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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 197 KB, 1080x1156, ceo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50842126 No.50842126 [Reply] [Original]

The white collar job market will collapse.

A lot of white collar workers work for companies who have no product, even if they have a product, they make no revenue, the only reason they exist is because they can take out cheap low interest loans or get investors to invest in them.

Even if the companies that white collar workers work for are doing financially okay, the majority of white collar jobs are still inherently unproductive, most people who work desk jobs spend majority of their time at the job going to useless meetings, checking their email, browsing the internet, getting interrupted needlessly by coworkers, getting little actual work done.

This job market has been propped up on decades of low interest rates. Now that debt is getting more expensive, the party is over. The age of startup blitzkrieg is ending and even the giants are going to go on a fat trimming crusade. If you're not directly contributing to operations, efficiency or safe high profit projects, you're gone within a year.
It's going to be tragic for the 30 year old city dwellers who get caught up in this, since their 120-180k salaries have almost entirely gone into consumerism rather than saving and investing.

Screenshot this

>> No.50842176

I don't give a damn, there is a reason i wanted a meaningful job and became a doctor.

>> No.50842317

White collar make work email jobs create nothing and are nothing more than adult daycare. This country's economy died when manufacturing was sourced to Chinks.

>> No.50842324

>meaningful job
>became a doctor

Kek. Doctors are useless. 95% of the real medical work is done by the pharamceutical industry. All you do is gatekeep us from buying medicine, even though we already know wich ones we need . Without prescriptions to pass most doctors would be obsolete.

>> No.50842339


>> No.50842353
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Burry said the same

>> No.50842392

i think a lot of meme jobs will be slashed and burned. however, not all "real" jobs involve 8 hours of productive work per day. i work in financial reporting at a megacorp and i have a lot of downtime. i'm paid to hit deadlines that fall within a specific timeframe, and outside of that timeframe i'm just "available" to answer questions or do ad-hoc bullshit.

>> No.50842505

Once general AI comes around there will be no jobs at all, period. Better hope the techno elites decide to keep us around out of the goodness of their hearts

>> No.50842577

imagine working in 2022

>> No.50842587
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Goggles must do the needful or be shown the door.

>> No.50842614

Will pajeet ceo really cut down the bulk of useless pajeets hired through nepotism?

>> No.50842613


Doctors get credit for the medicine developed by scientists. Scientists get credit for the technology designed by engineers. Always has been, always will be.

Licensure is how you get above market rate. The market is cruel and people cheat; cheat right back with licensure.

>> No.50842855

This. Doctors are worthless, surgeons are the exception, they are skilled and knowledgeable

>> No.50842888

Now that's some incel level delusion and simplification.

It's the same as in finance. 95% of people are retards and would just fuck themselves up if allowed unregulated medicine, as happens in unregulated economies like crypto.

>> No.50842899

COVID vaccines have already killed millions. The rest are slowly dying or going to die well before their natural expiration date. The leased vaxxed in America are low IQs and very high IQ phds. The midwit office worker is getting replaced by AI.

>> No.50842915

cope, you're a glorified troubleshooter. I hope you have fun with your fat patients today.

replace my furnace wagie

>> No.50842931

The vast majority of doctors supported the illegally vaccines. The unvaxxed aren’t dying, the vaxxed are dying. Explain that doctor retard. You’re a total midwit btw

>> No.50842939
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I hate you retards

>> No.50842945

Speaking personally, there is definitely a colossal amount of fat to trim in the white collar financial world.

>> No.50842950

>Scientists get credit for the technology designed by engineers
And engineers get credit for the technique designed by mathematicians

>> No.50842986

There is a ton of fat to trim but as management that has gone through a couple transformations, companies ALWAYS cut the wrong employees; the productive leave and the most useless bullshitters stay

>> No.50843041

They're gonna fire all the workers and keep all the middle management and HR roasties

>> No.50843059

>Loads up the productive people retarded enough to stay
>Shit collapses
Many such cases!

>> No.50843066

Without endless subsidies, those companies will collapse, because both of those groups are generally speaking even more worthless than the meme white collar jobs.

>> No.50843069

>why aren't my employees productive!
>mandates 20% of their time to work on personal projects

>> No.50843071


Not quite the same. When the vaccines came around it was "Thank you doctors for the vaccine, doctors saved the world" when the entire process was done by scientists (often just one scientist that got lucky). The doctor literally did nothing.

Same thing for when some engineers design a fancy telescope or a rocket. That was a feat of engineering, not science.

Mathematicians aren't the one designing the airfoils, and a lot of the time it's just a product of experimentation. The useful math has already been discovered.

>> No.50843082

>Shit collapses
No, shit gets BAILED OUT

These mega Companies will only collapse when the United States collapses

>> No.50843114

That's what they get for hiring Indians off of H1Bs rather than getting fewer American software engineers, kek.

>> No.50843122
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>> No.50843170
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I kneel

Maybe it is humans who are truly the programmable Ai

>> No.50843176

I realized that HR roasties and boomer management probably aren't making up the bulk for sure.
What proportions of corps are filled with these so called bullshit jobs even by white collar standards?

>> No.50843191

Not my problem.
t. government worker leech

>> No.50843236

>companies ALWAYS cut the wrong employees;

yes and a lot of companies are going under, themselves being fat to be trimmed from the body of the market due to their inefficiencies.

>> No.50843241

and mathematicians get credit for software written by computer science chads

>> No.50843309


Tell me, how does one fuck themselves up by improper use with a CPAP machine? Why does such a machine require a prescription? Why do they lock the machine to a static pressure rather than allowing the AI to make adjustments as needed? (A function that is FDA approved and safe). Why can some drugs be prescribed just with a description of symptoms and no objective test to prove need? For the ones with an objective test, what do we need you for? We have a test confirming the need.

Medical care is already patient directed. It's why they can literally run ads saying "ask your doctor about". You're literally not needed if the patient can just ask and receive.

>> No.50843336

I Kill Niggers

>> No.50843403

>the productive leave and the most useless bullshitters stay
It seems to be that way unfortunately. I expect it will be like that in programming teams until they start realizing that contractors are too fucking expensive lol. Women, troons, and brownies are good at writing goop, that's it, no meaningful code.

>> No.50843506

This dude got banner from Twitter for posting this:


>We're like a month away from swathes of fake job laptop class being laid off with no recourse towards their previous lives. That'll actually probably be the catalyst for the Spicy Times. What happens when a few million laptop Americans get their pay cut down by 75%.

>When these layoffs start you can't just go get a job at another company because it'll be across the board. What happens when the 200,000 a year person with 200,000 in expenses has to go get a normal $40k a year job. And I would stress that as much as you may want to enjoy this you need to understand how interconnected it all is. Because as laptop consoomer class falls all that excess money will stop flowing into the blue collar sphere.

>> No.50843585
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techlet and a bootlicker.
$40k is not a "normal" salary. boomers earned their equivalent of $200k by graduating college and giving a firm handshake. this is peak crab bucket subhuman behavior.

>> No.50843611

Tbh senpai one of them smelled really bad.

The humor in midwits calling other people midwits never ceases to amuse me. Dunning-kruger in plain view.

>You're literally not needed if the patient can just ask and receive.
You have no idea how stupid majority of people are. They are fucking clueless when it comes to medicine. Too stupid to even ask and receive. I see it every day in my work.

As for the cpap stuff, AIs are fucking stupid and you have no experience of AI in real life if you think otherwise. I'm guessing cpap machine itself can cause harm itself, otherwise it wouldn't be regulated.

>> No.50843622

Lol what kind of doctor you are that the word "incel" is in your vocabulary? Not a very prestigious one. I'm thinking a larp.
He's totally right about surgeons. If true, have you ever actually done anything for your patients except look something up online?
There's a world of difference between unregulated and the current way the system functions today. Yes, the over the counter stuff available in how it functions is generally better right now than the current system.

>> No.50843690

You think smart/succesful people don't use the word incel? That all smart/succesful people act like some 19th centure victorian elites?

>> No.50843700

>The humor in midwits calling other people midwits never ceases to amuse me. Dunning-kruger in plain view.
Don't you find it midwit-lite to use a phrase based upon a name of some random people you probably have never read about or the study but only found on reddit and repeated the phrase? Do you see the irony of your post?
>You have no idea how stupid majority of people are. They are fucking clueless when it comes to medicine. Too
Even if this is true it doesn't make you smart and you can still have "Dunkirk and Cunning" Effect.
AI is not stupid, it's a program.

>> No.50843707
File: 329 KB, 1041x660, gab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good question. Andrew Torba of Gab revealed in the past few months that his dev team consists of somewhere in the ballpark of 10 developers, while Twitter has thousands of NPCs and Commies who contribute nothing, and yet his platform is overtaking Twitter in popularity and relevance. I can't seem to find that message right now but it was in response to this Project Veritas video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TexDrY6AlAw&t=10s&ab_channel=ProjectVeritas

I would imagine most of his devs are white. They have had to build their entire system from the ground up. They are also working on Gab Pay which is an alternative to PayPal. They are working to build an entire parallel economy using a fraction of the resources of major tech companies: https://help.gab.com/article/gab-pay-overview

>> No.50843711

>You think smart/succesful people don't use the word incel?
>That all smart/succesful people act like some 19th centure victorian elites?

>> No.50843718

They're such faggots. How much money does Google make by merely existing? How much does that ceo make? Everyone could probably stop working for 2 months and nothing would go wrong. They act like it's a fucking retail store where things actually need to get done. What do Google fags even do all day besides sell my data to glowniggers?

>> No.50843732


I'm well aware of how stupid they are, and they are a lot smarter than you give them credit for. Alcohol is cheap, legal, incredibly dangerous and a hell of a lot of fun. Less than. 10% of people develop alcoholism, the rest do just fine. The overwhelming majority of people can manager their intake of literal poison well enough to function and be productive.

Physicians are more likely to abuse drugs than the average American. This is well established knowledge. They can't even follow their own ethos, and therefore the ethos is invalid.

>> No.50843791

Never heard of this company

>> No.50843835

>few work
google has been around for a long time and i'm sure they gained a lot of weight as in useless middle managers. that same can be said about every other midsized to large company. that's why i became a codemonkey instead of going into management. i might be fired from one company but i will either work at another or do freelance work/start my own company. if you work in tech i'm sure it didn't take long to realize how many people who have no idea what they are really doing work in this field. it's the autist's job to work in tech but there are only so many of them around and even less of them who are somewhat capable of social interaction.

>> No.50843876


It's not a larp, it's an indictment on how medicore the intelligence of most MDs truly are as well as how conceited they are. It's quasi-religous shamanism and always has been; only those enlightened by the clergy have God's divine blessing.

Med students are even worse. This guy is probably premed, so he hasn't even been through any of the academic filters.

If you're feeling bored go take a practice MCAT sometime. A quarter of the questions are shit like knowing the difference between Medicaid and Medicare, and a ton of them can be guessed at purely based on reading comprehension. I scored just north of the 50th percentile, and I'm a lukewarm 120 IQ business major.

>> No.50843895

When my performance review mentions I'm the most productive worker on my team and I work like 2 hours a week then yeah I'd say there's some fat to trim.

>> No.50843919

Typical, how many people have you sent to the grave? I bet you’re a pajeet too.

>> No.50843922

How is incel not a good word? It describes the modern sexless males perfectly.

>> No.50843950
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Nothing to deflect in proper schizo nonsense. I'm literally blond and blue-eyed kek.

>> No.50843969


Because it's not medical or scientific, LMAO.

>> No.50844005

It's probably irrelevant outside America. I'm speaking from an American PoV.

>> No.50844019

So just because i'm a doctor, all my talk needs to be in medical terms? Jesus f christ what kind of autists you are.

>> No.50844025

Damn, you are stupid. We know you're not a doctor so just gtfo.

>> No.50844027

>November 2021
>plus 70% adult vaccination rate at that time
Thanks for posting fake bullshit. Total midwit.

>> No.50844059

Do you call your schizophrenic patients "schizos" too? Lmao. We know you're not a doctor. Just get out and have a more productive day.

>> No.50844064
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>the system
Malice tier ignorance.

Where the fuck do you retards come from? I feel bad for the poor people you fuck over every day.

>> No.50844076

You don't sound like a doctor. You sound like a druggy redditor.

>> No.50844089

Fucking kek.

But the answer is that an AI, besides this one which is clearly influenced by boomers posting Trump memes, would take the data into account which demonstrates it is logically impossible for cities with declining populations to post constantly increasing vote tallies, only at 3AM and only in wards which went 99% for one candidate with 99% turnout. Because an AI can only function on logic, it would only be able to conclude all that shit is impossible.

>> No.50844096

>personal projects
They are owned by google and some of them have grown into its major products.

>> No.50844100

No, this is what is never mentioned. Half the browns in the country are here because we 'needed' to dip into the 500,000,000 brown english speakers in the third world. Layoffs would be racist.

>> No.50844137

Google is an ad company. Black hats are constantly trying to break the algorithm. Ngl you're fucking retarded and should shut up and listen more.

>> No.50844139

I don't get why you autists think that smart/succesful people can't use internet slang terms lmao. Funny thing, i worked as a doctor in a schitzopherenic ward for a time. Never have i seen anywhere as much 4chan mentality in real life as i saw there in the patients. Really tells one all there is to know about people hiding behind anonimity here.

>> No.50844152


It needs to be accurate and descriptive. Scientific and medical terms do this quite well. You used it to describe a person you know nothing about; a person who could literally collect cans and bottles off the street until they could afford a hooker. Nobody is involuntary.


Lovely, we've got a med student that think guessing is OK when it comes to medicine. The automated pressure sensor isn't an AI, it literally just a gauge that determines if the air way is still obstructed (not enough pressure), at which point it increases it. This feature is fully FDA approved and UNREGULATED.

This feature is in nearly all modern machines but is intentionally LOCKED OUT by doctors that want to run up quarterly consult fees. Instead of getting a solution that changes based on your moment to moment needs, you're locked in for 3 torturous months before you get the privilege of being billed $300 for a consult and for him to just update the settings based on the machine's recommendations.

There's a literal hacking scene for these because people cannot otherwise get the treatment they need and is readily available to them

>> No.50844163
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loser shill sycophant probably larping as a "doctor" kek, typical pathetic faggot thinks we care about appeals to authority like the npc's do.

>> No.50844197


He unironically does sound like a doctor. This is literally how doctors view their patients. He's not a doctor yet he's still med student.

>> No.50844202

>/pol/-posting on social media


>> No.50844205
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>> No.50844218

tfw the nurses that work under you probably make more than you do.

>> No.50844251
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While the above is fucking hilarious sarcasm, this has been seriously proposed: https://www.hastac.org/blogs/ari-schlesinger/2013/11/26/feminism-and-programming-languages

>> No.50844256

>guessing is OK when it comes to medicine.
Welcome to the real world kid. Nobody really knows anything, we are all operating on educated guesses in the end. Even at the top branches of any field. On the other stuff, cool. I'm not even american so i don't know how that shit works in my country.

>denial the moment a succesful person doesn't support his view
Just like a real schitzopherenic!

>> No.50844301

I'm close to graduating and in my country med students in later phases of their studies can already work as doctors.

No they don't in my country lol. Too bad for them tho, they deserve good pay.

>> No.50844335
File: 425 KB, 720x1383, doctor anti conspiracy theorist gets culled by vax he supported.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolol suck my ass golem enjoy your "sudden adult death syndrom" vaxxie faggot

>> No.50844351


So we've gone full circle. We've established that you're not necessary because you're guessing and because you don't actually fucking know.

If nobody fucking knows then "Your guess is as good as mine". At which point I don't fucking need you and you only serve as a bridge troll that exists to tax me for accessing the care that I specifically have to ask you for by name.

The only thesis here is that your job isn't meaningful or useful. You're paid well because the AMA is a cartel and a damn good one at that. I've got my own licensure and am overpaid/overprotected too, but I don't pretend like it's because I have a special ability.

>> No.50844358

software written with math
at the highest levels (or rather lowest) comp sci is just a branch of applied mathematics

>> No.50844381


LMAO. Sure thing pal. You're "working" as a doctor. We call those interns and they fetch coffee and just write down what the real doctors say.

But none of that matters. It's a bogus skill set and the MCAT you can literally guess through if you understand language.

>> No.50844412

I'd say that nobody knows but some guesses are still better than others. Yeah we doctors don't exist for the smart people who can just research their problems. We exist for the large masses whose guesses are even worse than ours.

>> No.50844453

>It's a bogus skill set and the MCAT you can literally guess through if you understand language.
not a doctor but cmon anon, you're being a retard

t. 95th percentile on the physical sciences section of the old mcat

>> No.50844455

Not in my country. We get as much freedom as we want. Sounds crazy but our system is not as strict as the american one. Our medical sector is mostly public so i guess fuck ups don't matter to the young doctor personally so much so i guess it doesn't need to be so strict lol.

>> No.50844509
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>> No.50844518

Fucks sake hiring an ESL pajeet as ceo for muh diversity is bad enough but the streetshitter can't even understand proper grammar

>> No.50844544

doctors are subhuman scum and one of the prime examples of dunning kruger midwit retards

>> No.50844550

No one believes you are a doctor.

>> No.50844586

Not a doctor.

>> No.50844592

bottom of that chart is all over the place because covid kills fat people, & vaccines save fat people so their fat genes can carry on

>> No.50844603

Interesting that the feminist software federation doesn't actually do any programming but expects some PHD AI scientist to take time out of his day to attend to them.

>> No.50844622

Real doctor here. I diagnose you as fake and gay. That will be $500.

>> No.50844632

he's acting exactly like a doctor, almost all of them are dishonerable narcissistic freaks, in addition to being mass murderers of course

>> No.50844641

>medicine developed by scientists
all useless, all poiounions, stop throwing your life away to the pharma jew.

>> No.50844654

How do diversity tards cope with the fact that Ranjesh knows Prajesh and Sunjesh and they just cyclically hire their own family members of which there are 50 rat like creatures from the same village?
Do western jewish/wasp handlers even understand how this works at the street level or did they really swallow their own shit lol?

>> No.50844703

Anon is right. I don't believe that guy is a doctor.

>> No.50844722

Do you really think the Rothschilds or Rockfellers are concerned about Ranjesh and his village getting tech jobs in a sector they artificially keep bloated? Like seriously do you think the Queen of England or Saudi Royal family are really losing sleep over the situation?

>> No.50844796
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>$40k is not a "normal" salary.
True. I'm an EMT and make about $40k/yr. It's not great, but at least I will have a job when the layoffs hit the white collar workers.

>> No.50844825

Kek why? Because i use internrt slang? Or because i called 4channers schizos?

>> No.50844828

The economy switched from serving customers to serving the state, they will keep their jobs no matter how critical the economy turns because loyalty to the party is more important than profits.

Wake up sheeple

>> No.50844863

Lol they actually will though

>> No.50844885

Code for too many diversity hires

>> No.50844935

Gab is basically what you would get if you removed the porn from /pol/ but kept the politics and removed the tranny moderators from Twitter but kept the hive mind mentality of any social media site. It's alright.
Was basically pure /pol/ when it first launched a few years ago, but Q crowd mostly took over when Jerome Corsi got deplatformed and moved his audience to Gab.

>> No.50844960

This is how humans work too btw

>> No.50844967
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>> No.50845013

You sound like a retard for believing this, educate yourself

>> No.50845019

This is a surprisingly honest response...but still wrong, you exist mostly to band aid the symptoms of the modern american industrial processed diet, the drugs you administer and stents you inject paper over some symptoms and NEVER treat the problem. They also cause further degradation of health over the long term which are then treated with different drugs to help those symptoms and on and on it goes....the reason the system needs you to do this is because if the "masses" eliminated processed food from their diet, the food supply would collapse prices for animal protein would skyrocket shelves would empty and inflation would spiral....very politically destabilizing. This is ultimately why harvard medical calls what 100 years ago was considered machine lubricant, "heart healthy fats"

>> No.50845032
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So, no one has mentioned this yet, but isn't big reason the FAGMAN companies hire so many people that aren't strictly needed, is to try to suck talent out of the market to make it harder for any startup to compete with them? If they start shedding any decently talented people that could be quite bad for them in the long run.

>> No.50845045

Because you don't have a medical degree.

>> No.50845094

This is complete bullshit pajeet

>> No.50845104
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Alot of engineering texts and practices are approximations of reality discovered by trial and error
Pic rel. I use it regularly.

>> No.50845112

your larp and sperm has ceased to be motile redditor, SADS awaits. This megachud over here is about to impregnate his woman. How does that make you feel? There is no hope for you.

>> No.50845121

Agreed, always must do the needful.

>> No.50845140

They might just go bankrupt.

>> No.50845159

AI do a better job at diagnosing health issues than meat doctors. What will be the point of doctors when AI is widely accepted?

>> No.50845225

Devops will be the first to topple. You can learn how to use Amazon Web Services in a few months and immediately get a job paying $200-300k/year. You aren't even expected to code anything.
I don't understand the FOMO of redesigning your entire IT system and moving it 'to the cloud'.

>> No.50845229

Lmao @ the uppity beaner "doctors" ITT

>> No.50845240
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I can take actions without a pre-requisite conditional

>> No.50845252

du musst 18 sein um hier zu posten hans

>> No.50845517

We know why doctors exist. The question is when are you going to become one?

>> No.50845600

> too many employees but few work
too many diversity hires
in reality tech jobs should probably pay more
and real workers would be more productive if they didnt have to hand hold the DEI hires

>> No.50845630


>"Too many employees but few work"

Then I guess we don't need all these H1B pajeets in our country anymore, right? Time to cancel them all, and send them packing. Oh, and time to start downsizing on all those superfluous execs and admins.

>> No.50845643

such big talk for fags who'll come crawling to us when old age diseases hit. that heart attack won't fix itself

>> No.50845722

it didnt used to be like this
my dad ran a hospital for 30 years (CEO of a nationally known hospital)
the majority of doctors cared, so did my dad
they wanted patient care to be their first priority
but then the board members came in (blackrock types) and started demanding diversity and following pathways
the medical field was corrupted from the top down
old doctors are still good people but they are mostly retired
new doctors are fucked

over half of doctors "trusted the science" on the vaccine
your field is no different than anyone else
med schools search applicant's social media profiles and if you follow any "based" people they dont let you in
i know more about the inner workings of your field than you ever will
its more fucked than you imagine
you sound green as fuck

>> No.50845727

Sales CHADS rise up

I can literally measure that I am a net-profit wagie

>> No.50845770

Meta (earlier Facebook) Founder Mark Zuckerberg fired the first salvo. It was the weekly Q&A on June 30, and he had said that the economy was headed for the “worst downturns that we’ve seen in recent history”.

Then he continued.

“Realistically, there are probably a bunch of people at the company who shouldn’t be here,” Zuckerberg said on the call,

>> No.50845821

>med schools search applicant's social media profiles and if you follow any "based" people they dont let you in
I've heard about worldwide medical board tyranny but that's super fucked up

>> No.50845829

>short supply
Anyone can apply for a job with no experience required and those jobs pay pennies to the dollar for that very reason.

>> No.50845941

The entire society was raped and skullfucked by big money class.
>they ruined communities
>they ruined gender relations
>they ruined families
>they ruined fertility
>they ruined race relations
>they ruined the healthcare system
>they ruined small business
>they ruined factories
>they ruined free speech
Fuck big finance.
A bunch of unelected parasites raping everything to death.

>> No.50845957

>tfw you hired every h1b you could find and now you have to start doing the needful

>> No.50845984

Because successive Western governments have allowed corporate monopolies to grow out of control so now there is less and less competition so fewer and fewer companies to employ staff.

This is why many of us have bought crypto, we see which way the wind is blowing in regards to automation, smart contracts, etc.

>> No.50846007

Just learn to weld, bro

>> No.50846039

Most people are capable of using their own computers to Google symptoms nowadays, it's just a matter of time before GP's are a thing of the past.

>> No.50846070

> calls people here schitzos
he is also here
do you believe the covid vaccine is a good thing?

>> No.50846083

Maybe you're programmed to think that you can, but you actually can't

>> No.50846226

>“Realistically, there are probably a bunch of people at the company who shouldn’t be here,” Zuckerberg said on the call,
Kek! Who hired them?

>> No.50846253

other people who shouldn't be there (women)

>> No.50846261

Real Doctor here. No you cant and never be a women because you were born with a dick. No you are not a women. You are a faggot. Real doctor out.

>> No.50846289
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always seemed to me like that there are a decent number of software developers at google, facebook etc. who are just reinventing existing things to justify their high salary
t. developed android, ios and react web apps for a number of years

>> No.50846318

Yet no one does

>> No.50846353


>> No.50846357

>useful math has already been discovered
absolute cringe.

>> No.50846379

I Suck Dicks

>> No.50846391

You send a ballot in the mail to every person in the city

>> No.50846443

Ok, well who hired those other people?

>> No.50846466

other women

>> No.50846503

Yeah even the ones who can't be proven to exist you mouthbreathing imbecile.

>> No.50846531

>pennies on the dollar
Fact is that mindless warehouse work pays $20/hr starting out, that's over 40k a year meanwhile most of these white collar office jobs start at 50-60k a year and require a degree.

>> No.50846544

>diversity and following pathways
it's all a distraction. remember the MBA memes from the 80s/90s? this is just a continuation of that, making everything increasingly commodified. their pet niggers and women commandants are just a distraction.

>> No.50846545


>> No.50846564

the difference is that 10 years from now the warehouse guy will still be making $40k (or, god forbid, in one of those low level tard wrangler wagie manager jobs that's $60k for 60 hours of unbearable stress a week) while anyone with a brain in an office position can work their way up to to $70-80k, if not more.

>> No.50846575

>employees arent earning their keep
>says man that makes a hundred million a year and spends his time writing op eds about how no one works while his employees do all the work

>> No.50846630

The covid vaccine increased all cause mortality as soon as it was introduced and doctors still think they are a good idea. You are a bunch of literal retards who have no critical thinking skills. Even the other retards who can't research stuff would be better off without you.

>> No.50846666


anyone with a degree and half a brain can make 150k in 10 years starting at 50k. im a retard and i went from 50k to 200k in 5 years with just a bachelors. i spent the entire time in A/C too. i can't imagine people slaving away for 10 years in a warehouse to go from 20/hr to 40/hr

>> No.50846731

Whoah not le algorithm !@

>> No.50846767

I did, used to work for 10 dollars an hour back in 2017, now I make 45.
From personal experience that is absolutely false. I worked part-time In Home Depot as a freight worker. Busted my ass with little to no breaks for 4 hours every night and made like 12,000 annually.

>> No.50846843
File: 20 KB, 1000x1000, a6e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Build a competitor to Google
>Build a competitor to Windows or apple

Oh yeah those startups are going to disrupt the core structure of the clearnet and mobile devices and business operating system of the bulk of the world. Anon it's not 1981 the commodore 64 lost I'm sorry the fagman will take down the entirety of the computing paradigm with them unless your hackermen dream of decentralized Internet guerilla warfare cryptocurrency economy comes true.

>> No.50846925

every day I come here I realize /bi/z is filled with more braindead niggers then I ever realized. Only dipshit immigrants, inner city minorities, and incels believe this shit about doctors. You're fucking retarded and your COPE is showing. Having fun trying to user google to take care of yourself when you're old, an accident happens to you, or god forbid a rare disease

>> No.50846959

i like the guy who thinks the mcat asks questions about medicaid kek

>> No.50846978

>racist liberal

>> No.50846995

There were questions about medicare on USMLE Step 1, nothing about medicaid and certainly nothing about either on the mcat

you are incapable of a single coherent thought, then entirety of your worldview and thought process is a series of unrelated and discombobulated buzzwords you scraped from 4chan

>> No.50847001

>Only dipshit immigrants, inner city minorities, and incels believe this shit about doctors

Come on down to Texas or Oklahoma and I can show you plenty of rednecks who think the same.

>> No.50847016

Who the hell do you ally yourself with in the real world then? You hate minorities but also the majority, I just don't understand whos side your on there.

>> No.50847039

I’ve been working myself to death in accounting for the past 5 years, so whenever someone says that white collar jobs are do nothing jobs, I have no idea what they’re talking about

>> No.50847061

incels on this board that invaded from /pol/ are virtually indistinguishable from inner city niggers regarding virtually every single topic and hot take. They don't realize that just becasue they hate black people doesn't mean they aren't exactly the same as them in every single opinion and lifestyle choice

Like most normal functioning adults, I don't "ally" myself with imaginary sides in some make believe culture war. Real life isn't some simple minded red vs blue shit, try spending time developing real opinions instead of regurgitating buzzwords thinking you have some sort of cohesive worldview when it's literally just stale memes

>> No.50847064

Lmao, see u in the morgue u fucking retard. WebMD self diagnosing manlet kek. Or Maybe it's just that you live in the US where doctors are corrupt and are just licensed drug peddlers, what a shit country

>> No.50847126

>Financial tech analyst
>Automation development & maintenance
>Blockchain data historian
Wow, I guess those are all real jobs.

>> No.50847153

anon just dont work TOO hard ok? it can take a toll on your health permanently just want to let you know this. health > wealth at the eod.

>> No.50847256

i've got a fully remote job so its better now, thanks
i just want to see one of the NEETS that say that all white collar jobs are useless work one month in the accounting department in the first job that i had

>> No.50847263

Using the "&" symbol doesnt make it three words Anon.

>> No.50847309

I got news for you and I'm surprised you don't seem to be aware of it: when that heart attack hits you'll stick your thumb right up your ass and try to position "comfort care" or whatever euphemism you want to use for the euthanasia all you fucks now promote because there is way less liability with that than actually trying to help the person and potentially having things go badly.

>> No.50847395

The biggest problem with doctors is that apart from being pill salesmen, what their job would really entail (if they knew what they were doing) would be practical, statistical analysis. Yet, they always suck at understanding even the most entry level statistics. As an example, can you explain to me the glaring issue with the infograph you just posted? It’s basically straight from “lying with statistics 101” so I really hope you see it, but the fact that you posted your picrel seemingly unironically leads me to suspect you can’t.

>> No.50847400


Pffft. How hard is it to be a drug dealer for big pharma. Read a chart with symptoms and doll out meds. Pathetic .

>> No.50847515

defensive med school loser detected

>> No.50847570

Hahahaha good. Too many penpushing white colour assholes who do fuck all just attend meetings and make PowerPoints getting paid more than the useful people in this society. Let them rot

>> No.50847599
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I "work" at Raytheon as a design engineer. I have not actually logged in this week. Work from home is a joke.
Tales of Symphonia is a very comfy game though. Between this week and last I did a playthrough.
Give me recommendations please. I need something to do tomorrow.

>> No.50847624

you're one of the retards right

>> No.50847638

>Same thing for when some engineers design a fancy telescope or a rocket. That was a feat of engineering, not science.

unbelievable amounts of cope from engineers.

>> No.50847812

Don't worry, that wasn't REAL capitalism and the next go will work better.

>> No.50848464

>this is what midwit NPCs actually "think"

>> No.50848597

Banker here, I saved my employer nearly my entire annual salary in a single afternoon through excess due diligence that detected active fraud and shut it down. Not all white collar workers are cubicle dwelling pencil pushers.

>> No.50848787

My wife is going through medical school and i can confidently say you are fucking useless. Especially if an MD. DO is slightly more respectable. If not for your guild (AMA) your salary would be on par with a mechanic.

>> No.50849398

Wish it was different as doctors do an honorable profession, but this is true. Especially for obvious prescriptions, there no need to go to an expensive doctor visit when I can get my prescriptions, skincare, and glasses shipped from another country. Insurance fucks up the medicine prices in the US anyway. Covid also brought to awareness the reality of the bell curve of doctor intelligence and how some doctors do not have a clue what they're talking about. Some doctors sound like they're parroting drug company marketers.

>> No.50849438

n-word used

>> No.50849482

doctors literally get money from people being sick. its the saddest profession ever. and a lot of evil doctors exist, also you don't even need to be smart to become one just memorize some text. Being an electrician is harder thinkwork than being a doctor.

>> No.50849607

it's fucking strange how people always go directly electrician and plumber when thinking of a trade, as if these are the only two that exist.
I guess for money?

>> No.50849660
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It's not capitalism, you dumb fucking groomer. There hasn't been actual capitalism in 100 years. If you didn't realize this after the US helpfully bailed out Wall Street and GM 14 years ago, you're too young to post here.
This is socialism, it has fucked everything up, and like clockwork faggots want more socialism to try to fix what socialism fucked up.

>> No.50849689

>it's not capitalism
Like I said, it's not REAL capitalism.
The next capitalism will surely work better.
Surely it's not something that can only exist on paper in a pure form.

>> No.50849822

not anon >>50849660 here.

But honestly, how is it capitalism (free markets) if central banks come in, and print money which steals fractions of a fraction of your value from your saved dollars, to buy other assets like mortgage backed securities, stocks, and bonds/government debt to prop it all up ? Faggot, the stock market / crypto has NO BUSINESS being up here. You know that much right? You imbecile.

How is that free markets ? Governments propping this all up ? How is that markets deciding value ? Thats right. It isnt. You dumb cunt.

Commie / socialist fags are such fucking losers honestly. Its not the fact that you idea sucks, its just the fact that you are so worthless, that you really dont care that you idea sucks and never works.
You actively deny any fact or reality for the sake of "feeling" like you are right. You got some fag intellectuals telling you some pleasant lies that makes your walmart-min wage existence feel good.
Whatever faggot. Your "socialism" is never going to become reality. Whats coming is way worse. And its not capitalism or socialism. Its a mix of the two, without any active decicion making of regular people.
Technocracy. Get ready faggot. I'll try to DDOS you leftoid faggots brains when you get force implanted computers in it. Ohhh who am I kidding, you'll gladly give up that part of your body for "science".

Fucking retard.

>> No.50849969


>> No.50850008

boomers were alive before the decades of bad governance.

>> No.50850030

UX Designer / Researcher. Always had plenty of work to do and found so many opportunities where specific fixes would have increased ROI in the millions but nobody had a fucking clue on what to do with that information but me. I advocated for my department to fix it and that another department was fucking useless. Ended up quitting because why am I doing the executive's job and am building my own business. After I quit the company fucked up and pissed off China losing 30% of their revenue and the mass layoffs started. My old department is spared and positioned nicely, the department I said was trash got gutted. Maybe I quit too soon but fuck it.

Oh and all those WFH doing nothing fuckers ruining remote work for everyone. Microsoft teams us spying on you. It knows who is afk, your meeting schedule, and who you talk to. Managers are using that to see who is doing fuck all if they aren't already on the chopping block because most managers are useless.

>> No.50850036

start a company and produce stuff and give your workers high salaries. the reality is that the human capital in america sucks: the majority of your population are low iq, uproductive, and drug addicted. you have no manufacturing base, etc.

if mutts were productive they would have high wages.

>> No.50850053

based doctor chad.
Makes money, bosses around whores all day, and kills people using janky modern meme medicine.
Color me jealous.

>> No.50850075

Low effort bait.

>> No.50850091

AGI =/= AI

>> No.50850112

>As of 20 June 2022, ECDC is discontinuing the data collection and publication of the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths worldwide.
Try again retard. They knew they couldn't keep lying and get away with it so they deferred all questions to the WHO.

>> No.50850222

genuine retard

>> No.50850399

It obviously cannot be because of capitalism that in every capitalistic system power is slowly gathered by a select few who grow to be in control of the finances and government. No. It must be because this wasn't REAL capitalism. We should try again, we won't have the same exact problems, I'm sure of it.

>> No.50851290

>$40k is not a "normal" salary

it shouldn't be, but it absolutely is. I graduated college in 2013 and I currently make $19.25 per hour. Each paycheck unless I work overtime I get about $1250. That's after tax. But before tax I make pretty much exactly $40k per year. It's not ideal, but unfortunately it's very normal

>> No.50851436

>You can learn how to use Amazon Web Services in a few months and immediately get a job paying $200-300k/year

fucking how? I graduated college a decade ago and don't even make $20 per hour

>> No.50851480

if anyone believes this fucking chart, they're missing brain cells

>> No.50851500

imagine how many of these people voted democrat

>> No.50851501

>or god forbid a rare disease

this is how I know you're retarded. Doctors are only good for common illnesses and traumatic injuries like broken bones, gunshot wounds, or heart attacks/strokes. Anything else and you'll pretty much die if you rely on a doctor. One of my parents had to go to the hospital a couple years ago and the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with her, everything they thought was going on and gave her a drug or treatment for did not work to fix the issue (rapid onset short term memory loss and confabulation). After doing research for a few weeks I thought it was a certain syndrome and when I told the Doctor this his eyes lit up and he said "OH yeah! that's probably it!" and then they changed her treatment protocol based on the research that I, a layman, was able to do with google and bing. Eventually my parent improved enough to come home.

If I had been a lazy faggot and not bothered to research anything, I firmly believe my parent would've permanently remained in a nursing home and died within a few months to a year, it was that bad.

Even the good doctors are heavily overworked nowadays. Every retarded nigger and low IQ mexican immigrant goes to the emergency room for every little thing which clogs up the system. When my parent was in the hospital they got about 10-15 minutes of time, at most, with their doctor each day.

>> No.50851512

>so whenever someone says that white collar jobs are do nothing jobs, I have no idea what they’re talking about

they're talking about tech workers and adult female workers. I know hot girls who work in marketing departments and their jobs consist of sending emails schedule people for meetings to discuss how they want to make a particular commercial. They get nearly 6 figures for sending emails to various dept officials

>> No.50851529

>became a doctor.

no respect for doctors after covid. ill spit in your food

>> No.50851549

Pretty much the same, I work for a mega Corp and manage a multi million dollar account. I don't really do much other than a few important weekly calls with the customer and occasionally pushing on other departments to execute task or escalate priorities.

>> No.50851570

It feels great. All the low skill work from homies are going to get cut once middle managers realize they attend 3 calls and respond to 7 emails a week

>> No.50851605

>They get nearly 6 figures for sending emails to various dept officials
The alternative to this is men NOT hiring women they want to fuck. This isn't the 1950s anymore, hiring women is not only sustainable it is natural.

>> No.50851628
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indian bros we keep winning

>> No.50851874


They aren't even good at the common ailments. My nephew was fat as shit because his parents are terrible people. His arms and legs were shaking at night and they wouldn't take him to the doctor. 30 seconds on Google shows that it's a symptom of prediabetes. I had to ask "Hey, could it be related to diabetes? His mom is diabetic.". Same exact eureka moment.

There couldn't have been more clues. 200 pound middle schooler with an obvious symptom and a family history questionaire that told him that there's a family history of diabetes.

You're on your own. If you don't do your own research and ask it will be missed and you will die.

>> No.50851985

that is sad but not surprising. It makes a lot more sense when you realize that doctors get paid the same amount of money regardless of if their patients ever recover from their conditions or not. They get a salary. As long as they show up and don't actively try to kill someone they get to live the good life

>> No.50852105


You are 100% correct, but it's important enough to be repeated over and over and over.

Taking action entails risk, solving the problem eliminates a revenue stream. Even if your doctor isn't evil or smart enough to do these on purpose natural selection will still promote the ones who book appointments and make the hospital money.

The incentives are stacked against the patient. You have to self advocate, same as in any other business transaction. There's no reason to assume that medical care is somehow immune to the same.corrupting incentives present in literally every other system or service.

>> No.50852156

I make $25 an hour and still have to work part time on the weekends cutting meat to take care of my family. My only day "off" is Saturday but I use it apprenticing with some /g/entlemen learning data science / machine learning in hopes to one day "make it". My son will turn 1 year old next week; I'm quite sad I that I feel like I'm wasting most of my life waging instead of being more active in his development.

>> No.50852272

>who are just reinventing existing things to justify their high salary
It's somewhat reinventing to get artificial "impact" for performance review, but also some part customizing to integrate into 2-3 downstream things with a custom-maybe even inhouse-api.

>> No.50852331

What a splendid website. Thank you, anon.

>> No.50852504

yeah it sucks, but good for you for trying. The only reason my life is abject shit is because I'm single and my parents have enough money to take care of themselves in retirement. If I had kids to provide for or take care of I would be absolutely fucked financially. Right now I make enough to support myself and occasionally (like once or twice a month tops) go to a nice concert or something. After bills and expenses I'm only saving maybe $400-600 per month. But factor in a car repair or clothing purchases or something like that and it goes down considerably