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50839144 No.50839144 [Reply] [Original]

>Why BBBY?
It's a heavily shorted microcap brick and mortar store expected to go bankrupt by hedgefunds. With a float of 69.5 million shares and constant share buy backs. Recently Ryan Cohen, also chairman of Gamestop, appointed two of his people to the board of directors and looks to have a clear vision to revive the company. Mr Cohen owns 10% of the total stock and also bought deep ITM calls at a strike of $80 with a January 2023 expiration.

>Investors Overview Page

>SEC filings

>Reported short interest

>107% of float is held by institutions

>Idiosyncratic risk

>Transfer agent
American Stock Transfer & Trust Company

>> No.50839183

The squazoozle has not yet squozen!

>> No.50839205
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>"Tee-hee, you did buy the dip, right Anon?"

>> No.50839573
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>that fucking ramp up

>> No.50839608

Thanks for creating these threads. There is a play here

>> No.50839800
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I just love watching idiosyncratic stock rollercoasters with the bros.

>> No.50839897

Anybody using Robinhood to buy BBBY?

>> No.50840008

Just stick with Fidelity or Interactive Brokers. Don't know if DRSing is actually a thing right now for BBBY but there's the transfer agent in OP if you're interested. Note: it's not computershare, and I don't know anything about opening an account with them.

>> No.50840061

Almost got fudded out when this thing dumped from the open, but I remembered how these meme stocks worked and looked at old amc/gme charts. The ride is just beginning suckas.

>> No.50840120

I used robinhood during GME squeeze. Never again.
I transferred everything to fidelity for my plays and m1 finance for etfs plus 1% checking, credit card, and low margin

>> No.50840436

RC expects this to go to $80 so keep that in mind.

>> No.50841566

It amazes me that Jim Cramer thinks that issuing shares in order to raise $90 million will have any lasting impact on BBBY's ability to survive.

I'm 90% sure I read somewhere that the GME board tried doing that back when it was in the single digits and RC strongarmed them into not.

>> No.50842508
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>> No.50842962

we're squeezing before friday
my source? these digits

>> No.50842976

Fuck you baggies. I've been in the red for over a year. Shoulda never fell for the to the moon memes

>> No.50843006

I bought at 5, but then I sold at 7. I was expecting more movements like today's but at that price range. Dammit.

>> No.50843008

wagmi GME+BBBY bros

>> No.50843014
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I will restore Zanarkand to it's former glory post moass. Who's re-re-ready for some BLITZBALL?!?!?!?!?!?!?

>> No.50843579
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Dont stop posting these edits, they are amazing

>> No.50843672

I like this thread. I don't own any bbby but making the gme baggies seethe is totally worth it

>> No.50844011
File: 266 KB, 1318x1829, r_amcstock - 💎 Regarding AA's latest Tweet here's how it works and why! 💎.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard thinks BBBY makes GME chads seethe
That would actually be the fine African American stock AMC.

>> No.50844164

I take ideas for edits too fren.

>> No.50844184

is buying in now retarded? It feels like it's early, but I don't know what bbby intends to do as a business.

The price DOES seem low

>> No.50844357

Hype talk right now is BBBY selling off or spinning off buybuyBaby which Cohen thinks is worth more than a billion, this would give Bed Bath and Beyond serious cash to keep their operations running and even buy some more shares back.

>> No.50844522
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GameStop + buybuyBABY announcement Friday after hours

>> No.50844716
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Not lrc at 3.5 retarded, but just a little. You will still buy under cohens average. Also i dont believe he would buy those 80 dollar calls without some belief or plan to make them print.
>The price DOES seem low
The only reason i become interested when it dropped on 5. Until then i shat on it a little >spreadsheet trolling at bbby dd
>too bad i am uncreative fuck

>> No.50845989
File: 87 KB, 787x557, freeman 5 mil shares.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freeman capital purchasing 5 mil of the stock. July 21st

>> No.50846136

If this wont die and there will be another thread, add this shitty website in op. It tries to copy computershared hard, but it showcases institutional ownership nicely.

>> No.50846262
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This is also inverse cramer play, kek

>> No.50846719
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I Fomo'd yesterday at $11.25 but I don't care that it went down 20% immediately, I know this will climb much higher

>> No.50847340

WAGMI fren