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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 61 KB, 660x495, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5077448 No.5077448 [Reply] [Original]



Holy shit get on or stay poor

>> No.5077480

unironically kys

>> No.5077483

Jesus Christ

>> No.5077565


Looks like its just a 3rd party extension by ripple

youre buying with your BTC, LTC, or ETH, on ripple's site, up to $100 a day

coinbase isnt adding it

>> No.5077910


>> No.5078008
File: 126 KB, 600x412, slow-and-poo-poo-pee-pee-dinosaur-coin-always-wins-the-race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you lost your chance to sell, didn't you? you will hodl this all the way to 20 cents, won't you? well, someone needs to take one for the team. without people like you, people like me can't make money, you see? haha

>> No.5078043

The publicity would probably increase its value.
Not a big risk to invest in anyway

>> No.5078072

Did you just post an imgur link on a image message board you faggot.

>> No.5078152

Not just that, but we're about to get a Japanese moonbase with shuttles departing to Saturn.

I've lived in Japan for a while, the banking system here is a fucking archaic shitbag. My grorious Nip pals are going to flock to a bank modernizing technology.

>> No.5078188

It's a good one to buy now and hold long term. In 50 months is where the fun begins or ends... because every month they will release 1billion coins into the market. They are holding 61 Billion of the 100 billion coins that will exist. With a contract to realease a billion a month for the next 50 months. This is to keep the price stable while they build their networks for banks to adopt. The transfer fees will be much lower, and it can handle far more volume than BTC, LTC, or ETH... just look up the comparison info charts. Transactions typically take less than 4 seconds unless you are on some shitty exchange that is slowing it down, but the transaction itself is much faster. It has real world applicability and when other things crash, ripple will be the place people throw their money. So you will see it rise and fall in the opposite direction when others rise and fall together and are highly volatile. It's a really interesting plan and they've been working on it for quite a while now. I'm confident, I just doubled my money in the last week. If they ever get to BTC prices, I'll be sitting pretty good. As BTC goes up again it'll fall... that's when you buy. God speed.

>> No.5078230
File: 1.23 MB, 2223x1230, Screen Shot 2017-12-14 at 9.13.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic related

>> No.5078590
File: 41 KB, 320x320, 7HnYVRBVqqgi5ZRCFg3_8lKL3ZZcfOPp8_TKkrmG808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mooon plz

>> No.5078676

Get on faggots

>> No.5078704

thats how you spot the redditor