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50750959 No.50750959 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto is as globalist as it gets. It’s stateless, borderless and immune to the tyranny of nationalist policies.

>> No.50750967

Thats why it needs to die

Smart money got out

>> No.50750975

stay poor

>> No.50750990

you will be poor. Forever

>> No.50750992

>immune to the tyranny of nationalist policies.
Is that why it crashed when china put its foot down?

>> No.50750994

>Crypto is globalist
In a good way

>> No.50751010

what scam do we hop on now that crypto is officially dead?

>> No.50751014

Did it stop producing blocks?

>> No.50751710

>immune to the tyranny of nationalist policies


>> No.50751739

Sounds good to me
>n0000 muh GLOBALIZATION (meme buzzword boogeyman)
>people shouldn't be able to move freely

>> No.50751757

It's almost as if the government isn't actually globalist

>> No.50751789

Free trade =\= open borders
There would be a huge upside to a worldwide currency, namely, the governments couldn't get catty with each other and then stop trade over bullshit.

>> No.50751808

hard to get catty when they don't exist at all

>> No.50751815

By those standards gold is globalist too.

>> No.50751822
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There shouldn't be any borders when it comes to internet and especially finances. Money should flow seamlessly.

>> No.50751827

of course it is. largest holders and traders of gold are states.

>> No.50751832

It still has the general idea of free movement, just currency based. Yeah it's a libertarian concept and if that makes any of you seethe then good. OP is a faggot.

>> No.50751847

newfag thread
we rigged it and sold to the globalists so the system can die

>> No.50751859

anything can get subverted by either ideology or religion.

Nothing is set in stone my dude.

>> No.50751865

You don't know what globalism means.

>> No.50751921

"have fun staying poor" was the perfect bait for greedy bastards
they swallowed it hook line and sinker

>> No.50752090

its globalist in the only good way
only the best win

>> No.50752244

we already won
they bought it all

>> No.50752297

you're not wrong about that
if you haven't "made it" yet in crypto, then you'll always be catching up

>> No.50752377
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the goal was to make it in "real terms"
crypto is fake as is the us dollar
if you have no hard assets by now you lost the game
every nerd knew it
look at billy - he bought land

>> No.50752397

land won't do you any good in a true societal collapse, and if we don't get one of those bitcoin's going nowhere.

>> No.50752493
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>> No.50754188


Hrm, did it though?

>> No.50755009

And that's a good thing. Fiber-optic cables and container ships are the only globalism we need.