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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 66 KB, 618x637, 1513296911854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5074587 No.5074587 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5074599


>> No.5074602

I am? Woohoo!

>> No.5074618
File: 115 KB, 454x720, anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good man

>> No.5074622
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>> No.5074626


this is a joke right?

>> No.5074645
File: 48 KB, 800x729, 1513098419935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u a nazi

>> No.5074648

>Look! A transaction of 0.2 bitcoin went to a white supremacist group!

That's basically the article in a nutshell.

>> No.5074652
File: 27 KB, 200x200, 1498106844798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sooo their trying to make it more popular or ????

>> No.5074654

non-whites BTFO

>> No.5074671

Because most people who have it are white men. As we all know white men are all racist misogynistic buzzword buzzword buzzword etc

>> No.5074699

BTCs Market cap is mostly pajeets and chicks and oven dodgers

doesn't make sense

>> No.5074700

Same shit the media tried to do with Pepe. Ridiculous.

>> No.5074715

/pol/ here most of them are retarded anti crypto retards

>> No.5074717

not really, this board is mostly /pol/ now

>> No.5074726

I'm a big crypto winner PoC transwoman...probably the only one.

>> No.5074736

Holy fuck journalism is shit.

>> No.5074740

Post archive.is you buffoon

>> No.5074746

As always, women come and suck the fun out of everything.
If you cash out anons, remember not to spend a dime on these blood sucking cock thirsty unsatisfiable beasts. There are sex bots being perfected as we speak, women have lost their use, treat them like the disposable cum dumpster they were biologically designed to be.

>> No.5074755
File: 120 KB, 500x342, 45641611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhhhhhhhhh this is so good. having my cake and eating it too

Trump is president. the goyim are waking up, Anime is becoming real, Im making thousands per week, completely retired at 23

SIEG HEIL. This was all for you!

>> No.5074757

another shit journalist

>> No.5074761

thanks, just bought 100k ethnostatecoin

>> No.5074825
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>> No.5074836
File: 291 KB, 1616x1014, CrytoGf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white supremacists

>> No.5074866

Never seen that pic of Commander Rockwell before, neat.

>> No.5074878
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 08 - Sakura's Rival Appears.mkv_snapshot_01.05_[2012.09.22_16.20.37].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She even has a child already you fucking cuck

>> No.5074880

>we must cut nazis funding and delete their paypal accounts!
-nazis switch to crypto
>why are the nazis getting rich reeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.5074892

I'll do my best!

>> No.5074911

did you provide proof of genes first?

>> No.5074923
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Here is her twitter page. Surprise surprise

>> No.5074937
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>> No.5074945
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>> No.5074949

Lol. You think /pol/ is 15 year old jobless edge lords huh?

>> No.5074962

/pol/ here to confirm

>> No.5074969

>Boohoo! Andrew Anglin and weev have money and there’s nothing we as Jews can do to financially terrorise and bleed them dry like we used to be able to do to any goyim that called us out

Fuck these kikes man

Also Richard Spencer is a salty no coiner

>> No.5074977
File: 142 KB, 960x690, happyhitler07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure does.

>> No.5074989
File: 128 KB, 771x960, 1512775277490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how the retarded faggot left always comes in YEARS after the fact with EVERYTHING, then acts like "oh, we were first meh".

Faggots you are NEVER first. Ok?


>> No.5074990

>one guy right of Lenin buys crypto
>"it's an absolute epidemic!"

>> No.5075011

/pol/ here, have $1m in assets so far. how you doin

>> No.5075025


I'm a white supremacist and this btc rally is shitting on my altcoin portfolio

>> No.5075027
File: 74 KB, 794x170, 1488.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw profited 50k

>> No.5075031

>tfw NEET crypto gains will help fund right wing death squads

>> No.5075042


>> No.5075083

>bitcoin is 'the currency of the alt-right'
nice, make it as unfashionable as possible until we're all loaded up

>> No.5075092

>don’t want to be a minority in a country you were born in
>get tarred with white supremacist slur
Who could possibly be behind this set-up? These anti-white people would have to have major influence in media, finance, politics and education. Can’t really think of anyone who this may apply to though. Any ideas?

>> No.5075115

More like acting entitled. They didn't take any risks and now either demand to be let in or condemn it by coming up with excuses like the article.
They always amaze me with their lack of personal responsibility and accountability.

>> No.5075130

Richard Spencer goes to bat for the British Empire. Of course he's going to hold hands with (((them))) when the shit hits the fan.

The British Empire was the most successful Jewish project in the past 2,000 years.

>> No.5075166

We need all these new cryptillionaires to become the alt-right’s Soros

If you are white and have 6 digits and not funding alt-right activism that is, disassembling the liberal cosmopolitan cultural hegemony, driving discussion and culture change and engaging with with the collective consciousness, you are worse than the Jews.

>> No.5075190

Weev is a monerobro now

>> No.5075196

Sven and Mike have to be rolling in it right now. Those guys are friggen set.

>> No.5075201
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>PoC transwoman

>> No.5075214

>starving the deer so they eat out of hitlers hand

those deer are more malnourished than wild deer I see around here

>> No.5075216
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>Fuckboi slayer

>> No.5075217

>The British Empire was the most successful Jewish project in the past 2,000 years.

I think you mean the Jewish occupied American empire.

>> No.5075229

>If you are white and have 6 digits and not funding alt-right activism
Call me when we get something worth supporting, nothing in the US is Golden Dawn tier, most of them are a bunch of autistic faggots.
>Do it yourself
I'm an autistic faggot so that's not going to work either.

>> No.5075246

Where do these parasites go once the host is completely destroyed?

>> No.5075254
File: 33 KB, 603x603, 1511851809426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one hurts Pepe on my watch anon...

>> No.5075293

I thought he hates brits

>> No.5075294

I heard Tay Tay is fat now wtf. She’s still a year and a half away from The Wall

>> No.5075352

1488 niggers

>> No.5075353

Asia. They're already getting started on their initial invasion phase, marrying with the locals. Look at Zucc picking up a chink bride. Jews breed themselves into a community while retaining their Jewish identity until the Jew is able to pass as a native while maintaining separate in-group loyalty. In a few generations there will be a "Chinese Jewish" community that will start pulling the same tricks over there that they pulled in the West during the 19th and 20th centuries.

>> No.5075380

The alt-right doesn’t hate anyone, they just don’t want to live in a Brazilified USA where whites are unable to effect change through the electoral process on account of being outnumbered by non-whites. The British government is pozzed af but the British people? Come on - Spencer - he IS one.

>> No.5075435

I can’t see it. Chinks have no empathy. They laugh at the Holocaust.

>> No.5075438

Richard Spencer wallet report. Rec: 0.1234 BTC ~$1,873.16 USD, Spent: 0.0000 BTC ~$0, Bal: 0.1234 BTC ~$1,873.16.



>> No.5075447

Doubt that'll work for them, Asians aren't particularly sympathetic people. Have you seen the videos of them dying in escalators and shit and the ones around them just carrying on like absolutely nothing happened?

>> No.5075458

Not weev here but i think we are in the stage in which we have to leak into and permeate into the culture fighting the culture wars, soon moving onto education, politics, law etc.

I’m going to say a few things which I think are worth finding due to the huge audiences they drive to the alt-right and cultural jamming they do normalise our ideas and subvert the establishment:

- Andrew anglin and the daily stormer
- Sam Hyde and his future projects
- The Daily Shoah guys

>> No.5075487

I'm usually on pol

>> No.5075495


They are already laying down the groundwork. In the 20th century is was the west. The 21st century is going to be the century of Jew subversion of Asia.

>> No.5075527

>to effect change
*affect change. The alt-right should really get a better grasp of the English language if they plan to fight off all those scary non-whites.

>> No.5075558

I would assume they will try to appeal to their industrious nature. If there is one thing chinks love, it's building shit and making money. I bet the new crypto-Jew Asians will try to get them to import foreigners for "economic benefits". I could see that working.

>> No.5075561
File: 121 KB, 720x720, 1484309181309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's where you're wrong kiddo

>> No.5075568

/pol/ and /biz/ are the only boards I browse

>> No.5075578

Richard Spencer is a salty no coiner


>> No.5075607


I wouldn't say "think"

>> No.5075609

>The alt-right should really get a better grasp of the English language if they plan to fight off all those scary non-whites.
>tries to act intellectually superior to white nationalists
>"corrects" something that was right to begin with into something that has an error
You're not as smart as you think you are.
>What does affect change mean? Affect change is an incorrect version of the phrase effect change.

>> No.5075624

>jews are subhuman they just care about money they are so greedy
>omg what's the next 10x coin I want a lambo i want to get so rich I can rub my dick in everyone's faces

>> No.5075650
File: 1.05 MB, 2240x2240, 14807924308280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why does this feel so good

>> No.5075677

You realise this is a /pol/ board right?

>> No.5075678
File: 29 KB, 400x400, betule sairafi 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw he is going to be a single termer because normies under 40 are just liberal shits

>> No.5075701

Fuck you and your bullshit “high verbal IQ” Shlomo. I was right. Also, there you go pathologizing a normal desire to associate with one’s own kind as an irrational fear. Just fucking go.

>> No.5075707

>jew board

>> No.5075708
File: 172 KB, 600x962, British Prime Minister Theresa May wearing Frida Kahlo arm braclet, a Mexican artist followed communism, and was a lover of Marxist Leon Trotsky..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Brits so delusional?

>> No.5075720

I can't stand Spencer but he's not a nocoiner, he was pushing bitcoin back in the early part of this year. He just thinks its overbought now that its to the point that all the normalfags are getting in and once a dip happens they'll panic.

>> No.5075736

You realize /pol/ is just reddit right?

>> No.5075760

A wise man once said the only person more cheap than a Jew is a white supremacist.

The white supremacist is more conscious and aware of Jewish tricks than the Jew himself who is only operating under their subconscious biological instincts and evolutionary strategy.

>> No.5075768


>> No.5075771


>> No.5075778


sure thing buddy.

>> No.5075800

Do liberals just despise money overall?

It's always them getting salty about how other people get rich.
Like fuck.

>> No.5075807

/pol/ /biz/ /fit/

>> No.5075813

frequently browse

>> No.5075828


fucking tiki torches from Home Depot lmfao

>> No.5075847

/pol/ /biz/ /diy/ /o/ /k/
Need to be ready for the race war with weapons, home made gadgets and a fast car bought with meme coins.

>> No.5075872


holy trinity.
occasionally /lit/

>> No.5075878

The Jew does not only care about money. What the Jew wants is power. It all stems from the Jew's lack of a homeland. This lack of a land, of roots, has created a void in the Jewish soul that the Jew seeks to fill by usurping the homelands of others. This is what they have always done and this has gotten them kicked out of every land they have settled in for 3000 years.

This is why the Jew seeks to turn the whole world into a series of rootless, multi-ethnic cosmopolitan hives. This is where the Jew thrives. With no unifying identity, no cohesive 'them' to come together and purge the Jewish poison as has been done so many times, the Jew is free to carry out his nefarious plan for dominance undetected and unfettered.

>> No.5075889

These. Stay away from the weeb shit, and don’t EVER go to the hellfire of degeneracy known as /b/. It used to be a flowing meme spring, that’s now /pol/.

>> No.5075896

kys faggit

>> No.5075903
File: 32 KB, 600x375, The+lady+doth+protest+too+much+_f4d26438be9439174d82330b801e3945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/biz/ was around before /pol/ you fags are the newfags

>> No.5075919

this is more of a true /pol/ board than current /pol/. it is full of people skeptical of the jews

>> No.5075940

FTN got a whole Bitcoin lol, the far rights been stacking sats for a hot minute

>> No.5075963

/pol/ is taking over bitcoin so we can buy our own whites only country since you faggots are already ruining the ones our grandfathers built

>> No.5075967

Bad news buddy. /pol/acks have multiplied their wealth at least x5 during this rally while your leftard friends buy new $1k iphones every other month.
You better give half of your profits to Shaniqua's retarded kids or they might do something worse than death: call you a racist.

>> No.5075983

his mothers husband is probably buying a car for his sisters black boyfriend as we speak.

>> No.5075991

Except /pol/ is a combination of /b/ and /news/ which is older than biz. Try again.

>> No.5075996

No, he meant effect. It has a different meaning. Look it up.

>> No.5076034
File: 1.76 MB, 200x113, 1511348240663.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the 5th TRS comment I've seen't here. This like /pol/ but shill free...I've found my new home

>> No.5076051

>what is /new/

>> No.5076069

Because we're fucking smart. You think memes are just a fucking game? Leftists can't into economics. It's always been the 'Right' that have been rich.

>> No.5076079
File: 133 KB, 800x530, 1512527487452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dumb fucking nigger

>> No.5076099

/biz/ /ck/ /pol/ here

>> No.5076145

R u saying this is all a ruse to get Jerusalem

>> No.5076178

best boards tbqh, sometimes /s/

>> No.5076186
File: 6 KB, 333x293, meldyva-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's always been the 'Right' that have been rich.

>> No.5076199

Mao was a Soviet plant... the Soviet being run by Jews. Jews have run China since the cultural revolution.

>> No.5076221

Roger Ver is actually doing this, and apparently there are countries interested in selling him land to make his own IRL Ancapistan.

The libertarian movement was one of the precursors to the alt-right, the alt-right would fit in. A libertarian society would have no government gibs. The browns that did move there would probably be close to slaves, cheap labor, but the government would not be their benefactor since it would have little power anyhow.

>> No.5076268
File: 73 KB, 700x609, 1468096187543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin was created out of political revolution in 2009. It's the most political currency to ever be created in the history of mankind.

Are you faggots new? Of course /pol/ would've been balls deep in this shit since day 1.

God damn, you are retarded.

>> No.5076281

Not for long though.... did you see the Jew who came on here and corrected my grammar (incorrectly) and insinuated that white people are “afraid” of the muds?

>> No.5076282

what the fuck, I'm Lebanese

>> No.5076297

Glad im a winner

>> No.5076298

which side values hard work and respects the rich for earning their money?

anddddd which side wants a minimum wage of $15 to fold shirts while giving the unemployed tons of money without incentive to get work?

easy, kids.

>> No.5076303

Ver's too soft, he seems to hate violence of any sort so the government would probably just come seize his land a few years after he pays them for that. Unless that pacifism is merely an act which wouldn't surprise me.

Also his Rosa Parks comment bothered me, why should she get to demand to sit where she wants? She didn't own that bus.

>> No.5076350

No actually closed, ethnocentric collectivism/communism is the most robust protection to immunise yourself from the Jew. Fuck off kike.

>> No.5076368


>> No.5076407

People are this vain?

>> No.5076411
File: 3.71 MB, 4032x3024, 08C76B8E-8A40-4DD8-8D7B-FB6879E5708E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5076522

Yes! The only way to rid the Jews from our society is for the alt-right to red-pill the far-left on the JQ and unite with them to increase working class consciousness and stand side-by-side with them in a communist revolution to overthrow the traitorous (((Capitalists))) and kick them out of our institutions and nations. We shall put the control of our our cultures and our wealth back into the hands of the healthy, strong white working class families.

>> No.5076525
File: 306 KB, 700x662, white pride.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which side values hard work and respects the rich for earning their money?


>> No.5076570
File: 688 KB, 900x1200, 1490744734237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels comfy>>5074671

>> No.5076604

>jewish leaders outright state they want to make Europe non-white
>you're just anti-semitic, they'd never conspire to do such a thing

>> No.5076637

Guns are one of the smartest things you could put your money into as well.

>> No.5076660

>uses a bunch of poor neo nazi fags as an argument
>could use about 100 photos of poor leftists to his 1 'nazis are poor' argument

You didn't think this through, did you.

>> No.5076669
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>> No.5076722

checked and kekd

>> No.5076802


>> No.5076829
File: 358 KB, 820x1020, sodiverse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diversity is our strength

>> No.5076839

And because he's so absolutely shit that he turned Alabama blue

>> No.5076877


>> No.5076878

That was all over Moore chasing teenage pussy.

>> No.5076994

how does this not prove that certain races are predisposed toward certain behaviors. niggers and leftists believing in "white supremacy*" are the same mindset as believing in jewish nepotism.
*the belief that white people made better countries

>> No.5077025

There’s literally nothing wrong with wanting a wholesome and uncorrupted girl to turn into a responsible and reliable wife and mother.

>> No.5077077

>assets as in memestocks
Reminder that if you don't own BTC you are still poor.

>> No.5077099

He is SALTY and he is a nocoiner = not holding coins because he sold a long time ago and has missed (and will continue to miss on) all the gains. He is dreaming with his delusional low prices to get back in.

>> No.5077122

>emails stating you are having 7 year old boys in your hot tub for sure as entertainment with your good friend dennis "denny" hastert
>cnn:fake news
>altered document the original contents of which can't actually be stated for sure other than someones testimony that she was 17 and hit on
People are stupid and believe what they're told with no objective or critical thinking whatsoever.

>> No.5077175

It’s sour grapes. He is one of the most crypto poor people on the alt-right because he is a boomer-tier Xer. So he’s just lashing out saying it’s shit and going to crash.

>> No.5077186

/pol/ /int/ /his/

>> No.5077197

As someone who regularly browses /pol/, I've seen a definite uptick in the amount of /pol/ posters on /biz/.

I've split my time pretty consistently between /pol/, /biz/, and /k/ after migrating away from /b/ many years ago.

You can tell the /pol/ posters by their specific style of shitposting.

>> No.5077218

Well I kind of expect bitcoin to crash too, I'm mostly in Monero right now.

>> No.5077431
File: 6 KB, 240x240, 1510271531364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you naive child

>> No.5077560

/pol/acks became a majority on /biz/ a while back, just letting you know pal.
Not to mention a lot of people on /biz/ turned into /pol/acks aswell..

>> No.5077585
File: 346 KB, 600x650, 1503784398289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We own 4chin
we own yuo fgt

>> No.5077591

/pol/ here. Gas yourself juden.

>> No.5077623

Weev and anglin are on monero hard right now too. They will comtinue memeing as the official currency of the alt-right on dailystormer

>> No.5077629


started three weeks ago already have 230% return, whats wrong with me investing

>> No.5077745

>right-wing guy eats dinner

>> No.5077788

Another /pol/ack here, I have pureblood Scottish twins on the way and probably two more kids in the future that I need to fiscally plan for. That includes part of my portfolio in crypto.

>> No.5077836

You're delusional if you think the daily stormer or the daily shoah are anything but echo chambers. I do however no many not right-wing people who think mde is genuinely funny so I think that is the better route. Although I'm not really alt-right I just don't think white people should all die out as a thing so im like a closet ally or something

>> No.5077855

Dogs aren't that expensive

>> No.5077863

*echo chambers in that they appeal only to people who already agree I mean


>> No.5077931

>/pol/fags itt saying /pol/ is knee deep in crypto
>post about crypto on /pol/ and a majority of the braindead monkeys that browse that board go on about it being a jewish scam and to invest in gold
Whatever you say, lads.

>> No.5077952

>be too stupid to use 4chan
>post there anyway

>> No.5077961

>giving money to people who don't actually care about you
>thinking 4chan NEET losers' interests align with the interests of white supremacists

>> No.5077999

Because PayPal and Patreon banned them, so they could only accept Bitcoin.

Then Bitcoin 20x’d, making many of them millionaires.

Jews can’t manipulate a decentralized math algorithm.

>> No.5078003

>going by what's on nu/pol/ at all
Yeah, that's a great metric. /pol/ is currently unusable.

>> No.5078026

That's a really risky move.

>> No.5078040

>the lowest form of pedantic fag

>> No.5078042

How much money did this useless shit make you on /pol/? Why bring it to /biz/?

>> No.5078067

Think we're in the same boat. Alt-right is a bit too absolutist and uncompromising but I'd stand with them over any other ideology easily.

>> No.5078073

Hahaha i come from /POL/ in june

>> No.5078086

>/pol/ is always right except when they are proven to be total retards then its nu-/pol/'s fault

>> No.5078109
File: 52 KB, 442x500, 1512503611274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hahaha i come from /POL/ in june

>> No.5078123
File: 269 KB, 1242x2208, CBAD2840-4CE4-495F-8EFE-703A8429885C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5078131
File: 81 KB, 739x960, 1475288640333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate /pol/ refugees so much. not as much as normies, but still. get off my board REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.5078136

Very talmudic of you, I wonder what race you are friend?!

>> No.5078153

What about asians

>> No.5078170

wtf I hate bitcoin now

>> No.5078171

That's not very tolerant of you, you are supposed to be welcoming of refugees coming to take over. Now get off my board.

>> No.5078179


/pol/tard reporting in

>> No.5078193
File: 1.94 MB, 230x175, 1426809895032.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those people actually believe they are white

>> No.5078210

I'm white, my good nigger. Do you have any more straws to grasp now that you've played your ad hominem card?

>> No.5078211
File: 291 KB, 1600x1200, super-brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5078224

T. Honorary Jew

>> No.5078227

no get out and take your shitty blacked threads with you

>> No.5078251

>ur a jew bc i say so
Incredible how warped reality gets for the young lads exposed to the /pol/ echo chamber of sewage.

>> No.5078260

>blacked threads
Those should have been banned long ago but mods are fags.

>> No.5078329

someone told me about this subreddit in E! News comments about the big bang theory

live long and prosper \x/ and remember, BAZINGA!

>> No.5078336
File: 1.32 MB, 1059x1413, 1513068646101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pathetic neet. This is our secondary board.

>> No.5078341

>not understanding satire

>> No.5078360

fucking bigot

>> No.5078451
File: 1.96 MB, 400x220, A4B42B40_FF2E_4B28_BFBE_FFF163E22B8D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here /fashy/?

Lets get a survey going

>> No.5078474
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>> No.5078476

I just love how they throw around words like "supremacist" without knowing what it means. What it really means is automatic reject any other "news" that ((((they)))) "report".

>> No.5078477

Man you sure showed him lol. How fucking easily are /pol/tards triggered?

>> No.5078479

>libertarian gay bathhouse without brown people
>the alt-right would fit in
kek the alt-right reaches new lows every fucking day

>> No.5078480

/polbiz/ master race here

>> No.5078520
File: 101 KB, 416x330, D1907BFF-E8B9-4C7E-A9C3-86B9ACEE4C72.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can tell the /pol/ posters by their specific style of shitposting.
And their love of hitler pal’n around

>> No.5078525

Heh, just pretending to be retarded eh? Classic move.

>> No.5078531
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>> No.5078538
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/pol/ is attracted to it because bitcoin and other crypto isn't controlled by jews like fiat
If we destroy the central banking system, the jews lose a lot of their power

>> No.5078578
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Heil bitcoin!

>> No.5078615


>> No.5078636


Me 2 senpai


How many BTC do I need for vid related

>> No.5078638

This makes no sense whatsoever.
Literally all kinds of people make profit in crypto.
Stop reading stupid sensationalist articles fag.

>> No.5078685

0.001 in 2019 ($1 million)

>> No.5078725

nazi autistocrat reporting in, faggot

>> No.5078742

>Literally all kinds of people make profit in crypto.
that's not true at all, crypto is majority white men. the rest are third worlders

>> No.5078815

>not true at all
I see you're very new in this game.
Oh and a cringelord too. Not surprised.

>> No.5078842

Actually a huge percentage are asian.
Chinese, Japanese, Korean

>> No.5079032

Paypal and other payment cucks banned white nationalist groups, forcing them to resort to bitcoin. Bitcoin mooned. mfw jews accidentally made neo-nazis into millionaires.

>> No.5079047
File: 112 KB, 555x849, William-Pierce-workshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder william luther pierce is satoshi nakamoto

>> No.5079097

gtfo kike

>> No.5079136
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get a load of this kike!

>> No.5079140


>> No.5079149

>bitcoin gets called the nazi coin
>price of btc drops because associating with a "nazi" coin is "bad"
>white males buy more at low price
>btc price goes to 1 mil

The niggas are retarded aren't they

>> No.5079191
File: 111 KB, 1000x581, 25kChristmasYes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes? hello?
white people hold?
ath. full ath.
make sure the moon mission never ends.

>> No.5079231

I thought chinks had a shitload too
The guy who created it is self-dubbed "Satoshi Nakamoto" ffs

>> No.5079238
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muh niggas

>> No.5079313
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>"you're exhausting me."

>> No.5079321
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Another chink /pol/ack here. We're taking down the zog machine, jew by jew by jew

>> No.5079368

Oh and started crypto 3 weeks ago. Only up 20% so far :(

>> No.5079400
File: 949 KB, 155x173, 1512699840563.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is /bizpol/ now newfag
sieg heil

>> No.5079471

You forgot /k/

>> No.5079597


>and occasionally /lit/

Would be friends with.

>> No.5079664
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>> No.5079707

/pol/ here

This was the first and only man to replace my father as the central role model of my life.

>> No.5079756
File: 1.19 MB, 2712x1787, rockwell on pearl harbor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We /rockbiz/ now

>> No.5079762

Shhhhhb. Your gonna blow it dude. We are actually having fun again

>> No.5079781
File: 6 KB, 214x235, this faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the rich
>earning their money
super kek

>> No.5079783

lmao fucking dunning kruger up in here
>mom! Look! I bought during a bull market! Im a genius!!!

>> No.5079792

Cool, I'm racist now for analyzing investments apparently. These writers should commit suicide.

>> No.5079811


These guys are pretty damn good, and could use some support - myth of the 20th century podcasts.


>> No.5079832

Glow. In. The. Dark.

>> No.5079887
File: 42 KB, 1555x311, YourFuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this thread get this many replies? Some insane femcunt writes garbage and people eat it up.

A majority of Bitcoin holders are straight while males. Btc can't be taken from avg white guy and given to worthless degenerate/woman. Ever.

Deal with it faggots/commies/femcunts

>> No.5079891

The altright becomes the new wave of millionaires.

based coin

>> No.5079910

Yeah it's weird. I'm pretty tolerant on social issues but I find the entire left literally just will stop at nothing short of white people's extinction, whether they are conscious of it or not. On the other hand I don't really mind gay people as long as they aren't shit or whatever and I think all drugs should be legal, shit like that. I think Bernie Sanders, Ron Paul, and Trump all had valid ideas even though they represent 3 different sections of the political compass. The only thing I find truly intolerable is the genuinely communist, authoritarian left, and I'd fight to the death to prevent an uprising of that kind

>> No.5080016


commies btfo

>> No.5080019

You seem reasonable. Stay normal and keep your opinions on the DL right now. Weird shit is afoot

>> No.5080034

China's already got an extremely powerful, centralized, corrupt government. All they have to do is weasel in and hope they don't ignite another Chinese civil war in the process.

>> No.5080131


Spencer is a millionaire already, so it doesn't matter for him. His family has tens of thousands of acres of cotton farming in the South (really). Also, while I don't like Spencer, his video brings up a valid point: all these normalfags getting in don't care about the point of BTC, are just seeking profits, and will drop out soon. I think it's a good guess.

>> No.5080183

He does everything in order to whore out himself and his pathethic movement.
A yputube dramawhore only IRL

>> No.5080197
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> walletlets

>> No.5080251

Anybody who unironically identifies as alt-right is a fucking living meme or a dumb fuck that doesn't know what "right" actually means or controlled opposition.

Considering how many "right-wing" politicians and parties espouse high taxes,welfare bullshit, regulations and generally do whatever they can to impede a free market yet are some how right wing because "hurr ah sure lub jesus and tradishuns and israel is my greadesd ally"

>> No.5080252


/pol/ is a sewer now, no doubt, and pretty awful since the election, but anyone who thinks jews/white traitors are actually people and that the fate of the West looks bright is the real retard.

>> No.5080312

Holding 100 ether I bought at $11

Full blown /pol/ tard

>> No.5080353

/pol/ack here
Investing in crypto to circumvent the jew

>> No.5080471
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Get these fucking basement dwelling, pasty, unfit retards the fuck off of my board.

Just so you neo nazi faggots know, Hitler would surely gas you all along with the jews just for being the socially retarded, out of shape autists that you are.

The funniest part is all of the subhumans from pol who come here have no understanding of cryptos at all and get duped into losing their money, like they should.

>> No.5080498

Why is this still getting bumped?
No one cares

>> No.5080557


There's another column that's so small you can't even see it.

It's labelled "the people who whine about /pol/ on every single board"

>> No.5080863

/trv/, /ck/, /g/, /fit/, /lit/, /biz/ masterrace

IQ is 135 too, this chart is actually pretty accurate

>> No.5080928
File: 148 KB, 1000x610, vna-richard-roediger-august-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being Richard Spencer in the Alt-Right scene & having to go home after another day of doing nothing and being all like “damn, Nina Kouprianova, you fuckin’ fine, all sexy with your curvaceous body and horrific pig-like monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my White Nationalist character and the real me.” when all he really wants to do is fuck another 17 year old twink from his rally. Like seriously imagine having to be Richard and not only sit in that chair while Nina Kouprianova flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks & blotchy skin, and just sit there, call after call, hour after hour, while she barks in that dog language to Kremlin. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on Twitter tells her she’s TOTALLY GOT IT & DAMN, NINA LOOKS *STUNNING*!! because they’re not the ones who have to sit there and watch her hippoish fucking moon face contort into types of smug smirks you didn’t even know existed before that day. You’ve been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of submissive fuccbois wearing red hats and later alleged BBCs for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Missouri. You’ve never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that’s breaking out on her rotund stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid in roubles to sit there and revel in her “statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)” beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with cinnabuns in the previous months. And then Putin calls for another march, and you know you could kill every single person in this movement before the police could put you down, but you sit there & endure, because you’re fucking Rick. You’re not going to lose your future Nazi career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face & bear it.

>> No.5080955

Still a poor fag only 150k usd

>> No.5080984

I really hope my IQ isnt +120

Cause im really not that smart

>> No.5081011

This is what is called adverserial spending.
Watched a lot of youtubers recently talking about hopping on the coin train.
They used to be gamblers/online gamblers /ebayists.
Alot of "ghetto" super simplified explanations.

This is a push to have the BLM and ANTIFA buy into the coin. As well as those who support that ideology.
"We cant let them win"