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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50842466 No.50842466 [Reply] [Original]

>internship requires a 2.5 gpa
>proof and transcript must be submitted
How the fuck is this legal? How can I be discriminated against from jobs because of something arbitrary like this if I'm otherwise completely qualified?

>> No.50842504

anon discovers white collar hiring standard that has existed for decades

>> No.50842507

>something arbitrary
Should've done your homework instead of playing Runescape bucko

>> No.50842523

how dumb are you? I basically didn't even try and graduated with a 3.8 gpa

>> No.50842526
File: 60 KB, 1024x683, 3D50BA4C-A39D-4AE3-BED3-676E0BCB95BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck is your GPA below 2.5? I just graduated (degree in accounting) with a 3.85 GPA. Would be even higher if I didn’t fuck around and party all of freshman year.

>> No.50842611

who doesn't have a 2.5 A are you literally fucking retarded
I have 3.5 and I haven't attended Uni once save for tests fucking moron

>> No.50842770

Big 4 internship?

>> No.50842818

>2.5 gpa
Damn bro I had a 3.7 and felt like a fuck up.

>> No.50843297
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I did nothing but play vidya and abuse young women and substances in college and somehow finished with a round 3.0. Who let you in? Are you a dumb nigger who was admitted purely to meet quotas?

>> No.50843849

>doing something for forever means said thing is automatically ethical
liar or your professors held your hand
another liar. also animal posters are obvious signs they arent too smart
liar #3
compared to who? all star superhumans? 3.7 isnt fucking up
>quotas le bad
youre only crying instead of explaining what the actual problem is with anything you just said

>> No.50843871


>> No.50844095 [DELETED] 

Retard detected. Even in the hardest majors, am average person can get a 3.0.

>> No.50844174

Kek you realize there isn’t really any reason
To consider gpa under 4.0 right? There are a shit ton of applicants at that level for every position (unpaid)

>> No.50844187
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>dude I got 3.8 without studying
What degree?
>Oh it's just some bullshit humanities or business pile of shit

>> No.50844319

A 4.0 is very rare, assuming it's a mediocre job they would not get enough applicants, those they do will be from really shit schools, or highly autistic

It really depends on the major, if you are doing CS or engineering then graduating with a 2.5 still means they learned their stuff and can handle the discipline, business classes on the other hand are basically daycare for alcoholic adolescents between parties and getting less than a B average is completely unacceptable

Less than a 2.5 really shows a lack of both focus and aptitude though and is a likely sign that you will not be a very useful worker, if you have no evidence to show otherwise they have no reason to consider you.

>> No.50844851

lol based
probably biz majors like >>50844319 said

>> No.50844939

>2.5 gpa
Unless you were in a stem major you are legitimately retarded. If you were a stem major then you're barely a midwit for these disciplines. I got a 3.5 doing my CS bachelor's and I smoked pot through pretty much all of college and hardly studied.

>> No.50844987
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Dumbasses aren't yet a protected class.

>> No.50845070

Imagine failing most your classes.
How much student loan debt do you have? Do you feel guilty about wasting that money? 2.5 is a C average right? How could you do a job related to any major if you could barely pass? It would probably be better not to have gone to college. kek this has to be a larp nobody is that stupid