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File: 324 KB, 1440x1208, Screenshot_20220807-112159_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50785267 No.50785267 [Reply] [Original]

Boomers always say they made $3-$5 an hour back when they were young but that was actually not bad. No wonder they could buy a house, multiple cars, a boat, and raise kids with a house wife while working as a bowling alley attendant

>> No.50785277

boomers had it easy, but we'll have it easier then the generation in 50 years so meh, take what you can

>> No.50785297


you have no idea what will happen in 50 years they could have it even easier than boomers and were stuck in the shit middle

>> No.50785314

Yeah well let's not bitch about it. Let's figure out how to beat this thing

>> No.50785322

My parents told me back then a bowl of ramen cost like SGD 0.20. Now its $5. Fuck man. Why is everything so expensive now. Imagine 50 years later when all goods x10 again.

>> No.50785334
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I am just wondering:
How was this sustainable? How could literal minimum wage earners have it so easy? How was everything so affordable from housing, to transport to groceries? Even healthcare was apparently not a problem in the 50s to afford.
Nowadays, alot of stuff made locally is quite unaffordable, being outcompeted by Asian stuff, while minimum wage earnings are barely able to sustain your lifestyle.
There must be something to it.

>> No.50785370

Grass is greener on the other side. The generation before the boomers died at ~40-50 (so boomers inherited everything early) and it's a survivorship bias to see the most successful boomers now (many of them were failures) and the whole thing is affected with the completely separate thing that the white Angloamericans had a more racist and sexist establishment (especially the Anglos who's empire has collapsed lately).

Also you actually don't need as much money right now because of technology; if you were poor in the 1950s: you'd likely die in a ditch by your 40s; if you're poor now: you'll likely have healthy food and shelter and full access to internet entertainment.

>> No.50785386


>> No.50785394

We're most similar to the generation born between 1908 and 1918. Too old to fight in the upcoming war, but not old enough that we really got to enjoy the prosperity of the 1920's. But things will be great when we're in our 40's.

>> No.50785413

It's really worse than that. we're like 10x poorer now

an ounce of gold in 1972 was 64 dollars, the ratio between 3.50 and 64 is 18. gold today is 1800, while min wage is 15. ratio is 118.

>> No.50785422

I find it funny when american leftist redditors cry against the boomers, not realizing it's a sexist and racist system that had their parents richer.

There were literal slaves that propped up their parents.

>> No.50785430
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, 1655382665429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anybody explain why the average boomer is sabotaging their offspring.

My parents-in-law : are literally on a buying frenzy, every time I visit they have bought something new. Also they make these insane purchases like a 50k camper, matching electric bicycles etc. If they just remortage their house they could be able to let their kids own an home instead of renting. But instead they travel the world and their kids (besides my wife) are struggling.

My own parents, saved $3k for me going to the university which ment I had to take a loan which took me years to pay down. Meanwhile they smoked for at least $200 every month. They don't even try to save money (comparing prices etc.). They buy a new car and then don't do any maintenance so the car breaks down within 8 years.

Don't get me wrong they are good people but I can't understand how you won't try to give your childs a head start in life.

For my own kids I have already saved enough for their education and I'm in the process to buy a large plot of land so they can live rent free if they want.

>> No.50785434

this is cope. The amount of shitskins that went into the West over the past 50 years doesn't magically erode the purchasing power by tenfolds.

>> No.50785439

bro lmao

>> No.50785443

The wealth "lost" is built in the better technology. Nobody is going to die that easily now by being poor.

In the 1950s if you were poor you were fucked; you had to work; now you can just do nothing.

>> No.50785448

>you have no idea what will happen in 50 years they could have it even easier than boomers
we have a good idea of what will CONTINUE to happen, population decline, too many old people.

thats NOT good, even if they somehow solve existing debt & housing. you cant solve old population

>> No.50785469

>Can anybody explain why the average boomer is sabotaging their offspring.
Western family structure is generally a polar opposite of the family structures from the rest of the world.
The nuclear family is unironically the worst structure in the industrialised society. While Jewish and Chinese have extended families that work together to achieve their goals for everyone, Western families generally throw their kids out by the time they turn 18 and let them fend for themselves as if the current society was as easy as when they were 18 themselves.

>> No.50785475

Angloamericans confuse the collapse of their own empire with the rest of the world. The world was extremely poorer in the 20th century. It's just that they happened to be brutal dictators of that time.

>> No.50785523
File: 107 KB, 648x864, C89AD313-7D03-464C-8F90-7BDBC2B090A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we'll have it easier, but only the ones that are in assets right now since we're about to have the mother of all bullruns.
Typical wagies not in assets during this upcoming bullrun will die as serfs.

>> No.50785534

It's due to shit costing less back then. Consider; in the 1980's depending on where you lived a decent 3 bed house could be had for under 100k and a brand new F150 base model would run you under 10k. Annual pass to disney world cost just 100. Also back then appliances may have costed more but they lasted way longer so in the long run you saved more.

>> No.50785549

Boomers did not get $3-5 and hour. Minimum wage in $72 was $1.60.
Stop bitching about old people. You could have made it with $1000, but you didn’t. Your generation had it easier than anyone in world history. That’s why you’re so fucking weak and full of excuses.

>> No.50785560

>t. boomer

>> No.50785582

Stop being retarded, you stupid fuck. Boomers objectively had more buying power with lower barrier to entries. Stop acting like you have down syndrome. You boomer fucks have the most retard tier arguments on the planet. Actual village idiot

>> No.50785595
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So fucking retarded, it's not even funny

>> No.50785613

you dont even know when youre being trolled retard

>> No.50785623

I’m a millennial born in 84. All anyone on this board had to do was connect their bank to an app and type in $1,000 on any number of coins, shitcoins, or penny stocks to be a millionaire. No other generation had the equivalent of that opportunity.

>> No.50785636

Your retard brain doesn't understand inflation and how much buying power has been reduced while barrier to entries have also increased. Actual retard

>> No.50785640

boomers and jews, bad news

>> No.50785664

That's still more than what I earn today in equivalent and you're talking about minimum wage. I'm not even on minimum wage, I earn the mean. You worthless sack of shit! You've doomed us all!

>> No.50785678

You’ve completely missed the entire point of my post. Keep losing and stay mad instead of doing something I guess.

>> No.50785690

The "thing" u the sheer amount of stupid people in the world that have power. From politicians to the average man that votes for them. The mistake can be traced to white people's feelings of empathy for others which gave women the right to vote. Who then bring in dumbass brown people who then fuck up the system because they are retarded nigger cattle who take more than they give.

There is no solution, all we can do is ride the whims of the masses and profit off it along the way.

>> No.50785694

Your point is you're a retard that doesn't comprehend how much easier boomers had it

>> No.50785706

How did I doom you? I’m 37 dumbass. The financial crisis happened when I was 24 years old. Many of my friends lost their homes and never recovered. You don’t know what a boomer is.

>> No.50785943

Stop defending the people who've ruined your friends by buying everything on credit eventhough they couldn't afford it because 'Don't worry, the fed will just print more dollars, see...'.
And stop pretending to be one of them. Asshole.

>> No.50786045
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It wasn't sustainable, hence our present situation.
Man is college frat boy at heart, the party will never end until it unexpectedly does.

>> No.50786062

>but we'll have it easier then the generation in 50 years
It's only gonna get worse.

>> No.50786075

Maybe if you faggots tried to help the poor and solved the poverty problem you wouldn't have to deal with the poor you cry about constantly.

>> No.50786087

>How was this sustainable? How could literal minimum wage earners have it so easy?
The dollar was stronger before you printed it to nothing.

>> No.50786102

>if you were poor in the 1950s: you'd likely die in a ditch by your 40s;
Lmao, maybe in Africa not America.

>> No.50786120

You know if we never got rid of our factories and kept bombing out and looting countries we wouldn't have such poverty.

>> No.50786160
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>> No.50786169

Hey! Hey! Spot the yid.

>> No.50786184

>Who then bring in dumbass brown people
Nigger you're from Europe, there were brown people here way before your family got here

>> No.50786193

>this Chinese sponsored thread again
kill yourself

>> No.50786378
File: 158 KB, 1024x995, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its amazing how the boomer die off will trigger the demographic collapse that will lead to a land value death spiral. On a macro level anyway. It also surreal when you realize we are possibly living in a time where the greatest number of humans are living on earth.

If you don't understand why this is a big deal just know that for thousands of years wealth has been built on a ever growing population needing a ever dwindling amount of arable land. This is why the west is desperately trying to flood itself with emigrants. Many nations GDP would collapse if demand for land fell.

I've always noticed in history books a pattern of the last generation of a declining civilization looting the remaining wealth. I guess you could say this is a form of looting. We are at least exiting a golden age.

>> No.50786693

>ceo's getting ripped off on college

>> No.50786718

You will always be a communist and you will never make it.

>> No.50786726

Do you literally not understand what happens when you artificially prop up demand while bringing in people who will work for less?

>> No.50786739

Life expectancy was 68 in the 1960s, it's why retirement age is pegged to 65. The boomers didn't move the dial for 60 years, because they intended to benefit from it. Every thing is worse and cucks like you really do need to die in a ditch for being so 'forgiving' of being stabbed in the fucking back by your own parents and grandparents.

>> No.50786905

>If you don't understand why this is a big deal just know that for thousands of years wealth has been built on a ever growing population needing a ever dwindling amount of arable land. This is why the west is desperately trying to flood itself with emigrants. Many nations GDP would collapse if demand for land fell.
That is simply not true. World population was always stable until the development in the west kicked in. In last 100 years medicine and wars stop being a thing allowed a fast huge growth with previous birthrates. The issue is with the population being very old now, not that there are too many people or soon to be a drop on those numbers. Welfare system cannot sustain itself with so many old people. And their immigration "solution" only postponed the doomsday that awaits us.

>> No.50786932

Yes, and this would hold true if the population exploded, however despite what you'd like to believe, migrants haven't really replaced the local population in anything beyond small urban enclaves.

It's just a jewish ploy to distract you from the real causes

>> No.50786962

the only way a next generation will be better off in fifty years is if your kids will go through the bloodiest civil war the world has ever seen. Yeah, didn't think so.

>> No.50787043
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It's because their parents, the greatest generation, by way of the second great war, devastated all competing manufacturing nations and set the US and Britain as the sole producers so it was like winning a once-per-civilization historic lottery for all boomers (born between 1946 and 1964), so it explains everything about their actions, worldview, financial advantages, etc.

>> No.50787083

>And Britain
Lol, delusional. They are in decline since WW1.

>> No.50787173

They were cranking out MG's like mad after the war, new advances in aeronautics, British boomers were a lot better off

>> No.50787202

>All anyone on this board had to do was connect their bank to an app and type in $1,000 on any number of coins, shitcoins, or penny stocks to be a millionaire
I think that's pretty rare. You're just focusing on the ones that were lucky enough to win. This is like saying in the 1980s it's easy to get rich just gamble $1000 pn blackjack. Cause you know 1 or 2 people that did that and got rich.

>> No.50787258

It'll be okay because your bitcoin holdings will be 50x by then.
You are replacing your fiat with bitcoin right anon?

>> No.50787292
File: 783 KB, 1994x1492, Housing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> No wonder they could buy a house

They were living in apartment sized houses back then, also they

>> No.50787591

doggy the US at least had half the population in the 60s, before the 1965 Import Spics and Niggers Eternally Act, so the supply end could easily outpace demand, lowering prices on essential goods and housing, and giving workers' wages much more value

>> No.50787643

Was watching a rerun of Alice (1976) and the waitresses at the diner were mad because mel was only paying them $2.75/h

>> No.50787769


It’s because we went off the gold standard you retards.

Whites used to be able to work any po-dunk job and easily “make it.” With a wife raising their 3-4 kids.

Now that we’ve been off the gold standard for a few decades now shit is hitting critical mass and they are importing the 3rd world to do those same jobs whites did back in the day except they live 15 to a house.

Jews phasing out whites while they import their slaves.

>> No.50787787

Well to be fair unless you had a few kids most people back then didn't have nearly as much uh shit as they do now. Was more of a functional way of living. Also people weren't fat slobs like they are now.

>> No.50787845

you're out of your mind if you think it's possible for things to get better. like genuinely clueless. we're talking about a time when the middle class was only just coming into existence. the manufacturing age where people were newly introduced to consumer goods created a global wealth elevator. you had small, medium and large business all coexisting and making money in the process.
none of that exists anymore. those opportunities will never come back. the population alone simply won't allow for it. it's going to get so, so much worse...

>> No.50787867

>I've always noticed in history books a pattern of the last generation of a declining civilization looting the remaining wealth. I guess you could say this is a form of looting. We are at least exiting a golden age.

But looting from your own kids? I would say they are so naive because they had luck during their whole life.

>> No.50787877

>we're about to have the mother of all bullruns.
when? why??

>> No.50787890

I might be the last of my generation (80's) who has it good. Landed a state job in 2005 @ 22 years of age. I can fully retire in 9 years drawing a pension check for life afterward w/medical coverage till I'm 65 (then I go on the federal dime) as well as a 401k plan. Or I can put in 14 more years to max things out and still be way under the typical age 65.. Also I bought my house during the fallout of 2008 cheap as hell. Value has shot up shit loads from the purchase price.

>> No.50787964

>his thing
it's really dehumanizing to refer to Jews as "this thing" and I hope /biz/ won't stand for this

>> No.50789592

what a cuck

>> No.50790842

>I'm so glad I can leech off young people while providing nothing

You will be the first to go when shit actually destabilizes, and the fact that you think it won't proves how much of a soulless government idiot drone you are.

>> No.50791197

>But things will be great when we're in our 40's.
The oldest Millennials are already 40

>> No.50791211

>Can anybody explain why the average boomer is sabotaging their offspring.
The average boomer has as much control over the world as you do. Stop this D&C shilling.

>> No.50791223
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>if you were poor in the 1950s: you'd likely die in a ditch by your 40s
My great grandpa was poor in the 1920s and he lived to 97. He kids were poor in the 50s and they are alive in their 70s and a couple of them retired at 50, yes 50, working at GM.

>> No.50791260

Shut the fuck up niggerlover faggot

>> No.50791488

You're a braindead retard faggot nigger

>> No.50791640

>How was this sustainable?
Corporations hadn't as much as profits and inequality was way lower. Check highest-lowest wages ratio back then and now.
Mentality changed when companies focus on short term profits from long term. Back then they need people to work for them for life, now they dont even care if the company survives 5 years. They can make enough money on those years to live like gods 20 lives.

>> No.50791673

>gamble on niggerasscoin going to the moon, why didn't you take my bet anon?
For every coin that went 1000x there's a bunch of complete garbage that did a 5x and then went to zero.

>> No.50791751

die off already, you useless boomer.

>> No.50791774

Since 2011 4chan went from being a website of people calling out the failings of society to being a website of coping normalfaggots from reddit claiming everything is fine and if you can't make it in tranny world then you're the weird one. Every dumbass has a story like "my friend Wuncler makes 1 million a year as a molecular programming ass inspector with no degree because he studied in his spare time while doing his side gig of dumpster diving for women's panties to sell online, that means there's a lot of vaguely 20s/30s year old people making a million a year doing that and you're just not working hard enough!" and then they get salty when you point out how bullshit/1 in a million people that is. Like merely admitting shit is fucked, purchasing power is down and costs are up while competition for jobs that can pay the bills is 10x higher because of the infinite migration of pajeet retards and boomer fuckwit managers trying to get those sweet esgbux.

>> No.50791790

So you literally have no clue what you're talking about, gotcha.

>> No.50792581

Get a job.

>> No.50792700

That’s not even remotely true lmao

>> No.50793261

Winning 2 world wars definitely helps

>> No.50793667
File: 172 KB, 500x433, boomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sad part is we millennials are no longer the focus any longer. We're now the middle generation and we did nothing of significance with our youths, besides occupy wall street. $15 is just starting to become the minimum wage in some areas and we were saying that is the basic income to make it back in the early 2010's. Now we really need $25+(And even that won't be enough with these housing prices).
Gen Z has part of their cohort in their early 20's already. They make articles with the same outlook about Gen Z as they did about us.
The system has entirely failed us. We need a complete overhaul and I sadly do not believe that Gen Y will be the ones to do it. We are too stuck in boomer thinking that the American dream is still attainable. Gen Z mostly realizes it's a scam by boomers.
They've manifested this in many ways including disillusionment, nihilism or have given up entirely (lying flat).
Gen Z will be the ones to change things. It's up to them if they make tiny homes and public infrastructure the norm or they keep chasing the boomer illusion of the rat race that failed the rest of us.

Either way fuck boomers. That large cohort that left nothing for the next generations and sit on their multiple rental properties, bloated pensions, and social security that their children will never get to benefit from.

>> No.50793695

>Feed poor people
>They reproduce and create more poor people
So when are you selling your electronics to send money to Africa?

>> No.50793762

I just hope it all falls apart while I'm still fairly young.

>> No.50793765

I use to be a libritarian, but now even I've shifted towards the left. You cannot tell me looking out at the average person making $15~$25 who will not make it, and everything is fine with the system. Houses, basic housing is 15x the average salary. In the 70's houses were mostly 2-3x most salaries. We now have 3/4 of an entire generation that is 100k+ in debt and nearly none of it is in mortgages. The youth has been scammed and no amount of "should have done trades" or "work harder" is going to fix this. The boomers have looted an entire generations future

>> No.50793833
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Stop asking antisemitic questions

>> No.50793888
File: 89 KB, 1228x1280, itsthejewscomfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best post

>> No.50793899

outsourcing of labor, corporate greed, unfettered capitalism, and reagan happened, destroying the middle class

>> No.50793916

if you shifted to the left you were never a libertarian in the first place
>Muh greedy corporation
>Muh broken system
here is the answer>>50793833
also checked

>> No.50793917

in short, they sold us the trickle-down lie and we bought it

>> No.50793977
File: 74 KB, 598x784, AD9292D8-9FCE-4852-A003-6C98CB190D3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gen Z has part of their cohort in their early 20's already.

>> No.50794064

50's britain was hellish if you weren't brought up into a good family

>> No.50794139

The top percentage of the wealthy keeps getting more wealth as everyone else gets poorer. That's how bad it's gotten- that you are now baffled by most Americans actually being able to afford basic living costs.

>> No.50794172

Gen Z has been neglected so much that most of them dont even have basic socialization skills.

>> No.50794232

My parents are boomers. They help me and my sister out as much as they can. But I have a good family, maybe that helps.

>> No.50794463

The only solution to this a final solution though. Which is generally thought of as far far right

>> No.50794849

Millennial here. We're still fine though? It's normal that the gap between wagie and relevant jobs is bigger with how many technological advancements there have been. But right now and probably for a few more decades you're guaranteed a decent job and life as long as you pick relevant fields.
The next few generations might be fucked but it's your job to work hard and make sure your kids won't suffer, who cares about others' kids?