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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 232 KB, 1180x1180, Ross_Ulbricht-1180x1180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50773676 No.50773676 [Reply] [Original]

>gets prison for life with no chance of parole for creating a free market
at what point did you realize the game was rigged?
>inb4 he hired hitmen
allegations that didn't hold up in court

>> No.50773707

He allowed a platform that killed people at some level, but he should not have gotten life. I think the way he should have done it as have the community control the sellers on the market. That way, he could hold up his hands of any wrong doing and say it was moderated. This is similar to how Google and YouTube don't get taken down for anything.

>> No.50773729 [DELETED] 

it's hilarious that we pretend to uphold fairness in sentencing, while judges can arbitrarily sentencemaxxx to """make an example."""

>> No.50773745
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Genocide 100%

>> No.50773754

The sentence was ridiculously harsh, but both OP and him are fucking idiots for thinking that creating a “market” for useless, life destroying drugs is somehow a noble or innocent pursuit.

>> No.50773756

negligence doesn't necessitate a life sentence


>> No.50773807
File: 103 KB, 605x916, Murray4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should never expect things to be just in a system where a criminal gang make all the rules.

>> No.50773813

It is though

>> No.50773824

Man, I share the same surname as this guy

Pretty shameful

>> No.50773827

Its worse than a gang or a cartel. They are a Cult.

>> No.50773828

If you were any bit intuitive you’d understand they jailed him because they don’t know where his bitcoins are. Think about it, he got bitcoins on the fee before any big business did, he had so many bitcoins. He wasn’t chosen for that kind of position so it is what it is. You got to do what you got to do to run the world

>> No.50773831

Demand and supply is never wrong. People want those drugs

>> No.50773848

If you are being blackmailed and you cant get help anywhere else then ya you will call a hitman.

>> No.50773857

He literally hired hitmen.

>> No.50773875

so what the government hires hitmen all the time

>> No.50773878

You would too. No Half Measures.

>> No.50773881

Stop being retarded

>> No.50773884

He deserved it for having cringe-tier opsec, based retard

>> No.50773895
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Operation Security

>> No.50773903

Freedom to choose is a noble pursuit, jew

>> No.50773953

People also want to kill themselves sometimes. You HELP those people, not enable them.

Fuck everyone who supports enabling people to take drugs that are effectively either a death sentence or a “I’m about to severely lower my quality of life” sentence.

>> No.50773983

Oy vey, remember the six gorillion

>> No.50774064

are you illiterate?

>> No.50774098

>Fuck everyone who supports enabling people to take drugs that are effectively either a death sentence or a “I’m about to severely lower my quality of life” sentence.
Unless it's crack or something like that most drugs are fine.

Your typical crackhead didn't brought drugs from silkroad

>> No.50774120 [DELETED] 

most darknet markets (including silk road) are heavily focused on psychedelics, mdma, weed, and amphetamine. harder shit exists but isn't really possible. i don't use drugs but it's hardly "life ruining." if anything it's saving lives by comparison because it provides a centralized feedback mechanism and self-screening mechanism for higher quality drugs e.g. the risk of your MDMA being adulterated with meth isn't nearly as great as on the streets.

>> No.50774130

consequences of females judging cases

>> No.50774167

based, fuck christcucks

>> No.50774250

>inb4 he hired hitmen
The government does this, seems like there's nothing morally wrong here.

>> No.50774303

Yeah I don't think he's a threat to society to deserve a life term. That's extremely excessive. 10 - 20 years alright that's understandable but life is nonsense.

>> No.50774324
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If I thought I was going to be sentenced to life in prison I would split. You would never find me. You only have on life on this planet and I am not spending it behind bars. If I was already behind bars I would spend every day trying to figure out how to escape and planning.

>> No.50774348 [DELETED] 

you left out the part where you would [REDACTED] the judge

>> No.50774478

Murder is wrong and illegal, and nothing you say will make it otherwise.

>> No.50774543

The government gets to determine what is 'wrong and illegal' retard. Did you think some systematic universal ethics or some benevolent religion got to derive law and morality? The government is god.

>> No.50774557

Murder is wrong, you disgusting slimebag. He deserved the death penalty and so do you.

>> No.50774570

>allegations that didn't hold up in court
>allegations that didn't hold up in court
>allegations that didn't hold up in court

>> No.50774578

They held up just fine, sicko. You are pure evil.

>> No.50774587 [DELETED] 

he never murdered anyone?

>> No.50774600

I'm your god nigger, I am owed your worship and you will defer to me. My judgement is perfect.

>> No.50774601

What about when a soldier kills and its not illegal?

>> No.50774644

>Murder is wrong and you should be killed for not agreeing with everything I say
Stage 1 moral reasoning detected.

>> No.50774665

damn straight dog, word up

>> No.50774739


>> No.50774772

basically he hired a merc (that was actually a glownigger/friend) to kill a pajeet that was scaming all the druggies on his druggie marketplace

>> No.50774780

his btc got auctioned off, retard

>> No.50774867
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>allegations that didn't hold up in court
they actually did tho.
research the lawsuit

>> No.50774886
File: 83 KB, 799x1000, 1651683256453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man, I share the same surname as this guy

>> No.50775260

>useless, life destroying drugs
Shut the fuck up, retard.

>> No.50775270

Paramilitary contractors aren't killers now?

>> No.50775287

>Fuck everyone who supports enabling people to take drugs that are effectively either a death sentence or a “I’m about to severely lower my quality of life” sentence.
Shut the fuck up, dumbass, just because Americans have to constantly ruin their live doesn't mean the rest of us can't handle our shit.

>> No.50775297

>Murder is wrong, you disgusting slimebag.
Found the suburbanite scum bag, afraid of getting your balls cut off?

>> No.50775300

Drugs are cool mmmkay

>> No.50775433

>give young white males access to drugs, smut, and other degenerate shit
This kike deserved it. All of his simps are only doing it because they made some dosh from early btc.
Trump was right not to pardon this kike

>> No.50775471

i wish you a painful death

>> No.50775506

>Murder is wrong but you should be murdered

>> No.50775619

stfu, the war on drugs never worked

>> No.50775768
File: 299 KB, 576x472, 1658370380642848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooooooo the heckin kike shouldn't be punished for pushing degeneracy on white youths

>> No.50775791

spreading degeneracy onto white youths and profiting makes you a kike
simple as

>> No.50776243

your notion of degeneracy is of no interest to other autonomous individuals.

>> No.50776406

Hol upppp
We gotta edgelord in this bitch
Nocap fr fr he been watchin dat shawshank sheittt he be spooning he way outta herrrrr

>> No.50776561

>Let me tell you what kind of help you need
/biz/ has never been an authoritarian board you're looking for /pol/

>> No.50776692

the white youths deserve it, if all it took to corrupt their weak mind is a marketplace made in html. They were gonna end up fried out anyways.

>> No.50778220

>white youths
I don't understand, anyone that knew how to use a PC could use the site. are you like a racist bot?

>> No.50780070

Freedom is dangerous. You have the freedom to do drugs if you want. It's no one else's fault that you're a bitch and make bad choices.

>> No.50780098

He would probably have a couple thousand BTC on a USB somewhere too. You could get people to help you escape with that kind of money.

>> No.50780340

>The war on terror extended to include random tech bros as terrorists nearly a decade ago.

>> No.50780380

When a soldier points a gun at you and you don't comply didn't you murder yourself? Isn't that suicide?

Gee anon... why wouldn't you simply comply?

>> No.50780411
File: 207 KB, 768x768, sussy homo erectus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm god you faggot. You're my bitch, and one of my biggest decisions was to make you retarded. Lick my black nuts and die.

>> No.50780428

they did it to themselves, it's 100% their fault for being so stupid.

>> No.50781450

> allegations that didn't hold up in court
Because it was entrapment. Doesn’t mean he didn’t prove free market anarcho-capitalism can only replace court rooms with red rooms.

>> No.50781460

OP seems to have left out a detail regarding the type of market he created

>> No.50781469

our entire fake society is a game of pretend to make normies feel better about their objectively terrible lives

>> No.50781658
File: 87 KB, 382x360, nya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>allegations that didn't hold up in court
It's literally the fucking judgment, you seething retard. Faggot will be raped in prison until he is dead. Enjoy.

>> No.50781666


>allegations that didn't hold up in court
Yes they fucking did, read the transcripts, he absolutely initiated the murder of someone. Fucking retards

>> No.50781686
File: 90 KB, 875x259, Ross Ulbricht gets arrested.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh tech bros
Who cannot into basic opsec on a paper-and-pen level. Fuck them all! Oh, S:t Darwin, deliver us from pain. Deliver us from tech bros.

>> No.50781898

It wasn't for the want of trying. On multiple occasions. People tend to conveniently forget Mr Butter Wouldn't Melt in my Mouth here also ran The Armoury, a Silk Road offshoot specialising solely in weapons. And the ONLY reason that got shut down, the cunt wasn't making enough money out of it, as people preferred not to have their illegal weaponry delivered to their door, some reason. tldr, he's not locked up for nothing.

>> No.50781930

tbf, OP's meaning more, he was never charged with the (attempted..) hit an hires as the agents screwed up their side. There seems to be little argument, he did actually attempt to have people killed tho. And this is exactly the kind of shit most people agree, you should indeed get locked up for.

>> No.50781945

Drugs are fun to do once in awhile. Addicts deserve death anyway.

>> No.50781975

it's a good thing the FBI didn't find any CP on his laptop. he would've gotten a triple life sentence

>> No.50782010

It's been a while since I looked at this case, but I remember that the judgment explicitly lists that it is beyond all reasonable doubt that he attempted to hire a hitman, which is why he also got the harsher punishment on his other charges. It was very much a crucial part of the trial.

These seeming technicalities that ledditors cling to in order to pretend how unjust his sentencing was just simply aren't there. OP is either talking out of his ass or lying. All there's to it.

>> No.50782044

nah he also tried to hire a hitman. Fuck him

>> No.50782952
File: 132 KB, 657x527, 1632940356757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, how are there so many gov dicksuckers here.
Do you know why weed got banned in 1920? How about psychedelics.
>oooo drugs still bad look at this cracka motherfucker
Funny thing, this shit is literally goverment doing.
Remove the thought that current authorites do good just because, they dont. Almost never have.
If person wants to end their existence, then they have right to.

>> No.50783610

>If person wants to end their existence, then they have right to.
thats up to Allah(swt)

>> No.50783639

He was basically, kidnapped from a library by feds

>> No.50783865

What your adress, negroe?

>> No.50783927
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>> No.50783945

He got too greedy and didn't quit when he was ahead. He could've retired in his 20's with at least 5-10 million and lived an awesome life off the passive income, but he went too far. Retard.

>> No.50783979

Natural selection
He was fucking stupid, he deserves it

>> No.50784593

>Butter won't melt in my mouth

Cold and dead?

>> No.50785044

*didn't put any CP on his laptop.

>> No.50785271
File: 1.88 MB, 1300x883, 40D9B3E2-CD9C-4344-B26A-565C204D26D9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, pray tell, is freebasing cocaine worse than insufflating. My buddies and I were smoking crack in the 90s on the lifts at Winter Park.

>> No.50785351

The drug addled coon lashes out at those who call out their indulgences. Nihilism is venomous. Convert to His Church and find true peace beyond the material's fleeting pointless pleasures.

>> No.50785391

Kill yourself state shill

>> No.50785486

You can only break out 1 who would it be
1.ross ulbritch
2.dylan roof
3.the unambomber
4.soneone else

>> No.50785554

That's very unlikely. No proof of that was ever presented. The feds had infiltrated the site some months before he was busted, and a couple of them later got prosecuted for stealing Bitcoin. Someone had been using the same admin account as Ross and a bunch of weird shit was going on.

>> No.50786961

not wanting to spend your life behind bars is edgy, i agree

>> No.50787254

>white and smart guy creates a black market so illegal drugs can be traded anonymously minimizing danger
>gets prison for life with no chance of parole
>some dumb nigger criminal overdoses illegal drugs and dies while resisting being arrested
>becomes a martyr saint while the police officer doing his job gets 20 years in prison
We live in a fucked up world.
It's time to rise up and kill Jews for good. This is all their fault.

>> No.50787275

We should get him out and put the people who put him in prison in prison

>> No.50787444

Ross facilitated and he's a drug dealer of tons of drugs including mushrooms. He's going away for life for that as long as the DEA exists. Ross was an idiot and should of kept to bitcoin trading

>> No.50787453

Those "hitmen" he hired was a scammer and the people that he hired the hitmen to kill weren't real people either, the scammer was behind it all. It is actually an interesting story how Ross got scammed outta over a million $ worth of BTC at the time

>> No.50787530

yeah, as if the descendants of prohibition bootleggers don’t run our government right now. This was about a gang not wanting another gang loving in on its territory

>> No.50787717

you want a free market then go to mexico or africa you fucking faggot. living in a society requires law and order. kys

>> No.50787751

*first world society

>> No.50787788

>zomg you ruined your life by doing shrooms like once every year
you sound like a sheltered child with no life experience

>> No.50787836

McAfee :(

>> No.50787911

>corrupting white youth with drugs and degeneracy is a good thing
Gas yourself rabbi

>> No.50787938

Hans Reiser

>> No.50788330

>I was only pretending to be Pablo Escobar
the fact that the 'hitmen' were glowies, and then even they started the fucking Bitcoin, its all neither here nor there. Fact remains, he tired to organise murder(s), plural, and paid people cash to do it. Boundaries were crossed here, even it was an Alice in Wonderland setup.

>> No.50788377 [DELETED] 

Ok pedo

>> No.50788389

>only the FBI and CIA can profit off facilitating the drug trade!!

>> No.50788437

He practiced terrible opsec


If you're doing anything illegal, be smart about it

>> No.50788452

Isn't McAfee dead?

>> No.50788539 [DELETED] 
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Your version of “help” is locking them up and giving them what amounts to a criminal record without a crime being committed. I fucking hate people like you. Fucking nigger.

>> No.50788647

this thread really shows how many braindead libertarians there are on this board who really haven't done the intellectual legwork for themselves to come to rational conclusions. instead they just parrot talking points they've heard, ad nauseum

>> No.50788691

Well one of the perks of living in a democracy however flawed is that you can get people out if there's enough effort legally I mean. Well in this case cause he didn't kill anyone or anything.

>> No.50788707

Fuck judges fuck cops and fuck politicians. Every single one should be playing Minecraft

>> No.50789979

>he tired to organise murder(s), plural, and paid people cash to do it
the glowies were solicited by other glowies. there were multiple glowies with access to the dread pirate admin account by that point, sending messages to each other and stealing BTC. this is all in the court documents

>> No.50790196
File: 179 KB, 1216x720, Elon Musk public transportation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put CP on his laptop
That would only *undermine* their case against him. Because it's one thing to be a dumbfuck that cannot into basic bitch opsec that even people in the 1910s got into. It's another thing to be a CP coomer, because that it's something *kinda* heroic. You know it's illegal. You know that everyone hates you. But you do it anyway.

One simple trick could've saved this bargain-bin Elon Musk.

>> No.50791117

He created it on top of a honeypot run by the federal government in a country where running a free market is illegal. What did he expect?

>> No.50791176

agreed, we need to ban alcohol and caffeine too

>> No.50792071
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Chud deserved the death penalty

>> No.50792318

There's a demand for nukes to thrown at the USA. Would you like that market to be free?

>> No.50792321

no you are a semite

>> No.50793889

Either Ross or McAfee. Ross deserves it more though he got railroaded. Fucker shouldn’t have gotten more than a few years.

>> No.50793937

weed should stay banned. it’s the kike goyslop

>> No.50795766

weed is just nigger catnip

>> No.50795854

>according to investigators and attorneys involved in the case, Ulbricht had been offered a favorable plea deal which would have likely given him a decade-long sentence, but he turned it down. Bilton wrote, "(Ulbricht) believed that he was smarter than everyone in the room, and that he could beat them all."
>Assistant US Attorney Timothy Howard, who was co-responsible for prosecuting the case, testified that the plea offer was made before Ulbricht's indictment and carried a mandatory minimum of 10 years

>> No.50795862

He was a fucking asshole lolbertarian who literally ordered multiple assassinations of guys that he didn't agree with, on top of being a glorified drug dealer. Literally nigger-tier behavior.
He got what he fucking deserved.

>> No.50795872

this is called parallel construction
they pretend this is how they caught him so what they were actually using (which was likely mass illegal surveillance of US Citizens) doesn't get outed

>> No.50795888

>do nothing wrong
>not plead guilty
he literally was just bezoz.
lel the uuhh muh evil dark net meme that keeps on giving. its all spooks, this shit never existed

>> No.50795894

>actually murder somebody for no reason
>get less time than somebody who wanted to kill the person blackmailing him
fuck off

>> No.50795919

That really did some damage to the world view of people that only view it through a window from their moms basement. Well done, anon. And you are correct, the free market needs some small boundaries.

>> No.50795926

>small boundaries

>> No.50795966

you can't stand giving up control over other people's body, mind and choice. you sound like the typical (overproportional represented jewish) politician

>> No.50796113

>>gets prison for life with no chance of parole for creating a free market
>at what point did you realize the game was rigged?
He was trying to setup murders and facilitating drug dealing hard to even guess at the number of people who's lives are worse or dead because of the opiates he helped supply. Complete cunt should never be released.
>both OP and him are fucking idiots for thinking that creating a “market” for useless, life destroying drugs is somehow a noble or innocent pursuit.

>> No.50796122

>control over other people's body, mind and choice
Get that's what drug addict loose and are enslaved by addiction to do. Well done you finally understand and their dealers do it to them for profit.

>> No.50796155

but that's not your business but their own. and if i want to profit of that, i should be free to engage in an exchange of goods, service and money with them.

>> No.50796933

The real reason he got life was that the government didn't get enough of a share, like they would in regular drug trafficking.

>> No.50797707

jizzlane maxwell for some prime mommy titwank footrubs

>> No.50797883

In Afghanistan we would allow drug lord A to continue operating if he helped capture drug lord B. When i left drug lord A was still operating. Your statement has so much truth in it people won't believe it due to the implications it has.

>> No.50799108

>>inb4 he hired hitmen
Only after feds came up to him pretending to be hitmen and basically baited him into it.

>> No.50799179
File: 322 KB, 3000x2000, 190411133601-08-assange-arrest-0411[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Julian Assange. Although, do I get to break out his body double as well?

>> No.50799193

Well for one he created a safe place for users to get their drugs instead of relying on the potential dangers of the street (which sometimes results in death), the users would use anyway, ue merely faciltated what they were naturally inclined to do, it is not his responsibility what another adult chooses to consume arguably his platfrom qas a better alternative for a junkie than having to go somewhere sketchy to score and if anything introduced a measure of reliability thei reviews not really found on the street

>> No.50800097

Rothbard is a beautiful surname (as far as jewish surnames are concerned) and you are not worthy of it.

>> No.50800171

Quintessentially American post. It’s okay when Doctors give people those same psychotropic drugs because they have a license but don’t dare buy them yourself.

>> No.50800654
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>is in fact not convicted of that
>is instead convicted of conspiracy to commit money laundering, conspiracy to commit computer hacking, conspiracy to traffic fraudulent identity documents, and conspiracy to traffic narcotics by means of the internet
>received a fair jury trial under transparent and equitable modalities of due process with adequate legal representation, including appellate processes all the way up to the supreme court
>crying "entrepenuer" faggots think this is somehow unfair

>> No.50800812

>useless, life destroying
Destroying lives is a hell of a use.
Americans are the global experts on that matter.

>> No.50800852
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> gets prison for life with no chance of parole for creating a free market
A free market for what?

>> No.50800869

Dude in the photo was just projecting the way his tribe works onto everyone else

>> No.50800899

>He was trying to setup murders and facilitating drug dealing hard to even guess at the number of people who's lives are worse or dead because of the opiates he helped supply. Complete cunt should never be released.

Good goy, keep believing the CIA-glowie "official "story.

>> No.50800949

Thank god they've locked up that talented computer genius for having more than enough skills to build a solution that annoys the government like a mosquito in the night annoys you in your sleep.
Hopefully the handful of junkies won't find their way to the product and won't OD their life away at some piss soaked squat.

>> No.50801400
File: 284 KB, 1440x996, 8197A82F-EA6E-48C4-95D0-60FB09B13AD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked junkie lolspergs
Nobody and I mean NOBODY supports your cancerous atomization of humanity and your low IQ ideology of no inhibitions
There is a reason fascism isn’t growing in opposition to progressive social liberalism and not libertarianism and you degenerate subhumans will be lined up against the wall next your favorite tranny speedrunners. No human being is an actual individual, you live in a society of other human beings and if this is going to be someplace worth living in your disgusting and godless base desires for vice WILL be limited as much as is feasible.
>n-no you’re just weak
Humans evolved as social animals and your subconscious psychology exists as it does whether you want it to or not. Preventing harmful shit from influencing society negatively is good, and that retard “Dread Pirate Roberts” was scum no better than a common crack slinging nigger in the projects.
>b-but the feds can sell drugs? Hypocrite!
No, they’re going to die next to your for what they’ve done.

>> No.50801431

*fascism is growing

>> No.50801540

Have sex

>> No.50801628

Not for lack of trying

>> No.50801651

Already done junky faggot

>> No.50801880

who decides which drugs are useless or life destroying? you?

>> No.50801968

The Catholic Church unironically

>> No.50802294

Some things he did completely wrong:

>Taunted political figures (with power and influence)
Drawing unnecessary attention to himself and letting three letter agencies get approval/funding they need to go after you.

>Made no attempt to distance himself legally
You could at least try to say things like you're running an 'anonymous' market and that transactions are 'confidential'. Then at lest let the state try to make a case against you. Openly admitting to breaking the law is just stupid.

>He was dumb enough to fall for a scam
There was no leak of users, he never prodded deep enough for real proof either. It was a basic extortion scam that he fell for.

>Years antagonising the Feds is a stupid game that gets you stupid prizes
No wonder they tried to set him up for further charges, he was stupid enough to fall for a scam. And no wonder they threw the book at him in court.

tl;dr things could've went VERY differently if he had've just kept his mouth shut and not drawn attention to himself. Having the tech side of things sorted is no good if you fail basic infosec (reusing 'anonymous' aliases on stackoverflow) and fall for basic scams.

>> No.50802370

i don't get the whining for the sentence of this guy
Should not let himself get caught idgaf

>> No.50802700

Those people he ordered murdered did not exist. They were not real people.

>> No.50803137

well no wonder, since their cult directly competes with heroin in the copium market

>> No.50804527

Enjoy hell junky tard

>> No.50806419

many such cases

>> No.50806846

Ross was an attention whore, like most of the rest he couldnt shut his mouth and just run a biz.
first DPR and backop knew the game, nobody like them around, probably spooks