardware and waste lives), may alleviate the strain but not enough to remedy the market, and it's guaranteed that even if Nordstream comes back online at full capacity other pipelines and gas plants are going to be rendered inoperable due to partisans and damage from fighting. Also grains, no western nation or tied to the west nation is buying Russian and even with the agreement the Ukrainian grain isn't getting out of port because Russia claims that a port is housing naval facilities and bombards it, so the only option is by rail, witch see above for the gas, same applies.

>> No.50847583

>rendered inoperable due to partisans and damage from fighting
peter has been claiming this for 5 months straight hasn't happened yet
he also has been claiming 400 usd oil so yeah good luck with that

>> No.50847587

This is what you all get for laughing at Australia.
Duck dunnit

>> No.50847643

They deserve it for being wh*te

>> No.50847653


>> No.50847673

Probably a bait article, those rivers will run this fall when it starts storming for the year

>> No.50847679

is it just me or does all this shit seem incredibly preplanned and artificial? wouldnt be surprised if the kikes are secretly dredging out the rivers into a hidden underground reservoir to create these theatrics to justify population control

>> No.50847707
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>> No.50847735

Realistically if a a watershed is full of dams and reservoirs they can release all the water at a higher rate so there is nothing left for this last dry stretch in the year. Maybe HAARP will exacerbate things tho.

>> No.50847786
File: 1.47 MB, 948x773, 44°.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's clearly the jews though, they must have done something to the weather with their HAARP bullshit and chemtrails.

It's never before seen. Pic rel was taken from my car earlier this month, for you muttoids, 44°C = over 110°F. This is ok for Kuwait, but NOT normal for a country like France, it never happooned before, usually the max we get in mid summer is around 95-100°F, and it never last long before big stormy clouds shows up.
Right now, no clouds, no rain, nothing but smothering heat burning everything down. One of the forest next to where i live is just a pile of ashes now and the road in my street is fucking melting every day around 4pm lol.

Pls send nuclear help.

>> No.50848017

Thank you for actual advice. I will look into these things. If I can profit while G*rmoids suffer I will consider the money to be worth twice the face value.

>> No.50848220

fuck europoors

>> No.50848357

White boy you should have never fucked with G*d's chosen. Do you hear that WHITE BOY?
You will never have sex
You will never have kids
Your government WILL continue to discriminate against you
You WILL get attacked by the media
You WILL get your kids attacked by the homosexual and troon agenda
White boy
Answer me
Do you understand your incoming suffering now?

>> No.50848447

>you're paying me gibs right?

>> No.50848462

>He hasn't already worked with the CIA to open a branch of the Finders.

>> No.50848525
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"Climate change" is a cover for weather-based weapon development and testing.

>> No.50848555
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At this point it is a jewish world, so at some point they need to take credit for it being absolute shit

>> No.50848582

do the previous instances of big public freak outs over climate change/global warming line up with any weapons testing? ie, were we testing atmospheric bombs and shit the last time this was a big issue?

>> No.50848670
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Hey Lois look, I'm US patent #US4686605A, hehehehehehe

>> No.50848695
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Why don't i ever get any (you) on this shit board? Are you all bots speaking to each others? Should i post coombaits to force replies?

>> No.50848734

have we even been recording temps for the past 500 years for them to spew headlines like this?

>> No.50848762


Patent reads as follows:

"A method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region which normally exists above the earth's surface. The region is excited by electron cyclotron resonance heating to thereby increase its charged particle density. In one embodiment, circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation is transmitted upward in a direction substantially parallel to and along a field line which extends through the region of plasma to be altered. The radiation is transmitted at a frequency which excites electron cyclotron resonance to heat and accelerate the charged particles. This increase in energy can cause ionization of neutral particles which are then absorbed as part of the region thereby increasing the charged particle density of the region."

>> No.50848788
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ill be your friend anon

>> No.50848799

no but lack of causation, a dogshit peer review process, and flagrant conflicts of interest have never stopped the science community from making shit up in the past

>> No.50848811

Is this water I already opened fucked up now?

>> No.50848840
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>he don't know

>> No.50848928

damn son

>> No.50848988

Invest in Norwegian oil. They're like a cold Saudi Arabia but right in Europe. 90% of their grid is hydroelectric and all their vehicles are electric, but that doesn't stop them from having 3/4 of their gdp related to oil. Demand will be high (already is). Equinor or something like.

And I guess short European industries? Anything that needs energy? But you're gambling on Germany not immediately putting its mouth to the Russian oil cock as soon as they have an excuse.

>> No.50849011
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How did that Norwegian lose his shrogung to a garloid? Stuffs getting real really fast.