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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50793933 No.50793933 [Reply] [Original]

This board is full with racists, which is fine, I'm also kind of racist, more leaning to the objective "type" and less of the hateful type. I definitely understands the demographics is destiny arguments, 13/50, average IQ differences, etc.
But why in hell does it seem like the intelligence of the people on this board is literally sub 85 - 90 IQ?
Are the people writing racist stuff while finding some shitcoin to gamble on mostly non-whites or what's going on?

I still hang out on this board because of the freedom to express yourself however the fuck you want and because it does seem like despite the low IQ there are a few high IQ fuckers who herd the low IQ's into good projects when they are fairly unexplored to normies.

Biz found Chainlink, Biz found Fantom and now I think Biz is finding ICP (way larger than the previous ones, yes... but still, much higher potential upside).

Why is biz 95 % sub 90 IQ "whites?" and 5 % 140 + based millionaire Chads?
Just ranting here, and to everybody who feel the need to write nigger kike and kys in every other fucking sentence, KYS!

>> No.50793985

As I've said before /biz/ is a lot like the U.S. military. We get the best of the minorities and the worst of the whites.

>> No.50793996

Because their brains have been niggerfied and Judaized to hell.

>> No.50794013

Sure pajeet.

>> No.50794026
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>> No.50794034

Even within your response lies the truth. Only the top castes in India can read and write English well enough to scam on this site. We're getting India's best on here. Meanwhile only the shittest whites are here. The genetically fittest ones are running shit right now not gambling on shitcoins and making the third Link thread of the day.

>> No.50794037

>But why in hell does it seem like the intelligence of the people on this board is literally sub 85 - 90 IQ?
we have lots of indians
>Why are you racists so low IQ despite whites being pretty high IQ?
because the high iq /biz/ racists got rich in 2017
>iq thread outside of /sci/ or /pol/
go back

>> No.50794042

White people, especially Americans, are not high IQ, lmfao. Also I think you don't understand how normal distribution or statistics work, not everyone will be high IQ in a particular space the average person will be a midwit retard lol.

>> No.50794046
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nigger kike

>> No.50794058

Truth is, there's a lot of Indians and Asians on here being racist too. It isn't just white people.

>> No.50794062

Nah I've seen enough data mining threads on here to know that a large if not the majority of /biz/ visitors are broken home losers with lack of direction and daddy issues. Besides pajeets mostly come around during bull markets.

>> No.50794063

>Why is biz 95 % sub 90 IQ "whites?"
Every time I’ve seen someone post an iq test here the results are almost always in the 110-130 range

>> No.50794073
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I didn't read your post, but I noticed you posted a picture of me. I was an extra that day, and they pulled me in for this scene.

>> No.50794076

>the majority of /biz/ visitors are broken home losers with lack of direction and daddy issues.
because the smart ones have already got rich and have left /biz/
use you're brain

>> No.50794083

"your" Cletus

>> No.50794086

>IQ thread
this will get 300 replies because incels love showing off their "IQ"

>> No.50794088
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/biz/ is a bunch of social weirdos with borderline autism but smarter than the chuds from /b/ and /pol/

>> No.50794095

>hurr he made a spell mistake hurr

>> No.50794108
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I'm not going to waste my time typing out a factually accurate diatribe about the history of banking and the evolutionary diverencies of various human subraces based on trait selection on this shithole board. I would rather just shitpost memea and dump anime in the /smg/ threads.

Also i do not hate. that takes far too much mental energy. I just have a permanently simmering disgust for some of my fellow "humans".

>> No.50794121

do you even comprehend that you are spouting literal divide and conquer tactics given to you by non-terrestial overlords, you absolute mongoloid.

>muh im special, by being the exact sheep THEY need me to be.

>> No.50794123


>> No.50794135

I had mild disgust towards anon not derision. Get your green text right faggot.

>> No.50794145

>i was an extra
>they pulled me in
that's not how it works larp nigger

>t. worked in hollywood for years

>> No.50794165

Is this suppose to offend me, I don't get it?
I'm not a big fan of trannies but I don't hate them.

>> No.50794170

There’s multiple reasons:
1.) This website has a very large Hispanic user base. Hispanics aren’t very smart, and a lot of them have inferiority complexes and desperately wish to be white.

2.) Whites aren’t “high iq”. A lot of whites lie directly in the middle of the bell curve. Average white iq is 99 bro. White people are literally midwits, the women are even dumber.

3.) this is coming from personal experience, but in my experience, the white people that are the most outspokenly racist are typically the dumb ones. They’re the losers and burnouts who have nothing to cling to EXCEPT for their race. High iq whites keep all opinions to themselves

>> No.50794179

Is Hollywood as corrupt as generally assumed?

>> No.50794181

>The genetically fittest ones are running shit right now not gambling on shitcoins and making the third Link thread of the day.
On point

>> No.50794199
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almost based.
>I would rather just shitpost memes and dump anime in the /smg/ threads.
this is the right answer.
>T. -10,000 -> 250,000 in 3 years. all stocks, no coins.

>> No.50794216

How is it possible to project this much in a single post? Does it make you seethe and dilate whenever someone uses the term "nigger" in their imageboard vernacular? Do you hate being called a streetshitter? You're pissing into an ocean of piss and think you're accomplishing anything.

>> No.50794229

and yet, the shittiest whites are still comparable and even better than the best nonwhites.
Interesting how that is.

>> No.50794247

This isn’t accurate. I’ve met a lot of whites could barely string together sentences. They’d always seethe at me in school because a non-white was doing better than them.

>> No.50794261
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Very nice. i ran 40k>140k from 2020 to now, all stonk swing trades. now 85% cash 15% iron ore but im pretty sure im going to take an L on that and should have picked steel based on global smelting capacity being truncated right now. oh well, live and learn.

realistically buying back into the broader market after jewish shemitah cycle ends at the end of this september. maybe some long dated REIT puts until then. i dont mind sitting out bear markets for the most part so just kind of chilling and gaming all day.

>> No.50794287

Behold more seething shitskin cope and Inferiority complex showing, deeply jealous and bitter the white man doesn't shit in the street

You can start talking reality when you admit your race has made a net 0 contribution to this world.

>> No.50794292

it appears I gave a real reply to just another off topic bait thread, what a waste of 30 seconds, it seems I’m the real fool now.

>> No.50794309

>The genetically fittest ones are running shit right now not gambling on shitcoins and making the third Link thread of the day.
investing in risky assets in high-growth industries and monitoring/managing them constantly is "running shit" youre just too dumb to see that

>> No.50794352

As a racist white person I would die for the racist orientals, Mexicans, and spooks on 4chan if a white person ever fucked with them IRL.

>> No.50794364
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when i post, its not to impress you or myself with how sophisticated i am, its to post whatever i fuckin feel like posting you worthless piece of shit nignog (my IQ is 150+ btw)

>> No.50794380

>Behold more seething shitskin cope and Inferiority complex showing, deeply jealous and bitter the white man doesn't shit in the street
When i say that low iq whites seethe, This is what I’m talking about. Middle class and upper class whites simply do not behave like this. They have a level headed demeanor and rarely show anger.

I only get reactions like this from the shitty whites. I’m definitely not jealous of you, this is all in your head.

>> No.50794382

Asians and Ashkenazi jews are higher IQ than whites.
Also, apparently American Indians, YES Indians are above white IQ despite indians in India having an average IQ of like 80.

>American ashkenazi jews ~ 112 - 115 IQ
>North East Asians ~105 IQ
>American Indians ~103 IQ
>Whites ~100 IQ
>Latinos ~ 80 - 90 IQ
>African americans ~ 85 IQ
>Sub saharan Africans ~ 65 - 75 IQ

1 SD = 15 IQ.

So about 16 % or one in 6 whites will be average black IQ and one in 6 black will be average white IQ.

Low IQ whites probably seethe extra hard, but it's understandable, they are low IQ but don't get the societal cuddling like minorities get despite being in an equally shitty situation as your average black person.

>> No.50794402

inb4 muuuh spelling:

>> No.50794426

You put high IQ on way too high of a pedestal. There are lower IQ whites like me who are very good at figuring things out in other ways. I had been in this board for maybe 3 days in jan 2018 and it was so obvious link was the one. And I was buying even tho I’m retarded and didn’t (and still don’t) know how to enable 2FA authentication.

As for all the race shit…what does racist mean? You can be called racist for anything.

Do other races need my approval?

Why do black people need my approval that their lives matter? Pretty pathetic don’t you think?

If you want to get to the nitty gritty of what racism actually is……. Everyone holds racist stereotypes.

Stereotyping isn’t the problem… it’s when that person doesn’t fit those pre-conceived stereotypes in your head and then you are still standoffish to them, then that’s “racism.”

>> No.50794458

>probably seethe extra hard but it’s understandable
Quit making excuses for people. If you’re going to judge non-whites and criticize them for being stupid and low iq… don’t cry when you see a non-white that’s actually capable of succeeding. Those white people LOVED talking down to me and calling me ghetto but then they’d turn around and get angry when I did better than them in anything.

>> No.50794474

there are a few high IQ fuckers who herd the low IQ's into good projects

It was the super high IQ and retards like me who got into link.

Tell me… how did someone like me who is allergic to understanding anything tech see it with link when many on here who have higher IQ’s then me but not top tier but understand all this tech shit and are in coding careers or whatever and didn’t buy?

>> No.50794476

father is from ghanaian and mom is from india and i’m a born burger. 116 iq and i post racist shit becuz it’s more fun that way. and i don’t want black people on here becuz once they get in on something the top is in.
ex. in store carding and making multiple ebay accounts to scam was sweet pre 2014.

>> No.50794486

>Why do black people need my approval that their lives matter? Pretty pathetic don’t you think?
This might be the lowest IQ take I’ve ever read on this site.

>> No.50794490

>then they’d turn around and get angry when I did better than them in anything.
You’re continuing to reply to a bait thread unironically on /biz/
You aren’t better than anybody, none of you are
let the thread die you retards

>> No.50794501

Most people who rely on a group identity as a source of self-worth are the worst examples of it.

>> No.50794505
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Crypto attracts extremes

>> No.50794522

Not really excusing their behaviour.
I just imagine that is has to be shitty to get blamed for all societal problems, no affirmative action, no hiring quotas and getting all the negative sides of having a low IQ.
I'm white, fairly high IQ from what I can tell, rich and succesful in many regards.
And I deeply do hate the racist whites (the ones feeling the need to write nigger all the time, not the race realists posting objective facts about racial differences), but I still can have some empathy about their situation.
I have empathy for all low IQ people to be honest, it can't be easy. But I gotta suck on another level if you're white and living in USA.

>> No.50794535

Black Lives Matter…

Why would a black person need me to say that and need my approval that their life matters

>> No.50794571
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It's hilarious watching brownoids like you eternally seethe the white man doesn't shit in the street, still being in denial to admit that you made 0 world contributions yet still think you can talk about any kind of "reality". Just another reminder that we made you.

We advanced your sorry ass street shitting race 100's of years in a few years and get nothing in return but ungrateful bitching and whining and scorn because it keeps hurting that you are so inferior. It's the funniest thing ever your imposter syndrome brown ass thinking you fit in where we live and that you belong in any white nation. Just because jews and the bunch of morons still pimping your families out for cheap jew world warez and shekels + their evil conspiracies against nations.

We made the mistake once of doing you the ridiculous favor of mercifully imposing our superior and civilized customs on you, in exchange for some shitty labour you once did thinking we could "civilize" you thanks to mouth breathing proto-marxist christcuck dogma. It will never happen again. Just letting you know you can LARP as much as you want all in vain, but you will never be civilized and all your mythical wants of equality do not exist and will never materialize. That you have an inferiority complex is a result of that inferiority. It's just the reality.

>> No.50794574

Pure chance.
100 low IQ's will gamble on shit coins they FEEL will be the ONE, some of them, let's say 2 will invest in coins which does 100x+.
Then they'll believe they did something special when it's simply a probalistic outcome.
The same group of high IQ will have a higher hit rate, let's say 10 out of 100, so many will still get it wrong.
That's the nature of investments it's not that different from playing at the casino.

>> No.50794601

I'm hapa and will occasionally use the term


to express myself, but let me assure you, when I say


I'm not informing you of your skin color, I am informing you of your ignorance, attitude, and lack of intelligence.

>> No.50794613

They’re not asking for your approval. They’re simply reminding you that an armed cop killing unarmed men is wrong. Even if the black man tries to run or if gets aggressive, if cops can take in literal terrorists without killing them, there’s no need to have your gun out during a simple traffic stop. Chasing down and handcuffing 8 year old black boys is pathetic. middle aged white women Calling the cops on black men for simply standing in their presence is petty af. That’s all. You said you were low iq in your last post and I 100% believe it.
They’re not getting any sympathy from me. Sorry. We all have to be held to the same standards. People love to tell black men to “just get a job” so those low income whites need to do the same. Average white income is 70K, which is perfectly livable. If their peers managed to achieve a middle class life, I’m not sure why the low income whites can’t do it either.

>> No.50794643

This entire post is cringe and trying way too hard. You’re a low iq white and your upper class counterpoints can do way better than this middle school tier shit.

>> No.50794667

>We all have to be held to the same standards.
But they're not held to the same standards, that's my point.
Blacks and other minorities gets societal coddling (all the time blaming the white supremacist system, media always trying to paint their behaviours in the most positive light, etc.), affirmative action and quotas in hiring.
This is my point.
If it wasn't for these double standards I am mentioning, then yes, I would agree with you.

>> No.50794677

why is 10k crossed out thats what every midwit on this board is anticipating.

>> No.50794694

>They’re simply reminding you that an armed cop killing unarmed men is wrong.
That's not what they're speaking about.
It's only wrong when it happens to black men, that's what they're saying.
Otherwise it would be protests against police violence not some fucking "BLM" gay ass shit.
Cmon ffs.

>> No.50794732

>b-b-but some of them are based!
Niggers do not belong in white countries. Why is this hard to understand?

>> No.50794766
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Your race made 0 contributions to this world this means a bunch of things including:
1)Immidiately disqualifying you from your irrelevant monkey opinions in the nations you had nothing to do with an contributed nothing.
2)Talking about the bigger picture you are incapable of understanding.
3)Immidiately disqualifying from trying to criticize the superior white and to a degree asian race
4)You must go home to your designated village and live with your fellows without foreign aid

>> No.50794771

Still don’t care. Sorry. Even with those double standards the average white is still living quite well. If you’re white and poor you have got to be the laziest and dumbest motherfucker there is, simple as. And with the way they treat me, They deserve to live in squalor. Just like how those ghetto black gangbangers are poor because they’re lazy violent and stupid. No sympathy for racists or dumbasses.
Funny how you say that yet whites literally built ships and sailed across the sea to bring us here. We’re not leaving

>> No.50794775

I haven't said that they belong in white countries, I'm simply speaking about average IQ differences.
But you're one of these low IQ whites with low verbal IQ.
If I ran my country I would put all you low IQ white mother fuckers in a gas chamber, you're a cost on society, just like niggers are.

>> No.50794784

Learn proper grammar please.

>> No.50794786

You want to know how I knew to buy? As a 90IQ retard.

Because I could easily see what’s happening in the world from a 30,000 ft view. Anons were saying smart contracts are coming which effectively will kill jobs like accountants, CPA’s, and many paper pushing type jobs. That alone isn’t what made me buy. What made me buy was over the previous 10 years every now and then I would see news reports about how UBI is being tested in some small california town… or how more research is being done on UBI. Never face it much thought but I would think to myself… UBI? That’s communism. What the fuck are they talking about.

Then when I saw how anons are like this is gonna eliminate the middle man I was like oooooooh now I know why I would see that UBI shit from time to time…because chainlink is gonna put these fuckers out of a job. Then I started buying ASAP.

So what would you say to that? I put two and two together… 90 IQ. Proving that high IQ is highly overrated and feel is very important.

I play poker and I absolutely crush these nerdy math types. I don’t use math… or the math and GTO might be second nature to me without actually thinking about it and I wipe the floor with these nerds high IQ types totally based on feel.

>> No.50794819

Cope nigger

>> No.50794861

It just hit me that white people arr drawn to white nationalism because they live in a world that no longer belongs to them, so they feel uncomfortable. You’re being replaced in your own countries my guy. White genocide is a thing and theres not shit you can do about it.
You can barely speak English properly dude. English is literally the white mans language and you’re struggling to communicate effectively with it . You’re not superior to anybody.

>> No.50794882

I'm not going to say much about that reasoning.
Anyways, I think it's good as fuck that you got in early on it.
Keep doing what you're doing and keep owning that you're 90IQ, pretty based desu!

>> No.50794904

Thanks for admitting that you're just a vengeful inferior lying shitskin and you always will be.

>> No.50794941

Whites are 10% of the worlds population and that number is dropping

>> No.50794990

And somehow despite the circumstances we're still living better than your polluting shithole and good for nothing parasite race that live a permissioned existance on (((foreign aid))).

>> No.50795041

Indian woman love me pajeet. They love my cum colored skin, and they hate their own shit colored skin, and wish they were white instead.

>> No.50795112

You should probably kill yourself.

>> No.50795326
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High IQ Europeans (white means kike, spic, etc. that want to be European but aren't) won't call you a nigger to your face. They have the impulse control not to. There is no consequence to calling you nigger here. Just because you think they're cool with your race, doesn't mean they are. They're just keeping up appearances.