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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50745272 No.50745272 [Reply] [Original]

what are you guys buying right now?

>> No.50745282

usd because the market's about to crash

>> No.50745314

icp, thought eth would be it but didn't turn out the way people though

>> No.50745344

>what are you guys buying right now?

Tesla for the win!

>> No.50745354

I have very close to 7 figs, not sure if that's enough to qualify for you but still mostly in cash, $700k just sitting in checking

>> No.50745366



some stuff for my parents and cheap games

other than that, HOLD

>> No.50745378

Top network, gonna be the big play.
Looks to be the make it play.

>> No.50745412

GPUs and replenishing food storage
2060 12GB is cheap and performs better than 3050 and has that added longevity because of the unreasonable amount of vram.

>> No.50745442

interesting, I am considering buying two ETH miners right now, ASICs though, they are really really cheap because of POS supposedly coming.

Im thinking vitalik will delay it yet again and I will make good profit though, any thoughts on that anon?

>> No.50745489

>$700k just sitting in checking

Losing 9% of your wealth a year to inflation.
You must be a /biz/ oldtime regular!

>> No.50745553

as opposed to losing 80% in crypto that sounds like a sweet deal

>> No.50745568
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I’ve been chadding the world 1 day at a time

>> No.50745573
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>10% fiat inflation bad, 25% digital chuck e cheese token inflation (while down 70% against fiat too) good

>> No.50745576

I also have about 1mil sitting in boomer annuities. It's all waiting on a huge crash.

>> No.50745588

Guns and AI

>> No.50745613

No one here but us bagholders who got dumped on, anon.

>> No.50745617

im buying down my cc debt then ill need a plumber as i got a leak

>> No.50745634

Nothing just sitting on the sidelines in Dai/Paxg waiting to slurp the diperino when it double bottoms back to $17k.

>> No.50745665

Don’t buy anything just chad the world 1 day at a time.

>> No.50745676

anyone got the Everest ID copypasta?

>> No.50745704
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Buying xpress before the token burn is implemented and before the crypto debit card is released. What about it anon?

>> No.50745712

im buying some ladyboys in thailand

>> No.50745717

permanent roadtrip?

>> No.50745735

Yfi, veYfi is gonna be released this month and v3 next month.
Supply crunch is gonna be real, fully expect it to hit 50k - 100k end of September.

>> No.50745740

Hi, from my bed.
Slurping Jasmy like u wouldn't believe.

>> No.50745779

richfag here, im buying and accumulating MATIC because as a smart individual, i know that the recent polygon bull-run was nothing but a taste of its potential. MATIC at $5 by 2023.

>> No.50745923

About 50k linkies

>> No.50745947

hoarding cash because it's basically over and you guys are gay. Maybe some MATIC and SYLO here and there just incase but very minimal

>> No.50745949
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All larping pajeets kys right now.

>> No.50745963


>> No.50746056
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>30% in cash to slurp the bottom of the incoming crash
>30% in precious metals
>40% in high-end collectibles (how i became rich to begin with) who only gains value no matter what : old sport cars, graded vintage MTG cards, old grimoires, guns, medieval weapons, chimney's inserts/coat of arms from europoor castles,..

And obviously since i'm not a tard
>0% in shitcoins
>0% in scam stocks
>0% in any digital trash shilled to the normies

>> No.50746063

Is that good to buy?,

>> No.50746114

Gold and Silver.
If you can't understand why you are too stupid to merit saving

>> No.50746131

Per chance?

>> No.50746217
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Same as always, Real estate. Speaking of which, why is the discussion on this board always about get rich quick shitcoin schemes? I was hoping for some savants talking about actual investing instead of a bunch of Pajeets astro turfing.

>> No.50746238

>I was hoping for some savants talking about actual investing
fucking lol what made you think that was even a possibility

>> No.50746274


check 'em

>> No.50746301

locking in fixed-income rates for a short while because the fed is going to reverse its hikes and fire up QE

>> No.50746310


I feel Ethereum is pozzed with leftist faggotry and the merge will do more harm than good short term

>> No.50746325

yeah adding to my one and only REIT too, store capital

>> No.50746332

You're the silliest faggot in the world. Come and talk the way you want to say something. This is a lazy reply I see.
You should research anon before relying someone. There's a high chance you'll like the token if you research it.

>> No.50746374

So just to ellaborate on my views:

Any new changes bring uncertainty and doubt and price depression.

Stability and opportunity comes from nothingness and crabbing. So just buy after the software upgrade or whatever. When price is maxed depressed, for the tech that's worth smth

>> No.50746484
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Imagine being poor and on this board. The time to accumulate link is now.

>> No.50746624

Planning to buy matic and maybe even eth classic if the price goes down. We're in crypto winter though so all these are just trades. Currently all cash. Looking to short the stock market for a few days and then buy back in again. Sell again before the winter.