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50834068 No.50834068 [Reply] [Original]

I have sold the exact wick of a bottom of a candle and blight the exact wick of a top of a candle so many times

It’s happened so often that it feels like I am not trading versus actual humans, and that barely anybody is actually buying or selling crypto, and that’s it’s just a few idiots like me being taken to the cleaners by exchanges who are all together giving an illusion of an active market

I say this because I’m only swing-trading with low 6 figures and it can’t possibly be the case that a low 6 figure swing-trade causes me to be the bottom or top of so many wicks… in what is supposed to be a trillion dollar market

>> No.50834097

Crypto exchanges cook their charts and show scamwicks to their users.
Is it anything new?

>> No.50834116

just accept that you're an npc and simply buy and hold.

>> No.50834118

are you an impulsive nigger smashing market when a move is taking place? start trading with limits instead and you wont have this problem

>> No.50834140
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I look and sound like this.
>be healthy chart with nice looking slow growth
>i buy
>chart reversal

>> No.50834147

Shut up cunt

Buy and hold is a fools game, if you’re just gona buy and hold you might aswell get out or crypto and just go do some boomer shit and wait until you’re 67 years old like a good little slave to have a golden nest egg you bought and held onto, only for you to die a few years later never getting to enjoy it

I’m swing trading my way to riches NOW. I’m not going to wait until I’m an old fucking cunt 10-20 years from death in an old body just to “make it” by Hodling.

This is a trillion dollar market now, you’re not making it in this market as a young man anymore unless you swing-trade violently and aggressively

>> No.50834192
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then enjoy being broke.

>> No.50834227

Because your acting on emotion instead of analysis, dumbass.

>> No.50834251

enjoy your reward nigger

>> No.50834272


If you are worried about it then your position is much too large.

>> No.50834305

Lrn2read and zoom out /thread

>> No.50834781
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you need to learn how to take advantage of people like yourself

>> No.50835610

With low capital, you're not trading vs exchanges or other people but vs yourself.