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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 90 KB, 1200x800, adderall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50803042 No.50803042 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a more /biz/ approved substance on the planet?

>> No.50803065

>i work so hard as a drone for mr shekelburg and life is easy while slaving away
pick one

>> No.50803074

Untopped, I take a couple per week on days that I want to get a laundry load of shit done

>> No.50803077
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pervitin is better, negro

>> No.50803091

more like
>*makes you an insufferable narcist*
>*makes you enjoy bug life*

>> No.50803093

Cocaine is the most /biz/ drug

>> No.50803099

Yeah you faggot, real successful bizraelis snort pcp while drinking 20yr old Zimas

>> No.50803127


It's a meme, short intense high and severe crash/comedown after, doesn't really heighten your capability just makes you feel more intense and aggressive

Maybe good for rushing into a battle charge and that's about it

>> No.50803156

why is it that it's always the biggest losers who advice people not to work? it's almost like those two things are correlated.

>> No.50803162

Straight dextroamphetamine, dexedrine (brand name), blows this out of the water. Tho Adderall is 75% dextro and 25% levo but that levo really takes away from the experience.

>> No.50803177


It's actually kind of annoying how many NEETniggers flit about this board like literal gnats or flies. Fuck off and leave us alone.

>> No.50803188

All I need is Hippie Speed
All that is, Coffee and Weed

>> No.50803216

Yeah coke is very overrated/overpriced. Though the really pure stuff can be quite nice. They also just work differently. Amphetamines make your brain release dopamine (and norepinephrine, some serotonin), while coke kneecaps your brains ability to clear out dopamine/norepinephrine so it builds up. Coke is more a cool, calm feeling until you do a bunch and you get hype whereas amphetamines have more of an untapped ceiling and more blatant euphoria along with being able to serve a lot of different functions as far as recreation or functional.

>> No.50803219

makes you a spiritless, zombified, dead-eyed drone who is unable to focus or concentrate. Everyone I've ever known who takes this shite drug completely lack in taste, morals or honor. Also me and my friends who would never take this Pharma shite laugh at them behind their backs at how you can see the pharmaceuticals in their eyes when you look at them.

>> No.50803241

Anecdotal evidence and incorrect conclusions. Drugs are what you make them and depend so much on the base personality and physiology.

>> No.50803243
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my weapon of choice

>> No.50803249
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if /biz/ were a drug, that drug would be jenkem

>> No.50803278


They were probably overdosed and popped them daily. You have to space it out and only take as much as needed. You can actually rewire your brain positively by feeding in a bit at a time.

As usual people always overdo a good thing and end up somewhere unhealthy.

>> No.50803300

>work harder, not smarter

>> No.50803311

How do you get it?
My doc wont give me both addy & modaf

>> No.50803316
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I'm probably gonna go on these soon. I'm on the cusp of academic failure because I literally cannot focus and have zero sustained attention to any task that I attempt. My breaking point was telling myself that I was gonna drop all distractions, focus on my midterm, and get killer grades. I found myself just dicking around on YouTube, for a full day as if a demon had possessed me completely without my volition, and I had a complete emotional breakdown. This takes me swallowing a lot of pride too, because I generally despise big pharma and always think someone should stay natty no matter what. But it's time for me to buckle up and realize that I might actually just have ADD. Feels fucking bad man.

What are the long term sides of taking this shit? What if I just do 4-6 years to finish my academics, then quit? Will my brain be fried?

>> No.50803321
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>TFW you try Adderall to get shit done but it just makes you feel stoned

>> No.50803342


You aren't doing either

>> No.50803356

Such an overly dismissive, gross overgeneralization.
How very buzzfeed of you.

>> No.50803425

My best friend was put on this stuff when we were kids and only got off a couple years ago. They had him on it for 13 years. He constantly tells me about all the different ways he thinks it fucked him up. This stuff should only be taken very short-term if taken at all

>> No.50803496

Dude the only reason I started was because I was in the same boat as you. I knew I wasn't retarded, but I was going nowhere real fast in life having zero focus.
>and then the whole train clapped
Nobody on this shit tells anyone they take them. Nice fake n gay larp

>> No.50803516


This shit literally unlocked me, finished an actuarial science (brutal math) degree all thanks to it.

>> No.50803527

internet. apparently it's real cheap in india so pajeets are real happy to sell you a blister worth $1.5 for $12. just google around a little and you'll find some "domestic" vendor shipping from within your customs-zone-thingy (EU, USA, Straya ...)

>> No.50803529

Based propylhexedrine poster. The reason I can't stand the taste of lavender to this day.

>> No.50803561

Expect at least twice the time off the drug to perhaps feel back to baseline before you were on the drug. so, yeah, if you plan to take something regularly and then quit, understand that in your early working career you're going to feel below baseline for up to a decade.

So obviously you're going to keep using it and I suggest just like... not arguing too much with yourself as you descend into proper drug addiction. Just snort it and put on some music and pretend you're a rock star. Get into some other stimulants too when you inevitably run out early.

Don't forget to sleep with people who are literally only there to do your drugs. That's the best kind of exchange between destroyed husks of human beings.

tl;d: get the script anon, schoolwork is very important.

>> No.50803580

Nah it's lame.
Shorrt high and useless

>> No.50803650

You are obviously being snarky, dismissive, and hyperbolic, but thank you for taking the effort to write this spirited, long reply.

>> No.50803688
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Okay but how addictive is it? Can I do it just once and put it down like booze or psychedelic's or is it more addicting.

>> No.50803698

everything is as addicting as your willpower

>> No.50803782
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the (((elites))) fear the shrigma male

>> No.50803793

I quit coffee and porn for about a week each. Coffee happened because I was somewhere where I didn't have access to any and I did fine. Porn because I just don't feel like it usually during the winter months. Sugar is the one beast I've never been able to conquer because of how ubiquitous it is. But I will after I move out of my parents house and can make my own lifestyle decisions.

>> No.50803816

Pure medical-grade methamphetamine is king of the stimulants.

>> No.50803935
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listen to this guy. it probably won't fix your problems but it will give you ideas where to start looking for one. also get a proper diagnosis if you haven't already because if you do have attention deficit shit (and depending on how severe it is) there might not really be a way around medication, bro.
either way I wish you the best, mate.

>> No.50804002

How do I get Adderall prescriptions or can I just buy it? I've been to the doctor twice, they just tell me to eat better+exercise, I did that and lost 100lbs and when I said that I still couldn't focus they gave me a prescription for some depression shit. I fucking hate doctors.

>> No.50804011
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I only trade on acid

>> No.50804042

Literally does nothing for me. Just makes me jerk off three times a day to stay sane.

>> No.50804142
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Hey, I'm actually a Huberman fan and have seen those. Yeah, I've tried a few of those recommendations (get off vidya, cold showers, don't listen to music for more than a few mins, etc..) but I'm starting to accept that I just may have underlying issues that can only be addressed with something more powerful. The only untested methods are a full dopamine fast + supplementing macuna pureins (L-Dopa) which im willing to try. Thanks for the suggestions bro

>> No.50804407

His point about taking a long time to get off it and feel normal is true. I’m still taking adderall right now every workday because I’m in the dependence phase, and my occasionally attempts to go without it for a while usually result in me sleeping 3 times a day. Your energy without it just plummets after dependence sets in, but it did take me a while to get the dependence. I’d honestly say for the first 6 months I was prescribed it, I could go weeks with taking it everyday and then weeks without and didn’t feel too off. But at some point that definitely shifted, I’ve read people online claim it took months to feel like their energy levels were back to “normal” after cutting off adderall.

On the flip side I’m really not sure at the moment what the long term consequences are for dependence. My dose is relatively low anyways, a lot of other people push the limit of what is legally allowed to be prescribed. Some studies have shown that there were long term improvements to cognition from therapeutic adderall dosages, while of course there are others that show damage, but usually at very high doses. There is a danger that adderall could increase your chances of Parkinson’s later in life, but from what I understand it is still a pretty minimal overall chance, and it’s unclear if it’s mainly a consequence of abuse. What I’d pay attention to is the empirical expression of any neurological damage, which would be whether you are having trouble with things you used to be fine with. I guess to really measure it you’d need to test yourself over time with something akin to IQ metrics, like pattern recognition and memory and such. Personally I haven’t done anything like that.

>> No.50804596

Vyvanse is literally the best

>> No.50804606

Those concerns are all valid. Keep in mind though, a huge portion of our medical literature is based on people beginning adderal at early stages of their developmental life, which absolutely can fuck up a 13yr who starts dabbling with amphetamines. I'd say that medium to low dose adderal starting at ~24, when the brain has mostly formed, significantly mitigates the risk of any cerebral damage over time. And like any study, secondary factors such as lifestyle/fitness/other drugs, etc... all need to be contemplated with these sets of data.

It is also entirely about risk/reward. For me personally, I wouldn't have a degree or a job right now without having taken it in university. So it's really dependent on the needs of the patient.

>> No.50804657

what saved my degree was isolating in butt fuck nowhere without internet so i could only focus on academic tasks. was on the verge of failure too

>> No.50804662

Modafinil. It's all the upsides of Adderall without the dopamine burnout.

>> No.50804678

you have to be settled into studying when the Adderall kicks in, otherwise if you're just clicking on the internet that's what you'll be doing the whole time

>> No.50804721

ITT: goys sucking the big, long, and hard dick of big pharma.
I would rather lose all of my assets in a single night than be dependent to those absolute jews. I got where I am today because I started a routine, and stuck to it. Fuck off, druggies.

>> No.50804726

High IQ and thoughtful replies. I'd be interested in trying it as a therapeutic solution for at least the short term and take it from there. I like how there's studies suggesting that it can actually correct behaviors and thought patterns without needing to always necessarily be a permanent solution.

If I can get used to studying, ignoring distractions, and develop that as a genuine habit, I'd say the juice is worth the squeeze

>> No.50804763

>because I started a routine
t. thinks you can follow a routine with add

>> No.50804801

where can i buy this in Canada?
Can't get a prescription

>> No.50804814

can you hyperfocus on things that interest you?

>> No.50804818

mucuna with all the cofactors (b vitamins etc) followed by a meal is better than amphs for me. after a somewhat disorienting comeup of ~1 hr, i end up with a strong but natural feeling drive. the comedown and day after are basically imperceptible, you just feel like your normal low energy self.
look up a mucuna stack called Dopa Replete Plus and buy that or replicate the supplement ratios with your own powders. it's the best one i've tried.

>> No.50804822

Yeah desoxyn. That's true. It's just out of reach for most people. And sadly most street meth is now just n-iso which is half the high but way worse come down effects cuz n-iso looks really pure visually. Most euphoria you can possibly get though.
Also desoxyn only comes in 5mg doses though you can always do more

>> No.50804838

>just stop having ADHD bro!
>I got to where I am because of my supportive family, trust fund, disciplinary parents, and wealthy family. Why aren't you more like me?
Ok faggot

>> No.50804853

Men get fucked up in the head when their genitals get mutilated BAN CIRCUMCISION

>> No.50804914

I took it for a little over a year and I've been off it for about a year now and I'm just starting to feel normal.

>> No.50804944

without a doubt getting mutilated (in the mind of a child who doesnt know what's happening: it's like torture) like that traumatizes your brain

>> No.50804980

>Everyone I've ever known who takes this shite drug completely lack in taste, morals or honor.
Immediately followed with>>50803219
>Also me and my friends who would never take this Pharma shite laugh at them behind their backs
Very honorable and moral of you anon.

>> No.50805017

It's a method of control. MK Ultra refined and societal gaslighting for people to get away with harvesting children's genitals for profit, along with the massive industries that are entirely the symptom of mass ritual mutilation of babies in america. Fuck America fuck the government and fuck everyone who thinks mutilating babies is not a massive fucking problem.

>> No.50805064

so just take it from me who didnt know at that time that i had adhd: the only way i could make it through academia was waiting the last minute to study and forcing myself to be isolated without internet. but in essence it also meant that i was studying something that i didnt truly enjoy

>> No.50805112

imagine being immobilized by chanting robed men, and suddenly the most sensitive part of your body gets dug into and shredded off by one of the men's sharpened fingernails and then his bearded face scrapes down onto your belly and legs while he sucks your now bleeding, hypersensitized penis and all you can do writhe against your restraints and scream for comfort and solace that will NEVER arrive.

>> No.50805146

>everyone even moderately successful had a trust fund
kys druggie

>> No.50805171

Yes, I can. This seems to be how psychiatrists diagnose ADHD from the research I've done

I get flawless grades in my courses in which I show interest, but cannot for the life of me sit down and focus on my electives. For example - I need to complete pre-calculus to finish my degree, and I don't even find pre cal that hard, but I just have so much fucking difficulty getting myself to sit still and just study, without opening 15 YouTube/4chan/whatever tabs. The distractive pull is like a raging river

>> No.50805280
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Der fuhrer did Adderal

>> No.50805338
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this. had an Adderall prescription all throughout college but barely used it because the side effects were awful. got a Vyvanse prescription at the beginning of this year and unironically learned to code after years of starting and never following through.

although I think equally important was hiring a personal ADHD coach. it's one thing to read about distraction, motivation & organizational strategies; it's another thing entirely to work with a professional who can advise you, help you develop systems and hold you accountable. life-changing.

>> No.50805416

yeah so just buy a dumbphone so people can reach you and go isolate yourself somewhere without people and internet, only your books. but even this didnt really work for me without the sense of urgency because i would just day dream instead of focusing on the books. i'm glad that period is over. later as a corporate wagie i was outperforming everyone because i was so focused on my work and couldnt browse the internet since it was an open space.

>> No.50805415

based. just pop one at 4am, hit the gym and into the office by 7. I do hope it doesn't cause long term problems tho. Any links on that?

>> No.50805484


>> No.50805506

Most overrated drug of all time. Amps are 100X better.

>> No.50805610

the only issue i have with amps is i couldnt stop fapping. i havent used them in 12+ years.

>> No.50806073

Stimulant dependence is a bitch when you have a cloudy brain and are basically physically and mentally dead because you don't have your "stuff". You're rewiring your brain to need the substance to think, solve problems, and do anything.
What I would do instead of adderall is eat a big cheeseburger with fries and chug a large soda to get those sweet calories, then head to the library and sit in front of the computer around other people until I finish all my tasks like a good goy.
The feeling of pride and accomplishment when you leave the library into the fresh night air is great.

>> No.50806079
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>as if a demon had possessed me completely without my volition
fuck this is the story of my life too. I know it's cucked to shirk responsibility for my own actions by inventing some sort of poltergeist that takes over my body and makes me do bad shit, but I don't know how else to describe the feeling. When I solemnly, honestly, and in good faith make an intention and a max effort to accomplish something, and then watch in horror as my body does something completely different and wastes the whole day doing shit I didn't want it to do. It is very much like in Being John Malkovich when he gets sucked in the head-prison and watches totally helpless as someone else controls his body. That's my experience with discipline and self-direction, it feels like I didn't even have a choice in the end, like there's just this demon that takes over to sabotage everything where success is even remotely in sight. It's hugely disempowering and I've been edging closer and closer to just giving up and trying the adderall jew as well.

I hate it because every faggot I know personally or anecdotally who has ever taken adderall has the same story. It instantly turns them into their best selves for 2, 3, 4 years. But they have to keep upping the dose until eventually it just stops working, and when they discontinue they turn into burnt-out husks who never recover to baseline. So it's a shit choice between living life possessed by a demon that hates me and ruins everything I try to do, or taking a magic drug that frees me from the shacked for a few precious years before hollowing me out and turning me into even more of a depressed zombie than where I started, this time for good.

>> No.50806084

Also made me totally unable to fap

>> No.50806087


>> No.50806112


I would be too scared to try that. Already like stims too much, I just may become a junkie there.

>> No.50806137

These helped me out for years but with diminishing returns. Now when I take one I turn into a degenerate coomer

>> No.50806144

Also if you don't actually have an attention disorder there's a chance that the amphetamines make you hyper focus on distractions like messaging 20 people at once on muh social media and organizing your bookmarks of youtube videos and so on.

>> No.50806160

Agreed, but my insurance didn’t cover it for some reason and that pushed the price to something absurd, like $300 a month. I much preferred Vyvanse, and if I’m still taking adderall by the time the patent expires (which I think is next year? So very likely I’ll still be on stims) I’m going to probably switch to a generic Vyvanse.

>> No.50806225

how do I get adderall from my doc if I wasn't a kid on it???

>> No.50806267

how do you get this without a prescription?

>> No.50806277

You just say you were

>> No.50806297

I miss it so much. I wouldn't take it all the time though.

>> No.50806332

If I could financially and logistically do this, I would, trust me. In the meantime, someone recommended that I look into website blockers and to uninstall any apps and delete any account on any platform that can distract me.

>> No.50806362

It's difficult to get because it is considered to have a high abuse potential. Vyvanse is the closest most people could probably get, which as long as you aren't looking to abuse it I'd imagine Vyvanse is just an improvement. Dexedrine supposedly didn't last as long, and it comes on quicker because it is an active drug. Vyvanse gets broken down in your body to dextro and lysine, so it takes longer to come on and lasts longer. I haven't taken Vyvanse in maybe a year and a half, but I definitely remember it lasting longer than Adderall XR pills. All around quite a good drug. People seem to report less side effects with Vyvanse, which I agree with, and more stability in their focus.

>> No.50806395

>organizing your bookmarks of youtube videos and so on.
this unironically would be more constructive than anything else I've done in the past month. I literally stare at my desktop full of icons wishing I could sort them and clear it up, but it's too intense of an organizational task and I know the 5 minutes of concentration it would take to accomplish would be 5 minutes more than I have to spare. I am really fucked up.

>> No.50806409

Gives me horrible high-histamine symptoms.

>> No.50806423

lol what about records?

>> No.50806509

lost in a fire

>> No.50806636

dextroamphetamine was the best
couldnt stop sweating and fapping all day

>> No.50806717

I'd consider changing careers rather than taking stims to cope. As someone who tends to zone out and lose focus doing boring office tasks I've found being a web dev much easier.

>> No.50806781

Imagine taking drugs in order to increase your (((Productivity))). I bet you drink caffeine to you dumb golem

>> No.50806789

I never showed any records, I just came up with a credible story (that was mostly true) and bam. Prescription. And once you get one doc to prescribe you have records.

>> No.50806832

i got nasal polyups twice from coke a long time ago, literal alien tier giant ball of mucus/skin tissue that I had to push and blow from my nose. most people get them surgically removed.

>> No.50806899

I took adderall and it destroyed my life. It heightens everything about yourself; good and bad. Your personality will become insufferable.

>> No.50806935

It took me about a year to come back to normal-ish. Without it I was an asshole, depressed, suicidal, etc. Lost my wife, my job, friends. Only a few people stuck by knowing what I was going through.

>> No.50806982

this shit just gives me a headache

coke is a jittery depressing drug. feel good for a few hours while you binge then feel like dying for 5 more when you stop. gay waste of money

If you're going to mess with drugs just stick with psychedelics. Those will actually help you better yourself and thus improve your life. Otherwise you're only fooling yourself thinking the substance you're using is helping you be productive or whatever when its really ruining your life (and body).

>> No.50807003

Checked and based

>> No.50807074

eh I never think of lying because I don't but sounds good. gotta make a appointment now lol

>> No.50807085

Stop seething so hard it’s a bad look

>> No.50807142

"I have been having such a hard time at work lately and don't want to get fired, Dr. Goldstein. I used to take a medication when I was younger and it really helped"

>> No.50807152

I take 10mg of this shit a day for narcolepsy and all it has done is improve my life
Can you cocksuckers that use it to get high and do better at work please stop?

>> No.50807164

Tried it once, felt like just a strong dose of caffeine. Not that great. Can get pretty much the same effect from modafinil or methylphenidate without ruining your nose

>> No.50807168

It costs way more, though
I also didn't notice a difference vs Adderall XR

>> No.50807340

lol you dam cat you, dam thank you fren

>> No.50807448

Its ok if you need it, but just to feel like other normal people feel like usual, but if u take it without needing it, just to satisfy ur druggie needs its either gonna be no difference or a bad experience

I could talk about about this topic, but go and educate urself on ur own, theres a lot of papers to read, but tl;dr some people just dont have a good dopamine balance and a fully developed adult brain and in those cases drugs like that one help

>> No.50807478

is buying from alternate sources really that hard? probably cheaper than policy approved route, surely.

>> No.50807503

its too expensive on the street and no one ever has any because people buy it all up

>> No.50807522

you dont even need to rent a new place. just go a saturday in a library or somewhere quiet with just your books and do this all day.

>> No.50807610

Wish I'd gone into a sector that was more outdoors / physical. I'd be such a sick fuckin' excavator operator.
I work in software (front end design blah), today spent like 2 hrs fucking with css tweaks on existing sites
Gotta love when the same tools you use for work are the toys you use for distraction.

>> No.50807638

the cost of Vyvanse was why I switched to Adderall XR as well
I think my teeth grinding got worse because of that, so I'd like to switch back to generic Vyvanse once that's available

>> No.50807819

It is more expensive and higher risk, legally, financially, and medically speaking.

>> No.50807849

Protip for you both: small habits are the
secret you're looking for. Download and read Atomic Habits. Remember to start small. Once you build a track that starts the moment you wake up, you'll have a route that takes you through your whole day and which you'll be disgusted to deviate from, because it destroys any need for you to think about what you do next. This is way more powerful than you'd believe.

Also quit sugar. That shit is a phantom menace that teaches your brain hits of easy pleasure are what life should be about.

>> No.50807906

this I'd rather get my own script save money and not have to worry about carrying around a narcotic to risk a felony charge and lose my life. or even be on the street looking for drugs lol or buy fake ones and end up OD because its laced with fent

>> No.50807982

Wait list to be seen here on nhs in the uk is 2 years. it's that or cough up £2k to go private and potentially be told 'nah we're not giving you meds' - how does that compare to the US?

I read that book too. Actually, I read like 50% of then got hell bent on being efficient with my time - I probably would have made the cut for OCPD for like 4 months.
For some reason the obsession went (around the time I got sacked, face didn't fit). The principles still make sense to me, but I don't execute them for some reason now.
WFH hasn't helped.

>> No.50808093

How do I obtain adderal as an europoor?

>> No.50808348

You find a similar chinese designer drug on the clear web and buy it with cryptocurrencies

>> No.50808399

why not trying to learn excavator shit on your free time and then try to work part time. if you were an operator you would maybe dream of having a comfy desk job

>> No.50808674

adderall just steals cognitive power from the future, you get short term gains in exchange for long term retardation and psychosis

>> No.50808919

Amphetamines dont make you more successful. They create another version of you that *thinks* he's more successful. It eventually starts taking more and more of the dosages to keep that version of you going and then you have a mental breakdown at the pharmacy screaming why your adderall is 7 days too early to pick up but you "ran out".
Some people really need help, I personally think a combo of strattera and wellbutrin is much more effective than inhibiting every mechanism your brain has for clearing dopamine for 12 hours every day (if taking as prescribed).
But no, keep being a goy and take highly addictive controlled substances to be more "successful"

>> No.50808943

oh to be 16 again.... fuck

>> No.50809014

>Americans need to have popcorn added to pills otherwise they won't swallow them

>> No.50809040

>What are the long term sides of taking this shit? What if I just do 4-6 years to finish my academics, then quit? Will my brain be fried?
If you use it in moderation you should be fine. Don't abuse it.

>> No.50809119

Get your IQ checked, you sound like a midwit who has no business in academia. There's no such thing as ADD.

>> No.50809157

Go to a shrink, you will be immediately diagnosed and either Ritalin, adderall or vyanse will be pushed on you. The nice addictive stuff to keep you coming back everything.
Specifically ask for Straterra, read about how it works and see if its a good fit for you.

>> No.50809370

Coke is for people who use party drugs a few times per month. Molly is for people who use party drugs a few times per year. Molly is ten times better than coke and is one of the least addictive drugs that exists, but using it too frequently can fry your natural serotonin levels. Simple as

>> No.50809470

>le midwit
I hate how this term has been normified into another "person I disagree with" mold. That and the Dunning-Kruger effect. You probably don't see the irony of regurgitating this term, because you're, ironically, somewhere in the 95-105 IQ range.

>> No.50809528

Do this quickly and don't listen to anyone telling you it won't help. Even if you have porn/media consumption problem this is going to be a way better band-aid than dealing with your problem in the short term. My parents biggest disservice to me was not getting me a script that they could completely afford and instead trying all the diet, behavioral therapy, limit media consumption memes. This will change your life and you can worry about getting off of it and living a healthier life after you build a life that's more aligned with what you want.

Even if Stimulants are just a drug getting prescribed to porn/phone addicts who eat sugar for meals and ADHD is fake. it fucking works. Pre-script if I coomed in the morning I would be useless throughout the day at work and couldn't hold a job or progress. My life sucked so dealing with cooming problem wasn't an option. Post-script, yes, i'm popping an adderall after my morning coom session and can at least pretend to function during the day.

Life got tremendously better. I made friends, am really good at work and income is much higher, returned to college to finish my degree. Now I have a support system and more confidence to deal with some of the deeper problems like pornography addiction and I just dropped my dose for the first time in 3 years.

God speed. There's lots of online options that could have you with a appointment/script for no insurance under $300 in the states with $100-$150 in maintenance. You'll probably save that money in food you won't eat. (I know you binge eat, this will help)

>> No.50809698

this post is part of the aderall shill campaign on 4chan
all fields

>> No.50809797

Was in the same situation as you. Late 20s, accomplished nothing, wasted years taking and dropping classes. Normies don't understand, all they see is a lazy loser who lacks discipline. Then all of a sudden its "oh wow anon you've come so far!" Once you pop adderal and can actually function like a normal adult. If you have ADHD, get that shit fixed.

>> No.50809865

I took 20mg today and spent 5 hours trimming my beard. Gotta look professional, haha

>> No.50809918

You know this causes hair loss guys?

>> No.50810012

Ok predditor, it's a statistical fact that people who find undergrad extremely challenging are unlikely to go to grad school. This is independent of their focus level, and is highly correlated to IQ. Cope harder by making up diseases to justify your lack of brainpower.

>> No.50810016
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for me

>> No.50810122

What if he found undergrad un-challenging on medication. Your citing a fucking study based on people's self reported opinions on how hard they think undergrad is. If Adderall makes it "feel less hard" then you're making it sound like a good idea

>> No.50810134
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Fuck man, everything you just wrote was like holding up a mirror in front of me.
>When I solemnly, honestly, and in good faith make an intention and a max effort to accomplish something, and then watch in horror as my body does something completely different and wastes the whole day doing shit I didn't want it to do
Last week I took out a journal, wrote down all of my goals and dreams, then I broke them all down into realistic step-by-step procedures to get everything done in a healthy amount of time. I put detailed timeframes, and even gave myself breaks to enjoy. The next day, I literally completely forgot about the tasks and did fuck all. When I woke up from the haze, I just ended up sitting in the shower for 20 minutes contemplating how much of a slave I am to this demon inside me.
>I hate it because every faggot I know personally or anecdotally who has ever taken adderall has the same story. It instantly turns them into their best selves for 2, 3, 4 years.
This is literally every anecdote I've heard of Adderall as well (minutes the burn out part), which is why I'm considering it so heavily. I'm just fucking tired of being my own worst enemy every single day and sabotaging my life. I cannot think or fathom a worse feeling than not trusting yourself and viewing yourself as an enemy. It makes me understand why many religions consider suicide the ultimate sin, because at the end of the day, you're backstabbing the guy who matters the most in your life.
>Slave to the procrastination/distraction demon
>Slave to the adderal jew

These are really our options, huh?

>> No.50810152

Tried adderall for a while because my friend hyping it up, it just made me really calm and "grounded." I didn't gain any energy and didn't really feel like suddenly doing anything. I think unless you already have something that you need to be doing then it's probably a waste.

>> No.50810158

Best combo ia water sleep and exercise

>> No.50810208

Shit is good for once a week and very good sleep before and after or it wil just fry your brain and give you chronic headache, at least that was my case

>> No.50810216

Fuck last time I brought an eight ball to Vegas I had to keep doing it for 4 days to keep the fun going. Come down sucks.

>> No.50810262

The only reason I found out about it was because that autistic motherfucker Sseth opened up about his ADHD
>Was failing and on the edge of dropping out
>Took Adderall
>Is now a Master of Immunology, has entries in science journals, and graduated top of his class
You're strongly conflating IQ with focus. Most of us know uninspiring normies who go far academically because they're very proficient at organizing study schedules and dedicating multiple hours/day to focused learning.

>> No.50810293
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Best time I had on drugs was with NBOMe, which is another psychedelic that produces acid-like effects. Combined with some weed, it was bliss. Watched Redline that day, which was a real treat.
Did some research afterwards, and found out that NBOMe can be fatal so I stopped.

I would kill for some legitimate LSD, but I don't deal with dark web bullshit and anything being sold to me in the States is probably an analogue drug at best.

>> No.50810525

>This is independent of their focus level
Jesus you're retarded. Never talk about IQ again you mong

>> No.50810585

What is the “gold star” of high quality adhd medication? Is it Vycanse?

>> No.50810594

Good luck affording it lmao
No that shit youve been buying is not actuall cocaine you are getting ripped off

>> No.50810624

cigarettes and coffee

>> No.50810863

when you have ADHD like me, these drugs are a godsent. been using vyvanse and dexamin for 3 years now, which improved my life drastically. I wish I had them when I was in school. if you can't stomach the side effecs, try taking 500mg NAC with it. worst case scenario it eliminates all effects. if you're lucky, it literaly removes only negative side effects and you enter UBERMENSCH mode

>> No.50810914

If you need drugs to do calc 1, you were better off just getting a trade job instead of wasting your youth in a field you have no business in and then burning out at 30.

>> No.50810936


>> No.50810996

>trouble sleeping.
>loss of appetite.
>dry mouth.
>increased heart rate.
yeah fuck off. just eat good, get enough sleep, and exercise you lazy fuck.

>> No.50811242

Genuine alpha:
You get the best of both worlds by taking low dose stimulants 2-3x a week.

Don't fall for the all or nothing meme of everyday or complete abstinence.

Coming from 4 years of experimentation with adderall and modafinil in college and online poker.

>> No.50811537

Most grads I know are absolute midwits who haven’t had an original thought. Most of them are there because they didn’t want to go into the working world and are going the perma-school route.

>> No.50811622

Vyvanse is nice. The whole needing the stomach to process it puts a cap on trying to get shorter effects via insufflation and also puts a ceiling on how much you can do at once cuz you hit a point where you're only lengthening time of high and not intensity. But yeah lisdexamfetamine is literally the prodrug to Dexedrine. A lot of psychiatrists will prescribe extended release generic dextro cuz they know how expensive Vyvanse can be even with good insurance and no generic for it yet cuz patents. Er dextro can be crushed down.

>> No.50811647

i hate the headaches and brain fuzz

>> No.50811674

Yep.. happens to me on modafinil too, if im aimless while taking it im even more aimless when it's kicked in

>> No.50811699

Brain cancer

>> No.50811704

It's gonna depend from person to person.

There's alternate weak meds that I won't get into but a lot of docs start with.

Modafinil is a nootropic that helps with wakefulness and focus with less abuse risk.

Ritalin and focalin (methylphenidate and dimethylphenidate I believe), work by inhibiting dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake so your natural released ones don't get cleared out and build up. focalin is way more fun as a party drug.

Amphetamines release dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin and comes in a lot of forms. At it's core know that there's 2 orientations of amphetamine molecule: dextroamphetamine and levoamphetamine. Most would say the dextro is the main one you want cuz that does more brain stuff with less negative stimulation effects like vasoconstriction and heart rate jumps, tho dextro still does this to some degree and some like the extra speediness.
Adderall is 75% dextro and 25% levo. Comes in extended release spanules that can be crushed or instant pills
Mixed amphetamine salts are some other ratio
Dexedrine is just dextroamphetamine and comes in extended and instant forms.
Vyvanse is lisdexamfetamine which breaks down in the liver to dextro but can't be snorted and lasts a long time
Desoxyn is literally 5mg of pharmaceutically pure methamphetamine and only prescribed as a last resort for treatment resistant adhd, extreme narcolepsy, and fringe cases of obesity.

Most docs will feel out what your situation is like and go with their preferred approach and work through side effects/dosages. So much of it comes down to dose.

>> No.50811705

I took propranolol (beta-blockers) last year when diagnosed with anxiety and depression last year, largely lockdown related. Lockdown really had me messed up, call it cringe or schizo whatever, but I felt like I lost my “mojo”.

I was doing a postgrad with a lot of stochastic calculus and derivatives pricing. I would sit down to tackle a problem set and my heart rate would start elevating. My stomach would pit with fear like I could throw up. I was never like this during my previous undergrad. I recall waking up with a 4K essay to hand in later that afternoon and yeah it was stressful but I still backed myself and grinded through it to hand it in. Whatever lockdown did to me it fucked me up and took away that resilience.

Anyways, I took these to reduce anxiety. It actually helped. I recall trying to do a problem set, and I felt the feelings of fear and naseau kick in. But out of nowhere, like when you throw a fire blanket on a burning stove, those feelings just became suppressed and muted. I was able to proceed.

Long story short, I didn’t quite achieve the full masters degree which was a bitter disappointment. I had to settle for a Postgraduate Diploma, which is effectively 2/3 of a masters degree (I’m from the UK). Whilst the propranolol really helped, I felt like some other kind of medication would have helped to really enhance my focus when I needed it. I then would have had a whole summer to ween myself off it afterwards as well.

My point is anon, get help. I also attended Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which helped tackle some of the emotions felt when trying to do problems. By talking, and revaluating your mental framework towards risk, and mistakes, and getting things wrong, it helped recalibrate some of my fear when dealing with the same. I also found some nice confluence between what we discussed and how reinforcement learning agents “learn” from mistakes.

Anyways, nice chatting. But seriously anon, get the help you need.

>> No.50811945


Cocaine is illegal because it cannot be controlled by pharma, legalizing it would mean it's price would drop.

Amphetamine has many and much more severe side effects but is controlled by pharma. This is why it's legal with a prescription.

>> No.50812544

When it comes to making changes, especially with ADHD, it's super easy to plan and overwhelming to execute. Human brains tend to changes slowly, but surely over time.

Haven't read Atomic Habits, but doing a little bit of change daily can help a lot.

>> No.50812568

This guy does his research on stims.

>> No.50812683
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I've been on:
Concerta, Ritalin, Focalin, Adderall, and Vyvanse.

I abused all of them as a way to pick me up and didn't focus in school. Last one for a while was Adderall. Jacked me up bad. Withdrawal took a year teeth grinding and feeling terrible. Started weed and that was a whole mess.

Now ten years later, I've been prescribed Adderall and have ongoing therapy.

Beat success for stims:
1. Eat properly.
2. Consistent and enough sleep.
3. Exercise.

I fucked up back since I did none of those, well sometimes, a run here and there.

All these help with exercise helping a lot with stimulant comedown. I absolutely hate that.

On and off Adderall: 4.0 GPA and finally got my bachelor's. A consistent schedule is fantastic for ADHD people, even if super boring.

One thing that works very well for me (takes a week or two for full effect) is working up to a 15 minute meditation session. One person I know meditates three times a day for 15 minutes each time and it's more effective than their meds.

Meditation doesn't require perfection. Just sitting there in silence (noise canceling headphones are nice) with you eyes closed for 5, 10, and 15 minutes is good. Listening to the world and trying not to react to the noises, the itches that you may feel and your brain shouting as it's not getting the stimulation it's used to. I love doing this halfway through a jog/run. Everything slows down. Instead of reacting, I think for a second before deciding whether to act or not.

You can meditate at home, outside, while waiting at an appointment, etc.

Anybody else try the meditation pill?

>> No.50812822

I even went to a psychiatrist to see if I had ADD. During the 1 hour screener session he asked a bunch of shit, then he asked how I was at school and I told him I got straight B+ and never needed to study. His eyes lit up and he marked something down on his pad that he hadn't used until that moment. At the end he said he didn't think I had ADD and referred me to a talk therapist who just tried to make me do yoga and meditate. Fuck. The part the psych missed was that I was LUCKY I never encountered a challenge hard enough to need to study in school, because if I had I would have failled utterly because studying is fucking impossible to me. I pretty much improvised my entire way through K-12 and college. I guess that means I'm 'smart' but it means fuckall when you get to the real world where challenges are insurmountable without applying yourself and learning things systematically, which I am fucking incapable of doing.

I guess I'll try a couple more bullshit therapists then go back to the psych and tell him to reconsider.

>> No.50812865

For me its Sleeping-In.
Damn it feels good to have a drug that makes you comfy and you can have any girl in the world.

>> No.50812909

I know this feel. Working in the real world is where you truly need to put forth effort and do a good job because itll be very obvious if you don't and people won't be afraid to point out all of your flaws.

>> No.50813004

The only sane post. Meditate y'all

>> No.50813007

I like your funny double entendre words, magic man.

>> No.50813030

Good advice. I also recommend magnesium glycinate (there's a couple kinds of magnesium that work well and a couple that are near pointless. Google it) to help with bruxism- teeth grinding/clenching. Good to help sleep somewhat too.
Meditation is criminally underrated as this guy is saying.
Hydration, food, and sleep are crucial. Meth heads and people that go to shit from stim use usually have way worse shit happening from lack of nutrition and sleep than the actual chemical.

>> No.50813039 [DELETED] 


>> No.50813050

I'm also "smart" in terms of finding ways of how to get away with doing the least amount of work. I've been to psychologists who say I'm smart (115 IQ) but I just need to put forth more effort. Problem is it takes tremendous will power and motivation to actually do assigned tasks appropriately especially if I'm not interested in them. My dad is the same way, but he's a small business owner and works from home and has made it by making smart investments and being a boomer. Makes me think its a genetic trait. It must have been easier to get by back then if my ancestors only had to farm or posses simple/specialized skills like a shoemaker or whatever. Nowadays the only way to survive is to be a cog at Mega Corp or a doctor unless you have generational wealth.

>> No.50813125


>> No.50813357
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>Anybody else try the meditation pill?

Me too, but I'd like to add something.
>CTRL+F thread for "spiritual"
>no mentions

I'm guessing most of the people in this thread are Westerners.
I was born and raised in the West, and I owe most I have to your civilization and its ingenuity.
However, lately you guys have been all about form, and not substance, as it should be, and as it was for most of your history
Our generation - this civilization's latest iteration - is very individualistic, insufficiently community-oriented, and too materialistic, not in the usual sense of being attached to wordly things (which we are), but of not being spiritual enough, of realizing there's more to life than the physical, and even the mental.

Use meditation to be thankful for what you have, to whichever God(s) you (may not) believe in.
Let go of what you don't have. Accept what can never/still be.
Forgive yourself for what you've (not) done. Forgive others.
Also, try to step away from the world of Man when you do it, e.g. a grassy park is enough, picrel is one of my usual spots.

I'll stop typing here because I don't want to impose on anyone's perspectives, so I'll just say that meditation is good, but it's better when you "use" your soul to do it - whatever your religion, if you have any at all.
It's a good first step to what is beyond.

>> No.50813388

damn nice vista. where was that taken?

>> No.50813757
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Lol, thanks man. Completely unintentional. I did a lot of research on my meds after realizing my doctor didn't know a lot regarding them.

Thanks anon. Too many people just want a pill to fix things. Training our brains to require less stimulation is tough at first, but pays off a lot.

Thanks on this anon. I take magnesium glycinate, though haven't this past week or so. I need to take some before sleep.

I agree that meditation is very underrated. It's true that with many meth users, what gets then is part drug, large part is lack of basic necessities of life.

I grew up Catholic, but have become agnostic. My gf is spiritual and believes in a higher power. I wish I did.

That said, I agree that there's far too much individualism. I was just thinking how my dad and mom used to take me places to volunteer when I was younger. My dad in particular helped out at places where there was a need for help, but nobody helping (such as clearing up debris in waterways ar a convent). Helping others is very fulfilling and wonderful to do. Gotta make sure we also take care of ourselves to the degree we can so we can help others.

I've seen the individualism eat up myself at times and especially with a niece (12) and nephew (16) of mine as their mom's and her bf's behavior. Lots of demand for respect between one another and believing that the other is often doing things out of malice.

Getting out and about really does help. Going into nature can be peaceful and restorative. Going to events like a county fair can be fun and is a wider group interaction. Got to go with my gf and niece and nephew (two kids were in town). We all had a blast and they even had their cell phones down while there.

We'd be a better society if we were all a bit more forgiving and cooperative, though not fully on the extreme end which stamps out the individuals we are.

>> No.50813767

I second that anon. That's a wonderful place. A nice breeze off of a body of water while listening to the water break against the shore and the sound of birds is wonderful.

>> No.50813960

I finished an actuarial degree while smoking weed everyday lmao

>> No.50814087

Grew up mormon and became agnostic atheist. Feel it's very unlikely there's a higher power but who knows. I find simulation theory the most statistically likely personally. No issue with anyone who's religion isn't causing harm and really respect a lot of the different beliefs out there. Been interesting seeing deism and general spirituality pop up a lot more lately. I do wish something like Unitarian universalists had more push behind it as far as nonsecular mixed with secular people performing church like functions. I'm settling into a house I got a couple months back and then trying to look at some volunteering opportunities, though no particular group I'm planning on doing that with. Rugged individualism has gone way too far, I especially see it around me within the US. At the same time, we're still figuring out the internet and I have optimism for the future.

>> No.50814258



>> No.50814281

This thread is so fuckin gay

Anyone who does adderall is a faggot and all the pro-addy twink brain midwit ramblings here prove it

>> No.50814331

Doopee dooppe doi me sad me stress very distracted easy OH ADDERALL WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

le major based trader and all my unproductive autistic tendencies and not so le major based bad trading skills are now.... GOOD

THX JEWS WEEEEEEEEEE i feel so grounded and focused. I can now finally not only think it, I can dream it AND do it. Get on the pill fellow fogbrained lost boys. My life is now GOOD. My trades? GOOD. Thank you, Adderall.

>> No.50814548

I finally got an easy script for a 5mg dose of Ritalin. Anyone know what I should say during the follow up to switch to Adderall and then up the dosage?
Going into a 2 hour scalp trading session in front of your equally douchebag friends? Sure, maybe even Wolf of Wall Street tier coke fueled office parties, but other than that I hardly see that as effective.
Im in the same boat as you anon. Its like my muscles feel tension whenever I try to feel productive as if theyre trying to keep me sitting in my chair doing nothing. Its like my brain is telling me if I be productive then it will somehow be painful even though the pain never comes. The fact that I zone out in the middle of conversations makes it seem like I cant even fake the interest or know what they just said. I hardly passed my undergrad and now Im gonna start my masters which feels like I will fuck up without stims. I actually got diagnosed a few years ago and stopped following up because the Kaiser website was making things harder than need be at the time so I gave up.

>> No.50815299

I agree that those who hold beliefs that cause themselves no harm and no harm to others are okay. I have known some people who were raised Mormon with a very negative outlook on it, but I also have met some Mormons. One guy I know recently converted to it.

Spirituality as a general belief does seem to become more popular. One area my gf likes about churches are the community gathering aspects of it. I know nothing about Unitarians.

I hope that whatever group you volunteer with is a solid one for you. Been trying to encourage a friend of mine who has been going through tough times and wants in person interaction to volunteer. It can bring some great meaning as pretty my experience while contributing to the greater good.

Not sure about the US as a country, but humanity will have a growing phase as each generation adapts to the Net.

It's common to up the dose as it often loses effectiveness. Just mention after a couple of weeks that it isn't working as well. At higher doses after a while mention you'd like to try something else.

Just be mindful you are taking care of yourself and not increasing dose for the sake of doing so. I'm also a big fan of drug holidays. My dad is a doc who RXes stims and says he sees way too many kids on very high doses. Environment, sleep, diet, and exercises should be addressed. It'll enhance lower dose efficacy.

Anon, please take care care of your brain and body.

>> No.50815428

Ill keep this in mind. My brother went full schizo after doing meth so I want to be wary. The first and few times I did adderall was a 30mg XR which was way too much for my first time. At first I thought it did nothing and I was doing a paper from the afternoon to 2am easy and hardly realized it. I pulled an all nighter, but when I got food in the morning I noticed I was unironically tweaking out since I had random itches on my ears and my body. Only did it very seldomly after that but I saw how much of a god send it was since it was at the very end of my undergrad and figured I wouldnt ever need it again.

>> No.50815438

I also started a nootropics stack about a month ago that has been going decently well. I take a giant mouthful of vitamins for small yet noticeable improvements.

>> No.50815549

>making fun of people for ADHD
>we all know you'd make fun of them anyways for being unfocused losers even without drugs

Funny how posts like this never offer an alternative. You're here just to spread misery and anguish. Kys you malevolent cunt

>> No.50816194

Buy them online dark dot fail, use monero

>> No.50816561

>Its like my brain is telling me if I be productive then it will somehow be painful even though the pain never comes
Yep, I know this feel like the back of my hand. Actually sitting down to complete tasks feels like "wasting time" to my brain for some fucking reason. Like I understand the urgency of any given task on a conscious level, but my body emotionally rejects the concept of sitting down to study completely.

>> No.50816647


>> No.50816684

Dude these suck ass when they end up giving you insomnia and terrible side effects after its worn off. Drugs like this are so shit long term I don't get why anyone would do it.

>> No.50816851

Headache, anxiety, blurred vision, honestly IDK!