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50807191 No.50807191 [Reply] [Original]

Are garloids in a bubble? Looks like the expansion of the Chinese farms is putting pressure on the market. Inb4 yes I know it's shit quality but they grow them in 6 weeks and it's good enough if polmerid quality wise

>> No.50807219

Looks like a benises

>> No.50807242

Garloid farming is always good business if you know how to tap into the right markets

>> No.50807246
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jesus christ what the fuck are you feeding them, people like you validate peta

>> No.50807273

lmfao there is no way this is your farm, they are fucking massive.

mine are tiny and pallid, still haven't made a profit on my original investment. Fuck your jewish scam.

>> No.50807280

artisanal scale & boutique breeds is always the best place to start and end up

>> No.50807318
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>tfw I didn't get in on the garloid trend when I had the chance.
I was fucking browsing /biz/ nonstop for many years, I read up everything about it. I fucking knew that it'd skyrocket, yet I didn't buy a single fucking garloid seed. Am I the most retarded person on /biz/? I just want to die guys.

>> No.50807342

What do you do with them? Do you eat them or do you have sex with them?

>> No.50807398

Those are Chinese GMO Garloids, factory tanks and synthetic milk, USDA guidlines expressly forbid this kind of breeding and imports are banned

>> No.50807450

>we're seriously having this debate again
pretty sure it was proven garloids feel pain.
Its exploitation, if it wasn't for their tennins people would have them as pets or atleast leave them alone.

>> No.50807463

What do you mean? You don't know?
I knew someone who had gotten into garloid farming early on and me and my colleagues were recently invited into one of his events, guy is living the dream, he showed us his car garage and we even got to drive a 512 tr, he didn't care because he knew if we fucked it up, he could always buy a new one, I heard he has massive farms nowadays

>> No.50807558

Is this some Rick and Morty shit seems like it.

>> No.50807588

asians eat these dickfish

>> No.50807628

I dropped out a year ago. I never understood how professionals handle garloids.

Really tried my best but couldn’t make the little fckers happy.

>> No.50807928
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I'll have to interject here briefly. It is the milk which they produce that is highly sought after, not their flesh. If the Asiatics are really eating them then they have lost the plot.

>> No.50807998
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hypothetically, if someone put one of those into their anus, what would be the best way to get it out?

>> No.50808002

Sadly that's not true and you know it. Remember when the sabre breed appeared on the market? Everyone was saying that's not what garloids are about, but see now? Every big city hipster fag is breeding them in his tiny apartment because they require less water and care and only purists like you and me can tell the difference

>> No.50808027

China makes too much, we need to grow our own

>> No.50808094
File: 106 KB, 750x892, 65C947EC-8185-4E87-9DBA-4BCE618C7E5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timestamp on yer buttcheak next to the butthole and he’ll wiggle right out if you take a picture.

>> No.50808467

>have sex with them
If I find out you've been sticking your duck in those creatures I will hunt you down and slap your shit

>> No.50808822

I feel you, it is a difficult journey, but it is so rewarding when you finally get them growing healthy. Maybe you should try again, focus on nutrition and water quality at first, the rest will come with time. There's ton of literature on the Internet if you're really looking for more specific advice. Good luck!

>> No.50808851

for me it's dropshipping Finger Boxes

>> No.50808964

I've seen chink operations, they never take off because they always
>let waste build up and poison all the garloids
>let ph get out of whack and give all the garloids toxic shock
>let chink workers smoke nearby and let nicotine taint nursery water
>even decent farms only raise shitty inbred larvae imported from Cambodia or SEA hellhole
This is a picture of pointless money-losing suffering on an industrial scale

>> No.50808985

>sabre breed
Lmao truly spoken like a citycuck who lives in a 10 by 10 foot pod. If you had your own house you could sun them out in the backyard

>> No.50809155

Hey so what breed is the best for fermenting the milk, I've heard that Mississipi Clippers have bad problems with the process, should I import Kazakh Yellows or Belize Albinos?
Lmaoing at the longstanding Chinese tradition of mercury posioning

>> No.50810679
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you're here forever

>> No.50810759

I also grew up on Fate Stay Night and played the Sakura route.

>> No.50810911

people who eat crap animals like this should be shot on sight

>> No.50811462

Loids aren't sentient right? I've seen videos where they look like they are in pain, but I know they are technically plants.

>> No.50811636


They are Archaea.