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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50789406 No.50789406 [Reply] [Original]

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in this thread

>> No.50789420

you had me until
>fight climate change

its over, isn't it?

>> No.50789428

They can't be telegraphing a FED pivot any harder can they?

>> No.50789441
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 1647238208761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fight climate change
holy fuck

>> No.50789443

here in europe the last summers has been crazy. i don't care about the cause, it's getting warmer

follow the FED. futures gonna open giga green

>> No.50789471

Thank you President Biden!

>> No.50789482


i just don't see the sense in lumping two unrelated things together. it's almost as if one of them won't pass on their own

>> No.50789553 [DELETED] 

Fighting climate change and reducing costs do not go had in hand. Enjoy paying more

>> No.50789596

Let’s print money to reduce inflation

What could go wrong?

>> No.50789604

>we're gonna stop inflation by printing more money and adding more regulation to small businesses but not for the businesses that line our pockets!

>> No.50789612

$1T trimmed down Build Back Better kek.
hahaha enjoy 20% Inflation next year.

>> No.50789617

Shut up you eurocuck larperfag, its always been like this in europe since the 2000s , the african heat always hits europe hard during summer

>> No.50789626

yep they are retards

>> No.50789661

cool it with the anti semitic remarks

>> No.50789669


>> No.50789689

but why did we need this
didnt they say the economy was doing good?

>> No.50789717

Talking like that about Jews like that is racist

>> No.50789724

European here. Can confirm. I have never seen a heat wave on North Spain in my lifetime. I doubt that his bill will "fight" global warming though

>> No.50789751

Is there anyone who can separate climate change from other conservative issues or are you guys not capable of deviating from the script? Logically speaking, energy that comes from more abundant resources will better off humanity in the long run. We can have gas peaker plants, solar, wind, hydro and nuclear. You guys can think rationally about it if you choose to and not just repeat whatever swindler takes you guys read on ZH and twitter.

>> No.50789758

This, droid niggers think the printer will cool down the planet, wtf, the printer will bring us free gas in the winters I suppose!

>> No.50789787

The climate bill isn't going to do shit about climate change and Bidet is never going to discharge your student loans.

>> No.50789798

>fight climate change
what the FUCK does that have to do with fighting inflation.

>> No.50789804

nope, not as long as as high

>> No.50789824

You are incredibly retarded.

>> No.50789846

you also forgot to mention
>tax the middle class

>> No.50789860

Someone give me a quick rundown on this bill. I know they're adding an ungodly amount of IRS agents meaning crypto holders are going to be facing many more audits going forward

how are they planning to spend down inflation? how are they going to spend money to "lower costs"? I genuinely don't understand, non-meme answers would be appreciated

>> No.50789863

>middle class
Is there anymore?

>> No.50789870

>There could be widespread famine soon
>Famine on the horizon
>What if there's a massive famine in 2023?
>Livestock responsible for greenhouse emissions
>Are Plant-Based meats the future?
>We need to make farming illegal in the west to stop climate change
Really makes you think...

>> No.50789873

dont ask questions please!

>> No.50789879
File: 472 KB, 680x486, 0f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reduce inflation
>fight climate change

>> No.50789886
File: 51 KB, 337x347, joel bidden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bad

>> No.50789891

reported to the ADL

>> No.50789893

inflation is a SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUE that was created purely by CLIMATE CHANGE

>> No.50789936

and CLIMATE CHANGE is created by PUTIN!
I saw yeasterday he put the alu can into the glass collector box!

>> No.50789940

>Reduce inflation
>Lower costs
>Fight climate change

>> No.50789966

Printing more paper!
Printing more paper!
Printing more paper!

>> No.50789976

Pay no attention to the synthetic hormones, microplastics, and proof-of-concept bioweapons goyim. Nobody is disrupting your endocrine system. Everything was always like this and environmentalism is all about muh climate change.
Do not ask any more racist questions.

>> No.50789987

checking those doubledubs, it's literally all over.

>> No.50790014


pieces of useless coloured monopoly money

big oof

>> No.50790024

The bill has nothing to do with Inflation or stopping it, its the cutoff BBB plan and they call it like that so it seems biden is doing something against Inflation and those retarded this eat it up

>> No.50790055

im ridden with Bid'n, my brain is infested!

>> No.50790057

Those IRS agents are going to remove currency from circulation by stealing from the middle class. This is what's going to bring inflation down.

>> No.50790088

>Logically speaking, energy that comes from more abundant resources will better off humanity in the long run.
Tell me, is the bill working to fund more sustainable energy sources or is it putting more taxes on existing ones that will be handed off to the consumer?

>> No.50790111


yes i can separate the issues for example i support free college that being said al gore is a liar and a cheat and you nor him will fool me again

>> No.50790112
File: 11 KB, 250x224, typeofslaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I am pro slavery. Can someone wipe me with a cat of 9 tails 10 times a day?

>> No.50790128

>Still asking questions..
Why u antisemite?

>> No.50790145
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>> No.50790149

>reduce inflation
>lower costs
>praise God and his prophets

>> No.50790169

this is a sell signal. think about it, retail is probably thinking
>oh shit stimulus checks remember what happened right after?
that shit is way too fresh to happen again exactly the same way.