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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50820874 No.50820874 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50820889

just two more weeks, incel

>> No.50820896

>t. never went to college

>> No.50820952


if i were an american who paid all his student loans to the last penny, i would be very upset, basically the gov just made his competition stronger while giving him the finger.

it's like an older son who got beat all his life watching his parents treating his younger brother well and giving him more money because he's cooler than him kek.

a generation of psychopaths will be created soon.

long public shootings and suicides. short hard work behavior

>> No.50820957

i guess they're really dropping that hammer on inflation

>> No.50820962

i hope he extends the pause so i can make another 6 months of $0 payments that count toward my REPAYE forgiveness. you WILL forgive my $140k in student loan debt and you WILL like it.

>> No.50820976

That's exactly why I voted for him and it's taking too much

>> No.50820980
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>> No.50820985


>> No.50820992

So are they going to stop giving out new loans? Kinda seems Iike they're ignoring the root issue here.

>> No.50821011

Who gives a fuck how you would feel about it? Go eat shit??

>> No.50821020

Never gonna happen. He's just going to extend the pause.

>> No.50821027

>No more predatory loans
Woah, cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.50821040

Fine by me. Never planned on repaying anyways

>> No.50821054

I don't blame you

>> No.50821100

Is there a single white goy left in the media? I don't think so. 100% of the authors i see posted are kikes.

>> No.50821115

>I suffered needlessly so everyone else must as well

>> No.50821128 [DELETED] 

1. Forgive a few Nigger Studies degrees taken out by niggers who couldnt have paid it back in six generations

2. Don't do anything else

3. Wait until 2024

4. "If you vote for us you will surely receive the loan forgiveness sirs"

Repeat until demographics are so fucked you'd never lose an election even if you refused to run

>> No.50821153

they exist but they're glowies (look up tucker carlson and nicaragua) or children of the incredbly rich (anderson cooper is a vanderbilt.)

>> No.50821154

Crab in a bucket mentality

>> No.50821161
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Kek, the army is so fucking desperate for zogbots it's hilarious. Shouldn't have transformed the army into an anus rimming, tranny transition factory, now they are fucked.

>> No.50821167
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Boomers raised an entire generation of millennials that this was the way you retarded zoomfags, a great scheme pulled on lots of people the same way you're still drinking flouride without questioning it go get a real haircut

>> No.50821179

Fuck it I'll vote for him if he does it

>> No.50821190

They're saying to everyone who has no student loan- "FUCK YOU".

>> No.50821203

They're saying to everyone with no student loans "you should've gone to college and not paid your loans off, faggot"

>> No.50821293

whats funny is, anon is absolutely right.

Why should others pay for YOUR stupid , fucking retarded mistakes ? Lmfao..

Should the government bail me out for my stupid GME / AMC bets as well ? The difference is really not that big between gambling for a worthless college degree, or shit stocks.
You dumbasses just want everything handed to you.

Its literally never going to happen. The last time they talked about this they said they would cancel loans only up to 10K, which is nothing. Most people got a lot more debt than that, and they wouldnt be eligible for student loan "forgiveness".

Youre just stupid, so you'll vote for whatever conman they put up there and they'll wave a carrot like this and you dummies will bite every time. Many such cases.

ONLY 2 MORE WEEKS !!! Right ?? Right? LOL....

>> No.50821325

Which is even worse. What kind of message are you sending lol?
Anyway, the empire already collapsed, killed by the talmudic tyranny. Now we simply have to deal with the aftermath of this dead judeocratic corpse rotting away : extreme violence, lawlessness, racial war, dumbing down of the "elites", dystopian levels of pillpul and degeneracy, death of meritocracy... all this are just the consequences of a system already dead, both spiritually and philosophically.

>> No.50821341

>fed prints money to pay debts

>> No.50821394

Hahaha correct. If you can't get a GED, you are pretty much functionally fucking retarded, but that amount sums up the regular army. It's where the 'welfare queen' meme comes from, while JSOC and the real army, about 20%, carry the rest of the worthless fatasses through their careers.

>> No.50821412

FUCKING bullish

>> No.50821416

>I barely got accepted to MIT, not enough for scholarships but enough to get in. I went to my local college instead because I'm poor. If I knew my loans would be forgiven I could've gone to MIT.

Meanwhile Stacy racks up 300k in student loans by using them to live on, gets fucked for 5 years and graduates with C average in Gender Studies. Taxpayer (me) foots the bill.

>> No.50821422

I hope Bidet cancels student loans. You fucking retards don't know canceled debt is taxed as income. Now you'll know how retarded unrealized gains being taxed are when you have to pay 25% of your 50k loan 'income' and have no money to do so.

>> No.50821454
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>have eternal loan to pay off
>never have any money
>have unrealized gains tax
>never have any money
Everyone with an IQ higher than 85 has a roll of fiat cash they use as their actual savings, never to be taxed by the government and used purely to produce more of said cash through crime.

>> No.50821460

>read the terms, consented to them, and signed

>> No.50821467

If they stopped giving student loans we wouldn't have this problem, absolutely insane and evil to saddle people with debt right out of school

>> No.50821468

How much will it be bros?

>> No.50821496
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This is fucking hilarious. Every time before elections. LIKE A FUCKING CLOCKWORK.

>> No.50821499

It's not based because he's cancelling debts for anti-white communists. People with real jobs and skills are going to have to pay for it.

>> No.50821510

>lefies forget that this money needs to come from somewhere

>> No.50821548

I mean, did you really expect the gov was going to do absolutely nothing about this retarded student loan shit show?

>> No.50821562

see >>50821128
this student loan shit will exist as long as you do, it is a means of reliable control.

>> No.50821572

Have you been living under a rock for the past three years? Traditional economics is dead.

>> No.50821588

But I haven't been paying student loans for three years.

>> No.50821594 [DELETED] 
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If the hordes of gender-bending lunatics get 'free money' by debt annulment, then everyone should get free money too. But this is only designed to elevate the useless pieces of shit with worthless 'degrees' who are nothing more than communist activists who degrade society on behalf of jews.

>> No.50821603

I still don't think they really will, they're dangling a carrot. At most they'll "cancel" 10k per person. Its not in my nature to be financially irresponsible, I will never debtmax.

>> No.50821605

You won't live past 35 so it really doesn't matter. You're either black or you'll be getting raped by one in a debtor's prison once you realize there is no forgiveness for student loans and your only other option is being liquidated for organs or liquidating your ass for Tyrese's pleasure.

>> No.50821606
File: 6 KB, 250x228, CA52ADA0-E04D-4E16-9B97-C0B953DFEA1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whose paying for student debts to be forgiven?

>> No.50821656

It's hilarious. I paid off most of my loans, but kept about $10.5k because of the covid deferrals and I figured they'd forgive at least $10k before midterms. Next I'm going to max out my credit cards because I know they'll have to do more gibs soon. Basically taking out tons of unsecured debt is the new minigame, if this society is going to be dumb enough to go down this path I'll take every advantage I can get.

>> No.50821661

Republicans will never allow the mass printing of dollars to cover student debt. This is basically giving another 4 years for dems for free.

>> No.50821664

>is so fucking desperate
>Shouldn't have...
it was done exactly to destroy it from within, and create a new force to be focused inward towards the rural whites in America who see the government for what it is, to create a force that won't hesitate to pull the trigger on their 'fellow Americans™'.

>> No.50821686

>financially irresponsible
It's not financially irresponsible if you take out a loan for $30k to study something that could potentially land you a job with $100k salary. It's another form of investing.

And you really shouldn't get mad at Stacies and niggers majoring on some bullshit gender equality minority studies major because later on in life they will constantly make retarded financial decisions anyways.

>> No.50821700


>> No.50821719

>It's not financially irresponsible if you take out a loan for $30k to study something that could potentially land you a job with $100k salary.
It'd be much more than that in my case, doesn't even include housing which I'd need because across from country.

>> No.50821894

Agreed, resentment will be caused. However my main concern is that this does not fix the underlying issue as to why schooling is so expenive

>> No.50821941 [DELETED] 

Anon, you know there's only money for Israel and niggers.

>> No.50822003
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It was nice of him to temporarily inconvenience lenders on my behalf, but until he pulls the trigger I'll assume any talk of loan cancellation is bait dangled in front of me.

>> No.50822009

I had a friend in college named Mandy. Mandy spent as much of her student loans as she could to go shopping. Not grocery shopping, buying clothes, shoes, jewelry, you name it. Now to be fair, I'm not sure if she's paid off her loans yet. But to know that we will have funded her ridiculous consumerism should be enough.

>>I suffered needlessly so everyone else must as well
By that logic, why doesn't the government just give all of us that paid off our loans double the loan we paid off? There's no reason I should """suffer needlessly""" if that's what you're calling paying off your loan.

>> No.50822025

>days away
why not today?

>> No.50822031

When the government sets up a predatory system that profits off of mistakes? Yeah, they should. No bankruptcy is aids

>> No.50822043
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kek this is America. Ameri-cattle won't do shit.

>> No.50822057

Oh no I have to pay 2-3k now instead of 10k loan bros did we get too cocky???

Do you fucking hear yourself

>> No.50822072


>> No.50822094
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I'm gonna be reporting like 160k on my income taxes for 2021. I'm fucked aren't I

>> No.50822099

I was never going to pay them back anyway lol

>> No.50822105

Do the people currently in school get their money back later after they graduate too? If not then your logic is fucked. If so then college is going to be free for everyone and come out of your pocket to the tune of tens of trillions of dollars to come since schools can jack up prices even more and you will have to pay for it, while college degrees become even more worthless than they already are.

>> No.50822104

They'd allow it. So long as the right people have already bought the dip, they can let this shit inflate to the moon and then pick up the pieces later.
Most normies want student debt gone, so the monkey's paw of being priced out of basic stocks, crypto, homeownership, etc. isn't even on their radar, and by the time it is, fuck 'em they asked for it.
The only people to really feel sorry for are low income earners who didn't ask for any relief. But they're being given a grace period RIGHT NOW to buy whatever assets they can, so hopefully they take advantage.

>> No.50822311

Hey man, if you've got money you're fine. But for the cattle with nothing in their savings accounts that now have to pay 20k this year for their canceled 80k loan (and failure to pay means more interest and penalties owed to the IRS who will garnish wages) it's going to be really really funny. These guys are cruising by making minimum payments that are a few thousand a year (mostly interest very little principal) so they're going to suddenly have to pay much much more. Also the only student loans that can be discharged without becoming income is shit like doctor, nurse or teacher in rural Alabama. Absolutely no city lefties qualify.

I don't think you're wrong about the system being predatory and gay. Fuck teachers and fuck student counselors for getting kids caught up in this. Maybe even fuck parents who got their's and don't realize how bad things have become. But surely at some point these kids should have realized they spent 4 years doing nothing but drinking and playing video games on what's essentially a vacation because they're pursuing garbage degrees with easy classes and thought to themselves 'Something doesn't seem right.'

>> No.50822342

I took pout $55k to be a geologist. Haven't and won't ever pay, simple as, kys.

>> No.50822356

>Paying back money you borrowed is “””suffering”””


>> No.50822382

I was thinking about going to uni (Oz college) dad asked me how many jobs are there in that field? How many unemployed people have that qualification? Simple questions can make a big difference in life.

>> No.50822397

The money was printed out of air. I don't see why it can't be paid back with thin air

>> No.50822417

Why isn't dollar crashing yet with all the money printing going on? Can some /biz/ oldfag explain?
Are they using their gold reserve?

>> No.50822429
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This right here is the entire fucking boomer mindset. I work a shitty factory job and I am abundantly aware that my labor produce far far far FAR more value than what I’m paid, and so does everyone else’s. They recently started closing the wage gap between new hires and older employees by raising the entry level, and at the same time they’ve raised every older employee’s wages more than they ever raised them before. Despite this the pay is shit and hasn’t kept up with inflation over at least 30 years. What do these boomers complain about? The fact that new hires aren’t treated even shittier rather than wanting management to treat everyone better.

>> No.50822441

This they're angering the solid people, all the middle class workers with shit like this. The time they snap it will be hell on earth

>> No.50822454


>> No.50822484
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literally part of the logic for continuing circumcision kek

>> No.50822513

i can't wait for zoomers to work their pathetic wagie jobs until 90 years old while changing that

>> No.50822532

Lmao what are you gonna do with your interspecies gender studies degree anyway?

>> No.50822564

This is the part that boggles my mind the most and nobody seems to have an answer to. Is it just one narrow sliver that's going to get their loans paid off, while everyone before and after still has to follow the rules? Or will they eliminate loans altogether?

>> No.50822577
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>> No.50822580

Based biden

>> No.50822598


>> No.50822603

>rather than wanting management to treat everyone better.
Exactly so why doesn't the govt just give every college graduate the value of a college education? Why not every college attendant? Why not every person ever? Great thinking

>> No.50822606

>freeing the peasants from their debt shackles
never going to happen

>> No.50822632

Absolutely fucking WRONG. You total dumb shits. Education costs as much as it does only because of government guaranteed loans and you want to go even further? Watch the education industrial complex raise prices to a million dollars a student within ten years. Even after two years of crippling inflation following money printing and free debt, you think doing more of it is a good idea? God fucking damn it, you gibs me dat people are so retarded.

>> No.50822637

Everything's relative and other countries printed harder.
Think of it this way. I ate myself into 300lbs bodyweight while camping and a bear is on the way to fuck shit up at camp. You'd think I'd be screwed, but guess what? You and everyone else ate themselves to 400lbs bodyweight, so I'm actually free to hobble away while the bear fucks the rest of you up.

>> No.50822656

two more weeks trust the plan

>> No.50822680

>$55k to be a geologist
Speaking of kys, why not take your own advice, nigger.

>> No.50822697

>if i were an american who paid all his student loans to the last penny, i would be very upset, basically the gov just made his competition stronger while giving him the finger.
>it's like an older son who got beat all his life watching his parents treating his younger brother well and giving him more money because he's cooler than him kek.
Annoyed that this describes me.

>> No.50822718

This is further proof that biz is just full of retarded poorfag, just come here for laughs don't take this place seriously especially after a comment like this, it probably speaks volumes of the users here.

>> No.50822736

Yeah but how do you explain gold price?

>> No.50822756

just lol if you actually believe they will wipe your debts away

>> No.50822758

Thanks for the gibs, still voting Republican in November, Joe!

>> No.50822791

There's nothing to explain. Gold is a controlled asset.

>> No.50823394
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Exactly. That's exactly how operated the jewish bolsheviks after the revolution in Russia : they only hired shitskins in the police and army forces where they were teached in police academia how the only way to create the communist utopia was to genocide the white bourgeoisie because they were keeping the working class down. How to suppress the endless cycle of capitalist oppression, the police forces were encouraged to rape white women to end the lineage of capitalist pigs.
Exact same methods, exact same intention, exact same (((conspirators))).

I don't give it more than 5 years before the jewish ruled state allow their hordes of brainwashed niggers to round up and open fire on whites for no other reasons than being whites. With full support of the government.
Boomers are too retarded and oblivious to even see what is so obvious to us. These greedy old farts have doomed us all.

>> No.50823435
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not my problem

>> No.50823476
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no one was taking action on "fixing the underlying problem" so henceforth; this happens.

>> No.50823535

oh please. stop larping that you're some successful whale that occasionally visits /biz/ because you've made it. you come here because you're a retarded poor loser with no where else to go online. you're probably posting frog pics in a pregnant butt tab waiting for your (you)

speaks volume that you assholes are pissed about this. all that money goes to jews and basketball americans, and the moment some money goes toward white people, you want to stop it.

>> No.50824092

taxes unlike the loan have to be paid instantly not in installments
so the irs can fuck over the poor kids for a multitude of what the original loan is over a lifetime

>> No.50824101

Die ZOG, die!

>> No.50824149

Very subtle bro

>> No.50824166

You know there's going to be a catch like it only applies to minorities & people on welfare

>> No.50824167

>trump prints free $2k cheques for everyone in the country
>americans on /biz/ clap for months

>biden forgives people from paying student loans
>americans on /biz/ call it communism

fatass americans and their crazy cognitive dissonances, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.50824254

Instead of forgiving loans they need to stop giving them out for taxpayers' money. This is like watching a bloated and sick animal in its death throes

>> No.50824257

if you're in debt kys

>> No.50824376

Please please please press the old retard
Please do it, those debts are worth 2 trillion (1 now +1 until they finish them) and that will accelerate the downfall of the US

>> No.50824481

>why doesn't the government just give us that paid off our loans
They should. If the government can print money for GE and its MIC why can't they give the average american a nice handjob during the recovery too?
You're like a sad bitch that can't handle someone new wasn't a retard and demanded better pay/conditions, and now you're mad your pay is absolute fucking shit comparitively.

>> No.50824499

>implying the republicans can stop Biden from doing it when DoE is an executive branch

>> No.50824565

2 more weeks.

>> No.50824589
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Most of the people in debt are women too. But women are 700% more likely to be promoted or hired. If you're a man who wants to 'contribute' and 'pay your debts' you're a fucking chump.

>> No.50824605

>you never get forgiveness AND the economy goes to zero
Kek no refunds hope you know how to cook bugs.

>> No.50824617

>Most of the people in debt are women too.
Men have on average 20k more in debt than women

>> No.50824635
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If you had went to MIT you could have easily gotten a comfy 6fig job with your connections and paid down all the debt.

>> No.50824657

Probably 10k, with a 'promise' to do it again before the election.
It doesn't though. USD is funny money at this point lmao. As long as nyone who questions it gets predator drone'd no one gives a shit.

>> No.50824660

That sucks. I should've been irresponsible and not paid my school loans if they were gonna fo this. Id trade a few years of bad credit for $150k

>> No.50824667

I fucking hope so

>> No.50824708

Why is this thread so gay and seethe filled

>> No.50824792
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If this happens I will un-ironically celebrate every college school shooting within the United States

>> No.50824855
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Oh look you lied again. Tell you what roastie we get rid of all that preferential hiring for women and go back to neutral everything and maybe we'll pay off your debts. But until then? Drown in it.

>> No.50824857
File: 485 KB, 346x201, 7291A669-A8DB-40F0-B8AF-C28D4390106C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people

>> No.50824928

Because nothing is gonna happen but then you have debtors crying and acting smug trying to simultaneously guilt trip people into paying their debts for them while also calling other people retarded for not getting into debt. And then I'm just like "I'm just not gonna pay it HAHAHAHA".

Most of them are probably women.

>> No.50825113

post it on /pol/
bring the chaos

>> No.50825149
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Holy fuck... I think this retard just helped me realize WHY Biden gave the IRS 87K employees, a huge cash injection, and all that ammunition.

With this news about student loans and the general mentality of the average student debt holder...

>> No.50825247

>has a roll of fiat cash they use as their actual savings, never to be taxed by the government

lol, inflation is an automatic and unavoidable tax on only the most retarded of citizens.

>> No.50825343

A literal legend. So many people will be helped by this so glad our taxes got o support this betterment of our nation

>> No.50825500

Can u smell what The Rock is cooking sirs? Smell like LUNC token accidentaly simultaneously burn jew and LGBTQ in Ukriane and soonTM in Isreal.

>> No.50825529

I don't understand why everyone assumes people who took out loans partied all day long and got crappy degrees. I had to take out loans because I was forced to live on campus. I never partied. I diligently studied (I don't have that much in loans but I don't want to pay it off either). I begged the housing people that I didn't want any meal plan but there was no way to get out of it. This is how the school made their money.

>> No.50825721

Tone down the fantasies, Chaim

>> No.50825863

>Joseph R. Gracchi
I took out a $10k student loan in 2019 and bought link with it around $1. Been interest free for years now and they're going to cancel my debt kek. Thanks libs, I'll be laughing at your VAIDS from the citadel.

>> No.50825941

For the last time, printing infinite money doesn't make everyone rich. You must be 18 to post here.

>> No.50825979

anyone in this thread unironically approving of this lefty horseshit (if it even happens) deserves to be hung like the fucking nigger that they are, tortured like in that pitbull dick-eating gore video if you voted for these freaks

>> No.50826004

>pay for college straight up instead of taking out loans, like a responsible person
>get straight up fucked for no reason when everybody else who just took out huge loans essentially got a free education

>> No.50826039

>he still doesn't understand that the US is nothing more than a giant cash grab on laborers and what value it built before turning commie
I didn't vote for it either you faggot, but if they want to give me back some of the countless thousands I paid in taxes that got squandered on niggers and war then I'm not saying no

>> No.50826226

>See someone handing out semi-free bags of cash with some impossible to enforce repayment rules attached.
>Instead of just taking the cash with the intention of never giving a cent back, you "do things the right way."
>Somehow you're poor now

NGMI, there's nothing moral or respectable about being the only ethical actor in an obviously corrupt system. You're chum, bud.

>> No.50826320

Am opening up 10k in loans as we speak kek

>> No.50826376
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> Jews will never cancel student loan debt.
> Student loans cannot be Bankrupcied out of.
> Student loan debt is the mortgage backed securities of the 70s today.

>> No.50826383

the former pumps crypto, the latter doesn't

>> No.50826563 [DELETED] 
File: 428 KB, 2048x1448, 1654718687702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you guys don't get is it's a voterbase thing and it's always been a voterbase thing

Democrats are majority NPC college educated
Right wing fags who go into lucrative jobs lije engineering and compsci are not just more likely to pay off their loans due to their financial stability but also Republicans tend to be better good goys because of their ethic of personal responsibility and pay back their loans

Why did bernie want to cancel student loans when it could only possibly help the upper class who actually goes to college and doesn't do a trade or other wagie job like the poor he was pretending to help? (Well the real reason is he's a Jew, lmao every time) But it's because he's strengthening those who will vote for him

>> No.50826588

US Mid Terms coming up.

>> No.50826606

Republicans have been allowing mass printing of money too. Trump spent more than Obama did in half the time. Democrat or Republican hardly matters at all. Both roads lead to balooning debts, deficits and inflation.

>> No.50826624
File: 40 KB, 343x400, IMG_20220726_000819_048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you guys don't get is it's a voterbase thing and it's always been a voterbase thing

Democrats are majority NPC college educated
Right wing fags who go into lucrative jobs lije engineering and compsci are not just more likely to pay off their loans due to their financial stability but also Republicans tend to be better good goys because of their ethic of personal responsibility and pay back their loans

Why did bernie want to cancel student loans when it could only possibly help the upper class who actually goes to college and doesn't do a trade or other wagie job like the poor he was pretending to help? (Well the real reason is he's a Jew, lmao every time) But it's because he's strengthening those who will vote for him

>> No.50826673

I drive a 15 year old Prius hatchback and it's actually a great car. Incredibly reliable, comically spacious, great mileage, I'll defend it.

>> No.50826680

The dollar already is losing what's left of its purchasing power at its fastest pace in recent history. Its not going even faster because almost all other developed countries are devaluing their currency even more, and because the dollar is still the world's reserve currency. Its the cleanest shirt in the dirty laundry hamper, so there is still pretty big demand for it internationally.

>> No.50826721

This would be a great thing long term for the US. Cheap and accessible education is a lynch pin to a country's' long term success. He needs to go one step further and force universities to act like agencies that advances the American agenda through leveling up the skill base of the country instead of acting like businesses that nickle and dimes the middle class. If you're not in work you should be in some form of education and it should be free. China has only caught up to the US because the education system has stagnated and acted as a profit making endeavor where as China's educational institutions have become some of the best in the world (from being non existent 30 years ago), this needs to change and the US needs to dominate in this area once again or face bending the knee to gook overlords 20 years down the line.

>> No.50826788

Explain what about the gold price? That it did a 7x since 1999? Or that Its been mostly flat the last couple years? My explanation for both, without going into very plausible conspiracy theories, is that the gold market started to foresee the high inflation we have today all the way back in 2000. Like any other market, it over-ran to the upside, and now its correcting back "down" by mostly crabbing.

>> No.50826807

A country losing it's reserve currency status is the last thing to go and is a massive lagging indicator. The limeys didn't lose the reserve currency status until well after the US overtook them as the leading super-power (20 years or so). The US actively tried to prop up the GBP for a long time post ww2 as not to cause worldwide financial upheaval until eventually there was no hope for it. No one is going to want their reserve of dollars they have been building for decades to become worthless and will actively try to keep the dollar afloat as well.

>> No.50826829

2008 was the indicator for the beginning of the end. It was the start of unavoidable exponentially increasing amounts of money printing. Todays billions will be tomorrow's trillions and so on until the system implodes.

>> No.50826878

Yep. That's another good point. The dollar is still the reserve currency in large part because everyone that could possibly dismantle the current system benefits from keeping it going.

>> No.50827042

OP loves paying for nigger's and women's college educations so they can learn how they're so oppressed. He'll be making a thread about how based reparations are next. Since they're forgiving loans, I think I'll buy an apartment for 100k and have that loan forgiven too. Wait, I can't? Why not? Its just as arbitrary.

>> No.50827119

Its not just that, but anyone who has or hasn't a loan that isn't student debt is getting completely fucked over. It would be different if student loans were compulsory and everyone was in the same boat, but they aren't.

>> No.50827363

Fantastic. Accelerate the collapse.

>> No.50827468

>and the moment some money goes toward white peopl
more like white trash, that couldn't use their "studying" to make money, they're literally drain on society, parasites

>> No.50827503

no retard, no one forced you to go study, shouldve made skills in trade jobs instead fucking faggot, i respect even the worst job workers more than typical US student leecher fucker

>> No.50827518

donkey incels will never get out of debt and will never breed lmao

>> No.50827529
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If biden forgives my loans I will vote for his party in 2022 and 2024. Simple as.

>> No.50827580

No you just lucked fucking piece of shit, no one knew student loans would end up being cancelled. Gosh bet you believe you've predicted some master plan when in reality you've almost been made homeless but the gov gave you a hand like retarded child

>> No.50827585

>just ruin your body in trades bro
>just work for a shit wage unless you’re lucky enough to get a union job or something bro
God I hate tradies

Tradies will be the first to get the rope even before the niggers and jews

>> No.50827604

retard, i won't even reply to that bullshit, you're gpt-3 or special needs

>> No.50827623

Dark Brandon wins AGAIN

>> No.50827657

How useful are mirrors for these kinds of situations?

>> No.50827682


>> No.50827695

>cancels student debt
>everyone sees this and debtmaxxes
>inflation surges from debt slaves consooming with borrowed money
>fed raises interest rates to 24%
>the government will just cancel my debt not paying
>the government can't cancel the debt
>people can't afford the debt payments or refuse to pay
>everyone gets their cars taken away
>banks start to colapse
>wagies getting their pay garnished in a high inflation environment
>economy stops
>everything falls apart
This could be the catalyst boys. Let's GO.

>> No.50827800

what "i dunno what im supposed to do guess ill go to college like everyone else" does to a mfer. my parents were highschool teachers and they were encouraged to spread pro- college propaganda by the state kek, horribly abusive to retarded 17 yr olds to get them to take out massive loans. only way to fix it is a great reset, college administrators and professors going hungry, companies begrudgingly hiring "talented" kids straight out of highschool based on honors society and SAT scores. soon!

>> No.50828077

So it's nothing.

>> No.50828130

got an argument tradie? no you don’t. college is a scam for many people but trade jobs are just as bad. In fact everything in this Talmudic system is a scam. Stop trying to grandstand.

>> No.50829853

>student debt forgiven
>tax payers suffer
>inflation rises more
God bless ‘Murica

>> No.50830040

u guys supported the troops when they were globohomo lite doing globohomo things, but now that they're open about it you hate them

>> No.50830063
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Im not paying taxes that fund your reckless spending. In fact I wont pay taxes at all.

>> No.50830193

this is very true. The same retards will say young white people should not go to college and will rule the country from the plumber's office, while all the pajeets and nonwhites become the next elite....

>> No.50830230

Interesting you mention the gov bailing you out for your GME/AMC bets when its actually the fed that will need to be bailed out because of GME and AMC

>> No.50830293

Exactly lolll. Play the game that has been dealt

>> No.50830433

If Biden doesn’t wipe it, it’s till be a political tool for votes by both sides

>> No.50830482

As we found out with Greece years ago and various other examples, austerity (action…consequence) is politically unpalatable. We will inflate debt away…debt jubilee WILL happen. No doubt

>> No.50830555

That’ll directly make inflation worse

>> No.50830657

the government has no constitutional authority to make loans, let alone forgive them

>> No.50830812

Shut the fuck up you poltard incel.
Never was pretending to larp as a whale. I make a measley 6 figs and that's pretty much it. Stop being such a useless fucking loser and get a fucking job and maybe you wouldn't be complaining and bitching about your easy life all the time.

>> No.50830845

>strongly imply to retarded teens that the only way they can succeed in life is going to a degree-mill college
>not predatory behavior

>> No.50830879

>politicians baffled, but they know it’s not from overspending
>liberals plan 100 trillion ubi

>> No.50830891

I just had rich family pay my way through lmao.

>> No.50830914

>strongly imply to retarded teens that the only way they can succeed

Fuck off you stupid cunt, can we stop pretending that teens are literal fucking children. instead of actual fucking adults.
People like you coddling teens are why, they're fucking stupid in the first place. I realized at a young age, due to the internet that school was a scam, dropped out and began working my way up the latter. You're entirely to blame for student debt faggot, most of you fags just don't know what personal responsibility is. Go post your long copium woe is me as a reply, bet it'll be fucking great pal.

>> No.50830993

>no constitutional authority
If only that mattered. The Federal government has no constitutional authority to do MOST of the things it's already doing.

>> No.50831088

You are

>> No.50831110


Can someone explain to me how cancelling debt works? Do they pay the holder off with tax money? I asume this will also mean the end of student loans or what sort of message would that be otherwise?

>> No.50831148

>u guys supported the troops when they were globohomo lite doing globohomo things
Lol no
Always hated the zogbots, simple as.

>> No.50831199

lol yes i can
>hey kid want your student debt cancelled? ok just sign this 5-year army contract lol
>no you can't get out of it, there's a state of emergency in the west bank. you either serve or you go to jail
no refunds

>> No.50831241

I assume they would pay the lenders off with cash they borrow themselves, (indirectly) from the Federal Reserve, who will create it out of thin air.
No idea how it would affect future loans, or previously paid off loans, though. The whole thing makes so little sense, I think it's mostly a distraction and another way to keep the people divided amongst themselves. My guess is that either the payment moratorium will be lifted, or, they'll keep kicking the can down the road until after they introduce FedCoin.

>> No.50831243

They won't use taxes because the Dems need the voters and can't afford to piss more of them off. They will get the Fed to print that money to write off the debts. That or they have to raise taxes/cut budgets.

>> No.50831253

he might actually do it if the deep state wants another democrat in office.

>> No.50831254

Imagine the governmont destroying their assets (your loans) voluntarily

>> No.50831284

Civilian money is no longer considered an asset.
They don't actually use our tax dollars or loans.
The government prints 1 trillion dollars for the military to use and "pays down the debt" with a few hundred million in "tax income".
"The Economy" doesn't exist anymore, it's all centered around the military industrial complex and the trillion dollars printed every year for the defense sector.
Even big tech is majority financed by the pentagon.

>> No.50831287
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>young americans pay bazillions to get mindfucked by insane woke professors
>"nooooo it's not my fault that I consented to pay 100k+ to get a useless degree!"
>le government bailout has arrived
>trillions get printed and given to the people who are owed the money
>the end result is americans massively devaluing their currency in return for giving rainbow haired kids a free mindfuck college course

classic mutt move

>> No.50831304

In other words, we no longer exist in a capitalist state. The USA is functionally full blown fascist, it just uses corporations as a mask to pretend to be capitalist.
"Crypto corporate fascism"
Or "corporate pretending fascism"

>> No.50831318

It's not young peoples fault the system was design to be unsustainable by psychotic boomers.

>> No.50831358

>The USA is functionally full blown fascist
I mean economically fascist.
But culturally it's catching up.
The "culture wars" between the left and right wing is just to decide which version of perversion, hatred and dementia becomes state law.

>> No.50831378

I wonder how the Amerimutt will react when his debts are forgiven but he doesn't immediately get propelled into the upper middle class because he has a useless degree like gender studies, theatre, biology, philosophy and political science instead of the more useful chemistry, engineering, accounting, computer science and foreign languages.
Funnier still if he has a useful degree but has to pay double the rent and double his daily expenses or more from rapid inflation of printing all that money to pay off all that debt. Basically bankrolling the Jew lenders.

>> No.50831558

everything dems do is designed to incentivize deadbeat behavior and demoralize self-determination

>> No.50831579

this assumes anyone but republicans over the age of 25 show up for midterms

>> No.50831717

I will never understand the fact that there is a large intersection of people who both see the gross monster of government as well as the decadence of western society and have arrived at the conclusion of accelerationism as a means to get to a new beginning through the end, and those who are against student loan forgiveness. Why be against the money printing? Buy guns and vote to defund the police.
>everyone that could possibly dismantle the current system benefits from keeping it going.
Would this not be true of every system?

>> No.50832158

>needs daddy government to pay his bills

>> No.50832238

too many questions, anon

>> No.50832240
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Why does nobody talk about the fact that the government is responsible for the student loan crisis to begin with?

The answer to this problem is to free the market.

>> No.50832251

gargle my cock freeloader

>> No.50832261

government made it expensive by providing these student loans in the first place many years ago, which made tuition costs skyrocket

>> No.50832270

>makes bad investment
You are like some cringe boomer who lost money on government bonds seething at crypto traders.

>> No.50832275
File: 212 KB, 1138x1022, commies inflation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Despite this the pay is shit and hasn’t kept up with inflation over at least 30 years.
fucking lmao communists are unbelievably retarded

>> No.50832286

lmao, is this the platoon you're afraid of?

>> No.50832323

Aaaaaaaaand who cares? LOL TAKE AN L FAGS

>> No.50832336

I hate the US dollar so much..
It's not fair that you assholes export your piss currency and all its inflation on the rest of the world whilst simultaneously spending like mad men and canceling debt.
>t. Europoor with student debt....

>> No.50832358

I paid all my student loans to the last penny, all $0 of them because I went to a public school and didn't fall for the football school meme.

>> No.50832392

*clap* you can be anti-college without being a philistine *clap*
*clap* you can be anti-loan without being a communist *clap*

>> No.50832481
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>> No.50832493

explain this picture in one sentence.

>> No.50832515

with the absence of fathers in their homes, sheboons must emulate male actions for their young

>> No.50832534

I was gonna refute your point, and then I realized I was going to say the same thing.

If anything, by settling the debt we are reducing currency in circulation; it didn't exist before it was lent