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File: 100 KB, 1204x753, cult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50785717 No.50785717 [Reply] [Original]

Definetly a buy signal imo

>> No.50785726

LUNC WILL be more than one dollar

>> No.50785727
File: 34 KB, 1323x269, tipbot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel to thread

>> No.50785765

>what is market cap

how to spot a retard

>> No.50785780

ah yes, prayer circles for your coin is quite the buy signal and not the last throes of jeet desperation

>> No.50785783

>What is a burn tax
>What is CZ burning trillions of his stack to kick start the next bull run by resurrecting LUNC

>> No.50785802
File: 88 KB, 1344x760, re education of beliefs towards end goal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50785808

that wont even affect the price by a single fucking percent you utter mongoloid

>> No.50785837

they are going to re enable staking and use staking yields to cause burns as well

on chain that isnt too much but with exchanges doing it too in combination with the burn tax we could see massive coin burns

>> No.50785865

no you cant you fucking retard

it is literally fucking impossible

you are the same fucking retards that bought SHIBA thinking it would go to $1

you are a goddamn fucking waste of oxygen and are ruining the crypto space

please kill yourself

>> No.50785896
File: 93 KB, 624x472, 1659830827489951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit spacing

>> No.50785898

Group think is based, it did wonders for doge, shib, chainlink, gamestop, etc.. But the only reason these bagholders own Luna because they though slurping le dip would make them rich in 5min. Which is why it's forced shit memetics. If your bags aren't "cool" and "funny" then there's no bottom to speak of.

>> No.50785899

This is why you’re poor. CZ is a God in the crypto space. It’s irrelevant how much he burns. But when he does start the burn, this shit will pump 5-20x within a couple days, and that will be the time to dump this turd

>> No.50785913
File: 111 KB, 978x598, lunaplans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally any alt coin has a better chance at 5x to 20x expect this old dead shit

nice argument retard

keep buying

it will go to $1 !!!

shib is dead, chainlink is even deader

youre a retard

>> No.50785914

Forgot this follow-up

The cult like bag holders in the OP will hold and get dumped which is gonna be hilarious

>> No.50785929

why yes there is gonna be not hundreds but thousands of millionairs and billionaires once they start the token burn! totally possible!

>> No.50785936

You’re a fucking moron. You said CZ burning won’t affect the price. It clearly will you just because of who CZ is you illiterate retard

>> No.50785951

oh no the burn will make the price go from 0.00049 to 0.00053 or whatever

we moon now!

>> No.50785954

They have cult followings, which allowed them to prosper to begin with. Holding lunc is like holding bitconnect, no one wants or needs that shit, even the bagholders themselves.

>> No.50785972

>which allowed them to prosper


thats some decent bagholder cope

>> No.50786000

cz never said he'll burn, and he won't ever burn

why would an exchange burn their own coins? no cex has ever implemented a coin burn for shiba despite the jeets begging. and they never will

>> No.50786025

shhhh let them dream how their 50 bucks investment is gonna turn them into a millionaire, along with tens of thousands of other retards

>> No.50786055

It's called Affirmations, isn't it? L. Ron Hubbard is the first guy I've heard of doing it. Scott Adams does it, and I think Oprah does also. Sort of reminds me of the "I BELIEVE THAT SHE WILL WIN" Hillary Clinton campaigners: https://youtu.be/R6zovriNgzE?t=83

Attempting to manifest what you want in reality via prayer-like repetition, chanting mantras, influencing the global consciousness / noosphere, self and mass hypnosis.

>> No.50786085

>? L. Ron Hubbard is the first guy I've heard of doing it. Scott Adams does it, and I think Oprah does also. Sort of reminds me of the "I BELIEVE THAT SHE WILL WIN" Hillary Clinton campaigners: https://youtu.be/R6zovriNgzE?t=83 [Remove]
that is exactly what they are doing

the concept of the more people doing it though allows the mematic effect to spread more

more people doing it = more power

its what happened with gme

>> No.50786125

Please explain why the price of LUNC would dump when a burn happens. I mean it would have to since otherwise the mcap staying the same means the coins price has to be increasing.

>> No.50786147

you would need to burn 99.99999% of the total supply to get anyinteresting price action

>> No.50786194

theres nothing anyone can say to stop you from buying lunc so just go nuts guys go all in. you're right you're all a genius you're the smartest investor ever just buy it all up. I'm surprised you're even shilling this if other people buy then there's less for yourself buy it up luncretins buy it up tell your loved ones you're a financial investment mastermind and make sure they sink everything into it too. You're all winners well done lunc heads never stop buying lunc you're so smart

>> No.50786211

How many people do you actually think hold millions of this shit? I be not as many as you are pretending. I mean there isnt even a fucking LUNC general currently and when there is it gets maybe 120 unique IPs? And alot of those are fudders and other people samefagging. Plus lets not pretend like tons of people arent going to freak out and sell on the way up well before the peak

Regardless of where you think will top out at, you are fooling yourself if you dont think this will at least do a 10-50x just based on pure hype. You do remember how long this was the #1 trending coin right? You do remember in the weeks after this whole fiasco started this thing having literally BILLIONS on volume right?

>> No.50786224

keep buying guys because the burn will guaratee you riches this is a no brainer win moment you don't have to look into it you just buy it up and win you'll all be in lambos in six months but only if you go all in now while it's so cheap

>> No.50786237

I'm so happy for you lunc holders you cracked the code of investing it really is this easy to win and anybody who says otherwise really is just so far from your level of intellect they should just be laughed at just buy buy buy moon super soon

>> No.50786240

LUNC will be more than one dollar