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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50833994 No.50833994 [Reply] [Original]

I hate every minute of my office job, how do I upskill myself as quickly as possible to get the fuck out into something actually interesting?
I never want to have to go back to the cage

>> No.50834027

>how do I upskill myself
Dude just spend time hanging out on 4chan. Make pointless shits and whore for (you)s. Be an OP and post memes for attention. You'll be making bank on no time bro. You'll be rich.

>> No.50834057

You have to know first what you would enjoy / find interesting.

>> No.50834085

start working WFH in web3.

>> No.50834087

What if I don't find anything at all interesting? I haven't been able to care about life in years

>> No.50834107

I quit my job, gave away most of my shit that didn't fit in my backpack, went to the roadside and stuck out my thumb. Best decision ever made, it's been 10 years and I'm far from done yet, although I upgraded to a van selling Bitcoin at the top in 2017.

>> No.50834124

how much do you need per month and how much do you have saved up?

>> No.50834141

>2k because I'm paying off a home loan
I'd rather not burn through all my savings though

>> No.50834152

atleast its humpday, op

>> No.50834161

May I ask why you’re still posting on /biz/?

>> No.50834193

>I hate every minute of my office job
if you hate the office try your standard unskilled wagie jobs, if that still sucks do skill labour and learn a trade

>> No.50834194

Took up shitcoining during Covid in 2020, that's how I discovered /biz/ in the first place. Figured I'd hate it but grew to love y'all anons

>> No.50834207

Also eternally thankful to 4chan for curing me from plebbit what a bunch of wankers fucking hell

>> No.50834264
File: 127 KB, 868x935, avaafat3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like you will have to keep waging for the forseeable future but there is some hope.
the best move would be to turn those $18k into AVAX, delegate them to a node with good uptime for a 9% - 12% APY.
its basically staking with the lowest risk in the entire market, there is no slashing and technically your tokens never leave your wallet. your keys your coins. you got full control.
and the $1000+ dollar range isnt impossible for Avalanche, at a 1000 dollar price your 18k would turn into $656k and farm you 4000 dollar per month.
the downside is nobody knows how long it could take, could be months or several years.

>> No.50835189

>I quit my job, gave away most of my shit that didn't fit in my backpack, went to the roadside and stuck out my thumb. Best decision ever made, it's been 10 years and I'm far from done yet, although I upgraded to a van selling Bitcoin at the top in 2017

unfathomably based. Thinking of doing the same rn.

>> No.50835242

>how do I upskill myself as quickly as possible to get the fuck out into something actually interesting?
everything becomes boring anyway. My passion for computer engineering is long gone. it lasted about 10 years and 5 of those I was in school/college/uni. I fucking hate coding now. and I can go do another job but I will be bored of it after ~1 to 2 years again anyway. it all fucking sucks. the pay sucks. the job gets boring. modern slavery.

>> No.50835321

>office job
60 hours per week (commute time excluded which is ~40 minutes everyday) warehouse cagie wagie here. using up all my time so I can pay rent, food and insurances which I have no time left to enjoy. So basically I am waging to just EXIST. I don't even know if I am doing it smarter than literal homeless beggars

>> No.50835345
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every job is shit

unless your parents are rich and you can live like a prince

youre a slave

>> No.50835397

im thinking about learning survival skills and going inna woods. fuck this gay earth

>> No.50835449

>looks like you will have to keep waging for the forseeable future but there is some hope.
this is true
how the fuck do middle/upper management get through endless meetings and working on weekends and through holidays without blowing their brains out? I cannot fathom getting as invested in the job as they seem to

>> No.50835482

>how the fuck do middle/upper management get through endless meetings and working on weekends and through holidays without blowing their brains out?
Some people have work/slave mentality. it is their life, if they didn't have their work they would be bored and depressed. they wouldn't be able to get out of bed if it wasn't for the alarm clock and job waiting. my dads brother is like this. he likes working in the cage. he likes being a slave. he gets bored when he has holidays.

>> No.50835514

What's your day to day? I used to clean up OCR'ed documents in Excel, in preparation for insertion into a database. Learned VBA and wrote myself a bunch of tools and routines that basically automated my job and meant I was done for the week by Tuesday lunch. Point is, if your job is shit and boring then it might be automatable. If you can automate it, you can skim time to learn skills or listen to Ben Shapiro or w/e

>> No.50835522

Why does every biz larping wagie work at a warehouse? Everytime a wagie says he grinds into the grave its always at the same shit place. Is warehouse work the only thing to do besides gig work or delivering pizzas or something?

>> No.50835548

You're an actual slave.

>> No.50835588

>What's your day to day?
>recycling the same information again and again for talking points, briefings, meetings
>responding on senior management's behalf to a ton of random bullshit sent in by professional wagies trying to suck dick
>once a week I have a half hour 1:1 where I'm told off for not paying enough attention to the job
I've genuinely lost all interest in life and I can feel myself physically tensing up and becoming slightly less tense as I enter/leave the workplace

>> No.50835596

It's 6am in the American Midwest yeah the warehouse wagie cagies are here drinking coffee. For the most part yes manufacturing or distribution work is all that's available if you don't wanna degrade yourself with a service job or break your back doing construction or some other outdoor job.

>> No.50835633

I could live off 4K a week so comfortably that I’d probably become a hedonistic glutton

>> No.50835776
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>> No.50835822

The downside is “oops small bug detected, protect the tokens by locking them”.

>> No.50835972

50 yr old anon, there is very little that will stay interesting probably, you will hit a point where you wish you were driving a dumptruck or working with your hands or being a gardener or something...

>> No.50836187

if you work in the Office, you aint a wagie you glowtard.

>> No.50837946

office work is probably more demoralizing in some ways than just basic manual labor dude

>> No.50838123


>> No.50839200


>> No.50839224

You have to go back

>> No.50839782
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>be wage

>> No.50839807

Look at it this way, you could be an accountant. I’m not sure how much longer I can hold on.
>10 years an accountant

>> No.50840012

the numbers!? what do they mean?!?!?!
what secrets have you learned?

>> No.50840060

I felt my cortisol levels rise reading this

>> No.50840165

>paying off a home loan
You're trapped in waging, like it or not. The best thing you can do is hoping into another better job. Is the job you're in right now involve skills that you could market to a future employer?

>> No.50840210

You can stay anon

>> No.50840388

Learned how to do vlookups in excel
My life sucks

>> No.50840476

Be good american. Go buy ice cream. Get rifle for free. Become a shootee.

>> No.50840506
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It's another "you need to go above and beyond" episode from my boss. Why do they love this phrase and why can't they just let me do my wagie job in peace?

>> No.50840628
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>taking the next week and a half off
Time to get comfy

>> No.50840629 [DELETED] 

It's amazing how i managed to lifehack myself out of wageslaving by finding a way to make money online. I have hashimoto hypothyroidism and feel tired all the time so I would have been dead by now if I had to commute every day and be stressed over interacting with people, being a retard because I have brainfog and I can't properly sleep etc. If I was healthy I may have been able to get a job or maybe not because I also have premature ejaculation so it's kind of pointless the whole thing since you can't have relationships. I just managed to NEETmax while feeling productive since im paying good boy taxes and making my own money. My dream is to buy a house with a pool and have enough invested that I don't need to feel anxiety about if im still making money. From what i've read if you liquidate 3-4% off the a diversified index fund you never run out of money long term so I would need like 1 million invested. I have 340k€ saved. But I need an additional million for a house, but I may end up just renting it for 2k a month. I need to somehow get to 2 million.

>> No.50841031


xlookup > vlookup

>> No.50841122


I'm in the first weeks of 3 weeks pto, clearing out my balance before I start a new job. 5 years in the same gig, not one significant raise. Guy above me hadn't had a real raise in 9 years. I learned as much sql, vba, python and power bi as I possibly could, then landed a BI Analyst role that was a 43% pay raise. It can be done.

>> No.50841182
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That seems like the best way to do it. I might do that over the next year since I've avoided getting axed over WFH and Vax mandates. I just wanna keep working from home more than anything. I make a decent amount of money and have okay benefits, but I'm definitely just scraping by (66k, another 5-8k in cash bonus, mediocre 401k pto but good health benefits). Think a year of study will get me to a better job?

>> No.50841251

Pick a direction, learn skills relevant to the direction you picked. Time spent crying on 4chan has an opportunity cost.

>> No.50841265
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>What if I don't find anything at all interesting? I haven't been able to care about life in years
You sound depressed. Have you considered touching grass? Drop some NAC and Rhodiola, eat beef, and get some fucking sun faggot.

>> No.50841301

Go back to cuckit.

>> No.50841694


>> No.50841930

What does any of this mean? How do I delegate a node? I bought lie 1000 dollars of AVAX a while back

>> No.50842070
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Pick one.

>> No.50843348

Coding is fun.
Having to deal with thick Indian accents over low quality mics and nonresponsive workers or even worse, playing telephone with people across the globe makes it all feel like molasses.
It's not satisfying to work like that where you can't do everything yourself.

>> No.50843808

Seething wagie, can't be NEET. If you work you will forever be a wagie.

>> No.50843958

Because capitalism requires infinite growth.

>> No.50844240

>didn't die in my sleep
yeah I wish I was larping

>> No.50844266

i'm a blue collar retard that operates a lathe. i WISH i had an office job.

>> No.50844284

Why do they always talk like that

>> No.50844447

don't do this
>t.done this for a few years now and not rich

>> No.50844500
File: 8 KB, 200x202, delet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate that feeling and know the feel very well

>> No.50845041

Its a job where you can make more than minimum wage while also not having to deal with customers.
And its a blue collar job so you also don't have to deal with globohomo office politics.

>> No.50846770

what's your job?

>> No.50847069

Based. Web3 is going to eat up the crypto market pretty soon.

>> No.50848804

>thx for the gold kind stranger!

>> No.50848873

Im trying this as we speak.

>> No.50848919

In a more perfect world, yes, indeed.

>> No.50848949

>Is the job you're in right now involve skills that you could market to a future employer?
It's a paper pushing job, so no. I want to get into tech because I hate talking to people and spend all my time online anyway, but have no idea where to start and want to avoid fields that are ruled by the pajeet monopoly

>> No.50849000
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>can you work on a computer?
>do you have any amount of college?
>do you have any experience working with computers in job before?
If you answered yes to all three of those questions it's piss easy to get a cushy office job.
>I didn't go to college though!
Are you willing to lie? Even if you just toured a campus, that's technically going to college.
>What about my major?
What did you want your major to be? Whatever it is, just say that. As long as they don't ask what degree you have and only ask "what did you major in" they don't give a shit if you actually got ANY degree.

I majored in business management. I stopped taking biz courses less than one year into my 4-year stent at college. The rest of the time I just fucked around taking whatever classes I wanted for fun while the government paid for 90% of it. I never graduated. I now work in an underwriting firm making 76k a year doing risk analysis. I learned everything I do on the job.

They asked for 4-year business degree but all I wrote on my application was "4 years of college as a business major". If you can't make it in 'murrica you're literally retarded.
>mfw people went to expensive business schools and took out 100k+ in loans to get a worthless piece of paper to do the same job I'm doing from my community college courses that don't even have a business focus.
>mfw when I paid less than 3k (after the government aid) for my education.