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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50826459 No.50826459 [Reply] [Original]

I figured I'd post this here as it applies to business and finance. In hopes of sparking a quality conversation about these problems.

Modern (((liberal))) America has deconstructed the well being European descendants for multiples of reasons. Ever wonder why the 1950's in America was so based and average middle class were capable of establishing a large family comfortably? While having the finances to afford a home, two cars, vacations and food to feed the family.
The liberation of women's rights made females that would normally be housewives seek out careers. This killed our society in two ways: 1. Women no longer have time to raise children instead they focus on careers. 2. They inflated the job market. Making wages less competitive.
The extreme influx of third worlders into the country also inflated the job market. Further making workers easily replaceable and undercutting everyone's wages. The cost of living is also effected in a major way. Housing is finite, decreased supply and increased demand raises prices across the entire market. Multiculturalism has proven time and time again to destroy civilizations and the original cultures.

>> No.50826516

they inflated labor market.
If they inflated job market there would be a labor shortage relative to jobs and thus wages would go up. What you're describing is surplus of labor which decreased wages, and is reason 7.25 is still index wage across USA.

>> No.50826766

No matter where you hide or how many guns you buy we will find you and euthanize you boomer wannabe financier nazi parasite

>> No.50826930

Pick one you kike. Who exactly is “we”

>> No.50826952
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Fuck you

>> No.50826989
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Usually OP is the biggest faggot in the thread.

>> No.50827184

And your fathers and grandfathers made it all possible. They let it all happen. They screwed you. Take it in the ass, now, and remember - it's your own kind's damn fault. Might as well betray your unworthy race and just move to a third-world shithole with whatever you have saved up. Who cares if you die? The life you live now isn't worth living.

>> No.50827219
File: 51 KB, 700x483, russiahatesfreedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50827242

Kill yourself.
Go back.

>> No.50827309

>your fathers and grandfathers made it all possible
My specific ancestors fought against it. I think instead we should turn against (((god’s chosen people)))

>> No.50827864

>This is an economic problem
It's a purely sociological problem. As conditions improve, fertility drops. You would think extremely generous e.g. maternity leave would increase birth rates, yet it does the opposite.

Following the codification of no-fault divorce, no nation has succeeded in establishing positive white fertility rate.

>> No.50827881

>babby's first redpill
got any more hot takes, 16 year old zoomer?

>> No.50827922

I love how fags like you are shitting up this thread with low quality posts.

>> No.50827995

Why is it always 50s america and not 50s Japan or 50s europe or 50s russia.
Guess why you mutts

>> No.50828170

>50s Japan or 50s europe
They got fucked from the war
>50s Russia
Communism was never good

>> No.50828223

Yeah, OP, things are expensive because women and mexicans are getting jobs. Fucking retard.

>> No.50828299

>Fucking retard.
Where’s your argument?