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50781079 No.50781079 [Reply] [Original]

>mark cuban basically solves the medication cost problem
>politicians “uh we are ready to start solving the problem now we even got a plan and everything”
Can mark Cuban build a high speed magnetic rail

>> No.50781112

Why does he sell them for cheaper? Are they the real deal? Are they stolen? Why is the original price so inflated?

>> No.50781114

American pharmaceutical industry is among the most jewed things there is

>> No.50781155


>> No.50781164

I'm guessing its name brand vs generic.

>> No.50781201

Pharma companies jack up prices because they know insurance companies will pay. It’s a giant scam. The same drugs produced by the same companies are a lot cheaper in other countries

>> No.50781225

I don't trust the fucker he's got some ulterior motive or this is one of those 99 truths 1 lie ordeals

>> No.50781230

I don't trust rich people in general, but I don't see the problem here.

>> No.50781242

It's just insurance companies, pharmas, hospitals and govts being in a massive circlejerk at everyone's expense

>> No.50781254

>he's got some ulterior motive
Yeah, making money by underbidding the price fixers who have been scamming consumers for decades. Let’s see how far he gets before big pharma uses their political and regulatory connections to have him shut down

>> No.50781290

The government is only a part of that circlejerk because they're legally required to be. The reconciliation bill that every republican just voted against actually limits government restrictions and allows them to bypass part of the system.

>> No.50781461

Isnt that what shkreli went to prison for?

>> No.50781488

might as well be paying for sugar pills but insurance companies do nothing but drive up the cost of healthcare

>> No.50781490

Shkreli did the opposite by jacking up prices, but that only got him bad press. He went to prison for something unrelated to that, because the government started combing through his life looking for anything they could use against him after he sat in front of congress and publicly disrespected them

>> No.50781497

The same reason insulin costs basically nothing in Canada but Americans die because they cannot afford it. Americans are being scammed by pharmaceutical companies. Cuban can undercut and still make money. It’s a massive market. I think we should kill all billionaires but this is based.

>> No.50781500

IIRC the vast majority of his drugs actually aren't any cheaper than the "regular" distribution chains for generic drugs. He's mostly cherry picking high-end hospital or insurance company itemized bills as opposed to "real" prices you can find from a simple google search. That or advertising loss leaders to make people think that all of his other drugs are super cheap too when in reality they're actually just normal pharmacy prices.

>> No.50781522

he seems like a guy with good ideas but eternally not getting rich off them. I feel he's just not 'their' inner circle and kept back.

>> No.50781553

>The same reason insulin costs basically nothing in Canada but Americans die because they cannot afford it.
As far as I'm aware Canada does not produce any insulin, they get their supply from US pharmaceutical companies.

>> No.50781561

Shkreli already covered this.

>> No.50781567

Looked up the list of drugs he offers and you seem to be right. It’s just a fully generic pharmacy and most pharmacies already have these particular generic drugs for similar prices. Scummy to advertise it the way he does, but as long as it helps shed some light on big pharma/insurance companies and their scummy price fixing I’m all for it

>> No.50781581

What Shkreli was saying too.

>> No.50781590

the medicine i buy here in europe is produced in the US by an american company. the cost here is $70 for a pack and the cost for the same pack in the US is $1200. you are getting scammed, lmao

>> No.50781616

I don't understand how you can come to a business and finance board and not understand how taxation works even in an abstract sense.

>> No.50781634

Just doing what non anerican countries have been doing for decades lmao i cant imagine being american hahahahah

>> No.50781648

>he doesn’t understand the difference between drug costs and socialized medicine
i never use public hospitals because my workplace has private insurance, and the price of the medicine is not subsidized by the state. $70 is what the pharmacy charges for it because it cost them less to buy it. no wonder pharma companies keep scamming over there if every american is as thick as you are

>> No.50781651
File: 2.95 MB, 774x1216, inking.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just like theres genetically modified foods in all our food and sugar and trash in everything and its all banned in europe

because we have literal jews that have made it a goal to target america with goyslop because we have christianity here and a constitution and some freedom that they are afraid of still like 2nd amendment and redneck people

>> No.50781660

Hahahahahaha you are a fucking idiot

>> No.50781675

Yes, good burger, there's no price gouging going on at all, it's just the naturally high cost of mass produced medicine is covered by taxes in more developed countries.

>> No.50781693

Look up PBMs and their relationships with health systems, physicians, and payors. It's fucking disgusting
t. hospital finance director

>> No.50781701
File: 2.74 MB, 500x628, 1654221974744.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look why does mexico a 3rd world country still use real sugar in their coke and united states the richest has HFCS

and why do our school lunches look like hell in comparison to europe and japans

because we literally have jews making it bad on purpose theres no other explanation

>> No.50781727

Congress is for sale to the highest bidder and corporations are the only ones who can afford to bid, so they get legislation passed that increases their profit margins. As long as the profits keep rising and the campaign contributions keeps flowing, nobody gives a fuck if the peasants are slowly poisoned or squeezed by highly inflated drug prices. In fact, a sick populace means even more profits for the pharma companies

>> No.50781742

mark chabenisky sucks

>> No.50781743

>look why does mexico a 3rd world country still use real sugar in their coke and united states the richest has HFCS



>> No.50781772
File: 2.74 MB, 1344x894, haebaemergency (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didnt ask for the reason

i said we have women and black people and jews in congress who dont know what repealing bills means and deregulation so we have regulations on crops from 100 years ago that dont mean anything anymore we have useless bills

u cant just give subsidies to industries these people have a 1st grade economics understanding

>> No.50782023

Your urine cures literally EVERYTHING. I’ve had some chronic issues and when I learned about urine therapy and it healed my issues. Now whenever I have any issue I just drink or topically apply my urine.

Few weeks ago I met a chick on tinder and we are talking and she’s telling me how she’s got inflammation in her nose and how she needs to have some procedure cuz she has trouble breathing. I’m like fuck… now I’m for sure never getting a Blowjob if she can’t breathe. She even asked my what I want from her and said well I was maybe interested in getting head from you but you can’t breathe. She laughed her ass off. I told her all she needed to do what neti-pot her urine and breathe it in or snort her urine up her nose. Sent her some articles and since she has been kinda in dire straits with this inflammation in her nose for years. She gave it a go. Breathing was fixed right away. Then she came over a few days later and blew me

>> No.50782067

Only on this shit website would people claim to drink piss.

>> No.50782100

USA pharma is build on fact that manufacturers can manipulate prices of there drugs, which is illegal in europe, so he imports same drugs from third party which are 1000% cheaper.

>> No.50782131

hes basically making a killing by being transparent, hes making 15%+5$handling fee, if drug cost 50$ hes making 10-15$ per order, now imagine if there is 50mil orders? thats 0.5-1bill +++

>> No.50782217

It's actually a thing and people swear by it. Urine is essentially filtered blood and you basically recycle nutrients and hormones or something like that.
I'm a bit skeptical of people making it (or anything else) a be-all and end-all solution, but i haven't tried it.

>> No.50782341

theres nothing in piss that cant be in actual food or drink, since you yourself piss it out

>> No.50782429

The sheer fact he has to refuse working with insurance companies because that would make prices WORSE is all you need to know about what kind of a shithole country USA is.
But muh 2nd amendment, amirite?

>> No.50782440

Damn, he will be missed

>> No.50782456

Bingo. Your urine is not waste like we’ve been lied to but ultra filtered blood plasma that has ALL your critical antibodies to heal any illness, stem cells, minerals, salts, hormones, proteins, vitamins, and amino acids to heal from anything

>> No.50782457

dead by two gunshots to the back of the head within a week

>> No.50782474

If this is totally legit and not just some billionaire scam, this guy is a fucking legend. He's also going to end up suicided.

>> No.50782483

Cost plus drugs is literally just a generic reseller, the fact that m Cuban is being talked about as if he did something noteworthy shows you the power of marketing

>> No.50782494
File: 270 KB, 793x794, McGas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder statists, this is how stupid you sound when you defend the government.
>but who will provide a lower quality service for 20x the price without muh warlords and their shitty monopoly ?

>> No.50782495

Oh please, hospitals are just as greedy and Jewish as everyone else in this system.
t. negotiate you shekel-grubbing kikes down from your 1000% markups to 50-75%, which you still screech about not being enough

>> No.50782526

Someone has the pad the GDP anon. America does this via an endless line of bloodthirsty rentseeking middlemen leeches. Some other countries do it via everyone being on the government payroll. Just kosher tricks.

>> No.50782534
File: 145 KB, 299x342, Etienne_de_la_boetie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are patents, lobbying and corruption
>Gleevec generics are listed for $17.10, over $2,485 lower than the typical retail price of $2,502.
The primary source of high drug prices is monopolies granted by the government to pharmaceutical companies in the form of drug patents. Without competition in pricing, many drugs have risen out of the affordability of lower-income consumers.

>> No.50782559

New Zealand here, Pharmac (New Zealand Crown entity) has been doing this Mark Cuban shit for years now. Do better yanks.

>> No.50782584

Some concise reading material please

>> No.50782617

He seems like a good guy on Shark Tank. I like how he calls out retardation where he sees it

>> No.50782621

>my kidneys work 24/7 to filter out all the shit in my blood
>better put it back in my body
kek, maybe eat your shit too

>> No.50782637

You burgers really get fucked hard in the ass by the Jews ngl, my dad has prostate cancer and takes Xtandi. A pack of that costs almost 14 THOUSAND DOLLARS in the US, but only around 1200 in my country. He actually pays 100 bucks of that, the rest is payed by the mandatory insurance lyl

>> No.50782703

check the website, it's real

>> No.50782710

New Zealand here too, he's wrong, we are one buyer so get a good deal, but definitely don't do this. We have agreements where if we get generics from India, they pull their flagship drugs from us

>> No.50782762

He gave the shit out for free if you asked him by mail

>> No.50782765

>muh republicans shut it down
I know its a completely foreign concept to you, but did you ever ask why would they do that?
Have you ever in your retarded existence ever seen a situation unfold and considered the justifications used by either party?
Or do you get your opinions fed to you along with your cornsyrup and seed oil slop?

>> No.50782789

uh oh healthcare bros, how are we going to get overpaid little work now??

>> No.50782796

Also how do i invest in this man?

>> No.50782807

having billions doesnt make you worthy of death.

>> No.50782831 [DELETED] 

i work for a PBM it's literally jewish as hell

>> No.50782932

All of you fucking non-US assholes talking about how GREAT it is you can buy drugs (at any price) that were developed and approved in the US years before they were even available in your fucking country.

Unless you are tied into private money, the US is the ONLY place you can raise sufficient capital to develop a molecule to commercialization...anyone care to guess why?

>> No.50782999

He’s just selling generic meds that are already being sold for cheap in other pharmacies, and markets it by comparing it to the price of the brand name meds. It’s scummy and misleading.

The problem with big pharma is that once they have a patent on a drug they can corner the market by raising the price to however much they want, because they know insurance companies will have no choice but to pay up. What Cuban is doing solves none of that

>> No.50783030

>sufficient capital to develop a molecule to commercialization...anyone care to guess why?
Yes, because it has a population of 300+ million idiots who won’t say anything when they sell the drug with a 5000% markup to them. I guess the rest of the world buying the same meds much cheaper should thank those idiots for financing the innovation and production of the drugs. So thank you

>> No.50783076

You're certainly fucking welcome, and I'm glad you understand.

The "idiots" (also known as patients) need to buy it (via insurance mind you) for the first two years (in the US) so that anyone outside the US will even have the chance to receive therapy.

The rest of the world benefits by the shit we put up with in the US and it's about time someone appreciated it. So thank YOU as well for acknowledging that.

>> No.50783094

>does all this
>let rapefuges roam free

aaaand it was all useless.

>> No.50783214

>you can buy drugs (at any price) that were developed and approved in the US years before they were even available in your fucking country
Such as? Big pharma aren’t idiots. The moment they get FDA approval they send applications to EMA in Europe and regulating bodies in any markets they wish to sell the new drug. Europoors have to wait like 2-3 months at most before they have access to the same drugs, unless the drug fails to pass the EMA approval process

>> No.50783293

Regulatory approvals (sure, let's say 2-3 months later, for the most accelerated approvals with a waived EMEA inspection where they just accept the FDA approval) only provide the license to sell the product.

It is still at the discretion of the company to determine how much product they (can?) produce and which markets they sell it in. It is logical best business practice to sell as much product as you can, primarily in the market that will pay the most for it (i.e. US).

>> No.50783345

Hey, cool it with the antisemitic remarks.

>> No.50783401

It's not taxes. These governments have nationalized healthcare that negotiations with the drug manufacturers. Basically, if you want to sell Advair here, you can't charge more than $30, whereas the US is mostly private insurers (and CMS, which doesn't negotiate like they should). It's especially bad because many drug trials are conducted with American patients and take funding from the NIH which is taxpayer funding. We're basically paying twice so that the third world can cuck us.
>t. Pharmacist

>> No.50783591

Please provide examples of drugs that took years to reach the EU market after release in the US, which wasnt caused by EMA denying the approval for sale in the EU

>> No.50783609

>We're basically paying twice so that the third world can cuck us
Seeing regular americans who dont even own pharma stocks defend getting cucked like this is pretty bizarre. Is it just years of brainwashing into thinking thats what capitalism is supposed to be like, or is it something else?

>> No.50783682

It's like a weird pride mixed with capitalism. What's that quote about people viewing themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires. The practice is fucked but our politicians get greased by pharma, so they don't do anything to stop it.

>> No.50783693

Move to europe then.

>> No.50783725

Is the lil' tarded ancap that can't stop losing debates to /pol/acks seething so hard he can no longer see anything but red? Does your tiny brain not comprehend that it took 70 year for this faggot do appear and do what he has done whereas there has been bills by demorats stalled in congress for 15 years?
You do understand that under actual fascism big pharma cretin who mark up prices that save lives like that would have been skinned alive and left to hang in front of their offices for al too see, right? This problem would have been solved Day 1 under Hitler.

>> No.50783759

Canadian Government negotiates medication prices with manufacturers

>> No.50783860

>bro you should uproot your life and leave your home country if you aren’t satisfied with everything

>> No.50783901

You're saying "provide me current and/or historical data to support the commercial release strategy for a drug product to prove a point on a himalayan rock salt stock exchange forum". I'm here telling you in plain, logical terms how the fucking business (my business) works and you think it's pertinent that I provide what amounts to a business plan to prove that it? Do your own fucking research or come up with your own data to prove me wrong you contrarian asshole.

>> No.50783930

And even if I did deign to go find some examples I'm sure you'd just point them out as cherry picked and come up with your own examples that I have neither the time nor the energy to debate or pick apart. I'm sure as fuck not going to mention the product releases I've worked on so I guess the rest of these fuckers will just need to decided what makes the most sense.

>> No.50783957

>speaks with certainty about how the release of drugs is delayed in europe for years after release in the states
>claims to work in the industry
>can’t even name one or two drugs off-hand that fits the bill
>instead types out a long paragraph about how the forum of conversation isnt important enough to warrant a serious response to an easy and straight forward question
next time just pretend you left the thread and dont respond at all, you fucking idiot

>> No.50783967

The solution was simple. Cut off insurance.

>> No.50784000

The spice must flow. Insurance explicitly provides the risk management portion of the equation.

>> No.50784036

I think this is the most feasible solution. There is a middleman (in some cases more than one with PBMs) that are taking a cut and only serving to increase costs for everyone. Hospitals for example just charge 700% more because they know the insurance company will only pay a fraction.

But we as a society have made the decision that anyone and everyone will be treated. At some point it just falls to the government, so why do you need the private insurance anyway? Now government only insurance leads to its own inefficiency, fraud, waste and abuse, but I think it's a step in the right direction.

>> No.50784080

>I will not give you the name of 1 drug out of thousands to prove my claim
>You have to give me the names of every single drug released in the US and Europe in order to disprove my claim
No way big pharma would hire someone this stupid except to clean the toilets

>> No.50784115

>But we as a society have made the decision that anyone and everyone will be treated
Eventually. Priority access is what is provided to US citizens, first those who can privately pay, then the insured (including govt negotiated medicare/mediaid) and finally whatever the rest of the world is able to negotiate.

There isn't an unlimited amount of production capacity for drugs, and it is dictated by demand and market viability, same as most other products.

>> No.50784124

>engages in business
>sells drugs for less than his competitors

this is basic business, wtf is he suddenly the hero for undercutting his competition?

>> No.50784135

I don't need to prove anything, I'm here sharing what I know. Pearls before fucking swine.

>> No.50784138


best way to do that is to force any provider who accepts medicare to extend those prices to all patients regardless of insurance status

make the doctors print price lists

>> No.50784226

We have enough capacity for ourselves and that should be the priority. The West, specifically the US, is the only place in the world producing anything of value. We should reap the benefits of that work, but instead we all but give it away to other countries and we pay out the butt.

>> No.50784233

He just sells generics which are already dirt cheap anywhere else.

>> No.50784251

>force any provider who accepts medicare to extend those prices to all patients
I think you underestimate how supply chain works.

But fuck all of that, let's say insurance is abolished, tomorrow, for the sake of a fun idea, pharma doesn't want bad PR and will provide drugs at cost, They do it all the time anyway and just milk insurance as hard as they can when they can.

The question is what happens after that? "The mean cost of developing a new drug has been the subject of debate, with recent estimates ranging from $314 million to $2.8 billion" (pubmed)...will the FDA/EMEA/PMDA start cutting corners to make drug approvals easier? Doubtful.

As long as public health remains a priority for society this is the train we're on.

>> No.50784261

>make the doctors print price lists
This is a newer requirement for hospitals, but sadly they have made it near impossible to find. Okay, I have three kids at two different hospitals and I got three wildly different bills and had absolutely no idea of what I was going to have to pay beforehand. I was getting bills months after from doctors that I'm not even sure saw my kid. One turned us over to collections and we hadn't even received their bill in the mail, the first we heard of it was the collections agent. Thankfully I make a lot of money, but this could easily break an average family, just a healthy baby delivery. That's fucked up.

>> No.50784360

It's more complicated than that. To get to the point of mass production and commercialization you need to produce a large amount of the drug product for testing and initial launch and this is generally outsourced to Commercial Manufacturing Organizations (CMOs) that are very good at what they do but very expensive. Most (all?) of these handful of major companies are actually EU based.

Even once you get to the point of commercialization there is an expiration date on the profitability of the drug product, at least because you lose market exclusivity when the patent expires (generally 6-8 years after product launch makes a viable product). This in itself discourages investment in huge commercial, company owned facilities since the production line won't last a decade. Again, the CMO prevails unless you're a Roche or JnJ or AbbVie that can pay (bribe) to have your patents extended near indefinitely (or just buy anyone who challenges your hegemony)

There are companies like Genentech that do their own production. Hot tip for you fucks? Lonza.

Point in case, pharma mfg is not a "national industry", very much golobhomo (mostly western at least).

>> No.50784478

But when the patent expires they can and do just move over to creating the generic version. It's not like the need for that drug goes away. It's very much a problem of not allowing the free market to work.

>> No.50784519

The office maintenance staff are practically the only people I can trust in that building and you're less than the piece of shit they scrape off the toilet for disparaging their work.

>> No.50784561 [DELETED] 

Looking forward to the Phase 2 of the NEVM where Syscon will introduce zkrollups to the platform. And this will not only bring NEVM speeds up to over 200,000 transactions per second; far beyond what is theorized for ethereum 2.0, but will also allow projects built atop the syscon platform to institute zero fees within their applications.

>> No.50784568

Are you fucking stupid?
You think big pharma cares about you?
They charge as much as they can because that’s crony capitalism.
You can solve most health problems by eating healthy and working out too but I bet you’re too fat and dumb to figure that shit out too

>> No.50784576

stop worshiping the government

>> No.50784598


The high prices in the US actually subsidize the rest of the world.

>> No.50784605

No, that's not how the industry works. There are companies (e.g. Teva) that specialize in generics production. The original company will likely continue to produce name brand but they will account for competition with generics (if available) and need to scale back production, significantly.

The big money, and the reason why drug development nearly always starts in the US, is in innovative drug therapies "for unmet medical needs" (it's an industry term). Those first 6-8 years of market exclusivity in the US are the reason why the drug companies get financing to find a therapies (or diagnostics) for cancer. NASH is actually the more tangible holy grail.

>> No.50784623

Jealousy will turn you gay.

>> No.50784631


>> No.50784637

Yep and it’s by design
They try not to make a new medication to fix problems every few years when patents run out.
It’s all about more profits
Look at how Merck made ivermectin as an antiviral to fight viruses like malaria, but they called it a horse dewormer when humans started curing Covid with it.
There’s commercials for class action lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies everyday on TV
Retard reasoning
Big pharma charges the most they think they can for higher profit margins

>> No.50784643

As long as there is a government-enforced oligopoly in healthcare, the people are going to be overcharged, underserved, and herded into unhealthy habits. That medicine, therapies, and healthcare in general are all held hostage by government behind a daunting paywall would be unbelievable to the founders of this country.

>> No.50784656

imagine buying a car but there is 15 middlemen and they all demand a doctors salary

>> No.50784670

Big pharma cope
You idiots are slurping the company bullshit that big pharma feeds you

Those companies charge the most money that experts tell them they can charge and keep raising prices until the market pushes back

You two must be literal retards

>> No.50784687

My whole comment was about supply chain logistics, not...price reasoning? Is that what you you took from it?

Otherwise totally agree with your latter statement. Big pharma, and every other publicly traded company, has a fiduciary responsibility to generate profits for its shareholders.

>> No.50784703

Like I said, I'm a pharmacist in this industry, I know exactly how it works. Major drug companies hardly even do any research or drug development anymore, they just buy promising startups. Their financing is a gamble, a bet that the drug will be safe and effective and get approval, and even then, things can fail.

I'll give an example, a company called Amarin developed a highly purified form of fish oil and conducted two multi-year trials that cost millions of dollars. The drug reduced mortality by around 20% ON TOP of the mortality reduction of a statin. Huge results. It finally got FDA approval, only to be undone by an Obama appointed activist judge who ruled that their patent was invalid, allowing generic manufacturers to make it now. The drug didn't even cost that much, I think it was around $90 cash price for a month's supply, which is nothing for a blockbuster brand name drug. So my point is, you can do everything right and still lose. It's not a free market or fair in any way.

>> No.50784715


It's fucking business. I'm just taking time to try to explain to you all how it works and why it works. Maybe like 30m before I need to move on though I've enjoyed this thread.

>> No.50784803

Well the first mistake was thinking that a "highly purified form of fish oil" meets the parameters for a New Drug Application.

I dunno, I respect you're a pharmacist, and I'm not here to wave dick, but I've seen patent challenges settled (i.e. we, defendant, paid money) in court for claims against our first in class technology (i.e. novel invention) that someone was a few months behind us on...I'm not surprised this fish oil derivative didn't hold up in patent court.

>> No.50784914

You’re an obvious pharma-shill
You’ve spent 4 hours and 16 messages on a biz post about pharma, that’s half a workday
Why would you care what this board thinks about big pharma?
Get a life bro

>> No.50784948

It was very effective and affordable, the first in its class to demonstrate such effectiveness. I might have oversimplified, I should have called it a molecule that was isolated from fish oil, in the same was aspirin was isolated from willow bark. No other fish oil product has ever demonstrated that cardiac benefit, yet now far fewer patients are receiving that drug because of how our system works. Generic manufacturers don't do the drug advertising and marketing to physicians, that's primarily the brand company, who now has basically no economic interest to do so and probably won't even exist in another five years. There are about ten things wrong in this situation and it's a case study for our entire system.

>> No.50785025

>he doesn't know the body only absorbs 5-15% of nutrients from food and drink

>> No.50785049

You only work eight hours a day? What do you consider work? Anyway, this is recreation for me while I jack off and shave my balls. I care what this board thinks about big pharma because I know what big pharma is and I rarely contribute but still believe in an anonymous space to say these things. Indeed, I have a life to move on to.

>> No.50785058

Don’t argue with that paid troll
He’s probably a bot
No idiot posts 16 times over a 4 hour span on pharmaceuticals on this board

>> No.50785076

nice try glowie
get a life

>> No.50785171

Beaner mentality

>> No.50785254

99% of new drugs being developed are garbage, ultra niche stuff, or just old molecules slightly modified so pharmas can keep milking the patents for 20 more years.
Just look at how much money was spent on developing covid vaccines & pills when ivermectine is just as effective and was already widely available.
The pharma industry is a joke

>> No.50785263

Drug R&D is heavily subsidized by the US taxpayer, profits go directly to pharma management and executive wallets. They are all multi billionaires. That is what you are paying for.

>> No.50785358

Quick question, why do you give a shit? Do you or a loved one have lukemia, or do you just like sucking Mark Chabenisky's dick that much
Also that's like one of three cancer drugs

>> No.50785771

9k to 50?
It has to be a lie

>> No.50786136

Wow, he started an online indian pharmacy for generic drugs. Revolutionary.

>> No.50786151

doctors and pharmacists are mostly scammers

>> No.50786197

Part of the benefit is that it’s all a cash price. Similar to copay’s you’d pay with an insurance plan but without the premiums. At the very least this adds competition which theoretically helps the consoomer

>> No.50786217

he's doing arbitrage

>> No.50786301

This. Hospitals are the biggest Jew corps with a veil of doing good for the community. Many people who work there are altruistic but I’ve seen enough million dollar bonuses that it’s all a front

t. Low level hospital manager

>> No.50786356

So you are telling me that an extra middleman, transporting it to Europe and also being taxed in the destination country should costs less than taxation in the original country? Are you retarded? Do you think the sales to Europe are not taxed?

>> No.50786381

lmfao this nigger doesn't know. lurk more u stupid faggot. enjoy paying 10000x markup for drugs that cost 1-10 cents to produce.

>> No.50786430

It's a uniparty you fucking faggot retard

>> No.50786702

The meds on his site are all basically free or heavily discounted at big box stores. He doesn't even carry insulin.

>> No.50787055

why would you read that as me defending hospitals dumbo? the whole system is fucked and hospitals are more of the problem than payors