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50790526 No.50790526 [Reply] [Original]

how do i profit in the final decade of white america?

>> No.50790553

Buy land in another country. Once the mongrels fuck up the US like it's one big Detriot, get out and sell some of it.

>> No.50790556 [DELETED] 

Invest in Gated community construction + private security

>> No.50790563


>> No.50790570

>Other countries
Unless it's Iceland or a Slavic shithole they're all on the same path. There will be more niggers than stars in the universe.

>> No.50790571 [DELETED] 

Hitler was right, it's all in here, read this.


>> No.50790582

Find a source of white children, they will be the most valuable thing in the world

>> No.50790590

How did white people get tricked into performing civilization suicide by attacking themselves?
Like I can instantly tell where the Jews lie and deceive, but for some reason white people cant?

>> No.50790593

>how do i profit in the final decade of white america?
Easy. Invest in everything the former minorities like to buy.

>> No.50790594

Kek did you look around?

>> No.50790605

Poдинa зoвёт

>> No.50790614

White birthrates are increasing actually.

>> No.50790633


>> No.50790661
File: 33 KB, 667x460, 1659907938398549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've been asshammered by propaganda for 70 years

>> No.50790676 [DELETED] 

Nope, declined from 1.72 in 2016 to around 1.5 in 2021

>> No.50790687

Constant, never-ending propaganda.
Propaganda that even if you directly avoid it, your friends, family, ad co-workers are happily, and stupidly lapping up.
Those same friends, family, and co-workers internalize the propaganda.
Then they regurgitate it to you, as if it's their own ideas, that they independently came up with.

What is the propaganda?
The guilt must constantly be reinforced.
They then sell ideas and actions that the goyim can TEMPORARILY alleviate the guilt.
The perfect model.

It's essentially a religion.
They have replaced the original sin of Adam and Eve, with the sin of being white.
And instead of Jesus saving them,
being a fucking piece of shit smug sjw is their salvation.

>> No.50790731

Think about it, no race out there had a world war defining nationalism and its own racial identity as the worst evil humans committed.

The white man is afraid of himself, probably hates himself, doesn't want to live or express his own nature anymore, and drags every race he touches to partecipe in his hatred.

>> No.50790759

Read this speech >>50790571

>> No.50790778

>wow whites are suiciding so hard all white countries need to be 100% white
Först take a look at the 100% white countries. Take a look at Ukraine, Belarus, Romania, Russia etc.
Do they look beautiful to you? Then move there ;)

>> No.50790787

Holy fucking shit literally posting literal nazi propaganda

You are a spectacular shitfuck

>> No.50790799

Why are Jews so much smarter than white people then? Is it because they have been selected brutally over the millennia where only the most vicious and competent survived? Perhaps they were always liars since day 1 and never genuinely faced persecution like their whining suggests?
Is it because ultimately its a superior strategy not to have a central territory and instead leech off others using abstract economic dominance?

>> No.50790802

You are literally a golem clown

>> No.50790812

get your snow bunnies while they last. in the final moments we'll have to fight and kill over them south-africa style. boy will it be some fun my fellow nigs

>> No.50790817

> lists former soviet vessels
> wonder why they are shitty
I dont know, you tell me?

>> No.50790826

>look at the worst sub-type of white
>the reason why you're far better here because niggers :)
Thank god niggers are real ;-)

>> No.50790829

yes, every fully clean county is better than any fully dirty country
you cant escape the basic hierarchy of human races, no matter how hard you try

>> No.50790841

they aren't. statistics don't show the difference in kike populations outside of very small and very specific sub-group aberrations.

there is no clear white-kike iq split like there is white-asian.

>> No.50790849

Voo vill sale ze bbc unt you vill zlike zit

>> No.50790856

Wonder what happened in the msm if someone just nuke their not-so-central israel.

>> No.50790859

Take a look at 100% non white countries India, Bangladesh, Liberia, Haiti etc Do they look beautiful to you? Then move there to experience true diversity ;)

Russia is more "diverse" than your europoor cuckhole faggot. DIE

>> No.50790860

I'll racemix to further help bring their numbers down. Fuck the White race.

I hodl Chainlink btw.

>> No.50790875

you already are, mutt

>> No.50790880


>> No.50790881

Jews literally run the entire world (in part including ""superior"" asian states) despite being a tiny percent of the pop. They literally shit on oligarchs of other races if need be. Even in crypto SBF has skullfucked the gentile crypto OGs despite being late to the scene.
I don't care about IQ, its a meme youre not getting real world outcomes or dominance out of being able to figure out basic visual puzzles lol

>> No.50790885

A parasite with no contingency plan for its host dying is not one I would consider smart.

>> No.50790887

>why is the nose tribe, in particular ashkenazis that resembles white people and lived among white people, much smarter than white people
Because sime faggot king during the middle ages decided they should be the only ones charging money for interest and NEVER be allowed to work.

>> No.50790899

White women, lmao

>> No.50790900

Real jews dont even live there. They all live in NY/London/Switzerland, etc.

>> No.50790924

Jews were financiers (money clippers) long before middle Ages, it was christianity that banned gentiles from committing usury. Jews are forbidden to "work" by their own religion.

Read this >>50790571

>> No.50790926


>> No.50790941


The jews have a higher percentage of Neanderthal than any other race.
White people are descended from Cro-Magnon.
Cro-Magnon nearly exterminated the neanderthals.
The jews haven't forgotten.
They view us as a threat to their survival.
They want us extinct.

The jews have succeeded in brainwashing a large portion of white people into feeling guilty just for existing.
This guilt must be destroyed, before we can achieve any sense of unity again.
We need to be proud of our past, not ashamed of it.

>> No.50790943

What do you mean no plan? They just collapse empires/nations and move onto the next one. I guess in modern days there's really no point in even doing that since you can just swindle everyone globally and live on a private island somewhere fucking top of the line blonde hookers.

>> No.50790957

>muh kike conspiracy
kike representation is a historical artifact of them sticking together while being able to pass for being human in many surface level ways.

>> No.50790958

Go move to a Slavic shitty country. They're the only ones who don't like immigration and they're the only ones that share your values.
Socialist and communist white countries are the only ones that stayed white. It's almost like white supremacy is communist in nature.
National socialism is socialism

>> No.50790970

i wouldn't be smiling knowing i was born as a human genetic relic, but then most of you lack the introspection to understand what that truly means.

>> No.50790973

So superior resource/power acquisition strategies? You're not really making a case here.

>> No.50790988

white people are eternal mental slaves to the jews thanks to ((Christianity)) worshipping dead kike on stick man

>> No.50790992
File: 119 KB, 306x610, neo nazi white racist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you need to be openly nazi. The public will surely love your open expressions of nazism.

>> No.50790994

because whites (and asians) are the only net-positive race, so communism while a broken system stands a better chance of survival in countries populated with humans than with animals.

browns are a universal drain in resources, and need constant babysitting and subsidizing. their only value was through free labor under slavery. take that away and they're incapable of providing any value.

>> No.50790998
File: 444 KB, 1199x476, 1658500865819108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews literally run the entire world
no but they run America which (used to) run the world

>> No.50791006

They will just retreat to israel or leech off China when it rises

>> No.50791012
File: 89 KB, 608x662, indian exception bamboo ceiling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whites and Asians are dirt beneath an indian elites foot.

>> No.50791014

I refuse to believe they're always 10 steps ahead of everything and everyone and never commit something wrong, it would be more rational if you understand them as some kind of symbiotic organism and trying different kind of strategies that is not just parassitism.

>> No.50791018

no, they simply got away with sticking together for long enough. it'll all come around eventually anyway, if the shitskin problem isn't solved, whites eventually enter the scenario kikes were at, where sticking up for each other becomes necessary.

>> No.50791021

>Even in crypto SBF has skullfucked the gentile crypto OGs despite being late to the scene

that's literally because anyone else trying to do what he did would immediately get assblasted but his parents had connections to the DNC and he promised them part of the cut. If you can't easily discern intelligence vs nepotism then youre ngmi

>> No.50791027 [DELETED] 

browns aren't human, sorry.

>> No.50791028
File: 433 KB, 1360x1020, 1659692730836497 indian_bulls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown people in America are a drain on resources.

Neo nazi flyover state redneck losers living in trailer parks are the pinnacle of humanity.
Or are you some kind of suburban idiot who thinks he's the lord of humanity

>> No.50791034

Not really a fair comparison since pajeet ceos are just there to manage hordes of cheap pajeet slave labor.

>> No.50791052

brown animals worldwide are in need of constant subsidizing. whether that comes from the aforementioned pair of only net-positive human races, or from natural resource distribution is irrelevant. they are incapable without external support.

>> No.50791053
File: 305 KB, 1080x927, flyover rural town.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't human sorry you redneck bum. You will never amount to anything. Just run away to the countryside you degreeless uneducated powerless loser.
There's nothing to do in your shitty little town.

There's 100% chance I'm replying to a faggot living in the middle of nowhere

>> No.50791072

The world isn't fair. Isn't what you nazis told me? Tough luck. It's a fine comparison.
The strong control the weak, that's how the world works. Learn to manage your well managed white decline and white depopulation

>> No.50791078

i'm white, not american. interesting that's the first place you went, says a lot about how you all try to emulate thought.

>> No.50791088
File: 192 KB, 800x588, red state socialism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redneck flyover states (which you come from) are in constant need of subsidizing from the more diverse superior states

>> No.50791094

Lol the poohead is back.

>> No.50791095
File: 250 KB, 780x800, rural and suburban retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are white and American and you come from the rural or suburban retard area

>> No.50791100

When did I advocate for being a Nazi?
The jews aren't ashamed of their past.
They're proud of it.
It gives them power, unity, and a sense of purpose.
There is nothing more effective than narrative.
White people need to cease the power of narrative, in regards to our past.
Every white person should be proud of their ancestors, and their accomplishments.

>> No.50791101

No I mean you are vastly overrating the quality of the Indian elite. They have their positons because they manage tons of the cheapest slave labor around in the world. Ultimately Jews and Wasps still dominate them hard and they are the ones milking pajeet ceos and pajeet hordes. White middle class decline has no effect on the superiority of Jews/Wasps elite over jeets lul

>> No.50791119

excellent display of brown-level iq.

>> No.50791140

Most of those red states have large nigger population.

>> No.50791150

Whites are literally midwits: the race. When you think of a pseudointellectual redditor, I guarantee the image of a white man enters your mind.

>> No.50791167

which is why increasing levels of brown sewage seeping into countries mobilizes this kind of action. true counter-culture movements to preserve what made those countries desirable destinations to those incapable of stewarding their future.

kikes had many of these events simply by being such an insufferable people, and it paid off for them.

>> No.50791170

Kys fag

>> No.50791172

Why do you hate goyim, Moshe?

>> No.50791174

True, they really lack specialization but also somehow tend to produce well rounded people in every area.
I think they really need territorial control to thrive since they tend to build more stable prosperous systems but in an era of free movement they have no strengths.

>> No.50791187

why so mean on the internet? Go out and kill some niggers you useless piece of shit!

>> No.50791263

>why you so mean
>Says the fag right before he advocates for killing niggers and ad hominem-ing

>> No.50791289

hey now, there's nothing wrong with brown genocide.

>> No.50791348
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>> No.50791378

Instead of jacking off to an imaginary brown genocide focus on stopping the real genocide , that of the whites

>> No.50791602

Oy vay ari goldsteinberg

>> No.50791764

>and move onto the next one
The problem is that they've globalised everything so there won't be a "next one". It all goes down together.

>> No.50791800
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