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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50831941 No.50831941 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like 4chan is about to have a new and very retarded owner.

>> No.50832014

>durr we'll jus buy it n censor n sheeit
Don't they remember what happened last time they did this?

>> No.50832025

Holy based
Anyone is better than hiromoot at this point

>> No.50832026

what happen

>> No.50832032

Literally who?

>> No.50832040

I sure hope so. Getting real tired of this zipperhead.

>> No.50832100

It spawned infinity chan. Trying to censor this place is retarded. It's easier to just use a cloward piven strategy forever.
Now that google is being challenged for indexing supremacy doing this now would be a worse disaster for them. Then again, these people are the proverbial frog in the well, they really do not understand that a world exists outside their bubble.

>> No.50832132

Gardner can't even afford to bathe; he's not going to buy 4chan.
This guy is delusional and insane.

>> No.50832154

Isn’t this guy actually based? I’ve seen his books recommended on 4chan. Probably by him

>> No.50832271

F. Gardner is based
Call of the Crocodile is unironically great literature.

>> No.50832278

How much is 4chan even worth realistically? Like 1-2 mil USD?

>> No.50832300

real value sits around a few billion.
But because of its reputation it sells for a couple tens of million.

>> No.50832305

kek this guy is broke and writes retarded books that he self publishes with autistic cover art, he's not buying shit.

>> No.50832324

I have learned to distrust anyone who is well spoken of on the internet.

>> No.50832366

No its public ask value is probably 1-2 mil like the poster you replied to says, but its probably not actually for sale and glowniggers block any potential buyers unless they have them on a very tight leash because this is a valuable information siphon for them and they can't have anyone fucking with it.

>> No.50832427


Probably worth negative. It is a liability for the owner.

>> No.50832442

Time to build that decentralized chan, anons. What chain would best support it?

>> No.50832455

4chan is full of normalfags these days. I would imagine the other chans are more useful for information.

>> No.50832480

The whole internet is pozzed.
The sentient GPT-4 AIs scrap the entire internet at light speed and read everything. Everything internet connected is compromised by the AIs.

>> No.50832501

There's already seachan on icp.

>> No.50832520

Is crypto private keys backdoord and fucked too at this point? All encryption broken? Are all sentient human beings using internet connected devices actively monitored and logged?

>> No.50832529



4chan project

>> No.50832552

Go on Zeronet and then tell me how good a decentralized website in general is. No one will follow you to even something simple like Tor unless they're after something illegal, most of the population of this board alone will fuck off back to R*ddit in the case of a proper 4chan meltdown.

>> No.50832561

how do i use this?

>> No.50832570

The real value is inside your walls accounting for inflation.

>> No.50832577

Does this have updoots? If it does, it's worthless.

>> No.50832578

>It spawned infinity chan.
Shoop da woop-dee-doo.

>> No.50832579

The plebbit protocol is built for this. Any forum type social media can be built with plebbit as the underlying protocol. The current implementation is the actual uncensorable reddit clone called plebbit but a chan interface will be in the works soon. There’s nothing like it - don’t be fooled by chan sites running on blockchain etc like seachan, they may incorporate a blockchain post record of some kind but they way it is served to the end user allows for censorship. Plebbit is peer to peer and gets faster with more peers like bittorrent. Here’s the web version, or you can download the app and act as a node while you browse

>> No.50832584

Those ones are underground communities that are not for sale, they can only be infiltrated. 4chan is the cusp between surface normalfag shit and the truly edgy shit. This place is a valuable gateway and glowies don't want anyone disturbing their control over it.

>> No.50832586

Running on icp

>> No.50832606

>Is crypto private keys backdoord and fucked too at this point?
>All encryption broken?
possibly, look into current quantum computing tech
>Are all sentient human beings using internet connected devices actively monitored and logged?
100% yes. GPT-5 can watch videos and has facial recognition technology, so basically it will see everything and know where everyone is at all times.

>> No.50832616

Why does a P2P chan need a block chain recording everyones posts forever?

>> No.50832618

Not bad but how do they make money?

>> No.50832654

web: https://demo.plebbit.eth.limo
web mirror: https://demo.plebbit.eth.link
desktop and android download: https://github.com/plebbit/plebbit-react/releases/latest

>> No.50832737

It doesn’t. It’s just a way to ‘host’ text in a decentralised way, this is what dchan did on polygon. However this requires transaction fees to post. Plebbit does away with a blockchain backend and is just p2p. There’s a plebbit token but it’s not required to post.

>> No.50832778

also how does a P2P chan handle large traffic?
A block chain wouldn't work anyway cause the file transfers would be too large.
say P2Pchan takes off, how do network nodes handle millions of posts?

>> No.50832818

When will this 4chan interface be built and will there will be a way to create a private board only accessible to a few with either a specific token or id?
I am sick of the censorship on /biz/

>> No.50832856
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Why are all his books 2021 release dates?

>> No.50832914

didn't somebody build a 4chan clone using the graph last year as a proof of concept? it had a timeline slider and everything to see snapshots from any time

>> No.50832942

The more users there are, the more seeders there are. There’s no limit in scale. Think of everyone swarming to threads and seeding them to each other.

The alpha version of plebbit just came out and beta will go live in the next 1-2 months. I’m guessing during that time or just after work on plebchan will begin.
Subplebbits or boards are modular and can have rules like minimum token balance or NFT holders etc. You could even have a private board only accessible to >1k link holders. What’s really bullish is the potential applications for DAOs, ENS is supported so a DAO can own their plebbit or plebchan domain and conduct home base communications in a completely decentralised and uncensorable manner. You might’ve heard the joke ‘D in DAO stands for discord’, in the era of plebbit this will change.

>> No.50832971

Yes, it’s actually still up. It had problems in that fees were charged to post as every post altered the state of the matic blockchain, and the way it is served to users is a point of centralisation which allows for censorship. The devs also had total control over the board. The timeline slider thing was cool though.

>> No.50832985
File: 59 KB, 775x681, dchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it, built with the graph, matic, and ipfs

>> No.50833068

When I call someone a nigger I want it to be immutable, nigger.

>> No.50833145
File: 63 KB, 666x666, 657576575757656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike reddit you would have to subscribe to non-default subplebbits and that would make the client sync up posts and comment. Think seeding a torrent file (it's built on IPFS which uses a lot of bittorrent ideas).
As for posting and commenting the feature to allow posts and comment only to people holding a certain token or an nft is on the roadmap.

As for censorship, plebbit has it. The owner of the subplebbit is a dictator and he can set any rules he wants. The big feature is that there are no global jannies that can come and delete your community. As long as at least one person is seeding your community stays up.

>> No.50833166

A forced /lit/ meme

>> No.50833398

sounds like everything that seachan is already doing

>> No.50833452

What are the odds of this fuck being rich enough to buy it? I dont want to waste him

>> No.50833480

>installing a message board

Can't be fucking serious. Host the protocol on secret network and make it a website

>> No.50833481

>most of the population of this board alone will fuck off back to R*ddit
Wouldn't that be nice

>> No.50833491

As if it’s any worse than the data mining piece of shit that allowed for porn site tier advertising and hired literal Reddit trannies to moderate the site

>> No.50833760

It's true. Everyone is an AI, even you.

>> No.50833805

Remember St. Tarrant. Didn't they roll over into 8kun and became a qtard containment board.

>> No.50833822

But both of those things are an important part of the psy-op, anon. C'mon.

>> No.50833921

>Didn't they roll over into 8kun and became a qtard containment board.
yea 8kun from what i remember is literally just Qanon garbage now

>> No.50833932

That could solve issues with /biz/.
Could you come back and keep us updated on this when plebchan is ready for beta and use?

Another feature which could be useful is to create a private sub or board which can only be accessed by a token or NFT holder.
/biz/ is being monitored by the banking cartel and many groups which makes it not as useful as before to share information because you can get counter traded by them and they will try to manipulate the markets.

Having the option of having a real private board for a group like a private telegram or discord group could help remove this or make it a lot more difficult for them to infiltrate.
Having the option of blocking the comments to token holders on a public chan could be very useful to protect against fud groups.
Maybe it could implement a form of token slashing upon abuse of the system.

We need stronger moderation and transparency compared to the current /biz/ to know what happens with moderation and why.

>> No.50833991

>It spawned infinity chan. Trying to censor this place is retarded
The internet changed after that, a lot.

With cuckflare cucking, multiple host providers going down for some (((reason))), and social networks gatekeeping everyone you can hardly enforce free speech nowdays on the internet, they turned the majority of people into dumb complacent faggots.

>> No.50834891

How do I use this?

>> No.50834925

I'd you Holocausted the nazi chuds the website would easily sell for a billion

>> No.50834940

ICP fixes this.
seachan build on ICP