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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50765593 No.50765593 [Reply] [Original]

Is providing liquidity to DEX's even worth it? I put $1,000 into a Sushiswap LP pool and it's probably going to take a month to even make back the $20 in transaction fees it cost me. Not to mention IP

>> No.50765615
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just provide it to bancor bro they have impermanent loss protection you literally can't lose

>> No.50765661

you need to find the right dex to throw your money into. Buying in at the bottom helps a ridiculous amount with total yield. When I try to farm safely I make sure I dont LP the DEX token, and I make a cashout schedule and stick to it, like 20% cashed each day, 60% compound, 20% into a new investment.

>> No.50765695

It also sounds like you are trying to farm on ethereum, which isnt the best idea in small amounts due to the txn fees, try something more gas friendly like avax or FTM. dont fall for the IL meme, just make sure you track the deviation in price and pull your money out when its close to 0, or once you have been farming long enough to make up the IL.

>> No.50765711

Not with 1k, no. Don't expect more than 2% monthly with anything these days. Savings and staking on almost everything have gone to 10%. Liquidity farming on even the most degenerate shitcoins rarely reaches 50%. These past few months completely fucked passive income.

>> No.50766355
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just bridge it over to avalanche, there is some good APYs on trader joe and tx cost like 10 cents and take 2 seconds.