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File: 449 KB, 1200x1829, the-richest-man-in-babylon-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50843556 No.50843556 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else read this book? I finished it last night, but I'm left wondering why I bothered. It was mildly entertaining at best, and it was a short read, so it's not like I expended much time on it. However, I struggle to take away one thing from this book that I did not already consider common sense. I suppose this book could be of use for the ignorant mass of normies who waste their entire paychecks on frivolous entertainment and materialistic baubels, but not much else.

To summarize the book in a few words, it basically just says to save a portion of your earnings, invest accordingly, don't fall for get rich quick schemes, pay your debts, and find value in work. The only part that resonated with me was towards the end, where it urged people to supress a slave mentality that keeps you down. But it's not like I needed a book to learn even that.

What's everyone elses thoughts? Are there actually any books out there that can set you on a path to riches, or is it hopeless to find any such revelations in a book?

>> No.50843592
File: 8 KB, 288x445, 31EQXd8E9eL._SX342_SY445_QL70_ML2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup its boomer advice, if you had followed that 40 years ago you could have bought multiple properties easily

read this

>> No.50843602

It is just stupidly easy to become rich if that's your life goal, with a deadline of before dying. Getting rich within your lifetime or raising kids who will maintain and build familial wealth is harder.

>> No.50843627
File: 422 KB, 1076x1140, 1650813876023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's neat. But then again pic related is hitting very close to home for me.

>> No.50843688

Thanks, I shall read it.

>> No.50843747

ladida mr. shakesbeer

>> No.50844414
File: 291 KB, 486x552, ughhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wasting all my allowance by drinking beer every afternoon, I'm afraid I will start using my own salary to sustain this vice and have nothing to sustain my gambling vice

>> No.50844496

I think the "not to have a slave mentality" thing was the only valuable lesson I've learned in this book. A few basic lessons about the lending of money, maybe. It's amusing at least, kind of like Arabian Nights short stories but focused on the acquisition of wealth; the book makes it clear it's all fiction and not some LARP bullshit like Rich Dad, poor dad. "muh rich dad wasn't even my dad, he made me work for free durr but taught me a lesson, muh real estate hurr durr"

>> No.50844635

It's a good book to recommend to people that are complete financial retards, nothing more. Should not be recommended to a white man with a iq at 115 or above

>> No.50844691
File: 58 KB, 1100x1007, 1635816746723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Common sense: the book
Glad I didn't waste my time, thanks anons

>> No.50845057

anyone have a link for a pdf?

>> No.50845111
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scientific books are a meme, when the internet can distill it faster now.
I'm thinking of going back to literature myself.

>> No.50845220


jep, pretty good summed up. As I read this book I also wondererd what moron would need such tips, its like fucking obvious...

>> No.50845338

You don't need books, all of it is just common sense. This book is just a way to bring "what you know" on the surface so it is clear and obvious. Same thing is why christians have 10 commandements and why there are written laws. Why are so many people fat when common sense is not to eat shit food? Why are so many people in a bad shape when common sense is to be physicaly active most of the day? Why do so many people do what is against their nature? Trick is to cut the noise and have clearly defined rules which one will abide to.

>> No.50845511

You wont learn anything new. But it is a comfy, short read. Didnt regret reading it.