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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50762819 No.50762819 [Reply] [Original]

I'm flying to Japan for business next week but I don't have a visa.
Booked the ticket 3 months ago in hopes that restrictions would be lifted by now.
How do I get a company to give me an invitation letter?
This trip is supposed to be a very profitable one I just need to get there.

>> No.50762986

Nice larp. If you were really flying to Japan for business, the company you're supposed to meet would have sent you the necessary invitation letter a long time ago, as they're aware of the implications of bringing a foreigner to Japan.
Assuming you're in the US, you won't get a visa in a week; the consulates are overwhelmed with applications and not taking appointments as of now. Anyway, you won't get shit because you're full of shit and your weak bait won't fly here. Farewell.

>> No.50763087

It's not bait. It is a business trip because I'm a travelling food blogger and artist.
So how do you get a company to invite you?

>> No.50763631
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Somebody knows something

>> No.50763708
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bro stfu and go spam all the food companies/restaurants you can find that you want to do food review in their place and that you are have viewership and that it will be good ad for them (assuming you are not fucking lying which probably you are) and then hope for fucking best but even if someone will accept your offer fucking visa wont be made in a week unless you are VIP of the VIP (which you arent) you stupid cretin so you wasted your money now loser go die

>> No.50763733

>I'm a travelling food blogger and artist.
You sound like a fag

>> No.50763869

wow, Im flying to Japan for a business trip next month and I finished all the visa shit last week.

>> No.50763902

I guess you could apply for an e-visa and hope they fuck up and approve it.

>> No.50763911


>> No.50764104

>Every senior traveler over 18 must be fully vaccinated.
What the fuck is this shit

>> No.50764166

So that's another place I won't ever get to visit. There's only like three places in the world I want to go to. Oh well

>> No.50764196
File: 44 KB, 750x736, 1596278240177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy going to a nation full of defeated ex island barbarians with every average citizen being the equivalent of a 10 year old aspy tard. Only thing these people make good is food and that should be enjoyed away from there depressing shit hole.

>> No.50764261

Not gonna work lad, Japan is effectively closed to international tourism, their current policies are NK tier
Unless your frequently work with major celebrities or you have lots of reach with japanese people no company will invite you since they have zero prospects of getting foreign clients
Yeah, somehow it's worse than Canada and a lot of flu tyranny countries, no amount of boosting will get you a decent experience in post-2020 Japan

>> No.50764396

Fuck, it's something I've dreamed of for a few years. Now it's gone, lol. Wow, I love the japs but I do hate how they have a hard on for authority figures.
I can't even go back to my home country because of this shit, fuck it.

>> No.50764421

based knower. island people are usually pretty fucked in the head from the inbreeding and lack of exposure to the main eurasian land. see britain as another example

>> No.50764629
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>he needs a visa to visit Japan
feels good to be American

>> No.50764677
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You must visit a soapland. This is not optional.

>> No.50764716

You also need one rword

>> No.50764743
File: 94 KB, 645x773, 1531291612203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm Sushi and wasabi make my cock hard

>> No.50764790

Fuck angloniggers and fuck eurasian niggers

>> No.50764798

>This trip is supposed to be a very profitable one I just need to get there
>No invitation
>No visa
>No actual plan
>Hiding ways to be tracked

You are gonna record some porn in a hotel aren't you?

>> No.50764824

You realize that most prefectures in Japan have laws that raise the age of consent to 16-18, right anon?

>> No.50764937

No, that's preposterous.

That's... not a problem? I bat within my own age range anyways

>> No.50765795

I work for a company there, and they sponsored my visa.

>> No.50765884
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>bought tickets 3 months ago
>waits until 1 week before trip to start actually using brain

>> No.50765921

She's chinese, right? I prefer the oval face over circular. Seems to be more common with japanese chicks

>> No.50765951

no point in even thinking about it all of these model/porn thots have gone under the knife so much their own parents couldnt recognize them and theyre all molded into a weird pan-asia conglomerate mutt face they arent even human anymore

>> No.50766501

Yeah I'm retarded
But what to do? What happens if they don't let you through immigration?
I paid so much for the tickets and I got refundable ones but still have to pay fee to cancel

>> No.50766545
File: 308 KB, 346x553, 1649269178073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish I could have these women all piss on me at once. How much does something like that cost?

>> No.50766574

Smuggle yourself inside of a tuna, there is no way you can get a nip visa in a few days

>> No.50766607

Like 300 to 2k (usd) depending who you talk to

Why can't we teleport through smartphones yet?

>> No.50766643

Damn bro that sucks. Looks like you're not going to have that business meeting.

>> No.50766796

Seriously? For a whole group of japanese women to piss on me? That's fucking awesome

>> No.50766887

Seriously, how does one go about arranging a group of no less than 4 Japanese women pissing on you?
I don't care how much it costs.

>> No.50767036

Go to Japan or a city with high Japanese population. Ask around, have money, don't be a creep.
Funny how you have to "not be a weirdo" to get to enjoy weird things.

>> No.50767082

>asking women to urinate on you
>don't be a creep
lol I hate that I want this but I can not deny it. It is degenerate as fuck but I want to be pissed on. You only live once.
Thanks anon I'm going to hopefully find some Japanese women. I don't think I've ever even met a Japanese person desu

>> No.50767094

youre not going to get a visa in a week. just count yourself lucky you got a refundable ticket and plan ahead next time. retard

>> No.50767305

How high are your standards? There is one poor country that has the most nips out of Japan. If you don't mind them to be as pretty as in the pic it's doable for a fairly low price, if it's okay for you even if they're mixed then even I could do that. If I were a degenerate like you. Kys

>> No.50767606

what did you studied?
Depending on what you did, maybe I can be your sponsor, or do something about it. I am at Osaka area.
My email is xmrjapan@protonmail.com

>> No.50767664

enako, she's a nip

>> No.50767897

imagine being psyopd by rural american soccer moms into randomly deciding this exact medical solution is the one that breaks the camels back and now you cant get a job or travel
truly, truly npc

>> No.50767952
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I would never mix my blood with this.

>> No.50768028

Goddammit, I was thinking of going through Japan in November on the way to Australia, I didn't even check if they had covid restrictions still because who seriously still has those apart from China lmao.

>> No.50768049

If you only stay a week or two, you don't need a visa retard. Unless you're from some trash tier country

>> No.50768095

Lets not pretend you'd ever have the opportunity

>> No.50768206
File: 102 KB, 360x359, 1645136514939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is a business trip because I'm a travelling food blogger and artist.

lmao you're a fucking retard. nobody in japan is going to give a shit about a no name food blogging artist faggot. also it's pretty well known that japan doesn't want to let in any foreigners for now. no company will invite you even if you were a some super famous food blogging artist faggot. there's plenty of big food bloggers that aren't able to travel there so that should let you know you're a faggot retard.

>> No.50768330

Bring lots of weed.

>> No.50768343

call a visum company they get you a visum fast and with all the requirements met like invitations etc.

>> No.50768352

Japan, as glamorous as it sounds. They are a depressed country.

Most of the younger generations are nihilist. A lot of them commit suicide because their ancestors view committing suicide as honorable.

They know that their island will one day sink and that their culture will be no more.

It's actually kind of tragic if you actually understand what is really going on.

>> No.50768353

>I'm a travelling food blogger and artist.
So unemployed?

>> No.50768377

10 link

>> No.50768643

It'll come back anon they have quite a large tourist industry.

>> No.50768680

>I'm a travelling food blogger and artist
hahahahahahahaha kill yourself now

>> No.50768838

vaxxie logic. no concept of the future or consequences