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50845297 No.50845297 [Reply] [Original]

26M here. Basically, me and my girlfriend have chosen to never have kids, largely due to financial reasons. Our main goal is to FIRE (Financial Independance, Retire early).

We plan to work (we both make 90k already) and save and invest our dual incomes. We own a condo together in a major city and have no student debt. At this rate we should be able to retire in our 50s since kids are so expensive.

Other benefits:
- travel wherever, do whatever we want
- less stress and commitment
- way more sex
- free to be selfish and focus on yourself.
- so much money that we can be financially "irresponsile" like eating out all the time and barely be affected.

Anybody else in the same boat? how's life? any advice from older people in the same boat? If you're "childfree" because you're an incel, I don't want to hear from you. both me and my partner are pretty attractive and high earners. i personally fucking love being a selfish DINK.

>> No.50845307

>Our main goal is to FIRE (Financial Independance, Retire early).

lol what is this? 2013?

>> No.50845313

lmao you will be sick of each other and miserable in ten years

>> No.50845319

I'm 30
My wife hates kids
Its a simple as that

>> No.50845327

This is well crafted bait, artisanal even.

>> No.50845330

just get a job you enjoy with non crazy hours like a normal non idiot person

>> No.50845333

what kind of happy horse shit is this you fucking retarded cunt nigger tongue my anus and call me sally you fucking frostback

>> No.50845336

You will 100% regret not having kids. Don't fall for having kids at a late age meme either. Even if you leave your gf for a younger woman, you won't know the joys of meeting your grandkids and seeing them move through life.

>> No.50845337

Yeah that’s my main goal too. Except I will spend retirement impregnating as many women as possible.

>> No.50845362

I have a little guy 2 months old, best thing in my life yet.

>> No.50845397
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>> No.50845415

Don't listen to the haters, desu. I'm 47M and we will be retiring in 10 years. Life is great. Sad seeing my buddies who had kids ruin their sex lives, and be secretly miserable.

I thought for sure I would end up being a dad 9 years ago. My wife was 38 and got pregnant, I thought for sure she would change her mind and keep it. Lucky me though, she actually stuck to our plan of being childfree and went for an abortion.

Just be careful. And if you want kids, go for it. But no kids life is pretty great too. Just my 2 cents.

>> No.50845422

congrats anon

>> No.50845425

Unironically, what is the deal with this board and getting triggered when people don't see the need in having children? Are you all conservatives or something? t.non american

>> No.50845449

is this reddit? cuck

>> No.50845453

Low iteration thinking. Having a biological son is the closest thing you will get to immortality. Hedonism is no substitute.

>> No.50845456

Congrats bro. Children are happiness incarnate. Also OP might as well be faggot not having kids. Come to think of it, he certainly is.

>> No.50845468


In real life nobody gives a shit.

>> No.50845524

If you have the dad gene be a dad if you don't sling dick.Dad gene guys subconsciously seek the immortality goal via children.

I've always wanted a family and nobody else in my generation of my family wants kids so I'll be the humble patriarch. Bonus of my kids getting spoiled by my siblings and parents.

>> No.50845557

I support your choice to not have children so mine may inherit the earth

>> No.50845606

lol. lmao. She is going to leave you

>> No.50845611

Not only have you failed as a human, you have also failed as an organism.

>> No.50845634

I would rather work 14 hours a day in slavery conditons and have kids. There's just something amazing about creating life, I want gigachad sons with my wide shoulders and chest but taller :)
But if they ever do lgbt shit or are incels or fuck niggers i will throw them in a coffin into the ocean. Fuck wasting 18 years raising a piece of shit.

>> No.50845648

No I’ve cracked the code. She is a He. Those fags couldn’t have kids if they wanted to.

>> No.50845720

Damn bro, there is no right or wrong in this World but I would give my left nut to be able to have a kid with my beloved. Think for a long time on this before making the choice.

>> No.50845749
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I have children and I will always be richer than you and your retarded girlfriend even if Elon musk died right now and gave it all to you fagots. you will never know this joy and it’s sad that they have have warped your brain this bad you childless losers are worse than those onions boys that collect Funko pops and cry about star wars and marvel movies even they will have a legacy of onions boy children like themselves that will at least season the society we live in you people are good for literally nothing and it’s not even like your doing something meaningful like curing cancer or solving world hunger your just some shirt mid tear replaceable workers and nothing at all would change if you didn’t show up. Congrats thousands of years of you ancestors risked their lives, struggled and died in order for you worthless people to just call it quits and consoom. You will eventually be old lifeless and depressed for not having children and you deserve it.

>> No.50845754
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My girlfriend and I are both high earning brown Canadians. We both want at least 3 kids (more preferably) and will fuck as much as necessary to have them. I came from a family with 5 siblings, 55 first cousins and over 20 aunts and uncles, my girlfriend's family is similarly large. I'm already uncle to 9 of my sibling's children. We both want our kids to have big families like we did.

What is the point of wealth without love and family? Love and family are what make life worthwhile. I hope to die old surrounded by my children and grandchildren, as I imagine most people would.

>> No.50845766

for the love of god. teach your children to use commas.

>> No.50845785

I don't care about not having kids, but you need to protect yourself legally if you're mixing finances with someone who isn't even your spouse. If you do marry, sign a prenup. Don't be guilted into thinking it means you don't trust her/love her, sign a fucking prenup.

>> No.50845796

> believe his woman when she says she doesn’t want kids
> investing money together

I wish you the best. Im not an incel per se as I’ve had sex and had a long term serious gf. I just don’t agree with your decisions. However, maybe I haven’t found a really good partner and you have. I hope you both make it, I just hope you also don’t get raped in 3-5 years. But you gotta try and it’s risky I get it. Good luck.

>> No.50845797

if you and your wife aren't white, then definitely don't have kids

>> No.50845802

this. it's really not bad

>> No.50845806

Only white people do stuff like this

>> No.50845809


why do you guys think everyone is destined for having kids when plenty of men(including non-niggers) walk out on their family? having a kid won't necessarily make you feel happy or fulfilled nor will it make your relationship better

>> No.50845822

t. will live in a retirement home and be blamed for bringing them into a dying world.

fixed it for you

>> No.50845831
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prenups cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, at least in America with real lawyers

>> No.50845832

This sounds stressful. Imagine planning for retirement at 26. Get a hobby. Touch grass live for TODAY

>> No.50845846
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I’m angry.

>> No.50845849

no they fucking don't lol, is this woman-provided FUD? shut up

>> No.50845855

While I think having a healthy family is a good thing, not everyone is mentally prepared to be a good parent, I can't be a good parent right now and I admit it, I want to be a dad but I can't even handle my own emotions, some people just won't be good parents.

>> No.50845894

Jeets haven't been hit with decades worth of feminism/anti-children propaganda yet. You don't understand just how systemically mindbroken western people are.

>> No.50845911

Jewish hands typed this.
I'm a proud dad of 4 beautiful white sons.
5th on the way. Most important and fulfilling I'll ever do.
They will be made aware of your ways, kike.
Seeth more, kikenstein

>> No.50845914

I just had my first kid with my wife, I'm 36. Wife and I have been together since I was 21, she's 28 now. Anyway, it was nice to not have kids while focusing on a career and owning a home and getting everything in order but it was just time.

>> No.50845925

im assuming you're a pajeet, don't people in those big families tend to double cross eachother all the time? i've heard millions of stories of drama and land stealing, finessing etc.

>> No.50845938


>> No.50845951

When you get divorced you will wonder why the fuck you got married and realize what a scam it was. This WILL happen lol.

>> No.50845960

Nah mate, she doesnt want to breed with you. Simple as. You got like 5 years in than relationship.

>> No.50845963


India already has a below replacement fertility rate. In the USA (don't know about Canada), Asian-American birth rate is the lowest of any group.

There's alot of them because their parents and grandparents had like 10 kids. But in 2020 they have 1 or 2 kids.

Believing that only white people have a low birth rate is one of the biggest pieces of brainwashing.

>> No.50845988

>dual income no kids
>focusing on retiring early...by age 55
This is excellent bait

>> No.50845998

Your two cents isn't worth shit, your linage will be gone when you kys

>> No.50846013

I'm not triggered and lean left politically, but I genuinely don't believe that you can have a meaningful life without kids. MAYBE if you are in the top 1% of your field and make enough of a difference that your work improves the lives of millions of people, but otherwise there is no purpose or higher calling to what you spend most of your life doing. The only way I can justify going into the office every day for 20 years is if there is something worthwhile at the end of that tunnel, and fucking women or traveling seem like completely hollow pursuits. At least with kids you'll have some meaningful impact after you're gone.

>> No.50846025

>brown Canadians
Go back and populate your own country

>> No.50846038

The entire world may be inhabited by niggers soon? Man I want my big dick wide shoulder genes to thrive but idk how to function in a society of random motherfuckers cuz my race isnt reproducing.

>> No.50846071

she is cheating on you
go back

>> No.50846091
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Brown man knows what’s up. Don’t let Them convince you otherwise.
She didn’t have children till she was 28 because you traumatized a 13 year old who probably didn’t want to be with you. You third world piece of shit.

>> No.50846194

If your gf is under 30 it's only a matter of time before she sees all her friends and family having babies and gets the baby rabies too.

>> No.50846195

hello schlomo
still gonna have white kids
hope it doesn’t bother you

>> No.50846220

It won't if your priorities are not on the right place. Take into consideration that life ALWAYS makes sure to hit you with the realization that having a family of your own (kids and all) is the best alternative.

>> No.50846241

No I have two kids and my wife doesn’t work. We’re broke most of the time, sleep deprived, stressed out and at each other’s throats. But we also love our kids more than you have or will ever love anything. You can’t even fucking comprehend this kind of love. It’s beyond you.

>> No.50846264
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>live extremely frugally and forego life experiences including starting a family
>so you can retire at the ripe old age of 50

I know this is post is bait but a lot of people actually fall for the FIRE meme which is really nothing more than "you will own nothing and be happy" but rebranded for people who want to be perceived as high IQ and successful, despite committing to a low IQ path of unsuccess and penny pinching.

Financial Independence does not mean not having a job (otherwise hobos would have to be considered financially independent). Financial independence means you can do whatever you want WITHOUT having to make lifestyle sacrifices or compromises due to money. Yes, this could include not having a job, but not necessarily. You might have a job simply because you love it (eg being a writer, running a nonprofit, w/e) and how much that job pays does not factor into your decision because your income generated by your assets already buys you your lifestyle, freedom, etc.

If you are constrained by finances to doing what you want, if you have to live like a penny pinching miser to be able to quit wagecucking, then you are clearly not financially independent. I hope this clears things up.

>> No.50846344

Some of my parents friends have no kids and guess what, they're always fucking weirdos. When you spend all your time with one other person you enable each other's strange behaviour.
Children help you grow as a couple, do you really think after ten years you want to still be putting your dick in the same wet hole, children give you an excuse not to.
Selfishness is not a virtue, I have acquaintances who seem to think it is and they're always the guys who people bitch about and don't invite to weddings.
Holidays/travelling are a sacrifice you have to make when you have kids, but if you do enough in your 20s and 30s you can take a 15 year break and pick it up again.
Basically FIRE/childlessness is a cope for people who are to stupid to improve their income to the point where children aren't a burden and think they need stop spending in their golden years so they can start watching Netflix full-time once they hit 50. It's absolutely pathetic.

>> No.50846356

>the man bun guy and yoga roastie image
>The perfect recreation of a reddit post, from the opening to the terminology to the pointless bullet points
While you were frogposting, this man studied the redditor.

>> No.50846369

Because people who don't want children always seem to be borderline sociopathic, especially women.

>> No.50846377

Why would you work if you have 26 million

>> No.50846401
File: 5 KB, 263x192, ohshitImsorry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old are you supposed to be when you have kids? I always see anon who had them between 19-22 shat on for "ending their life early" but then I also people above 28 being "abnormal".

25 is the appropriate age?

>> No.50846414

Any time between 21 and 35 is fine to start in my opinion.

>> No.50846446

You don’t have to be childless to retire early, just wait until your 30s and save your early income.

I’m 35 and should be able to retire by 50 with 2 kids under 2

>> No.50846463


as opposed to sick and miserable of each other in ten years with a kid? i'm confused on what the point is

>> No.50846467

> retire in 50s
> "we made it"
The absolute state

>> No.50846509

>dad gene
>superior immortal race

this really is reddit or something isn't it. you're not special for nutting in some woman loser. the most prolific fathers never take care of their children by the way. history has shown this - they aren't fathers, they just knock up women and leave them to raise their kids. there's nothing 'dad gene' about that

>> No.50846526

Get a better wife. Yours is broken

>> No.50846533

GO. BACK. preddit scum

>> No.50846688

Honestly who gives a shit. You want kids, by all means have 4 or five of them if you want. If you don't, then don't. Everyone's got to make that choice for themselves. I will say this though; picture the cost of college today. Now picture that same cost 18-19 years from now. Do you really think costs will be the same or go down? Hell no. Most likely outcome; today's prices (which is already insane) will look cheap as hell in 18 years.. Now picture your salary. Will it cover the cost of college for a kid (or 2 or 3). Will it cover the cost of your other things. Hell your probability still paying off your college education right now..

>> No.50846706

Unfathomably based

>> No.50846738

i can't tell if OP is just baiting or not
the pic, the reddit-like take
sure hope your baiting you faggot little shit
and if you're not, i have only one thing to say to you you homosexual midget :

>> No.50846745
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>> having a girlfriend
>> not having kids
whats the point of a gf if you aren't going to make family?

>> No.50846755

good question
maybe the free sex
still these bitches are expensive in other ways

>> No.50846784

I really hope this is bait. Because it worked and I'm pissed that non-whites breed.

>> No.50846800

>don't want kids
>doctor says gf can't have kids
>we now have a 1 year old
I think my free time just got rugged

>> No.50846814

anyone that has a girlfriend but did not create any kids has nothing more than a sexless single guy in my opinion. you did not produce anything. your relationship was NOT fruitful. so it was pointless and unnecessary. atleast that is my opinion. I rejected a girl I loved and she loved me 2 years ago because she wanted ta career woman with no kids. and she was very sure about never ever wanting kids. so I got out before we bonded hard. there's no point in a relationship if you aren't gonna produce a kid. change my mind.

>> No.50846855
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good for you but you're gonna have to pay up
that'll be 200k / 18 years of the kid
you get lots of fun and sleepless nights in return

yes but it needs to be responsible
only have sex if you got the qualities
you should do it for the community and the kids, not your petty insecurities

>> No.50846862

kek i was told i cant have kids either when i was in my early 20s, now the doctor says im fine?
im male

>> No.50846873
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I strive for financial independence by stepping away from the "consumer" role I am supposed to uphold as an American citizen.
I work my ass off, invest, plan to have children. Most of these things are affordable if you tighten your belt and make smart decisions.

The trick is to not fall into the classic "Middle Class Mindset" that compels you to signal your wealth to others. Poor and rich people literally don't have this problem. I would rather live in a small house that is paid off than spin my wheels trying to pay off some bloated mortgage.
The economy is saturated with debt, and the notion that you can just buy a house and the value will increase is no longer a given outcome.

The money I earn is mine, and I make sure to keep it. I don't give it away by making stupid, impulsive purchases. And in doing so, I can make various investments/speculations that lead to even larger income than I had the two weeks prior.
I plan for long term purchases, appliances, car tires, new roof so nothing can take me by surprise. I invested in gym equipment a decade ago and never waste my money on subscriptions. I use 'cash back' rewards from my Amazon card to pay for any book or dvd that I want so I never spend a dime on anything for my entertainment. I cook at home and resist the idea of "treating myself".
Life is pretty comfy once you grab it by the horns.

>> No.50846884

imo the rule should be
> capital equivalent to X houses of reasonable quality
> allowed to have X kids
maybe 2 * X max

>> No.50846911

i'm 36, secured financial independence by age 32 without ever being a wagecuck or inheriting
that's as yuropoor too, so hard mode compared to burgericans
"financial reasons" is not an argument unless you're a midcurve loser
imagine cutting off your genetic immortality because you really want to watch more netflix shows and buy more marvel figurines

>> No.50846918

anti-natalists don't have a say in anything regarding future prospects
they have no agency and their presence is merely temporary, as they're the end of their lineage
killing an anti-natalist is the same as butchering a farm animal, there's no harm nor moral violation in the act

>> No.50846949

crypto or did you do something creative?

>> No.50846966

no amount of material joy can rival the feeling of holding your newborn child for the first time


your biological clock will hit you like a truck by your 30:s,
you are going to cringe when you think back to when you made this post

>> No.50847000

Airbnb your condo and travel while you’re both young and in good. You don’t if one of you will develop a chronic health condition by the time you retire.

>> No.50847011

I believe anti-natalists make some good points, but the biggest strike against them is that only high IQ people will ever philosophically agree to just destroy their own genetic line. This naturally leads to the world being handed over to the groups that aggressively seek to expand themselves and their race.

>> No.50847012


You’re a stupid dumb cunt of a sonofabitch. The whole point is to have kids. None of that other shit matters. No go fuck your self, stupid zoomer shitbag

>> No.50847106

>love and family
Even that wanes. It's strong when the kids are growing but it wanes in adulthood. Siblings drift further apart, parents divorce, everyone gets older, emotional blackmail starts.
We don't live in huge local communities anymore. Without serious wealth to compensate, family life is more rough than it has ever been.
Also there is no such thing as 'love', you watch too much TV. There is strong instincts and personal interests.

>> No.50847112


Never having kids is like flying through space on a spaceship and never stopping at any planets and exploring them.

Real cowardly TBPH

>> No.50847164
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>not building a business empire
>not accumulating assets & power
>not passing on your wealth, knowledge, and connections to your own flesh and blood
>tfw no family dynasty

>> No.50847169

>their lineage
>muh lineage
There is nothing special about anyone's lineage. It's just a fracture. Let's say most people will produce a kid, that's several billion 'muh lineage's every generation. Does each of those several billion people think their 'muh lineage' is as special as yours?
Besides your lineage (aside from the woman but applies to her too) is almost identical to those splitting off from your grandparents, or their parents or their parents, in the grand scheme of things a few decades is nothing compared to 200,000 years of human genetic lineage.

>> No.50847183

This. I have two blue eyed beauties and they're very hard work but wouldn't change a thing.

>> No.50847202

Until you have children, you will remain one. It's the only initiation ritual this godforsaken society has left.

>> No.50847206

Yes there's a difference
I actually enjoy being with my kids, they're my family. At this point my wife is just some bitch who lives in my house.

>> No.50847258

well i'm kind of an uncle but i have a 9 year old son and a gf a few hours away by plane. i never understood why anyone would walk out on their kid but it's been difficult and i'm ready to leave.
what set it off was when i took him to see top gun when it came out

>> No.50847274

drivers license
moving out

>> No.50847345

Those are shadows, like taking acid at a music festival. Kids and the encumbent responsibility is the only permanently transformative event.

>> No.50847369

Not one thing from that list can hold a candle to seeing a human you helped make come out of your wife's pussy.

>> No.50847426

but that's not an impressive feat. anybody can impregnate a woman. its something everyone did. hence why a lot of men can't measure up and end up abandoning their kids. having kids is literally the norm not some kind of accomplishment

>> No.50847476

>Retire at 50

>> No.50847614

People can fail thier initations. Abandoning your children is essentially reverting to one.

>> No.50847640

Life gets boring and not really worth it if you don’t have a family. Ask old people. It’s true.
Anecdotal case.
Had a boss, never had kids, wife gone. He would always say nobody would know or care if I died. Sad, bro. Don’t be sad.

>> No.50847736

You sound highly faggoty. Glad you're self removing from genepool.

>> No.50847831
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my poast lacks a comma. Im saying Dad gene or sling dick.

Dad gene guys solve their immortality quest via living through their children. High paternal investment dad.
Dick slingers don't really care about immortality and do quasi anti social pleasure seeking. low parental investment dad.

>> No.50847854

congratulations on raising another kid who will hate existing

fuckin scumbag

>> No.50847989

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.50848138

>My wife hates kids
a woman who hates kids is a red flag. she has no empathy