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50811485 No.50811485 [Reply] [Original]

As of last month, he has us tracking our activities with this spreadsheet. There’s several different categories like “in meeting” or “process improvement” or “data entry” and we have to change which category we are in every time we start to work on something new, all throughout the day. The categories barely fit what we actually do.

He won’t stop talking about it. He keeps walking up and asking if I remembered to change categories when he sees me working on something new. We have a meeting and he starts it off by asking if we changed our category before we left our desk. He keeps adding more and more features to it, I don’t know what HE is doing with his day except this spreadsheet. It tracks us from the second we get into work until we leave.

We are supposedly “salaried” workers, yet this feels like a time card. The micromanagement is driving me fucking nuts, do you guys think he has brain cancer and is going off the rails?

>> No.50811521

no anon, your boss is a visionary. he's accepted the 4th industrial revolution, and you should too

>> No.50811548

He sounds vaxxed.
Either become the best fucking spreadsheet updater that has ever walked the planet so that he will not consider laying you off before the other worker,
or reject it entirely & see what happens.

>> No.50811550

I had similar when I started a new job. I just made shit up and filled it in at the end of the day. Everyone else seemed ok with the system. After a few months I just stopped turning up.

>> No.50811601

it means his boss is sweating him on who's doing what throughout the day and who they wouldn't need later on...aka get kneepads because they're getting ready to lay your ass off boy

>> No.50811618

Ahh shut up and work. We run these experiments at works every year or so to see how our employees work

It’s not damning unless you spend 97% of your time in a category you should be spending 20%

>> No.50811639

I leaning to spend at least half your day on this spreadsheet. Make sure you document every minute. Make sure you provide detailed well thought out updates.
Try and change what you do as many times as possible during the day so you will have to provide more updates.

>> No.50811640

Im quitting my Civ Eng job this month because I'm spending 8+ hours a week on invoicing/timecards/billing/milage.

My last job we updated a google spreadsheet each day with 9, 9.5, or 10, depending on if we left at 4 or 5.

Business' requests are out of line and I hope they fail.

>> No.50811686

Sounds like you should dust off the resume and hold onto your ass OP, this kind of thing doesn't start for no reason.

>> No.50811720

If he pays you to update the spreadsheet, so be it. Make sure to ask if an updating spreadsheet category could be implemented

>> No.50811747
File: 30 KB, 409x409, 1546437198085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>take your morning coffee
>open tracker
>log in
>*new event : poopoo pause*
>*new event : peepee pause*
>*new event : union meeting*
>*new event : snack pause*
>*new event : water fountain pause*
>*new event : poopoo pause*
>*new event : peepee pause*
>"holy molly look at the clock, 5PM already! another good day of work well done!"
>log out

>> No.50812347

Add your own category that says peepeepoopoo time and mark that off all day everyday

>> No.50812705

just don't do it.. what the fuck is your fag boss gonna do?

>> No.50812797

Create a presentation to his higher up that he's wasting the offices time and resources with this project and that he is inventing work for you to do.

but ultimately

seems like best bet in reality

If you want to be a based NEET boy

Fire him? Well at least he'll get unemployment and can look for a new job easier.

>> No.50812813

I work at a top 10 accounting firm and have to do this every week. I am fully wfh though so not the worst

>> No.50812831

This proves that you're working in a meaningless job.

One of these jobs that only exist to make the wheel of consumption turn.

>> No.50812841

I had a boss like that. Eventually I ragequit and got a better job with no micromanagement and a raise and 100% remote. just quit dude. boomers are insane

>> No.50812932

>do you guys think he has brain cancer and is going off the rails?
No, it's much worse than that: he finally has a deliverable that he can show to his boss.

>> No.50813058

this. managers spend more time putting together a bar chart on how much everyone else is working than they do on actually doing ANYTHING productive themselves
every manager needs a bullet to the head

>> No.50813452

Your boss got sold this software by a much smarter man that him. Truth is your company never needed this software but the sales guy knew how to make them think they did. Now he has to justify its use hence the constant checks.

>> No.50813484

Your boss here. I knew you were a slimy faggot. Just stay home tomorrow, you are fired!

>> No.50813513

This is exactly what they are making us do in my department too. Probably because of all the recession talk. Some faggot PM is probably unhappy with the budget and thinks you're stealing time if I have to bill all 37.5 hours idgaf if I'm stretching work out, they can eat my shit.

>> No.50813606

One of my employers did this to me. It took a year and a half, but I was eventually so worn down with the outright harassment that I just quit.

>> No.50813800

ask your boss is add to spread sheet to the work list. so you cab keep track of the time used to enter spreadsheet data

>> No.50813860

You should get really into it and start adding your own custom categories. Log everything with absurd 5 minute intervals. Talk to him frequently about it and build a rapport with him. Turn this spreadsheet into a behemoth with a ridiculous amount of features. Basically three possible outcomes:
1. He realizes how ridiculous it is and slow let's it die off.
2. It becomes so complicated that it's useless and it becomes easy to fake/automate it.
3. You enjoy your time talking about bullshit with your crazy boss.
Win/win/win baby.

>> No.50814926
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this so fucking much
If you can help make it big enough it will literally cripple all productive activity in your department, potentially even spreading into other departments as it slowly scope creeps, integration by integration. Potentially, it can become one of those "legacy" problems which never really go away and get worse over time. Eventually, like cancer, it gets too big, metastasizes, and collapses the company entirely. Causing an unproductive pile of garbage to collapse is indeed a public good as those resources get re-allocated to less bullshit intensive parts of the economy. Do it OP, in the name of the Categorical Imperative; its the right thing to do, a duty even.

>> No.50815178

Bosses gonna boss, wagie. Fill out the proper category or quit.

>> No.50815215

My boss is the same but with cctv.

>> No.50815255
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I automated mine. It doesn't work perfectly yet. By the way, could you help me with that?

>> No.50816040
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monday amarite?

>> No.50816106

This lol.
Always think logically, not emotionally at work. You’re paid to do a job. Inform your boss what specifically about the dumbass spreadsheet is the problem. Like I remember a change in some retarded procedure that required like 5-10 more actions for me to get done. I told my boss how I perform this task dozens of times a day and now it needs 5-10 more clicks or button presses and how much time that consumes. “We’re losing efficiency sir”

>> No.50816124

imagine being so cuckked that you post about your boss on an anonymous basket forum

>> No.50816173

Their plan worked

They will convince you to quit or find a way to fire you with cause
Everything is going to plan

>> No.50816190

>do you guys think he has brain cancer and is going off the rails?
my boss usually uses his wife's money to get escorts (the bitch doesn't know this) power just falls on stupid people or makes them stupid, that's why you end up falling into this dump, there's a better chance in shitcoins like qom than trusting that kind of bosses

>> No.50816192

Exactly as planned

>> No.50816203
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The guy is feeling that he isn't in control of his own team. Maybe he got some shit from the higher-ups. Best thing is trying to make a group effort of asking him if he doesn't trust you in doing a good job, why he doesn't focus on the output and if he got a category for spending time writing the spreadsheet. Some nice touche would be to ask him why he doesn't write the Excel himself to give a good example.

At short term I would write a template that I paste daily or do some PowerAutomate fuckery.

I'm pretty sure the guy is just a boomer who is showing of how he made a PowerBI report on the data your team provided.

>> No.50816259

It's a standard feature of accounting firms / law firms.

And I hate it.

>> No.50816307
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>The micromanagement is driving me fucking nuts, do you guys think he has brain cancer and is going off the rails?
White guy? So y beard? Bald?

>> No.50816312

>my boss give me 5 minutes of free time every time that I start a new activity
This is basically a forced bathroom break, enjoy it

>> No.50816326

Pure cucks.
Americans too, I bet.

>> No.50816342

>seems like best bet in reality
What a fucking beta male you are.

>> No.50816356

Hear hear, but instead of killing management, let's just ass rape them with broken bottles infront of their families.
I prefer torture over killing.

>> No.50816366

Found the faggot manager.