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50791840 No.50791840 [Reply] [Original]

Hi boys, should I get ICP or Matic as long term investment? Not sure which shitcoin is shilled more

>> No.50791950

Matic has insane internal inflation and has its value derived from ETH that may or may not fork or go completely bonkers.

>> No.50791983

RLC is better if u have little money

>> No.50792021
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Moonman lied, anons died

>> No.50792332

ICP is sussin fr, this shit bout to cop 3 cents on god.

>> No.50792505

Matic: takes technology from other sources instead of creating value. It's contingent on ETH not becoming scalable itself. Basically dead on arrival.
ICP: Only architecture that isn't ETH with extra steps. Actually creating value.

>> No.50792664
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How many TPS can matic do?
Now compare that with ICP, or ETH 2.0 or any of the other competent L1s.
MATIC is just a pajeet overselling his shit to gullible fucktards.

>> No.50793224

based and truthpilled

>> No.50794970

ICP isn't a shitcoin it's by far the most legit project in the entire space

>> No.50795914
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Don't buy icp, buy matic.

Sell all ICP, FUD icp when you can to be max based

>> No.50796569


>> No.50797487
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>Icy pee
>Not all in API3 since 1$ per api3 coin

>> No.50798908

You need to get both ICP and MATIC. ICP will probably win out long term but MATIC will get you rich in the near term. Perhaps buy in 50 50, stake both, and sell MATIC for ICP when MATIC hits 10 usd.