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50786284 No.50786284 [Reply] [Original]

>Buy a single ETH
>Buy a really good MTG commander deck
I can only afford one

>> No.50786291

Which one is a better investment?

>> No.50786309

haha funny meme anon lol!!

>> No.50786320

Magic is such a waste of money now. A few years ago a coomander deck would have been a better investment, but now they reprint way too many of the staples. Buy ETH and print paper proxies to use for MtG. You can slide the paper proxies over lands/common bulk and if your friends try to call you out, you can shame them for trying to gatekeep you from playing without paying. Google "mtg proxy generator"

>> No.50786349

Yeah, I just have a 50$ precon commander deck. I think I'm gonna play with it for a few months at FNM and then just slowly build it out, but set myself a $100-200 budget to improov it

>> No.50786374

actually i struggle with this now, ive been buying up metazoo limited print run cards and getting in early on cheap cards in hopes they balloon one day. And after spending and buying the cards i always get sick to my stomach once in a while thinking how the hell do I offload cards i shoulda just bought crypto.

Im still browsing to buy more cards, ill never learn.

>> No.50786402

buy some cards and buy crypto.

>> No.50786426

NO. No budget. Proxies only. How many times have you looked at a card, thought "hurr this could be good!", spent $75 on it and then never drawn it at the right time because commander is the gayest RNG format to ever exist? And now it's going to only get worse since the card you paid $75 for will get reprinted in 20 other future commander precons, and by 2025 it will be worth pennies. Slide paper proxies in the sleeves overtop common bulk, if you use a high quality printer like one at kinkos/whatever, literally NOBODY will be able to recognize you are using fake cards. If someone calls you out, threaten them with physical violence and they will back down, because the types of people who play commander have absolutely 0 testosterone and are brainwashed to hate the rich anyway, so they'll see you using proxies as virtuous as long as you don't build some totally unfun turn-2-win combo deck that makes them mad. DO NOT BLOW MONEY ON THIS CREATIVELY BANKRUPT GAME, JUST PRINT PROXIES

>> No.50786461

>If someone calls you out, threaten them with physical violence
LMAO wtf anon

>> No.50786506

i made a commander deck with every good counterspell ever and it made all those fags salty, nobody wanted to play with me, I quit commander and magic altogether. it was incel shit anyways

>> No.50786513

>not physical virtual currency
>paper cards
gee i wonder

>> No.50786533
File: 306 KB, 470x654, This is the card that saves MtG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't HAVE to, but the point is to escalate much higher than they can faster than they can. Commander players are majority autistic so setting the stakes so high so quickly will fry their retard brains and prevent them from arguing with you further. This is why most MtG players scoop way too early; They see a bomb card come down and instead of calmly assessing how to deal with it, they shut down mentally and choose to restart the game instead since it's easier

>> No.50786549
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Get punched nazi, really fucking weird how nerds started hating magic as soon as it became inclusive, but no one wants to fucking admit that

>> No.50786564
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>Fred was just a middle class Rock-American in the Stone Age 1950s who worked in a quarry
>he could afford his own house, car, wife and kid and was like 25 in the show even though he always seemed older

>> No.50786632

Really fucking weird how MtG players hate the idea of people playing their game without paying for official cards, but no one wants to admit that either

>> No.50786719

They literally made a card with homosexual men fucking as a selling point once normalfags started playing. You're a retard and so am I for responding to bait

>> No.50786747

Why did this make me kek so hard?

>> No.50786766

Cash is a limiting factor that balances games and makes them more enjoyable as well as decks more unique due to settling with less than the best
Nobody wants to play against $20,000 proxied turn 2 win decks

>> No.50786791

>was like 25 in the show even though he always seemed older
really makes you mhmhmhmh

>> No.50786805

but if you actually pay $20,000 for the deck then it's all good right

>> No.50786865

buy Alpha and Beta cards you retard. Speculating on reprintable staples is how they wanna distract you from acquiring a limited supply great collectible

>> No.50786878

Unironically yes
If you want to win turn 2 every game the rest of us will just play for 2nd place while you watch
That's not nearly as satisfying if they didn't spend the $20,000 only to sit and watch for 40+ minutes per game

>> No.50786970

they don't want to admit that they are fucking dumb as dogshit for spending thousands of dollars on printed cardboard created with artificial scarcity by a globohomo niggerworshipping corporation

>> No.50786971
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>Cash is a limiting factor that balances games
>Assumes that using proxies = garaunteed $20,000 black lotus decks instead of saving $1k--$2k on shit like fetches, MH2 elementals and Smothering Tithe
This is your brain on commander, folks

>> No.50787076

You clearly have never played with a group that allows proxies
The decks may start at a few thousand, but every time you play they will have a handful of new cards that are all $50+
Before you know it, you'll be doing the same just to keep up
Is that really the meta you want to encourage in a fucking casual playgroup?

>> No.50787186

As long as they aren't going bankrupt from doing so, what's wrong with pushing the game to it's limit? Could it be that it's not the GREATEST MOST INGENIOUSLY DESIGNED CARD GAME EVERER like mtg fans claim it to be? Are you afraid that your group may want to move on and try other games if they find a way to get around the grind of buy -> build -> lose -> repeat? If they decided to pick up a different game, you'd be stuck with thousands of dollars in cardboard that you can't use anymore, right? This is why I hate the game now; If you just proxy the cards it shines a light on how much the mtg fandom is based on sunk-cost fallacy

>> No.50787223

Why not just impose a budget limit?

>> No.50787312

Budget limits can work, but good luck getting your group to agree to that, let alone on a specific number for it
Look I get that it sounds like a great idea to proxy, but in the end all it will do is speed up your own disinterest in the game for the reasons described in
The game is much more interesting in the middling power levels, and limiting your budgets via actual price factors is the best way to non-artifically extend that type of meta game

>> No.50787517

that's a great way to get arrested though i you threaten violence over a card game. literally chris-chan tier shit

>> No.50787535

it actually is more fun to play a slower paced commander game with cheap cards

>> No.50787677

>Spending money makes the game more fun and balanced!
The copium is so strong lmao, MTGbaggies will jump through all kinds of mental hoops to justify their addiction to wasting money

>> No.50787955

>but in the end all it will do is speed up your own disinterest in the game

>> No.50788163

>useless token you can have fun with that will appreciate in value
>useless token that does nothing and costs a ton to even move and will only depreciate in value

not sure anon

>> No.50788553

Which crypto do you hodl? I currently hodl ORE and NEAR are showing good potentials for the long term.

>> No.50788590

why do I get the overwhelming sense that this comic deteriorates into a gay porno by page 4?

>> No.50789783
File: 790 KB, 759x1024, g0dsunch4ined.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Buy a really good MTG commander deck
buy a fucking g0ds unch4in3d deck instead and make money with it you fucking retard

>> No.50790217

The cost of the cards doesn't even phase me, really, but I'm not switching cards between decks constantly or buying 20 fucking copies of sol ring that I don't want lmao

>> No.50790409
File: 19 KB, 222x277, cranky-old-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


FOOLS, you could buy Tesla stock and in a decade have made THREE times your initial investment!!!

>> No.50791075

It's sad that not many people have a future investment mindset. Majority just want quick profits. Well, I've made up my mind and I'm holding ORE for the next 5 years as it is showing potential for growth.

>> No.50791293

Why can you just write the same shit that’s on the card you want on like a piece of paper or something? Like why do you have to have the official MTG licensed card?

>> No.50791903

MTG does better during a stagnated time like right not, crypto will give you far better returns in the long haul.

I thought that too but look at what some of these reprints due to incredibly popular cards like dockside extortionist. Was $80 before, still $80 now after the double masters reprint (CAD prices).

>> No.50793778

"I'm calling 9-1-1 unless you get the fuck out of here right now you autistic retard."

Your next move?

>> No.50793794

Why do we even need to do what the cards say in the first place?