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50745155 No.50745155 [Reply] [Original]

New Hayeskino is up


>> No.50745221

My nigga

>> No.50745234

tl;dr he's betting on 2800 before march

>> No.50745240

Let me guess, line will probably go up where it's already going but also he's black

>> No.50745312

he's always wrong

>> No.50745370

Hayes was cool to listen to back in january when everyone was supercycle posting and didn't think a crash was imminent. Now every faggot under the sun has drunk the fed pivot / max risk-on koolaid. IDK why you'd want to crowd into the consensus trade. Most likely inflation is going to be much stickier than anticipated and peoples' eagerness for a pivot has less to do with the realism of that outcome and much more to do with just being addicted to money and needing/wanting to see lines go up again.

>> No.50745374

He wasn't wrong about bitcoin hitting sub 20k

>> No.50745384

tl;dr he's shilling eth.

>> No.50745405

This mf formulaic with this shit now.
>starts with anecdote of this nigga doing the whitest shit ever, like playing tennis or being on the Harvard row team, to make his white readers feel comfortable reading a nigger.
>ten thousand fucking words of blabbering with charts every idiot who started trading this month has seen a thousand times, with some "ironic" ebonics thrown in because he has to be le black bitcoin guy or no one will read him.
>all to lead to a midwit conclusion he will later walk back
fucking kek at him going line by line on Powells mumbling and concluding Muh pivot, the same thing every 60 iq jeet on /biz/ has been saying for months. Like reading fucking tea leaves.

>> No.50745419
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why "experts" are bullish on eth pos?
siding with the devil does not work and greedy fucks will get rekt just like linkietards
they always try to outjew the system and fall for the tricks

>> No.50745464

No Fed pivot, but eth merge will be successful good chance it gets postponed again tho.

>> No.50745534

this guy wildly changes his price predictions every newsletter and they are always wrong

>> No.50745563

>i am not okay with the conclusion so let me sperg out

>> No.50745578

too many words for a literally who nigger

>> No.50745658

Another terrible article where he works backwards from a conclusion (“Bitcoin and Ethereum will go to eleventy bagillion dollars!”) and uses terrible arguments and cherry picked data to support the conclusion.

>> No.50745661

>>starts with anecdote of this nigga doing the whitest shit ever, like playing tennis or being on the Harvard row team, to make his white readers feel comfortable reading a nigger.
lmao this

rowing, tennis and skiing if I remember correctly. all three extremely white sports

>> No.50745688

nah he said he didnt think it would go under 20k, but if it did to close your charts because its going to hell. truth is this nigger is just as clueless as every other retarded wannabe analyst

>> No.50745837 [DELETED] 

>muh fed this, muh fed that

Somebody tell Arthur that even if there is a legacy markets bullrun and there is still gonna be a crypto winter just like it always was

>> No.50745876

>muh fed this, muh fed that

Somebody tell Arthur that even if there is a legacy markets bullrun there is still gonna be a crypto winter

>> No.50745957

He didn't even mention L2s kek. Much of his premise is that ETH activity will happen on-chain
>it won't

>> No.50746038

fud. you WILL spend more on gas fees
and you will be happy

>> No.50746073

is it just me or when a random crypto youtuber comes on talking about TA and crypto investing i just turn it off bcuz he is vlack and therefore just a diversity hire?

>> No.50746077

Remember in May when he said: "I am now absolue certain that this is the bottom"?

>> No.50746119
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from the comments kek

>> No.50746136


>> No.50746162

Yes but this also counts for every poster on /biz/.

>> No.50746184
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>> No.50746263

I really don't get you guys, you're supposed to read between the lines and not interpret a column of opinon as a fact.

Most of you only judge the accuracy of his predictions in how close is he to the usd target of btc or eth, while one could also get it with a grain of salt and see the overall direction and just keep updated to the latest developments.

Ofc it's not a science.Ride the wave.

>> No.50746426

to be fair arthur has been upper class his whole life, he is more white than a lot of whites

>> No.50746440

What does Arthur think about based chainlink?

>> No.50746535

what’s up my nigga arthur, us talking about you made you send this msg huh

>> No.50747012

so basically he was wrong twice in the same statement
