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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50762337 No.50762337 [Reply] [Original]

my interviewer asked me.
>what is a time you went above and beyond at work?

i blanked

>> No.50762394

The time I took a shit in the urinal and made the jannie clean it up

>> No.50762414

walked upstairs

>> No.50762488
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>"I went out of my way to help this lost customer find the latest Dragon Dildo so he can shove it up his faggot ass. I knew that this would increase my current work load but understood that customer satisfaction is the number one priority that keeps a business running smoothly."
Then you spin this bullshit into something like,
>"For me? Constantly keeping busy is a quality I enjoy when working. It allows me to stay on top of things while all learning the ropes in a short amount of time."
Any dumb HR roastie would take this bullshit

>> No.50762533

Every. FUCKING. Day. From start to finish I am full throttle. I don’t know the definition of “normal” because I just get it done. People get PISSED at how effective I am.

>> No.50762542


eliminated for making the team look bad

>> No.50762549

I bought the office food once

>> No.50762568

>he doesn't practice lying for several days leading up the interview, complete with multiple sketches planned out in his head that are complete fabrications of reality (while being believable)

>> No.50762570

Just lie, dude. I've been lying on my resume for years

>> No.50762576


>> No.50762610

yeah at the very least have three scenarios you could spin to apply to literally any question.

>> No.50762616

Man I fucking despise people who ask dumb shit cunt questions like this. Fuck interviews.

>> No.50762650

yikes. ive marked you down for aggressive toxic masculinity

>> No.50762653

I thank God every day for not having to work

>> No.50762724
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Above and beyond? Fucksstah trek shissthat? Look nig- Norwegian, you hire me for a job you don't own jackshit beyond that you hear me? I dress the way I want, talk the way I want to and won't comb, chew gum or move the ways you motherfuckers want me too. You trading currency for a job and nothing for my fucking so. Take it or go royally fuck yourselves. Capisco gringo?
>say the above word per word, pussy

>> No.50762752

another one they asked me was
>Name a time you and a manager/supervisor had an argument and how did (you) go about it?

>> No.50762764

>Tell us about yourself
No thanks.

I honestly hate this question, like tell you about what? My personal life? My work life? What time I took a shit this morning?

>> No.50762796

>boss wanted to change requirements, I explained where I was coming from, he explained where he was coming from, he asserted his requirements, I confirmed details and questions, I accepted and got to work

>> No.50762815

or in logical general form:
answer there question but only barely technically kindof answering it. My answer there wasn't really an argument, but they don't really want an argument. They want something that makes you sound good but human.

>> No.50762885

Think of a time you helped out a friend or relative and then spin it around as if it happened on a job.

>> No.50763261
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I told her to go suck my dick and she correct me "Come suck my dick." Then I gave her a black lives don't matter eye and she didn t metoo me coz I'd throw her out a moving train. So, did I get this gig nig- mean, Norwegian, man, mam
>my mam
You nevah no.

>> No.50763461
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I was recently asked in an interview "what accomplishment are you most proud of?" I went on explaining that repairing my relationship with my Dad was my biggest accomplishment. You didn't fuck up as hard as me anon. I did not get the job and the lads that interviewed me for sure called me a faggot and rightfully so..I was not in the right frame of mind to be doing a job interview.

>> No.50763506

fucked interviewers. That's definitely something to be proud of anon, good work, proud of you.

>> No.50764039
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Pride is a capital sin.
>sue for religious prejudices

>> No.50764452
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When investing in QOM. That's what i would tell them. You see, i do my job in two hours and then fake im doing the full eight, then i use that time to browse and invest in the next unicorns. That's how i made 7 figs in a 5 figs job, im using it as a front. If that's not commitment i don't know what is

>> No.50764647

Holy based

>> No.50764827

Thank you fren anon

>> No.50764848

You just have to lie lol. Just tell them you taught Jamal at your last job to type. Boom hired

>> No.50764853


>Not memorizing basic interview questions

I hope you're under 18

>> No.50764876

This will get you fired for racism.

>> No.50764889

i despise job interviews and postings so fucking much

>> No.50765001

>when’s the last time your company rewarded someone for going above and beyond?

>> No.50765067

Interview them harder. They should convince YOU why you should work for them.

>> No.50765141


>> No.50765166
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>i show up to work, isnt that enough?

>> No.50765316

interviewer asked me what I'd done that I was most proud of
I answered that I fed my child with food I'd grown and raised on my own land
didn't get the job

>> No.50765358

I showed up to a Mcdonald's interview in a suit and a haircut.
i didn't get the job

>> No.50765386


>> No.50765392
File: 15 KB, 474x359, EC30123C-3181-40F1-852D-211CB6BC8068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you: I prolapsed my lovers anus much too hard and now he needs surgery.

>> No.50766027

how's everyone gonna smoke pot in the kitchen with a suitwearer amongst them?!?

>> No.50766364


Next time just make shit up

>> No.50768099

Why is biz so full of abject failures? I could name 5 such occasions from the top of my head.

>> No.50768433

I now feel like applying for mcdonalds in a suit, then when they inevitably hire me, as I am the single most based human on the entire planet, I will refuse to wear mcdonalds attire and insist on continuing wearing the suit

>> No.50768482

please answer using the STAR method.

>> No.50769163

I’ve worked some pretty high stress jobs, which included being exposed to some of the worst situations you can imagine. I have enjoyed watching hr’s faces recounting these situations, when they require examples for interviews.

>> No.50769206

I dont know if its that bad of an answer. Would probably work on some people so it depends who you get interviewed by. HR Roasties would be immediately blacklisting you though.

>> No.50770640

>>what is a time you went above and beyond at work?
I didnt take a SINGLE poop at work for an entire week

>> No.50771703

Made me lol
>ty anon

>> No.50771721

Gary Vaynerchuck would have fired you.

>> No.50771751

>That one time when I took waaaay too much drugs in a short period of time
Oops I mean I worked overtime when asked sir