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50766202 No.50766202 [Reply] [Original]

AVAX competition is falling apart but AVAX keeps going

>> No.50766804
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SOL was revealed to be a scam yesterday.
MATIC is next. Billions of rupees locked behind a 5/8 multisig is a very juicy target for Ari.

>> No.50767474
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I think one underappreciated aspect of AVAX is it's VM agnostic. Right now EVM is the dominant environment so we have the C-chain EVM.
If MoveVM or any other innovative VMs are gaining traction they can be ported over and implemented with AVAX consensus.

>> No.50767678
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Someone inform the blacks

>> No.50767698
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I love being an avax chad, i'm thinking avax price will be $100 by next year :)

>> No.50767702

icp can run your entire double-spending chain in a single canister. sorry avaxfags but your vaporware will get devoured soon

>> No.50767738

LMAOOOO you have to kidding right? MATIC is literally shitting on avax in every possible way, from technology, to partnerships, to developments, to dapps, to adoption, and the list goes on and on and on

>> No.50767809

I made massive profits on avax, but i dumped my whole position when I realized it was just 3 chains that worked sorta okay with one another.

>> No.50768133
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Matic is a poorly secured and centralized sidechain that has essentially conned a portion of midwit mEth maxis into believing it inherits security from the Ethereum main chain. It's not truly L2 like rollups are so it needs it's own tokens for crypto-economic security via validation, its simply a heavily centralized sidechain that prints block receipts to ETH, which do nothing except slightly bog down ETH. And despite being more centralized than literally every coin in the top 30 it still congests and reorgs constantly and thus they gave up on their initial strategy and stole subnets from Avalanche, renaming them 'supernets' in true jeet marketing style.
It's already been hacked(see pic) and has suffered crashes due to bugs and the dev team is entirely jeets and bulgarians so the chances of you losing all your tokens is close to 100%. Hopefully you can get out with a profit before the rugpull, but it's playing with fire. AVAX is a much safer option since its tech is future proof as a VM agnostic 'platform of platforms'

>> No.50768962


>> No.50769169

MATIC is a time bomb


>> No.50769190

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.