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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50799239 No.50799239 [Reply] [Original]

ive owned my phone for 5 years. the screen is shattered. the microphone is broken so i cannot make calls or record anything. the charging port is broken so ive had to wirelessly charge it. the battery is so fried it runs out 6-7 times a day. both cameras dont work. it randomly gets very hot sometimes and has a meltdown and turns off. this has happened many times when i needed my phone the most

>> No.50799265

Just get a new phone theyre only 300 bucks for a decent one

>> No.50799270

wtf are you doing with your life. even pajeets in india can afford a new shitty mid grade android phone.

>> No.50799299

>t. not poor
im 23. i dont have parent love for them to buy me one. all the money i wage i use it to pay bills or put into crypto. im an actual poorfag unlike the people that LARP as being poor

>> No.50799303

Everyone is poor in our hellworld. You could be homesless or multi billionaire you are still equally poor. We live in literal hell. A capitalist dystopia where you neither live clean nor die clean. You live in cosntant torture and suffering and you die an equally pointless and miserable death full of regrets and pain. Hell doesnt exist after you die, Hell is here, after death there might be Heaven but not Hell.

>> No.50799359

what country do you live in?

>> No.50799373


>> No.50799397
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I'm still using an HP I bought in 2010. I can't access half of the internet and can't use Twitch.I also don't have money for LED lights in my room.

>> No.50799411

if you live in a first world country and LITERALLY cannot afford a $100-200 low end smartphone you might be literally retarded. try to get on tardbux or something.

>> No.50799461

lmao i was waiting for this response. people think australia is an easy place to live in. the past two years have been an absolute nightmare here. phones are imported here so they are all marked up. niggers like you have no idea what it is like so shut the fuck up

>> No.50799517

Australia is a shithole, anyone who isn't a landlord is a serf. works for me though.

>> No.50799565

Im an ausfag and never had any difficulty with work ever. Unless you live away from the big cities or youre a young unskilled cunt you only have yourself to make up for shortcomings.
Get your shit together and buy a shit tier android phone then get into a profession that has a future.

If you refuse to sort your shit youre juzt anoghrr fucking abo on the goon sack feeling sorry for himself instead of fixing their shit

>> No.50799779
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straight from ebay.com.au keep coping

>> No.50799977

my idea of a fancy dinner is the Olive Garden and I wear Walmart shoes till they start falling apart

>> No.50800387

Kill yourself commie

>> No.50800542

go to wal-mart. bhuy a cheap tracphone for 30$. whats the problem my guy? every month i pay 30$ for unlimited everthing. they phones as low as 25$. you can even keep your number.

>> No.50800570

Bought a second hand iphone 8 plus around 2 yeas ago and still looks brand new. Learn to look after your stuff

>> No.50801413

i am trading my last 6 dollars on futures
i am going to turn it into a million bucks

>> No.50801827

Next time don't live on criminal Island, baiting retard.