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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50775242 No.50775242 [Reply] [Original]

I want you to be rich, so I'll make this thread once.

>on september 19th ethereum will switch from using graphics cards to verify its network
>this is called the merge
>ethereum will become a deflationary currency and its daily mint of new ether will drop by 99%
>its current pruce is 1700 usd per eth
>ethereum at 38000 per eth within a few years is not unlikely
>if you own 32 eth you will have your own node which will give you intergenerational wealth. Your grandchildren will be using this same node

>> No.50775262

I am poor as fuck. I have 1.5 eth and 300 Link
Which should I accumulate right now via DCA

>> No.50775283

okay. and where the money to increase the market cap from 200b to 4 trillion come from?

>> No.50775288
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wow anon such valuable riveting never before heard insight right there, it's not like you're spouting the same shit literally everyone is talking right now from dumb crypto youtubers to crypto twitter reddit and MSM as well

>> No.50775305

sure, because proof-of-stake coins aren't usually glorified stable-shit that only ever rises during pump and dumps and when the market as a whole is rising the shit underperforms like your father when he made you.

face it: the economics of proof of stake are garbage and vitalik buterin is an incompetent inbred kanuck socialist

>> No.50775308

Is boy sminem cool, quadro?

>> No.50775309

You faggots keep pushing the dates back.

>> No.50775320

nice one normie
truly the peak midwit coin

>> No.50775336

Look at this kid with the laser eyes twitter picture! Please never buy a single eth, ever!

>> No.50775350


>> No.50775686
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We make the money.

>> No.50775720

ETH just double topped, see you at 400 bucks OP

>> No.50775767

>Still in full denial

>> No.50775855

i buy ETH every week, it is also going much lower

>> No.50775945

Why would it go lower? You fudder bears said the same thing about 1559 and it started to climb up steadily after the gigantic retarded nft gas fee burns.

>> No.50775999

because the market is designed to sucker people who were sidelined in, have them FOMO, then dump on them. ETH can't even get above prior support levels with merge hype, so a dump is imminent.

>> No.50776061

The current progress is transparent, so if you're actually following you'd see that the previous testnet merged have been successful. There's a clear roadmap that it's moving along successfully and as we get closer and closer the window of release gets more solidified. September will be when it happens. It's the largest and most important event to date in crypto considering no other chain ever has had such a huge update happen with ZERO downtime required.

>> No.50776074

wasn't chico gonna off himself??

>> No.50776188

We are literally sitting on 1720 the big support, now resistance and its a low volume weekend, wait for monday and we will pump again with explosive speed from this fucking anchor level.

>> No.50776451

You sound nervous friend. See you at 400.

>> No.50776497

Whatever makes you happy!

>> No.50776526

ok senpai it's priced in tho

>> No.50776551

I have 10-20 ETH
And 1500-2500 LINK.
will I make it OP?

>> No.50776571
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ERC tokens literally make derivative securities monopoly obsolete

>> No.50776591
File: 28 KB, 617x497, images (30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he pinching her nipple

>be uncle
>take OP photo
>see Indian kid pinch your daughters nipple

What do?

>> No.50776603

What do you mean?

>> No.50776622

If, over some time, transactions increase 70x, and transaction cost drops 3x, you’ll see 20x improvement in total gas revenues. It sounds possibly stable, as long as it doesn’t get supplanted.
>or you could move quickly on some purebred meme coin

>> No.50776640

there'll just be terrible bugs and hackers will drain wallets and they will turn back the clock or fork again and it will be a massive shitshow

>> No.50777058

pinch that little faggots nipples back threefold just for measure

>> No.50778929

that would really be a shit show

>> No.50779322

Based. Add a privacy altcoin to the list then you'd be on your way up.

>> No.50779334

It's retarded hopium bs, they don't even count in hundreds of possibilites how the merge can fail

>> No.50779440


>> No.50779519

This but unironically. Synthetics will be 99% of all transaction volume on Ethereum and its market cap will be in the trillions.

>> No.50779528
File: 31 KB, 396x385, 1634207287969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so sick of shitskins, niggers and poos. FUCK OFF. STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME AND MY PEOPLE. You aren't welcome, you aren't wanted. You are a a plague, trash, destroying the bright future I want to enjoy amongst my people.

>> No.50779543

Too bad. We’re here to stay while you’re all going extinct

>> No.50779567

It's Canada.
Those maple syrup cucks probably enjoy watching their daughters get raped by shitskins.

>> No.50779667

We already live amongst the stars. We inhabit the universe. Without our goodwill you would have ceased to exist long ago. That time might yet still come to pass. I doubt we will come to save you from the fire again.