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50753891 No.50753891 [Reply] [Original]

Did getting money help you become a fuck boy?? How to become a fuck boy not even money can buy what fuck boys can do to women they will literally walk to the ends of the earth for a fuck boy if he is good.

>> No.50753936

Step one is stop feeling sorry for yourself
Step two is make a lot of fucking money
Step three is being fit and well groomed and sociable
Step four is banging prostitutes that cost $500/hr and getting them to introduce you to their friends
There is no step five, just repeat step four until you get bored

>> No.50756357
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I'm a fuckboy compared to my young self. I'm averaging two makeouts and one fuck a month.

Didn't follow any of these steps, just moved to EE and pic related.

>> No.50756579


From an actual fuckboy. No you dont.
I started long time ago when i was 18 in this "mission".
The secret is basically just hard work to be honest. If you talk to 100 girls probably you will get laid at least 1 time. Of course, depends on your standards and looks.
Also, Im considering creating my own company for this since i kinda started getting profits from this.

Also, im from Europe, but i assume in US it is the same

>> No.50756650

there are two options as I see:

>be successful in exactly the way society dictates
>shit on societal expectations which ironically leads you to success

You have to be good looking for both options to work sorry.

>> No.50756692

I went through a fuck boy phase for a while, then a serious relationship, and honestly fucking around rots your soul and your spirit. I am now practicing semen retention and vetting women extremely rigorously to find the future mother of my child. Sex is fun for a while but there are levels so much further that you can’t comprehend until you seek them out. Also, not seeking sex from women you meet because you haven’t yet deemed them worthy of bonding your spirit basically makes them desire you to an insane degree where it feels like you can almost have any of them if your really wanted to

T. Schizo enjoyer

>> No.50756772

>be me
>find tinder thot
>has snapchat
>hit her up on there
>banter for a while
>meet up
>”this is the nastiest car I’ve ever stepped into”
>raw dogging her in it by the end of the night
Actually first time I fucked in my shithole beat up car. She literally wouldn’t drop it and we even went to two Ford dealerships kek. She wanted me to get a new car and move to Montana with her, I just wanted pussy. Was a fun day/night tho would do again but she fucked off to Montana w/o me lmao.

>> No.50756871

Do you really think im going to spend my precious time talking to 100 girls only to fuck a hole for 15 minutes? Nigger please

>> No.50756893

why would i want to fuck boys?